View Full Version : Periods Suck!!

09-06-2006, 05:32 PM
Yeah I know, it is not any girl's favorite thing in the world but I HATE periods.:mad: Not only do I get the worst cramps, put on 5 pounds of water weight all on my stomach:eek: and get weepy and emotional, but I feel gross as well. And I hate it when I complain to my husband and he says "honey, you are 30 years old, you have had how many periods in your life? You should be used to this by now." HUH? As if women will ever get used to hemorraging (sp?) for 3-7 days every month all the while they feel like eating 10 pounds of chocolate and taking a sledgehammer to the first person who says the wrong thing. Are there any lucky ladies on here who have finally gotten used to this? Maybe it's just me...:confused:

09-06-2006, 05:53 PM
OMG! I am completely with you on this one! I get very bad cramps every single month. So bad that I literally puke for the first day until my cramps settle down a little bit! I get very moody and cry for a week, lol!

09-06-2006, 05:54 PM
I hate my periods in fact since i had children my periods are unbearable and men just don't have a clue about anything. No i don't think anyone gets used to having one they totally suck!!

09-07-2006, 01:28 AM
Men DON'T have a clue!!!! If men were to put kids on the world, we would have a very SMALL population!! ;)
If they were to get periods, they would be in bed 7 days a month!! :rolleyes:

09-07-2006, 06:07 AM
Well - here I go, being the "odd ball" in this. Back when I had my period, it never lasted more than 3 days, 4 tops. Barely had any cramping but I did have the bloating - not bad, but I did have it. Never really had the mood swings, would get a little moody but not to the point I wanted to hit someone or something with everything I had in me. And cravings, didn't really have those either so I know, I know - I'm the weird one :p But I had hysterectomy almost 9 years go due to medical reasons and I no longer have to worry about a monthly visit from the "Red Baron". But I can certainly understand where you are all coming from - both my sisters had it bad.

09-07-2006, 09:12 AM
Yeah I know, it is not any girl's favorite thing in the world but I HATE periods.:mad: Not only do I get the worst cramps, put on 5 pounds of water weight all on my stomach:eek: and get weepy and emotional, but I feel gross as well. And I hate it when I complain to my husband and he says "honey, you are 30 years old, you have had how many periods in your life? You should be used to this by now." HUH? As if women will ever get used to hemorraging (sp?) for 3-7 days every month all the while they feel like eating 10 pounds of chocolate and taking a sledgehammer to the first person who says the wrong thing. Are there any lucky ladies on here who have finally gotten used to this? Maybe it's just me...:confused:

For the women who have horrible periods i don't think this is something they should "have to get used to". Talk to your doctor, no women should suffer from the mental and physical pain that goes along with their periods.

I found out in fact that as I aged mine only became worse. Luckily when I turned 40 I finally convinced my doctor to do a hysterectomy. I've been a completely different woman since the surgery! I find it sad that so many women have needless suffering when there are many options out there that can help.

Hopefully you and your doctor can find out the best alternatives for you. :)

09-07-2006, 09:32 AM
I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago. It was the best thing. My periods were so bad I would vomit, curl up in pain, and just want to die. Now life is good. There are so many things available now to help women who really suffer. Schedule time with your Dr. and let him/her know just how hard it is for you. See what they have to offer..I know we don't like to have to go to a Dr. for this kind of thing, but rather one visit to a Dr. opposed to month after month of misery. :)

09-07-2006, 02:42 PM
Don't have to tell me about it! I'm on it right now and I hate the world!:mad:

