View Full Version : OMG!!! I was sooo LIVID!!!

10-08-2006, 02:01 PM
Us parents had a meeting this afternoon. Here's the original thread to tell you about the problem... http://www.4womentalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=661

The problems are petty and I'm sure the girls will work through them. However, yesterday, my daughter called Ashley and Ashley told her, "I'M A TROUBLE MAKER. I CAN'T TALK TO GOOD GIRLS!" Then, she hung up.

Ashley posted on my daughter's myspace that someone at Hunter's house told her I called her a trouble maker.

In the midst of our meeting today, I confronted Ashley (with dad there) who told her that because it was a lie. I could NOT believe my ears. Hunter's MOM told her that! WTF?????

I asked Hunter's mom why she told Ashley that because it is NOT true and asked her if she realized the hurt feelings that she has now caused!!!

Her mom said, "Well, the girls were telling me how you go on Ashley's myspace and post things on there and how you're constantly watching her." EXCUSE ME??? While looking at Ashley, I told her, "You KNOW that is NOT true! I don't even know your password so how could I post things on YOUR myspace???"

The mother then took it upon herself (probably thinking she's defending Ashley) and told her, "Well, Miss Kim said that you were a trouble maker."

OMG! I started shaking I was SOOOO mad. How can a GROWN ASS woman go and tell lies to a little girl just to stir shit up????

Later in the conversation, her mother said, "Kim, you look upset." UH, YEAH!?!?! I told her again..."I just can't believe you told her that". She apologized a couple of times then had the audacity to ask if my daughter could stay the night at her house. UUUUM, NO!!

Hunter is not a bad kid but I don't think my daughter will be going to her house anymore because her mom obviously has some issues!:mad:

10-08-2006, 02:13 PM
Oh Kimberley that totally sucks!! I just don't understand why adults can not act like adults!!!! (Similiar to what I went through with the bus thing). How can the kids learn to be truthful if they have no parent as an example? In some ways it seems best if your child moves on from this friendship. If she grows up imitating her mother, your daughter will suffer for it. It's just so sad...I want to say I can't believe it, but it's reality that some parents are just not good examples and should not be raising children.

I hope you keep telling your daughter how wonderful she is and that you are proud of her for behaving like a young lady. Maybe her friend could spend more time at your house and you could be her example...:)

10-08-2006, 02:15 PM
OMG!!!!!!!! I would have been livid too!! I can't believe she is like that and she is a MOM. Makes you wonder if she tells her kids it is ok to lie?

10-08-2006, 04:32 PM
What a witch! I would've been livid too! I wish I had words of wisdom for you, but all I can say is I'll be thinking of you and your daughter and hoping for the best

10-08-2006, 04:41 PM
Wow, what a crazy woman! Sounds like my ex-step-mom... she was crazy like that too. I feel bad for poor Ashley - that must have really hurt her feelings :(

10-08-2006, 05:42 PM
Wow, what a crazy woman! Sounds like my ex-step-mom... she was crazy like that too. I feel bad for poor Ashley - that must have really hurt her feelings :(

That's what bothers me the most of the whole thing. Hunter's mom said she didn't expect what she said to hurt any feelings. My question is WTF did she expect to happen?:mad:

10-09-2006, 12:00 AM
That woman obviously has some issues!

Sherry Lynn
10-09-2006, 04:13 AM
Another whack-o!! I swear... there should be some kind of screening before they let people have kids! The poor kids grow up not knowing any better and it perpetuates.

How is your daughter handling it all, Kim? That is such a tough age to begin with and then to have to deal with this kind of crap. Bless her heart.

10-09-2006, 07:55 AM
SL, she seems fine. Of course she came home with puffy eyes but later on in the evening see was smiling and laughing again. Thanks for asking.:)

10-09-2006, 10:03 AM
That woman obviously has some issues!

Oh for sure!!! It's sad too how it affects so many others.

10-09-2006, 10:08 AM
I swear that MYSPACE causes SOOOO much drama for kids!! One girl at my school got suspended for something that happened there. FIRST of all, kids who are under 18 are not even supposed to be on there!! It's for meeting new people, and hooking up with old friends. That's what I use it for! All they use it for is to start trouble with one another...especially the girls! :mad:

10-09-2006, 10:50 AM
Kimberly - OMG! I'm so sorry this happened and I would be just as livid as you over it! Girls these days (and some guys) can be pretty mean! But the worst part of your situation is it all started from the mother, who should KNOW BETTER!!! What she has done is started something, with no basis to begin with, and has now ruined a friendship between two young girls - a friendship that might have carried them through college and into their adulthood. Maybe, just maybe, this woman will muster up enough class to call you and apologize to you for it which in turn will begin to bridge the friendship back between the two girls. But, since you've already confronted her AND she didn't deny it, I just can't see her doing the apology thing. Don't worry about it - you and your daughter are the better of the two! You both know in your hearts the truth and can live with yourselves and hold your heads high - she, on the other hand, cannot do the same!

10-09-2006, 02:07 PM
You know, you kind of expect kids to be petty, especially young girls. But this lady should be ashamed of herself. She acted like a total jerk and you have every right to be upset!!:mad:

10-10-2006, 06:57 AM
I just feel absolutely horrible suggesting you all get together and discuss the situation. I've always felt communication is key in almost anything. I guess the good thing that came of it is getting it all out in the open and finding out the other mother is a nut case!!

10-10-2006, 07:03 AM
Personally, I feel discussing the situation between mothers was the right thing to do. Who knew that other mother was going to turn out to be such a troublemaker?:confused: At least now you know what you are dealing with. In the end, kids are kids and I am sure the girls will work it out. But that mom? She'll always be a bit off her rocker. I mean, what adult in her right mind gets involved in junior high girls' gossip?:rolleyes:

Taurus Babe
10-10-2006, 07:18 AM
That is sooo frustrating! It's amazing how immature some parents will act. They feed into the high school drama and gossip more that their kids. What kid of a kick was she getting out of this by doing that? I can imagine how pissed you were.

10-13-2006, 09:00 AM
How are things going with your daughter and her friend? Hope things between them are a little less tense and getting better if that is what your daughter wants.

Wouldn't go back to school age for nothing!!:(

10-13-2006, 11:24 AM
How are things going with your daughter and her friend? Hope things between them are a little less tense and getting better if that is what your daughter wants.

Wouldn't go back to school age for nothing!!:(

They STILL aren't talking. Really sad that their friendship is ruined because of her!

10-13-2006, 02:10 PM
I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe as time goes on and become a little more mature, they'll work their way back together.

I thought being a kid, when I was a kid, sucked...but I think it's 100 times worse today.

10-27-2006, 04:23 AM
Are things any better between the two girls? :)