View Full Version : boiopsy prayer

12-03-2009, 11:15 AM
Hi My name is Joyce,
I found a lump in my breast and went for my mamogram today. The lump was in the left breast and after they did the mamogram they said that they didn't like the looks of my right breast bc I had fibroistic tissue. So they proceeded to take more pictures of the breast and did an ultra sound on both breast.
I was a nervous wreck and I saw my life flash in front of me. I waited for the doctor to call ,and I have to have a biopsy and another Mamogram in 6 months.
Please pray for me I am so scared and stressed out!!

12-03-2009, 12:50 PM
Hi Joyce welcome to 4WT! I will certainly send prayers your way! I know about how scary that is to hear the word cancer. Back in July my dr thought I had ovarian cancer but thank God all of my tests came back negative! Hopefully yours will turn out the same. So glad you have joined this site. There are alot of caring and thoughtful ladies here.

12-03-2009, 02:11 PM
Hi Joyce!!!! So glad you found us. I'm terribly sorry for the trials you're going through right now, but try hard to hand it over to God. It's not easy....believe me I know. I had a tumor the size of a small watermelon a few years back and I was so afraid. It was not cancer and we will all send prayers your way that it will be a positive outcome.

When you're ready....tell us more about yourself..family...etc.

Here are some links if you'd like to get to know us better...



12-03-2009, 04:49 PM
Welcome to 4WT, Joyce!! I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through so much right now. I don't know much about lumps but it seems like a long time to wait 6 months for another check-up. I think that I'd get a second opinion on that. I'm sure that you'd feel better if another doctor agreed with that diagnosis.

We have some great women and feel free to come on here and let us know how you're doing. :hug:

12-03-2009, 05:57 PM
Hey Joyce! I welcomed you on a different thread, and just saw this one.

Why, oh WHY do you have to wait 6 months?? That just seems like cruel and unusual punishment!! Bless your heart!! Will keep you in my prayers.

12-03-2009, 07:31 PM
Joyce, I'm confused as to why they would wait 6 months to do a biopsy. Did they give you a reason? If so, what was it?

As you will soon learn, I am the resident nosey nurse who has medical advice for everyone and I would advise you to get a second opinion. If I had a lump in my breast, there is no way I would wait 6 months. Early treatment for breast lumps is by far the best course of action, no matter what they turn out to be.

That said, I also have fibrocystic breasts and I sometimes have lumps. I have had 2 biopsies (benign) and have to sometimes have ultrasounds after my mammograms. Fibrocystic disease casues lumpy breasts. So, please don't worry too much, but please do get a second opinion!

12-04-2009, 02:14 PM
Gayle is our favorite nurse. She very knowledgeable and we love her for all her help.

12-04-2009, 08:14 PM
I am confused bc I talke to my doctor today and they want to get a biopsy of the left breast and they have me scheduled for a consultation on the 23 of December and the right breast that has the fibrocystic tissue they are waiting to see if anything changes. It makes no sense to me first they were more concerned about the right breast and the fibrocystic tissue but now they are going to biopsy the left breast where the nodule is and they say it seems to be a complex nodule.
I read online the complex nodules are usually breast cancer! ugh I am so frustrated and I wish they explained more to me. It's like yadda yadda there u go go here and do this. I am like WAIT I don't understand and I am stressing over this BIG TIME!!! I need to get a copy of the radiology report. I am gonna ask them if I can my question is can they refuse to give me a copy?

12-04-2009, 09:48 PM
No, they can't refuse. If you ask for the report, they have to give it to you.

12-04-2009, 11:44 PM
I can feel your frustration Joyce. I would also call and ask the questions you need to ask so you'll know what's going on. I never leave the Drs. office without knowing what he is talking about. I'm keeping you in my prayers that it will be nothing at all.

12-05-2009, 08:31 AM
I suggest that you take someone with you when you go to the doctor just so they can help you remember what was said. You may have to ask the doctor to explain things better to you but don't be afraid to ask questions. You may want to write down questions before you go so you won't forget them. Hugs. We're here for you if you need us.

12-05-2009, 01:46 PM
Joyce. Your in my prayers also. I hope it all works out for you. I go Monday for my Mammo. God be with you.

12-05-2009, 01:48 PM
I am calling the doctor on monday and getting a copy of the report bc my head is spinning from trying to figure things out and second guess them. Also I think I should stop researching bc it is freaking me out!!

12-06-2009, 07:20 AM
Joyce just want you to know that you are still in my prayers. Hope everything works out for the best! And yes doing research will freak you out! When my dr told me that there was a chance that I had ovarian cancer...she also told me that if I did research about it that it would freak me out..so I chose not to. But I understand that you want to find out everything you can. Hang in there and keep us informed. We care:)

12-06-2009, 01:13 PM
I want to wish you good luck, i am sure everything will be just fine.

