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07-14-2010, 07:53 PM
Jessica..........hope all is better soon!!

I'll let ya in on what the girls are planning;) Some of them are meeting up at Diana's in August. I would love to go but this isn't a good time for me. Hopefully..next time though.:)

Thanks, maybe next time you go I'll be able to go too.

[QUOTE=judy;111571]Jessica, I hope your living space gets in shape soon! Good luck with summer school!


Thank you I'm so hoping it will.

07-14-2010, 07:56 PM
We know that you'll be here in thought, Judy!! Can't you find some way to come with Janet? I know that she'd appreciate the company!!! We'd love to have you come!!!......and you too, JJJ!!!! Everyone's welcome!!!!!

Thanks for the invitation, as much as I would love to make it I don't believe I can take on this road trip this summer. Bummer :(

07-15-2010, 09:11 AM
Well, my cousin's son and his friend left yesterday. They were good boys and fun to have around. On Tuesday night we had a fish fry with the fish that they caught and ended up with a huge instant party!!! The whole family was here except for Feyn's. It went from a small group to a larger group very quickly but I can handle it!!

The boys were good boys!!! Aaron was excited to be wherever Glen was at and Kyle, his friend, was content to just sit here at the house. He didn't like the heat (and it's been very hot and humid) so he played pool, watched TV, and read. I visited with him quite a bit about his family and got to know him.

Then after they left Glen and I had to get ready to go in and help with Vacation Bible School. Our theme is about Joseph and has an egyptian theme, I'm sure you've probably seen it advertised in your communities to because it's a popular VBS this year. Amy is in charge and has put her special touch on it and it's just as cute as can be. She paper mached a mummy!!! I'm a group leader so I lead the kids from one activity to another and Glen's a brick maker. The kids made mud and hay bricks using their hands and feet!!!

Today's a quieter day......Ha!!!! I have Karlie and Dean......not really quiet!!! Miss Chatterbox is making good on her name!!!

Oh and I talked to one of my cousins last night and she's going to give us her Cockatiel!!! It whistles tunes and talks a little. They don't spend much time with it and are thrilled that we'd like to have it.....but if things don't work out we can give it back. So we'll be getting her in a few weeks!!! I'm excited but I'll have to do some retraining to be able to hold her because they had just been leaving her in the cage.

I am soooooo ready for a nice quiet, boring day!! We have just been on the run lately!!! Maybe this afternoon.........

07-16-2010, 03:50 AM
It has been so hot and humid here that I haven't gone out much at all. I know I wanted summer, but I'd like the temps to drop into the 70's for awhile. I've been keeping busy doing laundry and helping Lynne with a website. Once it's all done, I'm sure she'll post the address. She has some really beautiful dogs.

Congrats on the bird Diana. Ricky always wanted one...not sure what kind....but I'm so afraid of them even if they are in a cage. The thought of it getting out somehow terrifies me. I told him he could have whatever he wanted when he has a place of his own....lol.

07-16-2010, 01:34 PM
We've been humid too.....I just don't know how Glen works outside. Temps are right around 100!! I've been trying to go swimming all week and am determined that I'm going to today but a storm is coming in so I guess I'll have to see what happens with it.

I'm excited about the bird. I know that they scare you so when you come I'll take it over to one of the kids house or down in the basement so it won't bother you.

07-18-2010, 05:25 AM
Birds are great pets Diana! (Sorry Janet!) You will really enjoy the cockatoo! They are smart and really cute! I had a parakeet who learned to open his cage the first day!

Take pictures! I wonder what Reuger will do!

07-18-2010, 05:33 AM
What a storm last night! It was magnificent! The skies lit up, the lightening was beautiful and startling, and the thunder was right over us! I don't remember ever hearing it rain so hard!

It passed after about an hour, but poor Max was really nervous, running back and forth barking. I couldn't get him to settle down with me. I don't think he has ever been so close to lightening. The smell must have been strange to him too. Annie didn't care much at all! I put some Rescue Remedy on his ears, and he seemed to calm down.

As far as I can see, we had no damage nearby. I hope the same is true for everyone else around the region! We have our own generator. I hope there weren't electrical problems for the community, and that nobody got hurt or has to clean up fallen trees!

07-18-2010, 03:44 PM
That must have been a beautiful storm!!! I like when they're at a distance and not right over me. Like Max, storms make me a little nervouse.......but then again, I live in Kansas!!!! I'm glad that there's not any damage.

