View Full Version : Janet is Sick!!!!!
10-13-2006, 05:34 AM
I thought I wasn't feeling quite right yesterday afternoon, so I took some allergy/sinus meds when I got home from the bus route. I ended up going to bed at 7:00 PM, slept till 1:00 AM and then up and down every hour or so.
My head feels like it could explode and the drainage stings my throat. I hate being sick!!! I am going to finish checking out the posts here and at YT and then I've got to lay down for awhile.
Know any good and fast remedies....?
10-13-2006, 05:39 AM
I read on YT that you weren't feeling good. Are your sinuses "clogged" up? One way to help loosen them up would be an "old fashioned" remedy of steam!! Either sit in your bathroom with the shower running HOT water (close the door) or get a big pot, fill with water - when it starts to boil add some salt. Get a towel and "tent" your head over the water - not too close mind you. You can also drink hot tea with lemon and honey - that will help soothe your throat. If you don't have any, get some Nyquil - that stuff works great and will help you get some rest tonight.
Praying you feel better soon!
10-13-2006, 05:44 AM
I read on YT that you weren't feeling good. Are your sinuses "clogged" up? One way to help loosen them up would be an "old fashioned" remedy of steam!! Either sit in your bathroom with the shower running HOT water (close the door) or get a big pot, fill with water - when it starts to boil add some salt. Get a towel and "tent" your head over the water - not too close mind you. You can also drink hot tea with lemon and honey - that will help soothe your throat. If you don't have any, get some Nyquil - that stuff works great and will help you get some rest tonight.
Praying you feel better soon!
Thanks Suzi....I'll try the steam here in a little bit. My sinuses aren't really clogged, but I feel soooo much pressure from them. I will have to wait until after the bus route (around 4) before I take anything. Don't want to be drowsy on the bus....although, it might make it a little more fun...LOL Kids..? What kids? LOLOL
10-13-2006, 06:14 AM
Awe, Janet! That really really sux!!!!!!! If your nose is clogged up, get some Afrin No Drip. It works wonders!!!! But don't take it for more than 3 days because any longer will cause you to become addicted to it. But hopefully after 3 days you'll be all well!!!!!!!!!
Taurus Babe
10-13-2006, 06:22 AM
Aw, Janet!! HOw are you feeling now? You should try Tylenol cold and sinus pain relief -severe. It may not be in that order but I live on that stuff:rolleyes: It helps with pressure and headaches. Can I also suggest a yoga potion? I know everyone's gonna think I'm crazy but my family is really into yoga and alternative meds. The basis of this pose is to get your head at or lower than your heart. Try and make an L shape against the wall. You can do this by scootchin your butt up to the wall and then bringing your legs up that way. Does that make sense? It usually helps me! I hope you feel better ps, its a great stretching pose!
Taurus Babe
10-13-2006, 06:22 AM
ps, if that seems to hard, you could try the same concept with your feet up in the couch...and your back on the floor.
10-13-2006, 08:41 AM
I read on YT that you weren't feeling good. Are your sinuses "clogged" up? One way to help loosen them up would be an "old fashioned" remedy of steam!! Either sit in your bathroom with the shower running HOT water (close the door) or get a big pot, fill with water - when it starts to boil add some salt. Get a towel and "tent" your head over the water - not too close mind you. You can also drink hot tea with lemon and honey - that will help soothe your throat. If you don't have any, get some Nyquil - that stuff works great and will help you get some rest tonight.
Praying you feel better soon!
Hey Suzi, the steam did help relieve some of the pressure...of course my hair looks like crap now...oh well, I'll be the Halloween witch early..LOL I'm gonna try it again after the bus route and my hubby is going to bring home the Tylenol Sinus Severe meds that Taurus Babe mentioned. I just hate being sick. Hopefully with all your remedies, I'll feel better much ladies are the greatest!!!
I'll try the Yogo pose when I come home..I'm afraid if I get too relaxed I'll fall asleep...LOL I'm willing to try anything once...twice if I like it.