I found a lump in my right breast 4 years ago, went to the Dr's, who immediatly referred me to a specialist at the hospital, just to be on the safe side, she said.... i was scared.
I waited 3 weeks for the appointment, saw the specialist consultant, who reassured me it would likely be just fine, i had a mammogram, ultrasound, and chest x-ray. He told me the lump was not serious, but he did a biopsy, had it examined, all at my initial consultation. He confirmed the lump was fine, but suggested the options - leave the lump and if it grew he could remove it, or i could have it removed earlier, i decided to have it removed straight away, even though i believed it was ok.
I went in to the hospital about a month later as a day patient, had the lump removed under full anesthetic, went back to see the consultant about a week later who confirmed it was a non malignant lump as he had first thought, he reassured me all was ok.
I do check myself, and would not hesitate to go get checked in the future.
My Dr told me that 80% of all lumps are non malignant, but it is impossible not to worry when faced with this.

I just wanted to tell you my story to hopefully reassure you - all will be well, i am sure.

Good luck and keep us posted.

12-06-2009, 04:28 PM
Just wanted to let you know you're still in my prayers. Stay positive!

12-06-2009, 08:09 PM
Hi Joyce and welcome. I hope that you get all the answers when you go to the dr. and like Diana mentioned take someone with you , for when we are nervous we tend not to listen to well. I had a cancer scare last Dec. they thought I had toe cancer but thank God it was just an injury... Good luck I am sure all will be well. You will be in my prayers.

12-09-2009, 01:17 PM
I want to wish you good luck, i am sure everything will be just fine.

I found a lump in my right breast 4 years ago, went to the Dr's, who immediatly referred me to a specialist at the hospital, just to be on the safe side, she said.... i was scared.
I waited 3 weeks for the appointment, saw the specialist consultant, who reassured me it would likely be just fine, i had a mammogram, ultrasound, and chest x-ray. He told me the lump was not serious, but he did a biopsy, had it examined, all at my initial consultation. He confirmed the lump was fine, but suggested the options - leave the lump and if it grew he could remove it, or i could have it removed earlier, i decided to have it removed straight away, even though i believed it was ok.
I went in to the hospital about a month later as a day patient, had the lump removed under full anesthetic, went back to see the consultant about a week later who confirmed it was a non malignant lump as he had first thought, he reassured me all was ok.
I do check myself, and would not hesitate to go get checked in the future.
My Dr told me that 80% of all lumps are non malignant, but it is impossible not to worry when faced with this.

I just wanted to tell you my story to hopefully reassure you - all will be well, i am sure.

Good luck and keep us posted.

Thanks! I want my lump out as well! I told my husband I DON"T WANT IT THERE!!!! It is also tender and I get pains in my breast around the lump. I hope this is not a bad sign!

12-09-2009, 01:20 PM
Just wanted to let you know you're still in my prayers. Stay positive!

Thanks! I am trying to stay positvie, but It isn't easy. I am so scared and feel like my life is moving fast and I am on the outside looking in. Consultation with the surgeon is on December 23.........Merry Christmas to me. gee I wonder if the Biopsy will be new years!

12-09-2009, 01:29 PM
Joyce I certainly hope all goes well at your consultation! Keep us posted. Hugs to ya!:bighug:

12-09-2009, 03:59 PM
Joyce I certainly hope all goes well at your consultation! Keep us posted. Hugs to ya!:bighug:
Thanks, I appreciate the support. I am so stressing over this!

12-09-2009, 08:10 PM
I know you are stressing! I've had two lumps with two biopsies. It is so hard to wait to get it out. The first time I had it done, I was 27 and had to sign a consent form for a radical mastectomy, if the lump was found to be cancer. That's the way they did things back then, if it was cancer at the biopsy, they just went right ahead and took off the breast. Thankfully, it wasn't cancer and neither was the second biopsy.

They no longer do the mastectomy right away because many lumps can be treated with a lumpectomy. The best thing you can do is just not stress about it. I know that is so hard - but stress is so hard on your body in so many ways. Try to enjoy the holidays and just go on with your life right now. Stressing won't change anything at all. You have the appointment, you are going to get it taken care of, that is all you can do right now!

Easy for me to say, huh! We are all here for you!

12-10-2009, 05:14 AM
I've had two lumps too. The first one I was in my early 30's and was really stressing. Our girls were young, and who was going to raise them if anything happened to me. Of course they still would have their dad, but they needed me. We went out of town for the weekend, and prayed that it would be nothing major. When I went back to the surgeon for a followup mammogram to locate the lump for the surgery, it was not there. There was a shadow where it had been, but the lump was gone. They couldn't figure out what happened, but just did followup mammograms.