I've never heard of Rescue Remedy......what does it do?

07-18-2010, 03:58 PM
It's a holistic liquid that comes from a variety of flowers (I think). Supposedly, it works on a number of things. I wouldn't take it instead of medicine if I were sick, but I recently dropped a curling iron on my chest. It was a weird thing...I immediately put the Rescue Remedy on the burn, and I never felt any pain! It took at least 2 weeks to heal up, and there's still a scar there. It's supposed to be good for stressed out animals.

07-18-2010, 04:04 PM
Hmmm......that sounds like interesting stuff!!!

07-19-2010, 06:42 AM
We are at the beach this week, ladies! My brother and sil have their camper here, so we came to join them for a few days. We are at Surfside, just west of Galveston. The guys fish, and we just stay down on the beach. The campsite is right by the water, we just walk over the dunes and there we are:D I'll take pics:thumbup:

07-19-2010, 07:08 AM
Sounds wonderful Betsi!! That is exactly how we camp at the beach. The closer to the ocean.....the better!! Have fun!!

07-19-2010, 07:28 AM
It sounds so nice, Betsi, to be right next to the ocean!!!! I love to walk on the beach, pick up shells and feel the waves lap my feet!!! Sigh.......wish that I was there too!!!

07-19-2010, 02:15 PM
I use to love the beach...well sorta...I use to like to go to the lake to water ski. We don't have too many clean beaches anymore.

07-20-2010, 12:33 PM
I went to the doctor this morning. I had gotten a couple of messages from her office that I needed to come in but when I got there I found out that I really didn't need to. That was fustrating but the good news is.........I lost 11 pounds!!!! I was so excited!!!! I knew that I had lost 7 or 8 but not that much!!! I've been swimming a lot and I move A LOT when I'm in the water so it's true exercise and Glen and I have been trying to watch what we eat!!!! My blood sugar was still a little high and I need to work on that.......it's probably from eating too much fruit!!! I'm so proud of myself!!!! ........................11 pounds........WOW!!!!!

07-20-2010, 04:11 PM
Wow Diana!!! That is wonderful!! I'm so proud of you!!:cheer::cheer:

07-20-2010, 04:28 PM
Way to go Diana! Soon you'll be buying new clothes ;) :)

Judy, we've been having nightly thunderstorms for the past couple of weeks. I just love them! Except for the one that leaked in the house though lol.

I worked late last night and am working late again tonight. Gotta love these last minute things! The old project manager told our new part time drafter this project was due in September, and the new project manager told me it's due tomorrow at noon :eek: I think we have some communication issues. Anyways, I am doing my part and showing that I am willing to stay late to a certain point but I'm definitely not going to spend my whole night here.

Tomorrow I get to go back to the opthamologist, get my eyeballs frozen and poked with a bingo dabber and my eyelids turned inside out! Good times :rolleyes: Depending on how sore and dilated my eyes are, I'm not sure if I'll stay at work for the whole afternoon. Later in the evening, I'm going to a movie with my old friend. It's the same one who invited me last time and my old roommate invited herself along at the last minute :rolleyes: This time we've both kept quiet about it so I'm pretty excited to hang out with her and REALLY catch up this time! We're going to see Inception.

As soon as I leave work tonight I'm meeting my brother at a store to pick up the last half of Scott's birthday present ;) His birthday is next week but we drive in to the city together so often that I can't really sneak out and get it! But today he had to work overtime too so hopefully I can be home before him and sneak it in the house first. I'm not even going to tell you what it is here because of the tiny chance he might come to this forum and read it lol!

07-21-2010, 03:36 PM
Howdy Folks!
I just got through eating fresh okra out of my garden. I grilled it and MMMMMMM was it ever GOOOOOOD!

I'm finished with school for this week (my classes are Mondays and Wednesdays). It's always a relief to be done for the week and now I can relax a bit. I have a few things to do tomorrow, but I'm taking Friday OFF!!! We had a very busy weekend and I think I'm still tired. I told Gary I was not going to do a THING this weekend. That probably isn't entirely true. The truth is that I'll probably only do what I WANT to this weekend. :p

07-21-2010, 05:16 PM
They're freezing your eyeballs? Hmmph! I really hope they get a diagnosis (and cure) once and for all! I hope it is an easy test, and that you enjoy your friend and the movie. I can't wait t hear what you bought Scott!

