View Full Version : Shaking in sleep

07-28-2009, 06:17 AM
For the past three nights, Scott has woken up to me shaking. He didn't tell me until this morning, but in the last two nights I woke up and he was awake and asked how long I'd been awake for. It's been around 4 or 5 in the morning. I don't remember shaking at all. This morning he said it went on for at least 10 minutes before he touched me and i woke up. I'm not having nightmares at all, I'm actually having quite pleasant and funny dreams (last night, Ellen DeGeneres was helping me pack up my bedroom stuff!)Apparently, this has happened before as well.
This morning we looked it up online and everything I find says it's completely normal. It could be sleep apnea, stress, sickness, anything. Right now I am stressed from the big move this weekend, and I'm sick.
Has anyone else experienced this or know what else may be causing it?

07-28-2009, 06:59 AM
Hmmm........I've never heard of this. It's only happened a couple of times.....and they've both been recently? I would tend to think that it could be stress caused by the move and being sick. However, if it continues then I think that I'd go to the doctor and check it out.

Is it hard for Scott to wake you up while you're shaking? If so then I'd get on in to the doctor.

07-28-2009, 07:02 AM
He said I've done it at least once before, and that was months ago (however, I was also stressed back then because of my friend's wedding). I wake up very easily, as soon as he touches me. I don't jolt awake or anything, I just wake up peacefully. If it were something like a siezure, it would take more to get me out of it. I'm also not having any shaking while I'm awake.

07-28-2009, 07:20 AM
That's what I was wondering about, a seizure. Since you wake up easily then I wouldn't be concerned nearly as much about it. It sounds like stress to me, but if you keep doing it then I'd recommend going to the doctor.

07-30-2009, 05:57 AM
It sounds like stress Linds.

See what happens after the move. That is very stressful!

07-30-2009, 04:05 PM
If it happens more often after you get settled....I'd speak with your Dr. about it.