About 3 years ago, another lump showed up on a routine mammogram. They did ultrasound, needle biopsy and got me all upset and excited again. They did a lumpectomy and it turned out to be a form of pre-cancer. They called it carcinoma, but it was not malignant. For a while I took reloxofin (sp?) for prevention of breast cancer, but it made my joints ache so much that I felt like a very elderly woman. The oncologist told me if my side effects were that bad, to stop taking it. I was getting mammograms every 6 months, but now once a year, and so far so good.

I know how scary all of this can be and how worried you can get about your future. All I can offer is a suggestion that you pray fervently for favorable results, let God take control and try to relax and enjoy the time of year. Spend some time in God's word. There is lots of encouragement there. If we love Him, he will care for us. That care may be to take us home if that's His wish, but He offers us much comfort.

My prayer for you is that it is nothing serious, just a benign bump of some kind and that you have many happy and healthy years ahead. Take care, and you are in my prayers, too.

12-13-2009, 08:17 AM
I am so sorry you are going through this! I am praying for a good outcome.

12-13-2009, 12:58 PM
Your still in my thoughts and prayers. I go Monday for another Mammagram.
Then if the Dense Area is still there they will do an Ultrasound. We can do this.

12-14-2009, 02:50 PM
As time draws closer to the 23 I am getting so scared.

12-14-2009, 07:56 PM
I'm sorry this is happening to you right here at Christmas. I wish you didn't have so long to wait. I'd be scared, too. Bless your heart!

12-15-2009, 08:03 AM
As time draws closer to the 23 I am getting so scared.

I wish that I could be there to give you a hug. We're all here for you if you need us. I'm praying that all goes well.

12-15-2009, 09:11 AM
I was driving my puppy to the vet for her shots, and I started crying bc I was I was thinking of how attached to me she is and what would happen if I have cancer and don't live through this? Then I started thinking about my children and Grandson and it really had me overwhelmed.
I have been praying that it is nothing but I hondestly don't have a good feeling about this. I mean I continue to feel like this story keeps getting worse and worse. Now I found out how a biopsy is done and I find it rather horrid.
I read where you lie on a table with a hole in it and the affected breast goes through the hole and they put like a press around your boob and the table rises and they operate underneath you. I heard this from a girl at the gym and I didn't believe it until I read it online. There are all types of biopsys and this is the one I don't want! The Stereotactic Breast Biopsy!
I am going to tell him Heck No!! on that one.

12-15-2009, 11:47 AM
Joyce, your mind is working overtime on this. Hugs. I know that this is hard for you.......the waiting. Don't let your "feelings" and what friends have to say upset you right now. Go take a nice hot bath with bubbles and candles.......relax and just take care of YOU for awhile. Let the worries right now just go away and be calm. This may be the calm before the storm.........or there might not be a storm at all. I'm sure that everyone has a horror story to tell........don't listen. You have to just take care of you. We're all here for you if you need us. :hug:

12-15-2009, 02:13 PM

Please try to stop worrying - i know it easier said than done, i went through similar feelings myself, but put on a very brave face to my family, because i knew if they knew i was worried they would be much worse.

I have never heard of that method of biopsy personally, mine was very painless, and quick, i honestly didnt feel anything, i just sat up in a chair.

I think your mind is playing you up a bit and it is worse because you are having to wait what seems like forever.

You will be ok, make some notes on questions you want to ask, dont feel silly, as you may forget to ask at the time.

Take care - lots of hugs coming accross the world to you.

12-15-2009, 02:26 PM
Joyce I'm so sorry you're stressing so much over this, but it is normal. All of us would stress if we were in the same situation and many of us have.

Have you called where you are having the biopsy done to see if you can get in on a cancellation? That way you wouldn't have to keep waiting. I personally would want it done and overwith as soon as possible.

You're in our prayers Joyce.

12-27-2009, 06:12 AM
I went to my consultation and I am having a core needle biopsy on jan 11. Has anyone had one of these and how painful is it?

12-27-2009, 06:45 AM
If this is where the Dr. sticks a needle in to draw fluid, then for me....it didn't hurt at all. Wish they didn't make you wait till the 11th, that's just too long to worry. We all said you shouldn't, but we would all be worried too, we're human. Will keep you in my prayers.

12-28-2009, 01:13 PM
It sounds like the doctor is taking care to check everything out. I'll be praying. Keep us posted on how you're doing. Hugs!!!

12-28-2009, 01:33 PM
If it is what i also had when i first saw my consultant, a needle was used to draw out some fluid, this was then examined both in the consulting room with a microscope and sent to the lab.

I agree with Janet it was painless for me too......

Keep positive - all will be well.