10-13-2006, 11:21 AM
Janet, sorry to hear your sick! That sux huh... hopefully you will feel much better real soon so you can come on here and talk to us :getwell: :1luvu:
10-13-2006, 11:22 AM
Oh, Janet! I'm sorry that you aren't feeling well. *Hugs* to you and I hope you feel better soon.
10-13-2006, 01:24 PM
warm compresses work well too. Do you have a vaporizer? That would work at night when you go to bed? Rub Vicks vapor rub on your thoat. That could help too. Get better. I'm just waiting to get it now. The girls that sit next to me at work
have both got it. Cough and snotty noses.
Keep your chin up that way it don't drip on your boobs..LOL
Sorry I couldn't help myself. Feel Better.:(
10-13-2006, 02:05 PM
warm compresses work well too. Do you have a vaporizer? That would work at night when you go to bed? Rub Vicks vapor rub on your thoat. That could help too. Get better. I'm just waiting to get it now. The girls that sit next to me at work
have both got it. Cough and snotty noses.
Keep your chin up that way it don't drip on your boobs..LOL
Sorry I couldn't help myself. Feel Better.:(
Funny Funny Linda!!! I needed a laugh. Well, I'm probably going to bed early tonight and try all the suggestions that were made. I sure hope it's gone in the morning.....:rolleyes:
10-13-2006, 02:20 PM
warm compresses work well too. Do you have a vaporizer? That would work at night when you go to bed? Rub Vicks vapor rub on your thoat. That could help too. Get better. I'm just waiting to get it now. The girls that sit next to me at work
have both got it. Cough and snotty noses.
Keep your chin up that way it don't drip on your boobs..LOL
Sorry I couldn't help myself. Feel Better.:(
If you're not sick yet, I'd start taking Airborne now!! You can get it at Walgreens, any drug store, or grocery store. It works WONDERS! But it really only works if you start taking it before you're sick (so you don't get sick), or at the first sign of sickness.
My mom used to run Vick's vaporub on my chest, then loosely safetypin a warm hand towel around my neck (it helped the vaporub stay there and direct it to your face). It seemed to be really soothing.
10-13-2006, 02:30 PM
If you're not sick yet, I'd start taking Airborne now!! You can get it at Walgreens, any drug store, or grocery store. It works WONDERS! But it really only works if you start taking it before you're sick (so you don't get sick), or at the first sign of sickness.
My mom used to run Vick's vaporub on my chest, then loosely safetypin a warm hand towel around my neck (it helped the vaporub stay there and direct it to your face). It seemed to be really soothing.
I'm sorry to say, I'm already sick and feel like crapola!! My sinuses are open, I can breath just fine, it's just that my head feels like it could explode from the pressure. Hubby is bringing me some Tylenol Sinus meds home, so hopefully it'll work magic over night.
Thanks everyone for all the suggestions. Oh, yeah....I tried the Yoga thing, I'm sorry to say it didn't help. It just made my eyes water. BUT...I am going to try it again before I go to bed.
10-13-2006, 03:00 PM
I am so sorry you are still feeling bad. My grandmother is very old fashioned and she believes Vicks Vapor Rub is the cure all, miracle medicine.:rolleyes: Whenever we had headaches she would rub some vapor rub on our foreheads and tie a sock loosely over it. I know it sounds ridiculous and looks even funnier but sometimes it actually worked. Don't know if it will help you, but it can't hurt. Hope you feel better.:getwell:
Awww Janet , I do hope you feel better with all this medication floating But to be honest with you I had the same symptoms you did a few weeks ago . I wasn't getting better and I had to go on a three day pack of Zitromax antibodics, I felt better instantely. If your not feeling better in a few days go to the drs. for a prescription...