Pink Cupcakes
09-07-2006, 11:10 PM
Oh my God don't get me started on the period issue. I will never shut up. I probably have the worst case of so called "cramps" out of anyone I know of or have ever even heard of. Although for me, I don't even call them cramps, mine is more like LABOR PAINS. You guys my periods are AWFUL. I cry 24/7 and no I am not exaggerating. If I start my period in the middle of the night, it will wake me up in a solid dead sleep, no joke. I can feel my periods coming almost 2 weeks before they actually start. I cannot even wear Tampons anymore because they are too painful. I cannot move or get out of bed. I use a heating pad set on high 24/7 when I'm on my period and drink I don't know HOW many glasses of hot hot hot Peppermint Tea. I take Advil every 4 hours until I am at my max dose for the day and then I lay there in agony. And yeah I know Advil is hard on the stomach but thats the only thing that will even half way help. I take baths so hot that I can barely even sit down in the water and my skin turns bright red. If I start in the middle of the night - 2, 3, 4, 5 in the morning, whenever it is, I will have to get out of bed half asleep, "pre-heat" my damn heating pad- set on high, make boiling hot Peppermint Tea, run boiling hot bath water, lay in there for the longest time (while drinking the tea) until the water gets cold, then get out and use a heating pad set on high. I then rub this Menthol crap on my stomach called Menastil that smells like Peppermint that is supposed to ease the pain. I also have to put one of those Thermal Heat Strip things onto the front of my panties so that it will hopefully touch my stomach. My God it sounds like I am going into battle :( My husband doesn't even ask what I'm doing anymore he is so used to it. He will wake up and ask if I'm ok and if I need anything. He knows exactly what I'm doing. But absolutely no one actually understands what I go through :( It is so painful I just dread when my period comes. It's scary. I think this is why I can't get pregnant (although the lack of a sex life could also be a contributor lol). I seriously - seriously need to go to the doc and have them check me for Endometriosis. I'm 99% sure that I have it, I just don't know if I wanna find out :( Birth control pills did help but I refuse to take those for the rest of my life just to stop the freaking pain. I shouldn't have to do that. Plus I would like to have a baby one of these days, and I certainly can't do that when I on BC! Not to mention I have PMS like nobody's business. GEEZ. I wonder why :( I don't know. I am just miserable. :(

09-08-2006, 03:05 AM
I feel so lucky that I only get them once every few months - anywhere between 3 and 6 months apart! But when it happens EVERYONE around me knows - I get OH SO CRABBY! (Just like evil Dixie dog - the Evil Wee in my nom de internet)

My poor sister has endometrious (sp) and can't get out of bed.

09-11-2006, 12:29 PM
Hmm.... If mine were that painful I'd certainly get it checked out by a doc. That just doesn't seem right.

Mine are just more of an inconvenience than anything. I've been on the pill for years, so my periods are pretty light with minimal cramping, a few small cramps the first day, but that's about it. Nothing that I can't handle and I don't usually take any meds for it. I can just about predict the exact day and time it'll start and end. The only difference between period days and non-period days is the number of times I visit the bathroom!

09-11-2006, 12:58 PM
I have been on Birth Control pills for years, too. I know the exact day and time I will start, so it is very convenient. The pills prevent me from getting cramps. Like someone else said, it is just more of an inconvenience than anything. The only thing that really bothers me is that my boobs get real sore about a week before I start. They hurt really bad and get really swollen. Oh well, hubby likes it when they are swollen :rolleyes: I think I am going to start taking my birth control pills for several months straight, skipping the "period week" of pills, and just have my period every other month. Does anyone else do this?

09-11-2006, 01:12 PM
I have been on Birth Control pills for years, too. I know the exact day and time I will start, so it is very convenient. The pills prevent me from getting cramps. Like someone else said, it is just more of an inconvenience than anything. The only thing that really bothers me is that my boobs get real sore about a week before I start. They hurt really bad and get really swollen. Oh well, hubby likes it when they are swollen :rolleyes: I think I am going to start taking my birth control pills for several months straight, skipping the "period week" of pills, and just have my period every other month. Does anyone else do this?

I tried this once & it screwed me all up. I ended up spotting for like 2 weeks & was crappy & fatigued for an extended period of time. However, now they have a pill called seasonal where you only have your period every 3 months. I'm gonna ask my doctor about it when I go in for my annual. Anyone use this?

09-11-2006, 01:17 PM
I tried this once & it screwed me all up. I ended up spotting for like 2 weeks & was crappy & fatigued for an extended period of time. However, now they have a pill called seasonal where you only have your period every 3 months. I'm gonna ask my doctor about it when I go in for my annual. Anyone use this?

