View Full Version : She loves to swim!!!!

07-27-2009, 07:49 AM
When Glen and I came home after having lunch yesterday Kera and Daya were swimming in the pond so we quickly changed our clothes and ran out to join them. Reuger and Jazzi were out so they followed us down to the pond. At first we coaxed them into the water. I was really surprised that Reuger got in and swam around a couple of times. He is so timid that it's hard to get him to do things like that but ........Jazzi!!!! She kept coming back in enough that I couldn't go and swim. Everytime I'd start to swim away from where she was she'd jump back in the water and head my way!! She loved it!!! By the time we got done swimming the dogs had rolled around in the dirt and grass and were an absolute mess. Jazzi got into some stick-tights and I had to sit down and pull them out. I don't think that I'll be taking them swimming very much. It was just too big of a mess to get them cleaned back up. They really surprised me though by getting in!!!!

lynne b
07-27-2009, 10:22 AM
sounds like you all had a great time,except having to clean the dog's up afterwards.
I think my dogs are allergic to water :o

07-27-2009, 03:09 PM
I've never had mine in the water...just because of that Diana....LOL. Sounds like Jazzie is part fish....LOLOL. I'm glad you all had fun....Jazzie must not have wanted Mama too far away from her.

07-27-2009, 04:54 PM
She is definitely a "Mama's girl"!! She never lets me get too far from her. I'm really concerned with how she's going to do while I'm on vacation and she's home with Amy. Amy is NOT a dog person but the girls will be home too and I think that they'll baby Jazzi.......if they can catch her!!!! She dodges being held. She loves it once you've caught her but she's a bugger to catch!!!

07-28-2009, 03:31 AM
Diana, sounds like you had a wonderful time & made some memories, for sure!!!! Not sure what ours would do around a pond. None anywhere to find out.