Betsi....Have a wonderful time at the beach! Smelling that ocean air and feeling the breezes is WOW!!!

Diana....you are doing great! 11 pounds!!! :D:D:D

07-21-2010, 05:18 PM
Gayle....school began early, or is this summer session? It's a good thing you love your work!!!

07-21-2010, 07:00 PM
Gayle....school began early, or is this summer session? It's a good thing you love your work!!!

Summer session! I had to pay for my Alaska trip!!! LOL! :p

07-22-2010, 04:45 AM
I went to the doctor this morning. I had gotten a couple of messages from her office that I needed to come in but when I got there I found out that I really didn't need to. That was fustrating but the good news is.........I lost 11 pounds!!!! I was so excited!!!! I knew that I had lost 7 or 8 but not that much!!! I've been swimming a lot and I move A LOT when I'm in the water so it's true exercise and Glen and I have been trying to watch what we eat!!!! My blood sugar was still a little high and I need to work on that.......it's probably from eating too much fruit!!! I'm so proud of myself!!!! ........................11 pounds........WOW!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS DIANA!!!! That's wonderful and I'm so proud of you. Wish I had your motivation.

Not much going on here...still trying to sell some puppies. Getting a few calls, but nothing like I've done with previous litters. I've put ads everywhere and on my website and have my signs up at strategic locations. They will be 10 weeks old on Saturday. I have decided to stop breeding. This litter has been so much work and with worrying about Mom..etc...it's just too much right now. So....time to stop.

Seems like time is starting to fly by and school will be starting soon. Aug. 31. Still not ready. I've still been trying to find a part-time job to go along with bus driving. I've got to have my insurance. I'll keep looking.

07-22-2010, 05:06 AM
Good luck on selling your puppies Janet. I ran into that while I was trying to sell Lacy. And with her being a female what few calls I did get was someone wanting to breed her. That was out of the question. I sure hope you can find good homes for your little guys. You will...it may just take a while.

Your school is starting back late compared to here. Ours goes back the 11th of Aug but my gkids go back the 4th. Doesn't even seem like they have had a summer.

07-22-2010, 06:10 AM
Jessie had that problem with these litters, but now they are almost all gone. Of course, they lowered the price! Must be the economy.

07-22-2010, 07:17 AM
I'm sorry you're having troubles selling your puppies Janet! Scott and I were wanting to add a second dog to our family when we moved, but with Layla's needs we really can't consider it anymore. I would have loved to get a puppy from you though!

Scott and I have been getting home just in time for bed every night this week. We worked late Monday and Tuesday, last night he worked late and I went to a movie, and tonight I'm babysitting the girls (I haven't seen them in so long and I really miss them!) while my brother and his girlfriend go on a "night out" (dinner and a movie) that Scott and I got them for Christmas.

And finally, tomorrow right after work we're leaving to go to my parents' cabin for the weekend. I really want to do nothing but relax. We're just going to hang out, go fishing, and watch football. Hopefully I can forget about the pile of dishes on the counter and the laundry that needs to be put away at home! I just haven't been around!

Summer is so short here and Scott is the kind of person who has to be doing something ALL THE TIME and so our schedule is always full. I would love a weekend to just hang out in the yard at home. I bought rattan ball patio lights and strung them aroung the back deck and through the tree in May. We have not been out there to use them even ONCE. We have our beautiful second floor deck with beautiful sunset views every night, and we have not used that either. Next summer I am putting my foot down, and we're staying at home more!

07-22-2010, 07:59 AM
Thank you all for your encouragement about my weight. It's helped a lot that Glen and I are eating more carefully together. That helps a lot!! He's really good at keeping salads cut up in the fridge so they're handy to eat.

Gayle, your grilled okra sounds so good!!! I wish that we had some to try it but I don't think that anyone planted any this year!!! We eat ours fried so it's not the most healthy to eat!!

Janet, I'm sorry that you're having trouble selling your puppies. It must be the economy. I think that everyone feels it in one way or another.

Lindsey, I hope your doctor finds out what's going on with your eyes but your next appointment doesn't sound like fun.

This is the first year in 30 years that I haven't had to worry about getting a kid ready for the new school year!! It feels really funny not to have to worry about getting school supplies and clothes!!!!

