View Full Version : Decorating for Christmas...

10-19-2006, 09:00 AM
When do you all get the house and (outside) all decorated for Christmas?

I usually start decorating a week before Christmas. Last year it was two weeks before (thought it would help get me in the mood, but it didn't) but I hate having my house out of order for too long. I don't go overboard at all, but that's mostly because I haven't bought a lot of decorations in years. Really need to get some more.

We don't decorate outside at all. If we did, I would probably have to do that too and I just don't have the time. I do love to go drive around and look at all the outside lights at night. Soooo pretty!

10-19-2006, 09:33 AM
I normally decorate right after Thanksgiving. I didn't do anything last year b/c we were moving into our new house and we still had boxes to unpack so I didn't want to mess with it. We live a half mile off the rd. so I doubt that I will be decorating the outside. I would love to but I'm not going to spend all that time and no one be able to see it. Our next ouse I want to be on a main rd. so I have a reason to decorate outside.

10-19-2006, 09:50 AM
We decorate day after Thanksgiving. Just inside the outside doesn't get it.

10-19-2006, 10:33 AM
I decorate my parents house as soon as i get there! :D I'm usually home about a week and a half or two weeks before christmas. I'm the only christmasy person in the family so i set up the tree and do all the decorating inside, and I go outside and do a lot of work out there, but I have to get on my dad's case to put lights around the roof because he doesn't want me up there. Then I go inside and make a fire and drink hot chocolate or apple cider all by myself and look at all my work lol :D Oh and I also listen to christmas carols the whole time I'm doing it! Everyone else just thinks I'm crazy.

10-19-2006, 11:33 AM
We usually start decorating on dec. 6th. The outside gets some, not a whole lot because i don't like to "overdo" it... but i love pretty lights and decorations if it's done properly.
So many times we see deco's and lights that look like they have just been thrown against the walls, it gives a very untidy impression, and i don't like that, it's almost a shame and waste of all the pretty stuff.

10-19-2006, 12:58 PM
So many times we see deco's and lights that look like they have just been thrown against the walls, it gives a very untidy impression, and i don't like that, it's almost a shame and waste of all the pretty stuff.

Oh I agree! One of my friends is like that, their house is always just thrown together. There's a whole lot of lights, but they just don't fit. They're the kind of people who just throw the lights wherever, like if it's too short to go around the top of the house, but too long to just do one side (they live on a corner), they'll just put it across one side, and then whatever's left over they'll just sling over one window or something, when the windows are all the same size and evenly spaced. Drives me nuts!

10-19-2006, 01:08 PM
For us it's become a tradition to decorate the day after Thanksgiving. We get up super early and bring down boxes from the attic...and split duties. We put Christmas music on and work the whole day. It's soooo fun :) Before we got married, my (now) husband would always go to my parents house and help us... so now that we're married we spend Thanksgiving with them and help them out the next day. Since our apartment is kinda small, we usually do it before we go for Thanksgiving. Anyway, it's a really fun time for us. My dad, both grandpas, brother, and husband work on the outside, and my mom, me, and both grandmas take the inside. Then for dinner we eat what was left of the turkey and any other leftover we can find. Good times :)

10-19-2006, 03:43 PM
A few years ago I decorated right after Christmas because I had a Christmas party here at the house in early December. I felt like I was so much better organized that year that I'm thinking that I'm going to try and do it again this year. (I'm trying to be better organized so my stress level isn't so bad!!) Usually we decorate the second week or so before Christmas which is hard to do because I have lots and lots of decorations!! I collect Hallmark ornaments and have a bazillion of them!! My tree is so full of ornaments but is really beautiful. Then it takes forever to take it down and put away!! I usually leave my tree up until the middle of January so that I can enjoy my collection and take it down when I'm more relaxed.

We, too, live about 1/4 mile from the road, but my 14 year-old daughter likes to have lights outside the house, so she and her dad usually put a few up. Nobody can see them unless they're coming to the house, but, oh well, it makes her happy.

10-20-2006, 05:49 AM
I do think I'm going to try and do more earlier. I to felt that the earlier I start, I don't feel so bombarded with everything. We'll see.....LOL

10-20-2006, 02:02 PM
We usually start decorating on dec. 6th. The outside gets some, not a whole lot because i don't like to "overdo" it... but i love pretty lights and decorations if it's done properly.
So many times we see deco's and lights that look like they have just been thrown against the walls, it gives a very untidy impression, and i don't like that, it's almost a shame and waste of all the pretty stuff.

LOL!! Those houses with the lights like that are those same people who keep their lights up year round!! hahahahahaa :D

Probably the first week of December I will begin to decorate. Just the inside though. To me honestly though it can be such a pain in the ass. Gotta go up in the attic to haul all the boxes down. (Theres gobs and gobs of boxes too, ugh) Then it takes days to set it all out...Then before I know it I have to take it all down and rebox it, then stash it back into the attic. I really need to be hit hard with that festive bug before I become excited to decorate.

10-20-2006, 05:20 PM
Same here Sheryl, everything is in the attic, haul it down, drag it back up. It is a pain, but I'll keep doing it for my son. Once he leaves and goes out on his own, I won't decorate. I'll probably just use a table top tree. :)

10-21-2006, 12:09 PM
Last year I had everything up Thanksgiving Day because EVERYONE came to my house for Thanksgiving and I needed the boost. I may do the same thing this year because they're all (the whole family) coming again this year. I want it this way because I'm the only one who doesn't have young children (mine are grown) and it makes it easier on my parents to have it here instead of their house.

Besides this is my first year in my new house and I want it to shine!

10-24-2006, 05:16 AM
We don't normally decorate outside simply because our house sits so far back off the road and really can't be seen unless you drive down our driveway. But I did convince hubby to buy me an animated, lighted deer for the front yard (I have 2, a buck and a doe) - I set them up right outside the front door in front of the living room window! As for inside, about the only thing I put out decoration-wise is a wreath for the front door, lighted candleabras for the windows on the front of the house, and the Christmas tree. As a child, my mom never put the tree up until the first week-end in December and I followed that tradition until the past couple of years. The boys LOVE the tree so I've started putting it up the day after Thanksgiving (or by that week-end) so that we can all enjoy it a little longer. This year, because my niece and her husband may have to leave the day after Thanksgiving, I'm probably going to get my tree the day before Thanksgiving (if I can find one I like), let it sit outside overnight so the limbs "settle", then bring it in Thanksgiving morning and decorate it while dinner is cooking. We are going to have our Christmas with them that night (due to their work schedules, the can't return at Christmas). I hate having to do that because I am a firm believer that each holiday is special and holds it's own meaning, don't mix them - but on the other hand, it just won't be the same to exchange gifts without a tree! Does that make sense or am I just being crazy?!?!?!?! Oh, and regardless of when I put it up, it will be un-decorated and out of my house by New Years Eve....another of my mom's traditions.

10-24-2006, 07:10 AM
I take my tree down the evening of the 25th or the next morning. Hate having my house out of order more than it is....:)

10-24-2006, 07:10 AM
The day after Thanksgiving for me too i just can't wait to get it going i even leave my halloween stuff up inside untill i put up the christmas stuff they are my 2 favorite holidays

10-24-2006, 07:47 AM
We usually decorate right after Thanksgiving. We have a TON of stuff, so we have to start early. My parents really like to put on a show for the other kids in the neighborhood. It's a lot of fun though. I won't get to help decorate this year since I don't live there, but I'm looking forward to seeing the decorations.