10-13-2006, 04:09 PM
AWW Janet! I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. My hubby has that same thing right now...I use NyQuil (nightime) and swear by it! It will knock you out but it helps with everything that is going on in your head...What I do for the painful sinuses (I know they say NEVER to do this but, I'm still here!) I use Vicks Vapor Rub... I put some on a q-tip and rub it around the inside of my nose...not just the outside edge... this helps (me) with the sinus pressure. Doctors say it doesn't do anything...Well let me tell you! I rub my neck upper chest (might want to stay away from the boob area!) I have hubby (he hates the smell) rub my upper back and lung area, wrap and pin a dish towel around my neck and cuddle on the couch with a quilt... I hope you are feeling better soon
10-14-2006, 06:27 AM
Sounds like great advice you are getting here. Just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery. We will be thinking about you and hoping you will feel much, much better very soon!!!!!! :heart:
10-14-2006, 07:56 AM
So, how's our little patient today?? Feeling any better??
10-14-2006, 08:00 AM
Hey Suzi, the steam did help relieve some of the pressure...of course my hair looks like crap now...oh well, I'll be the Halloween witch early..LOL I'm gonna try it again after the bus route and my hubby is going to bring home the Tylenol Sinus Severe meds that Taurus Babe mentioned. I just hate being sick. Hopefully with all your remedies, I'll feel better much ladies are the greatest!!!
I'll try the Yogo pose when I come home..I'm afraid if I get too relaxed I'll fall asleep...LOL I'm willing to try anything once...twice if I like it.
Went back reading all the other great advice you got - glad to know the steam helped some. As for the hair, just tell everyone you've been talking to the voices in your head and ya'll got in a friendly game of tug-of-war! Or....just simply tell them that's the lastest fashion out of Paris :p
10-14-2006, 10:14 AM
How can anyone stay sick with all the advise, humor and well wishes in this thread? You ladies just make me smile and laugh so much!!!!
I did the steam thing again the pressure is gone. I took the Tylenol Sinus/Allergy Severe (?) meds and they really helped. I felt good enough to give the dogs a bath this morning. I'm gonna stay in the house because all the fields are full of combines. Stirring up the dust and ragweed. I'm a little tired though, because the hubby woke me up snoring at 3 AM. I'm gonna have to bring that ball bat in from the garage sometime today!!! Naw....I'd just have to clean that mess up too!!!! :D
10-14-2006, 08:34 PM
I'm gonna have to bring that ball bat in from the garage sometime today!!!
LOL!! Thanks for the reminder! Last September (on my birthday), Sam had an accident here at home removing a tree compliments of Hurricane Rita (massive trauma to the face). In the ER, the nurses kept asking him what happened, what day it was, did he know where he was, etc. (they do this for head injuries to check for possible brain damage). Each time they asked, Sam always answered appropriately. Well, after about the 12th time of being asked what happened, he told the nurse, "I shouldn't have bought Suzi that bat for her birthday!!!"....the nurses (all of who are friends of ours) cracked up laughing and said once they got the bones fixed in his face, he was going to be fine!! And now, one year later and 4 surgeries, unless you look really close, you can't tell! So thank you for the laugh on the bat comment - we weren't laughing then but we do laugh now:)
Glad to read you are feeling better:):) And remember, just because you are feeling better doesn't mean you are completely well! Keep taking your meds, get your rest, and drink plenty of fluids.
10-15-2006, 01:42 AM
Thanks Suzi, I will keep taking the meds for sure. I was feeling so much better yesterday, but woke up this morning at 3 AM again and my nose was all stopped up. Forgot to take the meds before going to sleep, so I'm feeling better now, the meds have opened me up again...yay!!!!. It seems to clog up when I lie down. So, here I am (after watching a couple of episodes of Roseanne) on 4WT all alone.:)
10-15-2006, 04:44 AM
Janet, I hope you get well real soon. Plenty of rest, chicken soup, and hugs from your Son should make you feel much better!!
:getwell: :wavey: :getwell: :wavey: :getwell: :wavey:
10-17-2006, 05:38 AM
I sure am glad it's been raining to settle the dust and ragweed down a little bit. I am feeling so much better, but sure tired of the sinus draining still going on. I've been taking the meds, but I'm about ready to try some of the other things posted. I'm only good at this stuff for a few days...anything over 5 or 6 and I get grouchy and fed up. So little patience....LOL :D
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