View Full Version : Everyone must be busy!

10-28-2009, 05:02 AM
Kinda slow in here the past few days. I know I've been VERY busy!!! I went to a basketball function most of the day on Saturday - yes, the University of Texas women's basketball season starts Nov. 13th - can't wait!

Then on Sunday, we traveled to Fort Worth (3 hour drive) for my hubby's uncle's 80th birthday celebration. That was fun, got to see lots of family!

This week I am trying to get everything done at school and home to be gone on our cruise next week! WHEW! I think I'm going to make it. I think I'm going to make it. I think I'm going to make it :confused: (I keep telling myself that - :))

What have you all be up to?

10-28-2009, 05:37 AM
Nothing exciting here. Just playing catch-up all the time. Seems like I'm keep falling behind...LOL I wish I was going on a cruise...wow! This is the first post of checked so if you've already told, I'm sorry, but where are you going to and for how long?

10-28-2009, 07:36 AM
Gayle's going with Gary's family on a cruise, Janet. It sounds so nice. I'd like to go on a cruise.

I've been feeling crafty so I've been getting some little things done. The house is still messy like always. I just can't seem to stay in the groove to get it all cleaned up. I just barely stay ahead of it.

I talked to Jaci about wedding plans and got in trouble from Amy for "not letting Jaci make her own decisions". I'm sorry but I don't see how Jaci would want a John Deere green and yellow wedding. Nate is into John Deere. He will NOT agree to any pink in the wedding colors. So I'm having a hard time with all of this. In my opinion I'm paying for a wedding of my daughter's choices not her fiance's choices. We hardly have anything decided and I'm already ready to just hand over the money and tell her to do it her way. UGGGGGGGG!!!!

On a better note, Glen's decided that he wants a 4-wheeler so I think that tomorrow we're going to Kansas City to look at a used one that's hardly been used. It will be fun having two of our own so we can both ride together. I really like my 4-wheeler.

I tore a little shelf apart that I was going to spray paint because I thought that the shelves had been put on wrong so I'm going to be doing some glueing and hammering on that soon. It's a cute shelf but it's in pieces not. LOL!!!

10-28-2009, 08:24 AM
I have been babysitting. We had our 3 month old granddaughter Sunday during the day, then my 8 yr old granddaughter called me Sunday and said there was no school till today where they live so they came up Sunday evening and stayed until yesterday afternoon. So I have been very busy! Mostly cooking... they eat seems like constantly:confused: I have been logging on as much as I can but the 11 year old stayed on FB and My Space talking to her friends:D Have fun on your cruise Gayle:) Diana, is he serious.......a John Deere wedding:eek: Oh well everyone has their likes and dislikes. I would prefer the pink;) but that's me not them.:)

10-28-2009, 10:05 AM
Diana...I would just make sure Jaci stands up for what she wants and then let them compromise. There is stilll plenty of time....so try not to rush it. Who knows....if it's causing this much stress already...there may not be a wedding.

10-28-2009, 10:45 AM
That's just it, Janet, she's willing to do anything he wants and thinks that it's what she wants. I keep telling her that it's HER day and the bride decides what colors and the groom has but a little say in it. Amy doesn't help by telling her that I'm not letting her make her own decisions. She tends to undermine a lot of what I do with the other girls and it's a problem. Plus, I'm worried that if we have to do a wedding according to Nate is Jaci going to have to live her whole life with him making ALL of the decisions. That's how the men in his family are.

Paula, it sounds like you've had a busy weekend with family!!! Fun!!! I can understand about them eating all the time.....we hardly ever get out of the kitchen when the kids are here!!!!

And yes, Jaci's serious about the John Deere wedding except now the colors have been toned down to paler colors. She has also considered the colors of orange, brown, and green........keep in mind that this will be a spring wedding.

10-28-2009, 01:02 PM
I have been very busy with work, it consumes most of my time, I work at night to from my computer and I get to relax a little by doing Farmville.. OY!

Gayle you are going to love being on the cruise I promise you that I have gone on several and am ready to go on another soon. You will make it!! your not going to the guillotine lol.

