View Full Version : Stressing already.....

12-11-2009, 09:39 AM
It's December so I'm already stressing........like usual!!! My tree is up AND decorated, but hasn't been pushed back against the wall or gotten anything else done. We've had a couple of Christmas parties already and last Wednesday was my last Royal Ranger class until after Christmas. Yay!!!

Amy and I went to a nearby town in really bad weather on Tuesday so I got started on my Christmas shopping. I had also picked up some boys names from church and got their stuff bought for Christmas and when I got home Amy called and gave me some more boys names to get for. Oh well, it won't be hard to get for them, just time.

The house has fallen into.....well, let's just say that I could use Janet to come here for a week and help out!!!

Then.....I'm trying to get Jaci's pictures figured out.....both her senior and homecoming queen pictures. We have the list narrowed down anyway. And I'm trying to find a photographer for the date of her wedding. The two best ones are already taken and Jaci and Nate won't change the date of the wedding so we're still looking. I'll be glad to get through Christmas so I can concentrate on the wedding.

Dae Lynn's tummy is getting bigger and bigger. The time has really been flying by it seems like and I can't wait for him to get here. They still don't have a name for him yet. We have a lot of new babies at church and it makes me really anxious for ours to get here too!!!

I haven't been keeping up on the posts on here because of everything that's been going on and that's normal for me this time of year. I still check in but don't post as much as usual. Don't think that I've forgotten all of you!!! I'm still here........stressing!!!!!!!

12-11-2009, 12:33 PM

Sorry it's such a stressful time for you now. It will get better. Your in my prayers too.

12-11-2009, 12:55 PM
Wow Diana! No wander you're stressing..you have a ton of stuff going on! Wouldn't it be nice if it could ever be one thing at a time? But that never seems to happen. Hugs to ya GF! I sure do miss ya on the game threads too:D Maybe after all the holiday and wedding things are taken care of, you'll have more time to post:)

12-11-2009, 07:37 PM
Diana feel free to stress.. I am stressing too I have done NOTHING!! No Christmas cards, no decorating... no shopping.. but yes you have more on your plate. Let's stress together on here ..

I am sure all will fall into place.. :)

12-12-2009, 04:58 AM
Oh, Diana, I can soooo relate. My tree (live one) is bought and has been leaning against the outside of the house for 2 weeks. No decorating done at all except white lights lining the sidewalks and driveway in front. It's a subdivision requirement. Have not bought one Christmas present. Not sure even what to buy.

However, the wedding preparation is almost finished. Just need to buy punch cups, tiki torch oil, and a couple of pieces of black fabric. I bought two dresses to wear to the wedding. Will try them both on then Karen gets here this weekend and decide.

Today is fruitcake baking day. Every year I bake fruitcakes for friends and family. Last year I made 24 of various sizes, of course. This year, I was going to only make for us and very immediate family, however, Rex wants me to make for everyone again. They all look forward to it so much, so today will be marathon fruit cakes. I usually do it over a two week period.

Don't know if I'm sending Christmas cards this year. Usually send over 100, but something's gotta give.

I'm meeting the mother of the groom at a bakery this morning at 8 a.m. She ask me to be there with her when she orders the groom's cake. Karen would like for him to have a custom guitar shaped cake. He plays electric guitar, and she would like would be make in the shape and color of his favorite one.

Not sure if we are coming or going, but the wedding is less than two weeks away now. Guess I'll have the 23rd and 24th to prepare for Christmas. Crazy, crazy.

Hang in there Diana, things will come together, they always do.

What is the wedding date that you are working with? We have a good photographer who does fly to weddings. She lives in California, and some friends flew her here for their wedding. She is from Austin, so fortunately she was flying home for Christmas, and is coming a little early to shoot Karen's wedding. Her rates are reasonable, so a plane ticket and hotel may not be too much to pay. Just a thought. I'm sure you can find a good one in your area.

Take care everyone!!! and Merry Christmas!!!!

12-12-2009, 07:16 AM
Diana, you and Marilyn put my life in perspective, lol!!! Maybe you can sleep all of January, and then REALLY get busy with your wedding plans!!

12-12-2009, 09:43 AM
Marilyn, I can't imagine having a wedding at this time!! I would be majorly stressed!!!! Jaci's date is June 5th.....we can get a really good photographer on the 12th but Jaci won't change because Nate has to be home around that time for wheat harvest!!

As for the fruit cakes......I would have already thrown that idea out the window for this year!!! Good luck on getting them all done today!!!

Thanks everyone for being so understanding. I'm trying to stay calm so I don't have a major anxiety attack!!! As time goes by I start eleminating things that I thought have to be done but I'm not to that place.......yet!!!!

Love to all of you!!!

12-12-2009, 12:58 PM
Wow!!! Seems like everyone is stressed right now. I haven't been on here near as much either due to ....s t r e s s... :) It has definitely been a stressful week with Mom. I have two gifts bought and the tree is up. Don't care if I shop for anything else and don't care to decorate the tree. I know it will get better but sure wish everything was done and Mom was feeling better.

12-13-2009, 07:57 AM
You all have so much going on! I wish I could fly around and help each of you. I have no stress this year, (Thank you, God!) and would love to give each of you some of my energy.

Knowing all of you, it will all get done, and with grace and end up perfectly. Diana and Marilyn - they are all good things, which doesn't reduce the stress, but the end results will be weddings, graduation, and a baby! Oh, and a new home for your other daughter, Marilyn!! Janet - Mom will be happy in Florida. She has so much spunk. She will enjoy it there!

12-14-2009, 05:01 AM
Got the fruit cakes done, all but one, found out I'm one short, but Karen was supposed to have her last final Saturday morning and be here Saturday evening. One of her finals was posted wrong and now she won't be here until Tuesday morning. I'm stressing big time, and freaking out. I just want her here for what little time we have left. I need a hug big time right now. :cry2::hands:

12-14-2009, 07:05 AM
Wish I were there to give you a big hug in person! :love-hug3::ghug:

12-14-2009, 07:31 AM
I am sending a bunch of hugs!!!