View Full Version : My computer is back!!

11-25-2009, 07:12 AM
I got my laptop back yesterday!!! The wind up was that they replaced the hard drive again. I am still having one problem that I had before though. I will have to call their support tech. (or maybe they just said they replaced the hard drive!!!)

My cousin told me that the hard drive life has gone down to 1 year, but newer ones are back up to 3 years. They began at 5 years, went down to 3, then 1, and now are being made better. If this one is no good, I will consider buying a new, longer lasting hard drive if it isn't as expensive as a new computer.

11-25-2009, 07:45 AM
I'm glad that you're up and running....again!!! I hope that your hard drive lasts longer than a year. You know that they probably have the technology to make it last forever but then you wouldn't have to buy another one. I hate the way that thinking goes!! I'm glad that you're up and running again!!!!

11-25-2009, 09:38 PM
That's really the pitts that there are longer lived hard drives, but they don't use them in the repairs!!! Computers are too expensive to last only 1-2 years!!! GRRRRR!!! :mad:

11-26-2009, 06:33 AM
Glad you have your computer back Judy. Even though the one I'm using isn't too bad....I wish I had mine back too.

11-28-2009, 06:27 PM
I have not been around much these days my computer needs memory I ordered on line and waiting for it to come.. I also got a great deal on Thanksgiving morning on a laptop so that should be arriving.. I have not been posting on here or much on FB.. My computer is slow and freezing up on me...

I hope everyone had a nice holiday talk soon!

11-29-2009, 06:58 AM
Found out my hard drive needs replaced too. It overheated from being on my lap so much...lol....go figure. Anyway......does it come back exactly the way it was except for what I put on it?

11-29-2009, 07:21 AM
Judy glad you got your computer back! Janet and Gina..hope yours gets fixed soon! I so hate computer problems! It is so aggravating when they freeze up! Makes ya want to throw them out the door lol!!

11-29-2009, 08:23 AM
Found out my hard drive needs replaced too. It overheated from being on my lap so much...lol....go figure. Anyway......does it come back exactly the way it was except for what I put on it?

It has all of the basic programs, but you have to back up all of your documents, pictures, music, bookmarks (check out imarks or foxmarks), and whatever else you can get onto a flash drive. You have to set up your mail again, and redo a lot on your basic set up, like opening and setting up applications. I saved my email, and then transferred it to Outlook, but you have to validate Works or Word before you open up your email, or it won't transfer. You have to find the serial number.
I did lose stuff, but I think I can find it on my flash drive if I really search. A lot of stuff just involved going online and reopening things, like this site.

Are you still under warranty?

11-29-2009, 02:14 PM
Oh Janet! I'm so sorry the hard drive has to be replaced!!! I hope you don't lose anything. I've never had any computer trouble, so I don't have a clue what to do - but Judy seems to have great advice!

11-29-2009, 05:23 PM
Judy...I didn't have anything backed up. I have most of the pictures on my desktop and in my camera so hopefully the ones I don't have won't matter.. :) Didn't really have anything in my documents either....I save that kind of stuff for my desktop too since it's hooked up to the printer.

I wonder if I bought one of those external hard drives if that would back everything up. I'm not real smart at this....can ya tell??? LOL

11-29-2009, 05:35 PM
Glad your computer is back, and hope it lasts a very, very long time!! Our daughter, Karen, has a Toshiba and she just had a friend replace her hard drive. She bought it for around $80 and her friend changed it our for free. He works in an IT dept. Her's is running great, now. Hope yours does, too.

For backup, I have two external hard drives, one that stays connected to the computer and one that stays in our safe. Both are updated frequently. I am paranoid about losing important things, incase you couldn't guess. All my important files are in My Documents, so that is all I backup. The software I can reload if my hard drive crashes, but the pictures and documents are priceless.

12-02-2009, 07:09 AM
Glad your computer is back, and hope it lasts a very, very long time!! Our daughter, Karen, has a Toshiba and she just had a friend replace her hard drive. She bought it for around $80 and her friend changed it our for free. He works in an IT dept. Her's is running great, now. Hope yours does, too.

For backup, I have two external hard drives, one that stays connected to the computer and one that stays in our safe. Both are updated frequently. I am paranoid about losing important things, incase you couldn't guess. All my important files are in My Documents, so that is all I backup. The software I can reload if my hard drive crashes, but the pictures and documents are priceless.

Which external hard drive do you use? I am thinking about Seagate. I also use a 8GBflash drive which is always plugged in, so anything important can be transferred. I never empty my camera memory card, so I have that backup too.
Paranoia or I have had one too many hard drive crashes?

12-02-2009, 05:38 PM
My laptop went out again Judy. I'm not a happy camper!!

12-03-2009, 07:46 AM
Oh no!! That's too bad.

01-26-2010, 02:01 PM
alright.. if found it but it keeps on comming back because i sacnned it 1's and found it and quarintine it and saccaned it agian found it agian did same thing what should i do?