Diana I agree with Janet they must compromise that is not good if he is making all the calls and she has to let her wants known and just not pacify him to make him happy. Today is a different world I don't care that the men in his family are like that or not, that sounds controlling and if he feels he can get away with that he will continue to do so. Your daughter should stand up to him in a nice way of course. But she must nip it in the bud now... Just my 2 cents of course. BTW what is a John Deere Wedding?

Paula spending time with the grandkids sounds wonderful :)

10-28-2009, 04:57 PM
I hope Jaci doesn't fall into the trap you are afraid of Diana. If she gives in now, it may set a precedence. It sounds good that the colors will be paler. That's a compromise already! Pale green and pale yellow are pretty. Add a couple more pastels and there you go.

Here is a picture of a John Deere wedding. They have all kinds of wedding things. It seems to be very popular. I wonder if they have Harley weddings.


I forgot how to copy and paste an image on here without going to "manage attachments." Can someone remind me please?

I have been getting things organized, procrastinating aboput getting things organized, had the kids Saturday, went to pottery last night, and have been ordering stuff to organize things online (like kitchen organizers, and shoe organizers). I am having fun though. I also had to reset up my computer.

10-28-2009, 05:01 PM
Thanks Judy, I have not seen a wedding by John Deere

10-29-2009, 08:24 PM
I have taken on several additional duties at work and have NO TIME for 4WT or much of anything personal. Nothing much new with me. Power was out earlier from the storm, still addicted to FB apps, and hanging out with the family. I do get on to check on you all, just don't take time to post. Miss you all and will get back soon.

10-30-2009, 05:46 AM
You'd better not stay away from here Sandy!!!! I go to FB too, but I always check in here everyday! It would be sad and you would be so missed if you didn't come here often.

10-30-2009, 06:41 AM
Well, I'll be gone next week and I surely will miss you all! Please carry on and I'm looking forward to reading all my "new posts" when I get back!

Sandy, I'm sorry that you have added duties at work! But I guess we have to be thankful that we have a job! Yes, Diana, you have a job too! A really important one! Sometimes I'm the same way, I have time to read the new posts, but not to post myself.

10-30-2009, 04:20 PM
The cruise is finally here Gail! You will be home before you know it, and it will be behind you. I will miss you!!!

Sandy, as long as you post something, so we can know you are okay.

11-01-2009, 01:04 PM
Been really busy lately. No time to catch up. FB is taking a lot of time. I'm thinking of dropping off of everything except Farmville. I got on other stuff to help people out, but it take way too much time.l There is more to life!!

11-03-2009, 09:20 AM
I have my grandsons this week:D We finally have nice weather, so we'll try to do something outside. Mike is getting geared up for the first day of deer season Saturday. Big freakin' deal. I get SO tired of all the expensive hobbies, lol!!

11-03-2009, 09:28 AM
I used to get tired of Glen's hobbies but now he's not interested in them anymore. He used to love hunting but doesn't even get excited about it now. I don't mind the expense as long as he loves doing it. Maybe now that our farming is cut back he'll get back into hunting again.

Just be glad that Mike enjoys going and is healthy enough to enjoy it!

11-03-2009, 10:48 AM
I am glad Mike enjoys it and feels like going. Thanks for reminding me, Diana:)

11-03-2009, 11:57 AM
I don't know how I skipped over this thread :) Gayle I hope you're having fun on your cruise! I think you forgot that I was supposed to go in your place while you enjoyed the cold weather up here :p

Betsi... my mom gets sick of my dad hunting too lol. They were married in moose hunting season, before my dad hunted. Now he's in the bush for their anniversary every year. He was just gone moose hunting with his brother, cousin, and friend for two weeks and now he's at home deer hunting with his brother for a few weeks. They didn't get any moose, so hopefully they'll get some deer. I could use some meat in my freezer :D

Marilyn, I've pretty much stopped all the facebook games now. I am still on them, but I haven't planted or harvested in FarmTown for probably a month, and the rest of the games I'm just leaving. I am at the point where I can't go any further in any games unless I have however many neighbors, so everything has lost its appeal!

Diana, I really hope Jaci stands up for herself! Even if the colors are muted, there's some improvement at least. I think a wedding is totally a bride's day. He should want nothing more than to make HER happy on her wedding day. And if you're the one paying, it's a little out of place for him to be making the demands.