But there's no difference in Seasonal and just using your regular ole' bc pills and skipping the "period week." My hubby is a doctor and he told me that it would be perfectly fine for me to skip my "period week" of birth control pills because it is exactly the same as using Seasonal. I dunno. I did skip my period week of pills one time and I was fine. I am very hesitant to switch brands because I have been on the same brand for 7 years now and I have had SEVERAL SEVERAL friends to switch brands and end up pregnant because of it. The LAST thing I need in my life right now is a kid!

09-11-2006, 01:21 PM
Can I ask what kind of pills you take? My doctor said I would be fine to skipping a week & it really screwed me up. I take Ortho tri-cyclin. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not because each week is a different level of hormone.

09-11-2006, 01:24 PM
Can I ask what kind of pills you take? My doctor said I would be fine to skipping a week & it really screwed me up. I take Ortho tri-cyclin. I don't know if that has anything to do with it or not because each week is a different level of hormone.

I take Orto TriCyclen, too, but the Generic. I think when I skipped a week I was taking the name brand, though. I can't remember. I dunno. Maybe different people respond differently to these types of things. Which week did you skip? Was it the green pills that you skipped and just started on a new pack instead of taking the green pills?

09-11-2006, 01:58 PM
Oh my God don't get me started on the period issue. I will never shut up. I probably have the worst case of so called "cramps" out of anyone I know of or have ever even heard of. Although for me, I don't even call them cramps, mine is more like LABOR PAINS. You guys my periods are AWFUL. I cry 24/7 and no I am not exaggerating. If I start my period in the middle of the night, it will wake me up in a solid dead sleep, no joke. I can feel my periods coming almost 2 weeks before they actually start. I cannot even wear Tampons anymore because they are too painful. I cannot move or get out of bed. I use a heating pad set on high 24/7 when I'm on my period and drink I don't know HOW many glasses of hot hot hot Peppermint Tea. I take Advil every 4 hours until I am at my max dose for the day and then I lay there in agony. And yeah I know Advil is hard on the stomach but thats the only thing that will even half way help. I take baths so hot that I can barely even sit down in the water and my skin turns bright red. If I start in the middle of the night - 2, 3, 4, 5 in the morning, whenever it is, I will have to get out of bed half asleep, "pre-heat" my damn heating pad- set on high, make boiling hot Peppermint Tea, run boiling hot bath water, lay in there for the longest time (while drinking the tea) until the water gets cold, then get out and use a heating pad set on high. I then rub this Menthol crap on my stomach called Menastil that smells like Peppermint that is supposed to ease the pain. I also have to put one of those Thermal Heat Strip things onto the front of my panties so that it will hopefully touch my stomach. My God it sounds like I am going into battle :( My husband doesn't even ask what I'm doing anymore he is so used to it. He will wake up and ask if I'm ok and if I need anything. He knows exactly what I'm doing. But absolutely no one actually understands what I go through :( It is so painful I just dread when my period comes. It's scary. I think this is why I can't get pregnant (although the lack of a sex life could also be a contributor lol). I seriously - seriously need to go to the doc and have them check me for Endometriosis. I'm 99% sure that I have it, I just don't know if I wanna find out :( Birth control pills did help but I refuse to take those for the rest of my life just to stop the freaking pain. I shouldn't have to do that. Plus I would like to have a baby one of these days, and I certainly can't do that when I on BC! Not to mention I have PMS like nobody's business. GEEZ. I wonder why :( I don't know. I am just miserable. :(

I had endometriosis too really bad. Had to have a laporoscopy twice to have it lasered off. You do know endometriosis can cause infertility? If you are wanting kids you'd better get it checked out immediately. We could not have children, that is why we have an adopted son. Don't wait on this...I did and it was too late.

09-11-2006, 03:29 PM
I think I am going to start taking my birth control pills for several months straight, skipping the "period week" of pills, and just have my period every other month. Does anyone else do this?

I tried this... and got REALLY screwed up. I was on Ortho-Cyclen (the generic), then my doc gave me a year's worth of that Seasonal stuff for free. I gave it a full year and had spotting every day from about the second month to the end of the whole year. :mad: The hormones in there aren't all that different from what I was on before, so it shouldn't have messed me up that bad, but it did. It took another three months or so after going off of it to get back on track.

