View Full Version : Good For Nothing Ex

10-20-2006, 08:51 AM
Oh I could just shot him right now. My oldest called to tell me my son has a balance at college that needs paid by November 1st. I have paid my part and them some. Come to find out my ex hasn't paid one red cent. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH............................
Well his excuse was you never got with me to let me know how much i needed to pay. DUHHHHHHHHHHH. I guess I shouldn't just assume he has a brain that
is in working order. Like I have to tell him everything. Sorry. And on top of that yesterday was my moms birthday. I miss her so much.
SO now I get to send my ex a nice bill. He better pay................

10-20-2006, 12:54 PM
If he doesn't pay, take the jerk to court!!! Too many divorced women let their ex's get away this time and then another time... give 'em an inch they take a mile, it needs to stop. If they don't help then get their butts in court. I'm sorry, but I just hate slackers. They (women and/or men), need to help take care of their children!

10-20-2006, 01:24 PM
Oh bummer! It seems ex's are always good at making excuses for not followint through with their promises.

Sorry you are dealing with this and hopefully he will stick to his agreement.

10-20-2006, 05:30 PM
Oh bummer! It seems ex's are always good at making excuses for not followint through with their promises.

Sorry you are dealing with this and hopefully he will stick to his agreement.

Sheryl, you were so much nicer than me......sorry Linda....

10-23-2006, 10:29 AM
Best of luck to you! As Janet said, if he doesn't pay after you send him the balance due, take him to court - especially if it's in your divorce that school expenses are shared between the two of you!

10-23-2006, 04:28 PM
Exes are such jerks!:mad: