View Full Version : Oops!!!

04-28-2009, 08:09 AM
I have to pay $100 because I was caught by a red light camera. Check out the video. I was following a Fed Exp truck at a safe speed and safe following distance. I'm in the red pickup. Watch what happens. This is sooooo messed up!!!! But it got me cold. Machines have no mercy!!

You will need the following to login and view the video. https://www.photonotice.com/

Citation Number: PLR09002887

License Plate Number: 96LLW6

City Code: PTLCTX

04-28-2009, 08:32 AM
Could you see the light from behind the semi? Do you remember doing this? This doesn't seem fair and you could probably fight it but I don't know if it would do any good. It' looks like you could have possibly seen the light and just didn't stop. That sucks!! I hadn't heard of anyone getting tickets from these but I live in a small town with 4 stop lights (that don't change--just blink)

04-28-2009, 10:04 AM
It does not look like you could win if you fight it. Just pay it and never think about it again! That's what I do when I get a ticket I can't fight.

04-28-2009, 10:22 AM
Oh Marilyn....they got you good didn't they?

04-28-2009, 02:40 PM
Oh no! We got our first red light camera at an important intersection about 4 years ago. The city said it paid for itself in the first 2 weeks! My dad got a ticket not long after it went up, but it was $250. They are pretty tough to fight, because they go through a few people to review before they get sent out. We have since gotten about 5 more red light cameras around the city.

04-28-2009, 04:54 PM
Oops is right!! They just put up a camera at an intersection that I go through everyday - BUT - I turn right at the intersection - into a yield lane, so I never have to stop or go through the signal light! :D YAY! WHEW!

04-30-2009, 10:06 AM
Wow that sucks Marilyn!!! Glad they don't have camera's YET in my town... but my old boss got busted by a camera for going thru a toll booth without paying, but he fought it cause he had easy pass and won it, don't know why it didn't pick that up..

04-30-2009, 10:16 AM
When we were in Chicago last spring I ran out of toll money and so we had to drive on through one of those man-less booths. They had toll booths everywhere and we figured that we spent $20 on tolls!!! Of course, some of those were because we were lost! LOL Anyway when I got home there was a place online where you could go and pay otherwise they would send you a ticket. They must have had a camera set up too.

04-30-2009, 11:17 AM
I am 64 and never had a ticket.
We have had those cameras at a lot of intersections for a long time.
I agree with Judy, just pay it and don't go through the b.s.

05-01-2009, 04:02 AM
Oh, I'm not going to try to fight it. They have me cold. I just thought the circumstances were so kinda funny. I'm driving along, minding my business, and bam, the FedEx truck passes under and there's a red light and nothing I can do to stop. The timing was so perfect.

I was returning to the office from a day in Corpus Christi, and I told my coworkers that I may have been caught by the camera. Seems I was right!!

The town where this is happening is making a fortune off these cameras. The street I was on is a divided highway with a wide grassy median between the lanes. I've heard that the city is planning to plant rows of palm trees and landscaping down the median. It's a small coastal town with about 12,000 population.