07-23-2010, 04:23 AM
Paula usually we go back to school around the same time as you, but they are doing some pretty heavy construction over the summer so they delayed the start until the 31st of Aug. Of course that means we have to go longer into to June of 2011 where now we get out in May. Next summer will be a short one for sure if they go back to the previous schedule.

07-23-2010, 10:38 AM
It's so nice to have a little housekeeper come and clean!!!! My granddaughter, Kera, (She's our redheaded granddaughter) has been coming all summer and dusting, sweeping, mopping, cleaning the bathrooms!!! It's been soooo nice!!! I've been paying her anywhere from $20 to $30 depending on how much time she spends. I finally made a list for her to go by and it's really worked great!!! She's really improved and has been doing so good!!! \

At first she was earning money to go to church camp but I told her that she could come back after camp if she wanted to. While she was on vacation she bought herself a new ipod and she'll probably be saving money for school clothes now. I don't even mind if she comes back when school starts....if she has time. I can remember how nice it was to have your "own" money in school!! We visit and have fun while she cleans. She's so special!!!!

07-24-2010, 03:23 PM
I would love to have someone clean Diana, you're so lucky!! You must have a wonderful granddaughter.

07-24-2010, 03:34 PM
That's perfect Diana! You get to be together, she cleans, and you give her some much needed money! Sometimes things work out so well!

07-24-2010, 04:16 PM
I'll be in Seattle with my son Dustin and my dil Joy the 26th-3rd. Mike has a check up with his hematologist in Dallas Monday morning, then I will leave from DFW airport at 2:30. They insisted that I come see them, and even bought my ticket. I thought they were using frequent flyer miles, but they didn't:eek: Mike will stay home with the dogs:p I'm looking forward to spending time with them. We always just relax and manage to see beautiful sights at the same time. I'm taking my camera:)

07-24-2010, 07:43 PM
Oh Betsi, I hope you have such a good time. I know that you're really missing your other kids!! Take lots of pictures for us!!!

07-24-2010, 07:48 PM
Betsi! You really are the traveler!! Are you back from the beach, or are you still there?

I know you will have a great time! I'd love to go to Seattle!

07-25-2010, 02:54 AM
Betsi...you know I'm living vicariously through you right now right? I would love to just get out of my county..lol. You take lots of pictures for us okay?

07-25-2010, 05:41 AM
Have a wonderful and safe trip Betsi!! I'm so glad that you are gonna be spending some time with your son and his wife. You all will have a great time!!!:) Can't wait to see pix!

07-25-2010, 06:36 AM
Thanks everybody! I was just at the beach for 4 days. The seaweed came rolling in the 1st day we were there, due to the tropical storm in the Gulf, I think. It made things pretty nasty:mad:

I think Dustin wants to see with his own eyes that I am ok. Michael moving so far away has really been hard on all of us, and we just need to be together for a while.

I'll take pictures for you Janet! I never really went anywhere until Dustin moved off. I hate airports, but I don't mind flying. I much prefer having somebody to travel with, but I'll go alone if I have to, lol!

07-25-2010, 04:29 PM
Have a wonderful flight Betsi, and enjoy your visit with Dustin!

07-29-2010, 08:17 AM
I'm glad that Dustin and his wife ask you to come and visit. Being with family will help with having your other son moving so far away. I know that I would really have problems with it too. Jaci lives only 12 miles from us and I don't like her even being that far away. I think that it's the mother in us that wants to watch over our kids and make sure that they're ok. Like when it storms I just want all of my family HERE with me!!!!! Anyway, I hope you're having a great time!!!!

Pictures would be really nice!!! Hugs!!!

07-29-2010, 12:15 PM
I forgot to mention that we're leaving for the weekend. We're going to Shangri-Lloyd's!!!! LOL My Mom and some of her sisters are going and some of their cousins and some of my cousins. I'm not sure how many. I'm planning on soaking up some sun and swimming my heart out!!!

We may or may not be coming home with the bird. My cousin said that her husband is having some problems with giving her away. I told her that was fine and that I understood so we'll see. I'll be disappointed but it will be alright if I don't get it.

I'm not sure how much I'll be on because I have soooo much to do to get ready!! We're not leaving until tomorrow sometime. It will be so different just having Glen and I going. I'm so used to having Jaci go with us on vacation!!

