View Full Version : Dreams

10-05-2006, 03:31 PM
Any good dreams out there. I've been having some really crazy ones lately.
the most recent one I was pregnant. That can't happen. But then my oldest daughter is pregnant with my first grandchild. I've dreamed about my mom being here also. :question:

10-05-2006, 03:33 PM
Someone posted this forum earlier about dreams, pshyics and all. Try it and see what they have to say..... I put it in my favorites in case I ever need it.


10-05-2006, 03:39 PM
Thanks, I'm losing it.

10-05-2006, 05:00 PM
I have a lot of dreams of being pregnant, or being a mom (which I am not). I just looked it up in my dream dictionary for you...
"Dreaming of pregnancy suggests a fairly protracted waiting period necessary for something, possibly the completion of a project. Oddly, to dream of pregnancy seldom actually means one's own pregnancy, ahough it can indicate pregancy for someone around us. Another meaning centres around being patient and waiting for a natural process to take place so that we can fulfill a task."

07-14-2008, 05:15 AM
I was looking for a thread from a while back about dream interpretations. I'm not sure if this was it or not, but oh well.

Last night I had a dream. The specifics of which are cloudy, but what I do remember is being buried in snow 3 times. The first 2 times wasn't a ton of snow & a co-worker, who happens to be someone I had a crush on from 18-22 was right there & dug me out. The 3rd time was a lot of snow & he was there, but he was having trouble getting to me & I was being to panic & gasp for air when I woke up.

This is what the dream dictionary says:
To dream that you are being buried alive, suggests that you are being undermined or stifled in some way.

07-14-2008, 08:28 AM
i had a dream i won the lottery and started a new life with Micah, then i have dreams of me falling, my house getting robbed, loosing Micah at a mall or store. that one i really hate, wake up all freaked out.. i do like the lottery one... :)

07-14-2008, 09:24 AM
I keep having dreams that Janet comes and visits me but I don't know that she's coming and it's always a surprise when she comes up to me!

07-14-2008, 11:19 AM
I would love to come visit you Diana and I am still thinking of how and when and money and you know....LOL.. Wish they'd let me take a school bus...for some reason driving the bus doesn't scare me near as bad as driving my van.

07-15-2008, 01:14 PM
I love my dreams usually, although, there are periods when they are awful.

I fly a lot in my dreams. It's such a nice feeling. I used to wake my first husband up because I would have these epic dreams and be laughing.

07-15-2008, 01:20 PM
I have flying dreams a lot!
I laughed so hard this morning when I remembered my dream last night. My coworker and I were hiking through the mountains in BC and all of a sudden we saw a moose and the moose saw us and it started running towards us and when he got close to me I tried to kick him so he'd go away. I TRIED TO KICK A MOOSE. But anyways I missed and he went away, and then there were herds of elk running around us so we decided to get back to civilization. Lol what a weird dream.

07-18-2008, 04:51 AM
I have been having nightmares lately. Our rescue group is going Saturday to a dog auction. They are auctioning 280 Yorkies. We can only save about 10 of them. I keep dreaming that they cry and back to get out of the cages.

07-18-2008, 06:00 AM
I have been having nightmares lately. Our rescue group is going Saturday to a dog auction. They are auctioning 280 Yorkies. We can only save about 10 of them. I keep dreaming that they cry and back to get out of the cages.

Awww! You're doing a wonderful thing, but I can understand your wantint to save all of the dogs.

What is this auction all about? Are these dogs saved from puppy mills?

07-18-2008, 07:54 PM
I've had this dream a few times a month for several years now - I have a HUGE bear phobia (I'm absolutely convinced that I'm going to die in a bear attack), so the dream is terrifying for me.

In the dream I'm sitting on my deck (which is about 20 feet off the ground) and looking into the kitchen of my house. Jim is in the house flipping pancakes with his back to me. A grizzly bear stands behind me (in the dream he's at least 20 feet tall because he's taller then then deck) and snatches me up and kills me. The entire time he's attacking me, I'm screaming for Jim - but all he does is flip pancakes.

I have another dream quite often where Jim and I are hiking with the dogs and a grizzly walks onto the trail. In the dream, Jim throws me to the ground and yells "Take her" to the bear. Then he grabs Ryssa (his favorite dog) and leaves me to be killed by the bear. (Jim actually gets mad when I have this dream, he's always like "I can't believe you think I would sacrifice you to save the dog" - like I can help what I'm dreaming).

07-19-2008, 06:07 AM
No, a puppy mill is dumping thier old dogs. So, they get an auction company to sell them for them. So, basically, they will go to other puppymills. I put a link on the front page of our website about auctions from the humane society.okyorkierescue.org (http://www.okyorkierescue.org)

Awww! You're doing a wonderful thing, but I can understand your wantint to save all of the dogs.

What is this auction all about? Are these dogs saved from puppy mills?