After that I went on Ortho-Tri Cyclen Lo. My OB/GYN gets tons of free samples and since my mom works at the hospital and he knows her, he hooks me up! ;) No more $10 monthly co-pay for pills! I've had no problems with this stuff...

I don't even care when I get my period. Like I said, it's really not a big deal for me. I'm not going to bother trying to change things again if it's going to mess me up like the last time!

09-12-2006, 06:19 AM
I take Orto TriCyclen, too, but the Generic. I think when I skipped a week I was taking the name brand, though. I can't remember. I dunno. Maybe different people respond differently to these types of things. Which week did you skip? Was it the green pills that you skipped and just started on a new pack instead of taking the green pills?

I'm on the generic too & skipped the period week (the placebos) it was bad. And then I had added stress because I was afraid I'd get pregnant.

09-12-2006, 06:19 AM
I tried this... and got REALLY screwed up. I was on Ortho-Cyclen (the generic), then my doc gave me a year's worth of that Seasonal stuff for free. I gave it a full year and had spotting every day from about the second month to the end of the whole year. :mad: The hormones in there aren't all that different from what I was on before, so it shouldn't have messed me up that bad, but it did. It took another three months or so after going off of it to get back on track.

After that I went on Ortho-Tri Cyclen Lo. My OB/GYN gets tons of free samples and since my mom works at the hospital and he knows her, he hooks me up! ;) No more $10 monthly co-pay for pills! I've had no problems with this stuff...

I don't even care when I get my period. Like I said, it's really not a big deal for me. I'm not going to bother trying to change things again if it's going to mess me up like the last time!

Good to know about the seasonal maybe it's not the thing for me. I was just considering it because I get migranes sometimes during my periods.

09-13-2006, 07:09 AM
I take Orto TriCyclen, too, but the Generic. I think when I skipped a week I was taking the name brand, though. I can't remember. I dunno. Maybe different people respond differently to these types of things. Which week did you skip? Was it the green pills that you skipped and just started on a new pack instead of taking the green pills?
Back when I was on the pill I was on Ortho TriCyclen and I tried the skipping of the last week of pills to skip my period week all together. As a few of you all of mentioned, I got totally screwed up and was spotting and cramping for a few days before I was able to stabilize myself. Maybe it works differently on different people but it was a disaster for me.

09-13-2006, 07:27 AM
Well, I talked to my hubby last night who is a doctor and he said that the skipping your period thing works for SOME types of birth control pills, but not others. He said that it DOES NOT work for Ortho TriCylen because it is "tri-phasic." He said that skipping the "period week" of pills only works for birth control pills that are "mono-phasic." From what I gathered, that means that it only works for birth control pills that have the same levels of hormones of each pill every single day of the month. Apparently, it does not work for birth control pills that have different levels of hormones for each week of the month, like Ortho TriCyclen. Sorry to get everyone confused! :p :D :p :D :p

09-13-2006, 07:33 AM
Well, I talked to my hubby last night who is a doctor and he said that the skipping your period thing works for SOME types of birth control pills, but not others. He said that it DOES NOT work for Ortho TriCylen because it is "tri-phasic." He said that skipping the "period week" of pills only works for birth control pills that are "mono-phasic." From what I gathered, that means that it only works for birth control pills that have the same levels of hormones of each pill every single day of the month. Apparently, it does not work for birth control pills that have different levels of hormones for each week of the month, like Ortho TriCyclen. Sorry to get everyone confused! :p :D :p :D :p

That's good to know. You think my doctor would of told me that when I asked him if it would be okay if I did this.

09-13-2006, 07:33 AM
Ok girls you can skip your period taking birth control all you do is instead of taking the placebo pills(the reminder pills) You just start a new pack of pills and it can take a couple months to end your period there are a lot of pills on the market that will do this ortho tricycling lo will not i have been on that for 6 years now and i love it but after my second baby everything got screwed up so my doctor switched my pills to something stronger to help with my periods. Second you do not have to take the placebo pills they are nothing but sugar pills to help remind you to start your next pack they have no hormone and you can't get pregnant from not taking them i have never in the 6 yrs i have been on birth control ever taken them but not taking them will not stop your period you have to start a new pack to do that.

