View Full Version : Deer Camp Sale

01-17-2010, 05:26 PM
Hi All! I've been gone since Thursday helping Gary with the deer camp sale. WE SOLD EVERYTHING! YAY!!! Gary and his uncles/cousins/friend had gone down last week to get things semi-ready for the sale. Gary and I went down Thursday and the sale was Fri/Sat/Sun. Let me tell you what it was like in south Texas on Friday - IT WAS A MONSOON! The area is semi-desert - but we had 4 inches of rain on Thurs/Fri. It was a mess! The sale was advertised to start on Friday and although it was still raining and the dirt driveway was a muddy/rutted mess, we prevailed. We only had one pickup get stuck. Gary has a 4 wheel drive FJ cruiser so we pulled it right out. We had lots of customers in the rain and sold about 2/3 of everything.

The sun shone brightly on Sat. and MAN-O-MAN did we have customers!!! We were almost completely sold out by 11:00AM. We only had odds and ends left and then a man came from the prison ministry. There's a prison about 5 miles down the road and this organization has a home that family can stay in to visit the prisoners at low or no cost. So, we gave them everything that was left. WHEW! We were so glad to be finished.

Gary and I came home today and brought back a pickup load of things that we wanted to keep. The pickup is still loaded - hope it doesn't rain, but we are too pooped to unload it! There is no rain in the forecast - hope the weather man knows what he's doing! LOL! Gary and his friend will go back down next Sat. to get one more load of outdoor stuff - mostly two big ice chests, a wood spliter, and a few odds/ends tools.

I was driving home today with an interesting "item" in the front seat beside me (see pic below). The second pic is my "prince on the pea". It's hard to tell but Rowdy is laying on top of 3 blankets. He was really glad to be home - they had to stay with Brooke while we were gone.

01-18-2010, 06:40 AM
What a busy weekend! I'm glad you got rid of everything despite the weather!

01-18-2010, 08:36 AM
Wow!! What a busy weekend you had. I'm sure that you were thrilled to get rid of everything, but still sad to see it all go.

I wonder how many people saw the bobcat in the front seat with you? That would have caught a lot of people off guard!!!! Rowdy's a cutie no matter what he's doing!!!

01-18-2010, 09:17 AM
Now Gayle....why would you have a Bobcat in the front seat with you?

I'm so glad your sale went so well, I bet it was fun, except for the rain part...lol.

01-18-2010, 10:55 AM
Gayle......only you would ride down the road with a bobcat beside you:D

So glad you got rid of all the things you wanted to.

Rowdy is a cutie patootie!!

Now get that truck unloaded lol!!

01-18-2010, 01:10 PM
We got the trucks unloaded today! I have a new (old) couch in my living room. We bought a cargo couch back in 1992 and have had it at the deer lease for the past 10 years. I brought it home cause I still like it and it is still in great condition. I have my mom's flowery sleeper sofa in there right now (moved over to the wall - going to sell it) and I can't get Rowdy to stop peeing on the skirt. The cargo frame is all wood and doesn't come to the floor except for 4 wooden legs. Yes, he will probably pee on them, but I can wipe it up and it won't smell like the cloth.

Janet, the bobcat is a head mount that Gary had done several years ago. He was trying to shoot a bobcat for a full body mount to put in our den. He shot this one right at dark and couldn't find it. Next morning he found it but something had eaten out the stomach area so he just had the head mount done. It sits straight up like in the picture on a round piece of wood. I had to keep it in the seat beside me so that it wouldn't fall over. LOL!

01-18-2010, 03:07 PM
Rowdy is so adorable! The bobcat too - what's left of him! It really is a majestic pose.

01-19-2010, 02:41 PM
I know you and Gary are glad to have that done. Sounds like a big job.