View Full Version : Leaving...Please pray!
02-08-2010, 08:07 PM
I never know which forum to post in, so I'll just go for this one:rolleyes:
I'm leaving Wednesday morning from Dallas to go to Seattle. Dustin and Joy bought a new house, and they want me to come see it. Actually, I got this call.."Mom, can you come help us paint before we move the furniture over?" Dustin insisted on paying for my ticket with his frequent flier miles, and I actually let him:p So I'm staying there for a week, then Mike got us tickets to see Phantom of the Opera in Dallas as a Valentine surprise:eek: We go the day after I get back.
Now here is the problem... My sil Teresa, that lives across the street from us and is my dear friend, is having triple bypass surgery in a couple of days!!! She teaches school, and Friday she had a little chest pain and the school nurse took her BP and it was sky high! She had a heart cath today, so we just found out. She is never sick with anything, so this has really caught us off guard. Please pray for her. Teresa is always the "life of our party" and I can't imagine her going through this.
I'm SO afraid to go to Seattle. I can't change my tickets, and they were very expensive because it was short notice. I forgot to tell you that Dustin hurt his foot and is on he really needs me.
I feel like my heart is being torn in half, but my kids always come first with me. Teresa totally wants me to go on to Seattle. I just love her so much.
Well now that I've told y'all, maybe I can go to sleep:rolleyes: Love you guys!
02-08-2010, 08:19 PM
WOW! Betsi, this really is a dilemma - BUT your kids DO need you and the ticket is bought and paid for and as you say, can't be changed. Let me say this.
No surgery is ever completely without risk - BUT, open heart surgery is about as routine as you can get these days. It sounds much scarier than it really is. She looks like a great candidate - she's not sick, in good health, did not have a heart attack, and everything should go very very smoothly! Gary had open heart surgery (and he was in heart failure) and was home in FOUR DAYS and we traveled out of town 4 days later! :eek: He was tired, but he was fine!
Of course, you want to be here with her and if there were different circumstances, if it were an emergency, if she was very ill, if she had few people to care for her, etc etc, THEN I could see you staying by her side, because her needs would be greater than your children's needs.
I know you are torn, I would be too, but I would go to Seattle, and check on her frequently.
02-08-2010, 08:20 PM
Oh, and I'm very jealous that you are getting to go see Phantom of the Opera! :D
02-09-2010, 09:57 AM
Sure you have made the right decision your kids need you and your sil will be well cared for i am sure.
I have seen Phantom in London twice and just loved it would like to go again.
02-09-2010, 10:06 AM
I think that Gayle explained things very well and I agree with her. Go to the kids' house and have fun. Your SIL will be in good hands and you can check on how she's doing. I'm sure she'll be ready for your company when you get back home.
02-09-2010, 04:42 PM
You know, Diana said it best about seeing your sil when you return from Seattle. And actually, that is when she'll need you the most. After she is out of the hospital and after the initial rush of people helping out when she first comes home. She'll need you most at that time when everyone else has gone back to their daily routine, but she is still recovering. I think things will work out perfectly, Betsi!
You can pray for her in Seattle just as well ads you can here, Betsi. I surely understand that you want to be with her, but you can't be there physically. You know you have to go to your kids!
You will be praying for her every second, and I'm sure she knows that. It is a tough one though, and I will also be praying for her.
02-09-2010, 06:38 PM
I will be praying for your sil Betsi! Have a good and safe trip!! Enjoy your visit at your son's house. We love you!!:)
02-12-2010, 09:12 PM
Thank you all so very much! This is the first chance I have had to get online. Teresa is having surgery Monday morning at 9:45. So I'll be home before she get's back from the hospital! You are right, I'll take care of her then.
Geez... I'm so tired I can barely think. We are painting a suede finish on the walls. It's gorgeous, but labor intensive! My hands are so sore I can barely type, lol! Tomorrow is moving day...yuck!! We are having fun, though:D
Miss you all..I'll be back soon!
02-13-2010, 05:50 AM
I don't know how in the world I've missed this thread!!! Betsi...I'm so sorry. It sounds like everything is working out though. I will keep your SIL in my prayers. Now I will watch this thread for updates.
it is always good to be with family, but they can wear you out!
