View Full Version : What is your favorite season & why?

09-14-2009, 06:24 PM
Fall is my favorite season. For me, it marks the end of the LOOOOONG HOT summer and I just love it when I get up in the morning and feel some cool crisp air. I love the fall flowers too. Oh, don't get me wrong, the flowers in spring in Texas are spectacular (if we have rain) - but I just love the muted colors of fall flowers. I think though, it is because of the promise of cooler weather just around the corner.

So, what is YOUR favorite season and why???

09-14-2009, 07:32 PM
I almost hate to say this, but Fall is my favorite time of the year too, lol!! My birthday is in October, and so was my mom's. I love it when the sun turns golden instead of such a bright white. I love the anticipation of those crisp, clear days that you can just inhale. I love putting on jeans and a sweatshirt to go to the deer camp and sit by the fire. Geez... I'm getting myself excited:p

09-14-2009, 10:00 PM
Since Calgary has 2 seasons, Winter and Construction (hehe)...I do love summers out in BC at the lake. Fall is always the most fashionable season IMO, and Christmas is my ABSOLUTE favourite holiday...so...I guess I don't have just one? :p

09-15-2009, 03:42 AM
Spring is my favorite. I just love the freshness of spring. The new buds on the trees, the spring flowers. The baby fawns all around. It's like the earth is renewing itself, and we all get to watch. As Gayle said, the spring flowers in Texas can be spectacular compared to the normal landscapes.

Fall is my second favorite for the same reasons y'all expressed for liking fall. However, fall means the holidays are just around the corner, and that means the stress of shopping for gifts, oh what to buy, what to buy, and all the cooking. The stress of buying and decorating a tree. UH. Just soooo much to do. If we had some time off to do these things, it wouldn't be so bad, but trying to fit in the extra tasks with an already busy schedule can be a bit stressful and overwhelming at times. It means later nights and no time to relax and enjoy the holidays. It's such a relief when January gets here and then spring is right around the corner. :40:

09-15-2009, 07:16 AM
I can pretty much just copy Betsi's reply!! I love spring, finally getting outside after winter's been here. Planting flowers and watching them bloom. I love it when spring turns into summer because it means that the kids are out of school and over more. And I love to swim!!

Fall is so beautiful but so, so busy for us. That's when harvest takes place. We have every weekend, except one, scheduled for hayrack rides in October. It's fun but it's also time consuming and takes up our weekends. It also means that the holidays are closer and, sigh, all the work that goes with them. I'm like Betsi in the fact that it's so very stressful and I don't look forward to it.

I also like winter expecially when it snows. We have big windows in every room of our house so when it snows it's like being outside!! I love it!! I love wrapping up in a blanket and feeling so cozy and warm.

09-15-2009, 07:36 AM
Fall has always been my favorite. I love the crisp morning and evenings that fall brings. And the fall colors are so beautiful...our leaves are already starting to change. I love being outside more too.

Winter....I've never been big on winter but I easily could be if it just wouldn't snow. Don't like pushing shopping carts through slush in the parking lots. Don't really mind the cold as long as it's not too windy.

Spring is always nice, but seems like it's way shorter than it use to be. Just when it starts warming up...it's hotter than...well, you know!

Summer...not a big fan. Always too hot and humid.

So it looks like Fall has won for me.

09-15-2009, 07:37 AM
Diana, can I come spend the winter with you? I do love gazing out the window:) We never have much snow here and I love to look at it!!

09-15-2009, 09:20 AM
Since Calgary has 2 seasons, Winter and Construction (hehe)...I do love summers out in BC at the lake. Fall is always the most fashionable season IMO, and Christmas is my ABSOLUTE favourite holiday...so...I guess I don't have just one? :p

Maddie, you're in Calgary??? I'm in Saskatoon :D Same here... winter and construction!!! Nice to see another Canadian!
I love summer because we get so little of it! I also love Christmas, and it wouldn't be Christmas without snow and cold, but I think summer would have to win for my favorite!

09-15-2009, 10:17 AM
Maddie, you're in Calgary??? I'm in Saskatoon :D Same here... winter and construction!!! Nice to see another Canadian!
I love summer because we get so little of it! I also love Christmas, and it wouldn't be Christmas without snow and cold, but I think summer would have to win for my favorite!

Lindsey! That's awesome, I though I was the only one who could relate to -40*C lol!

09-15-2009, 10:36 AM
There's more than two seasons?!! This is exactly why I keep putting off taking my East Coast Roadtrip - I can't decide if I want to see green or brown leaves! I probably don't really have a favorite season. I enjoy longer daylight hours and crave crisp mornings!

09-15-2009, 11:19 AM
Lindsey! That's awesome, I though I was the only one who could relate to -40*C lol!

Ah yes, and that's -40 BEFORE the windchill factor! Last year someone cut the cord off my block heater and I couldn't get my car started! I was out there with frozen white fingers fixing it when it was -40! Good ol' prairie winters!

09-16-2009, 03:53 AM
Another reason that I'm not as impressed with fall is that we don't have hardly any color change here. The trees go from green to frostbit and lose their leaves or they are evergreens.

09-16-2009, 07:58 AM
Fall in Texas doesn't sound good at all in that case Marilyn. It is so pretty here in the fall....just breathtaking.

09-16-2009, 09:26 AM
summer, love to take Micah everywhere we could go...

09-16-2009, 06:34 PM
My favorite season has always been fall!
I'll describe the wonders of autumn for me; the smell of wood burning, the smell and sound of the crisp leaves beneath you, smelling and eating pecan/pumpkin pies, apple ciders, the colors on the trees (especially in New England!!!!) getting to take out and wear cute scarves, hay rides, apple orchirds, pumpkin carving, hot creamy chunky tomato soup, potato soup, Halloween (my favorite holiday), mine and my husbands birthdays, popcorn balls, maple syrup, windows open letting the fresh air in and cooling you as you sleep, snuggling up and watching football with hubby, cute boots and jackets, Thanksgiving (this one will be special, it's my first as a vegetarian)

I hate the heat. :mad: lol

09-16-2009, 06:41 PM
Here you go Marilyn





I miss home during fall...

09-18-2009, 07:21 PM
Diana, can I come spend the winter with you? I do love gazing out the window:) We never have much snow here and I love to look at it!!

Betsi, we don't get a huge amount of snow here but what we get I really enjoy.......and yes, you can come and stay here. We have a really steep driveway and when we get enough snow Glen gets the sleds all out and everyone sleds down the hill. I stay in and make hot gingerbread cake with Cool Whip and hot cocoa to drink!!! I think that you'd enjoy it!!!

Pope......I loved your pictures!!! I'd love to go to New England in the fall!!!

09-19-2009, 06:19 PM
Here you go Marilyn





I miss home during fall...

Those photos are gorgeous!

09-19-2009, 06:43 PM
Here you go Marilyn

I miss home during fall...

Backy, thank you so much for the pictures!! They are beautiful. Would love to see in person. One year, Rex and I flew to Roanoke, VA and drove a car back to Texas in the fall. We didn't go through when there was full color, but got a hint of what you experience, from the interstate, that is.

I'll try to take some pics of what color change we do have. There is one tree, a Chinese tallow. They are very messy trees, make a stickery waxy berry, but in the fall, they do change color. That's about the only tree that does, and due to their berries, not too many people encourage their growth.