View Full Version : Kids

10-22-2006, 02:29 PM
ok so my moms friend is in the hospital, so I will be taking care of her 2 kids
I thinkt hey're like 7-10
a boy and a girl
and I'll still have them at Halloween time
and they haven't gotten costumes yet
It's been a while since I was an 8 year old trick or treating

so give me some tips on how to make this more fun for them?
they said they wanted to go with me and not their friends
so I know my area, and it's really safe
but I don't know where I could even get them costumes!
do they have any left?

also these kids have some mental issues
so how do I handle taking care of them by not becoming mean
when they don't listen
their behavioural issues aren't their fault
but I really don't know how I would handle a child being defiant and not knowing how not to be, it's different when a child should have a time out.

also, I have a ton of school work and I already decided I'm not going to be working a lot while I have them because It'll be quite impossible to finish everything, and they live about half an hour away
so I'll have to wake them up really early for school
and some nights I'll stay over at their house.


10-23-2006, 06:46 AM
Oh, wow! You're a good person to take these kids in. I don't have any advice for you in the discipline area but check out Target and Walmart for costumes.

10-23-2006, 10:34 AM
Do you have any idea of their likes and stuff as far as costumes go? As Kimberly said, check with Wal-mart or Target or even K-Mart if it's in your area (Toys R Us too). Our Wal-mart still has plenty of costumes left on the racks so hopefully, you won't have any problem finding them one. If you can't find a costume you like, you can always make them mummies - just get packages of gauze wrap in the first aid section at Wal-mart (or any store like this - or drug store) and just wrap them in the gauze - around their heads, their arms, their legs - you don't have to totally wrap them in it, just enough for the "effect" of being a mummy. As for discipline, I can't help you there either but....you may want to remind them to be on their best behavior and when you return from trick or treating, you'll treat them to some hot chocolate (or something like that) for their good behavior.....not sure if it will work but it may not hurt to try. And while you're out with them, and they are behaving, remind them that you are proud of them being so good - keep the positive words flowing.

Hats off to you for taking on the responsibility of these kids for your mom's friend! Very kind of you:)

10-23-2006, 01:43 PM
thanks for those ideas
we got the costumes today
all that was left were like gothic costumes and such
so I had to result to that (i'm saying this because I usually think it's best for not so dark costumes for young kids, but it's ok)

the boy is being that scream guy (he wanted the mask with teh blood in it, I was like "no way!")
and the girl is being this red gothic costume
they were at walmart

I cant beileve this, ou rwalmart is 24 hours! (of course "our" walmart is 45 minutes away ha ha ha)

I was suprisingly patient, I think it's because I'm just too exhausted to be angry, and if I say something enough times I think they just get bothered and decide to listen. which is fine, I'm not their mother. as for their mother, they still haven't scheduled a surgery, I hate when doctors say "oh it might go away on it's on" meanwhile you're in intense pain :rolleyes:

10-24-2006, 08:10 AM
Sounds like so far so good preparing for those kids. Hats off to you, that's a HUGE responsibility.

They are at the age where they might like crafty things to do?? Maybe get some modeling clay, bake cookies (halloween theme), make get well cards for their Mommy, take them to the petting zoon, museum, McDonalds, .... They are at a fun age so I can think of tons of things to do.

I wouldn't worry too much about having to dicipline them. If you keep them busy and ware their butts out, they might crash early each night to bed. LOL!!

Good luck!