View Full Version : Karlie's First Day of Preschool.....

08-21-2009, 08:48 AM
Today is Karlie's first day of preschool. I'm very excited to hear how her morning went. My neice is doing a christian preschool in town and I know that she'll do a really good job. Karlie's been so ready to go to school that I know she had to be excited. It's been pretty lonely here at home with her and Jaci both gone.

08-21-2009, 08:56 AM
I would enjoy the peace and quiet Diana....LOL. Once she gets home you probably won't be able to get her to take a nap. She'll be too excited to tell you how her morning went.

08-21-2009, 09:22 AM
Like every true school kid she came home hungry!!! She was pretty excited about her school. She said that she "picked up" and that she colored. She said that she also sat on the bench and waited for her Mom. With some prompting she's told me that she "had a snack at school" and that Jessie told them a story and sang a song. She's going to be going three days a week and I just know that she's going to love it.

We have a friend that has a three year old that's also in Karlie's preschool and I was talking about what a difference there is in what the girls can do. Karlie is very advanced in everything she does for a three year old. Dae Lynn said that Jessie took out one of her teacher's books and turned to the middle of the book. She pointed out something that the kids had to do and it progressively got harder. Dae Lynn said that Karlie did all of them!! Jessie said that Karlie may need to be her helper!!! She is a very smart little girl!! But then, I already knew that!!!!

08-21-2009, 02:10 PM
Oh Diana! My two year old granddaughter (will be 3 in November) is going to go to Mothers Day Out at the church - two days per week. She never gets to play with other kids and she is so excited. She starts next week. I hope she loves it - I think she will.

I'm so glad that Karlie had such a good day. Is there a Montessori school any where around there? Since Karlie is so advanced already, she would do well at Montessori school since they can advance as quickly as they are ready, even in preschool. My older granddaughter went to Montessori school and she has always done very well in school and is still in advanced math and science classes in middle school. She loved it!

I think preschool is really good for little ones. My daughter didn't plan on putting Emma in preschool till next year, but when she takes her to the park or anywhere with other kids, she just loves playing with the other kids so much that Brooke decided to go ahead with 2 days a week this year. If it doesn't work out, then she'll just try again next year.

08-22-2009, 06:44 AM
So glad Karlie is getting to do this. I helps so much when the start school. Our girls went to preschool and they love school so much we can't get them to finish college.

08-22-2009, 07:58 AM
Gayle, I've never heard of a Montessori school but that does sound like what Karlie needs to be in. We live in such a small town that things like that aren't available to us. This winter I think that I'll try and get some stuff together and work with her. I taught Jaci preschool to 4th grade. I could surely come up with some things to challenge her.

08-22-2009, 10:31 AM
Gayle, I've never heard of a Montessori school but that does sound like what Karlie needs to be in. We live in such a small town that things like that aren't available to us. This winter I think that I'll try and get some stuff together and work with her. I taught Jaci preschool to 4th grade. I could surely come up with some things to challenge her.

Diana! That is such a great idea - of course you could!!! I understand about living in a small town - I did too! I did not even have the opportunity to take geometry in high school, so when I went to take the ACT (equivalent of the SAT test for college), I had a miserable score on the math portion because I didn't know geometry!!! There are many many wonderful things about living in a small town and I wouldn't trade that experience for anything, but there are disadvantages. You can certainly create a wonderful learning environment for Karlie!!!

08-22-2009, 10:31 AM
Montessori schools are wonderful, one of my cousins teaches in one. Diana, I'm sure with all the educational materials available, and your homeschool experience, she will do very well.

08-22-2009, 02:03 PM
The little school girl!!! They do love preschool! I think it's a wonderful experience.

Jessie went when she was about 3 years old too. They need to play with children their own age at that point. I bet Karlie is the smartest little one in her class. You will enjoy teaching her Diana.

Does she have a little bookbag?

08-22-2009, 04:35 PM
She doesn't have a book bag yet, but Dae Lynn is looking for one.

08-23-2009, 02:17 PM
Awww...our baby is growing up! Preschool already!! I wish she could know how she keeps us all entertained:D

08-23-2009, 04:00 PM
Awww...our baby is growing up! Preschool already!! I wish she could know how she keeps us all entertained:D

I know, I know!!

I guess that Dae Lynn told her that she really didn't want to see her baby go to preschool. Karlie came right back at her that she didn't want to see her Mommy go to work either. I tell you we can NEVER stay ahead of this child!!!!!