09-13-2006, 07:33 AM
Well, I talked to my hubby last night who is a doctor and he said that the skipping your period thing works for SOME types of birth control pills, but not others. He said that it DOES NOT work for Ortho TriCylen because it is "tri-phasic." He said that skipping the "period week" of pills only works for birth control pills that are "mono-phasic." From what I gathered, that means that it only works for birth control pills that have the same levels of hormones of each pill every single day of the month. Apparently, it does not work for birth control pills that have different levels of hormones for each week of the month, like Ortho TriCyclen. Sorry to get everyone confused! :p :D :p :D :p

What does your hubby say about seasonal?

09-13-2006, 07:35 AM
What does your hubby say about seasonal?

He recommends it. He wants me to get on it because my period last for 7 days and it is REALLY inconvenient. But I don't want to switch brands because I have had too many friends get pregnant when they switched brands. It takes about 2 months for it to reach full effectiveness after you switch. Maybe one of these days I'll switch. :rolleyes:

09-13-2006, 07:39 AM
He recommends it. He wants me to get on it because my period last for 7 days and it is REALLY inconvenient. But I don't want to switch brands because I have had too many friends get pregnant when they switched brands. It takes about 2 months for it to reach full effectiveness after you switch. Maybe one of these days I'll switch. :rolleyes:
If you start taking the pills the day you start you period you are fully protcted and if you start the sunday after you start your period you have to wait 7 days to be protected. It's all the same hormones just different brands of pills it shouldn't matter if you switch you just have to follow the directions about it use protection for 7 days and you will be fine

09-13-2006, 07:42 AM
If you start taking the pills the day you start you period you are fully protcted and if you start the sunday after you start your period you have to wait 7 days to be protected. It's all the same hormones just different brands of pills it shouldn't matter if you switch you just have to follow the directions about it use protection for 7 days and you will be fine

No I promise. It is NOT effective right when you start taking it. Trust me. And they are not all the same hormones. They are all different levels of hormones and some have just progestrin and some have estrogen and progestrin. You have to wait a full month (at least) to be fully protected. It's just like when you start taking birth control pills for the first time after never have taken them. There is that waiting period for the pills to be 99% effective.

09-13-2006, 07:47 AM
No I promise. It is NOT effective right when you start taking it. Trust me. And they are not all the same hormones. They are all different levels of hormones and some have just progestrin and some have estrogen and progestrin. You have to wait a full month (at least) to be fully protected. It's just like when you start taking birth control pills for the first time after never have taken them. There is that waiting period for the pills to be 99% effective.
I don't want to argue but if you read the directions it tells you right on the same day starter you are protected sunday starter use protection for 7 days you can ask you gyno it's true and i'm sorry yes there are different types of pills some are tri fasic and some with different hormones what i ment to say was get one simmilar to what you are on and it will be the same hormones but as far as the protection i to thought it took a month to kick in but really it doesn't just read your insert and also i have talked with my gyno many times to make sure and i have never had a problem even after i had my baby and restarted my pills i was fine. If you don't take them at a regular time and don't take them everyday then you have a bigger risk of getting pregnant.

09-13-2006, 07:51 AM
I don't want to argue but if you read the directions it tells you right on the same day starter you are protected sunday starter use protection for 7 days you can ask you gyno it's true and i'm sorry yes there are different types of pills some are tri fasic and some with different hormones what i ment to say was get one simmilar to what you are on and it will be the same hormones but as far as the protection i to thought it took a month to kick in but really it doesn't just read your insert and also i have talked with my gyno many times to make sure and i have never had a problem even after i had my baby and restarted my pills i was fine. If you don't take them at a regular time and don't take them everyday then you have a bigger risk of getting pregnant.

Well, I've just had too many friends get pregnant from switching brands. And their doctors told them when they switched brands that they had a risk of getting pregnant, and they did get pregnant. And my hubby told me that he doesn't want to risk me getting pregnant right now just to switch brands of birth control pills. Obviously there is at least SOME risk of getting pregnant if you switch.

