View Full Version : A GREAT Book - a must read

10-10-2006, 09:47 AM
I just saw the post regarding starting a book club, so I thought I would share with you this book that I just finished reading. It's called Letting Go of Your Bananas and it's by Dr. Daniel T. Drubin.

The book just came out in September. It's kind of a self-help type book, but more self-development to help you grow as a person, but it's a ton of fun to read. It's found in the business section for some reason at book stores, but didn't seem like a business book to me.

The author has a great sense of humor (as you might be able to tell by the title). I bought it this weekend and only put it down once. I started and finished it all on Saturday. You can get it at most book stores... I paid $20, but I just found it on Amazon.com for $16 new. Anyway, I just thought I would share as I really liked it. I'm not a big reader, but I really loved this book. It's not a "woe is me" self-help book, but teaches you to get rid of all the rotten things in your life so that you can grow as a person in all aspects of life.

Check it out! Let me know if you like it... I'm certain you will though. :)

10-10-2006, 11:04 AM
I'm so glad you posted this! I've been wanting to pick up a new book but I have had a hard time deciding which one I want to read. This sounds like a good choice. I'll let you know if I read it!

10-11-2006, 06:22 AM
Let me know if you like it! I saw it in Wal-Mart yesterday also. I guess it's a pretty popular book. A friend of mine recommended it to me.