01-01-2010, 03:07 PM
I went to the consultation, I go for a core needle biopsy on Jan. 11. I am so stressed over this.
My Dad and his wife surprised me for christmas and Flew my daughter and Grandson and their lil yorkie to visit me. It was such a beautiful sight to see my daughter standing in the doorway.
my son who lives in CT stopped by bc he knew she was coming, Then at the same time my other son who lives in Jacksonville called me to distract me so that I wouldn't hear the car door shut.
I am on the phone and My Son Fred opens the door and in walks my daughter I just stood there in shock. Then I hugged her and let it all out. I think I just needed her arms around me bc we are very close and she understands me. I hugged her so tight and then I look down and see my 2 year old Grandson looking up at me. I was so touched that my Dad did this for me, he even gave my son in law enough money to drive home for 4 days bc he had to work, he is in the military and they gave him a 4 day pass. So he drove up to be here as well.
I felt truly blessed and it was just what I needed.

01-02-2010, 08:41 AM
How sweet!!! You must have a very special Dad for him to realize that you needed your family around you at this time!!! I'm so glad that you got to spend some time with your kids. Hopefully being with them will help to reduce your stress level.

01-02-2010, 01:22 PM
Oh that was so nice of your Dad and his partner to do that for you all.

I bet they enjoyed being with you just as much as you enjoyed them!!!!!

Another bonus is it has distracted you from worrying for a while too.

Not long now and then you can ask questions and be reassured too.

A lovely story........

01-02-2010, 03:03 PM
What a nice surprise.. Your dad is a thoughtful man... :)

01-02-2010, 03:57 PM
Oh! I just know that you were so thrilled and so surprised! I just love surprises!!! I'm so glad that you got to see you daughter, I know it helped a lot! What a gift!

01-02-2010, 04:02 PM
That is so nice!

01-02-2010, 04:11 PM
Awww Joyce..that was just wonderful of your dad and his wife!! I'm sure you had a wonderful time with your family!

01-10-2010, 10:17 PM
Joyce, I'm letting you know that you're in my thoughts and prayers for tomorrow. Hugs!!

01-11-2010, 07:50 AM
I think the core biopsy is today, if it is January 11th. Please know that we are all with you in spirit, Joyce. Please let us know how it went.

01-11-2010, 09:50 AM
I'm praying all goes well for you today!!

01-11-2010, 12:38 PM
Joyce you're in my prayers today. Hope all goes well. Let us know. We are all concerned about you.:)

01-24-2010, 06:42 AM
Hi All!
I've been wondering how Joyce's biopsy turned out and I saw her on YorkieTalk today so I sent her a PM. The biopsy was negative, no cancer, she is so happy.

She hasn't come back to 4womentalk because she got a virus. Here's what she said.

"I got an email saying we have been wondering how you are doing and if everything is ok. That had the link to 4womentalk site I clicked on it and I didn't put my password in but then Norton popped up unsafe site I clicked out of there and boom I had a virus."

So, she is afraid to come back to 4WomenTalk. She wanted me to give you all this message:

"Tell everyone I am sorry that I did not come back and that I am sorry, Thanks for the support and prayers. Ask anyone else if they got a virus recently, I think it was like jan.2 2010 that I got it. Everyone on the forum was wonderful and I appreciated them all for the support. Thank you to all who supported me!~Joyce"

I thought you all might like to see an update - I know I always feel "left hanging" when someone has an important problem, asks for help/support/prayer and then doesn't come back to give an update. I guess I'm just too nosey! :D

I also wonder if that was the work of our troll(s)???


01-24-2010, 10:07 AM
I'm glad that she is okay and you were able to let us know. I've never gotten a virus from any of the forums. I wish she'd give us another try. Have any of you gotten a virus from 4WT?

01-24-2010, 10:26 AM
I too have been concerned about Joyce, and am very happy for her that there is no cancer.

I hate to say this, but I had a feeling that we would never hear from her again.. She could have left a message for somebody on YT.

I'm just saying......

01-24-2010, 10:27 AM
I'm glad that she is okay and you were able to let us know. I've never gotten a virus from any of the forums. I wish she'd give us another try. Have any of you gotten a virus from 4WT?

That's probably the norton virus that Paula got.

01-24-2010, 10:48 AM
I bet you're right Judy. It really is no big deal. I still haven't fixed it. My computer is having no problems other than the aggrevation of that warning thingy popping up on this site but I feel ok about it after Judy found those links for me and also because admin pm'd me and they checked the site for any threats and there was none.:)

It's her loss:D We are good people and she is losing out by not coming here with us:p I'm just saying....

01-24-2010, 01:34 PM
I am glad that Joyce is okay!! Hopefully she'll decide to come back:)