09-13-2006, 07:56 AM
Well, I've just had too many friends get pregnant from switching brands. And their doctors told them when they switched brands that they had a risk of getting pregnant, and they did get pregnant. And my hubby told me that he doesn't want to risk me getting pregnant right now just to switch brands of birth control pills. Obviously there is at least SOME risk of getting pregnant if you switch.
Everyone has their own opinon and i'm not knocking yours i have switched brands a few times and never had a problem but there are rare cases that it could happen if you don't take them like you are supposed to or if you have unprotected sex before the recomended time I would never take medical advice from a chat forum it is always best to talk to your doctor about it but a forum can help you ask very good questions and the pills that make you skip your period don't work for everyone they didn't work for me. :thumbup:

09-13-2006, 07:58 AM
Well, I've just had too many friends get pregnant from switching brands. And their doctors told them when they switched brands that they had a risk of getting pregnant, and they did get pregnant. And my hubby told me that he doesn't want to risk me getting pregnant right now just to switch brands of birth control pills. Obviously there is at least SOME risk of getting pregnant if you switch.
Honey You know I love ya and i am in no way trying to argue with you!:D You are one of my favorites here and on YT so don't take me wrong k!!:thumbup: :D

09-13-2006, 07:58 AM
I would never take medical advice from a chat forum it is always best to talk to your doctor about it but a forum can help you ask very good questions and the pills that make you skip your period don't work for everyone they didn't work for me. :thumbup:

I agree. Don't take medical advice from a chat forum. Talk to you doctor. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

09-13-2006, 08:01 AM
Honey You know I love ya and i am in no way trying to argue with you!:D You are one of my favorites here and on YT so don't take me wrong k!!:thumbup: :D

Girl! I know that you're not trying to argue with me! :D :p :D You are one of my very favs, too! :) And I wasn't trying to argue with you either. My motto is, different strokes for different folks. What works for some may not work for others and vice versa. Don't take medical advice from a chat forum and always talk to your doctor. That is FANTASTIC advice! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

09-13-2006, 08:03 AM
Girl! I know that you're not trying to argue with me! :D :p :D You are one of my very favs, too! :) And I wasn't trying to argue with you either. My motto is, different strokes for different folks. What works for some may not work for others and vice versa. Don't take medical advice from a chat forum and always talk to your doctor. That is FANTASTIC advice! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
LOL i agree!:thumbup: BTW i am just getting off my period and it has been a bizarre one i usually bleed so bad i can't leave the bathroom(seriously) but this one was light and really long i hate them!

09-13-2006, 08:06 AM
i hate them!

Don't we all. :(

09-13-2006, 08:08 AM
LOL :thumbup: :thumbup:

09-13-2006, 08:17 PM
I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago. It was the best thing. My periods were so bad I would vomit, curl up in pain, and just want to die. Now life is good. There are so many things available now to help women who really suffer. Schedule time with your Dr. and let him/her know just how hard it is for you. See what they have to offer..I know we don't like to have to go to a Dr. for this kind of thing, but rather one visit to a Dr. opposed to month after month of misery. :)

It's been 3 years since mine. I'm with you, best thing I ever did. Of course, I knew I wasn't planning to bear any children.

If you're that miserable see a good gyn. It's amazing what all they can do to "ease your pain".

09-13-2006, 08:22 PM
I never had many periods, and they usually weren't very bad when I did. Had a hysterectomy 11 years ago that ended all of that, but I heard on the radio a few days ago that if you have bad cramps with your period, there is something really wrong. You should discuss this with a good GYN. No one should have to suffer as some of you described.

09-15-2006, 05:23 PM
My periods use to be awful! Then i switched to yasmin.The yasmin keeps the bloating down too. My periods are slowly getting shorter and lighter. BUT.. at least every other month I have nasty cramps hit me and I feel like crap!! I usally load up on advil first thing in the am. At night I get a nice glass of red or white wine and my heating pad!


09-15-2006, 06:46 PM
My periods use to be awful! Then i switched to yasmin.The yasmin keeps the bloating down too. My periods are slowly getting shorter and lighter. BUT.. at least every other month I have nasty cramps hit me and I feel like crap!! I usally load up on advil first thing in the am. At night I get a nice glass of red or white wine and my heating pad!

Thats what my doc just swiched me to