It sounds like the timing of everything worked'll be home to care for Theresa, and were able to help out your kids.
Have a safe trip, and enjoy the family!
02-13-2010, 07:53 AM
Sounds like you've had a busy week!! So how do you paint a suede wall? You'll have to explain later when you have time.
I'm glad that things are going to work out well with your SIL. She must be very special to you.
02-13-2010, 12:08 PM
I'm so glad you checked in Betsi!! Glad things are going well there.
I bet you're relieved to know that you will be home before your sil leaves the hospital.
Sorry you are working your lil fingers to the bone.:) I'm with Diana...can't wait to hear how you paint a suede finish. I bet it's gorgeous. Maybe you can seek in a pic;):)
02-13-2010, 06:07 PM
I've been wondering about you and your sil! So glad you checked in to let us know. This board is just like family - when something is going on, I keep checking, checking, checking......
I know you must be tired - it is hard to paint and move- get some rest! And come home soon!
02-15-2010, 09:54 AM
Ok,'s time to come back're definitely being missed here!!!
02-15-2010, 08:19 PM
Thanks everybody!! Teresa had her surgery today and everything went fine!!!! She should be in her own room by tomorrow.
The kids are at work tonight so I have the place to myself. Y'all should have seen me standing on top of the kitchen counter painting above the cabinets last night!! Dustin was unpacking and we had the music going and we just talked and laughed almost all night...he even danced with me in the kitchen after I climbed down, lol!!
The kitchen wall is now chocolate brown. It's actually pretty, lol! I just have one more wall to finish the suede treatment on tomorrow..then I'll be DONE!! The stupid ceilings are cathedral, and on one wall I'll have to put the ladder on the stairs. I told Dustin if I fell and broke a hip I would have to stay in Seattle a loooong time. He said he might just push me off the ladder so I would HAVE to stay:p
Oh... I'm using Ralph Lauren Suede paint. You roll on the first coat...with a special roller of course:rolleyes: Then after it dries, you go back over it with a 3 inch brush making x's. It really does have a soft suede finish, but I'll NEVER do it again on such a large area!!!
I'm having fun but I'm ready to get home. Kinda miss the hubby and the dogs:rolleyes:
02-15-2010, 08:31 PM
I feel the excitement in your post Betsi!!!!!!!! So glad everything is going well with your sil!!!!
Standing on top of the kitchen counter and painting! Music playing, dancing and laughing with your son, oh Betsi that does sound like a wonderful night!! Right now I am so missing my sons!!!!! You are a great mom!!!
Try to get a pic of that wall and do be careful on that ladder:):) Get home safe to Mike and the doggies:)
02-15-2010, 08:46 PM
This link will show you pics from my dil's facebook...hopefully:rolleyes:
02-16-2010, 08:02 AM
Bummer.....I couldn't see the pictures but it sure sounds like you're having fun! The memories that you're making should keep you smiling for......well, forever!!! It sounds like you're having a great time!!!
02-18-2010, 08:01 PM
I'm HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02-18-2010, 09:13 PM
YAY!!!!! Hope you had a great time and now TAKE CARE OF TERESA!!!!
By the way, how is she doing?
02-19-2010, 08:10 AM
She's doing well. Hopefully she will get to come home this weekend:D
02-19-2010, 09:04 AM
I'm glad that you're home, Betsi!!!
02-19-2010, 10:14 AM
Glad you're home Betsi!!!! We missed ya:)
Welcome home Betsi! It must be good to be back. I missed you, and hope Teresa is doing okay.
02-20-2010, 05:37 PM
Thanks! We went to see Teresa today. The doc said she might come home this morning, but she has a little fluid buildup around her heart, and she wasn't feeling very well today. Hopefully the medicine will work and she will come home Monday.
02-21-2010, 06:35 AM
I am so sorry I didn't keep up with this thread....I need to pay better attention. Glad you're home safe and sound. Hopefully Theresa will be able to come home on Monday. Keeping her in my prayers.
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