I think that I'm going to take Jazzi but leave Reuger with Dae Lynn. Karlie is so excited because watching him is going to be her responsibility and I'm going to pay her!!! Jazzi is a little harder to get along with and I worry about her getting snippy with Karlie......also Jazzi gets along with other dogs better than Reuger and there will be another dog at Lloyds.

Well....I better get off of here and get busy I have lots to do!!! Hugs....I'll see ya'll on Monday!!!!!

07-29-2010, 05:43 PM
Have a wonderful time Diana! Is it a lodge or a campsite?

How cute that Karlie is babysitting Reuger! She must be so proud!!

Maybe next time you can take Jaci and hubby with you!

07-31-2010, 04:07 AM
Have a great time Diana!

08-01-2010, 04:37 PM
We got peaches at the farmers market yesterday. I made a big peach cobbler (with splenda) and today we are making homemade peach ice cream (with sugar). It's 99 degrees, don't you think that calls for homemade ice cream!

08-02-2010, 10:26 AM
Yes it does! We need to get our ice cream maker out and put it to work..lol. Not much really going on here to even write about. Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but I've decided not to breed anymore. Husband wanted to know what we were going to do with the dogs.....what the heck does he think we'll do with them??? He said it's too many for pets...so I told him if he left, he wouldn't have to worry about it. So far....he's still here. CRAP!!

My job hunting has not been going well at all. The job market isn't good, but being 55 that doesn't help. Would like to have part-time to suppliment the bus driving. I need out, but can't without money...lol. Funny how that works isn't it?

Ricky graduates this month from Lincoln College of Technology. His last day is the 20th. He's still working at the auto parts store and loves his job. I told him on his days off, he needs to find something in his field of study. He wants to, but also loves where he is at. We'll see.

Still have one puppy left to sell. Have to use some of the puppy money to pay off my credit card. Put all the expenses on this litter on charge. Then need to use some for spaying two females and neutering 2 males. Hopefully I'll have some left over.

08-02-2010, 04:01 PM
Husband wanted to know what we were going to do with the dogs.....what the heck does he think we'll do with them??? He said it's too many for pets...so I told him if he left, he wouldn't have to worry about it. So far....he's still here. CRAP!!

LOL! You go girl!!!

My job hunting has not been going well at all. The job market isn't good, but being 55 that doesn't help. Would like to have part-time to suppliment the bus driving. I need out, but can't without money...lol. Funny how that works isn't it?

I'm sorry the job hunting is not going well, it is a tough time to be looking right now. My sister-in-law is 62 and looking for a part time job. She's been looking several months, not too hard, but looking (in Kansas City). She hasn't found anything either so she's going to help her nephew in the office at his bar/restaurant. Hopefully, it will turn into a part time job for her because the job market is just not very good right now.

Ricky graduates this month from Lincoln College of Technology. His last day is the 20th. He's still working at the auto parts store and loves his job. I told him on his days off, he needs to find something in his field of study. He wants to, but also loves where he is at. We'll see.

Yes, he definitely needs to try to find a job that utilizes his training. I was wondering where he was working, I knew he'd found a job, but did'nt know what he was doing. It's good that he enjoys the auto parts store - that is "sorta" in his field.

08-02-2010, 05:14 PM
We're home!!!!

08-02-2010, 07:19 PM
We're home!!!!

YAY! Did you have a good time?

08-02-2010, 08:02 PM
You know, we don't even need any other threads...we all seem to come back to this one, lol!!
I'm still in Seattle, but I leave tomorrow:o Dustin and Joy wish I would just move in with them, lol! But Mike is a little lonesome, so I better go home;) It's nice to be wanted:)
Sounds like everybody is having a good summer. I have some pics on facebook if anybody is bored:rolleyes:
It's so cool here! I'm going to DIE when I get home:eek: It was 103 in the big city of Carthage today, with a heat index of 115. I'm sure the humidity is horrible!
Joy had to go to work tonight. Dustin is out on the streets with his homeless friends, but when he's done there he's taking me out with some of his co-workers to a pub. I'll let you know how that goes, lol!!

08-03-2010, 07:20 AM
I just had a really busy August long weekend! Scott's birthday was on Wednesday and we kind of celebrated all week and topped it off by going to the drive-in for a double feature movie night on Friday :) We took Layla too! We watched Dinner for Schmucks and the newest Shrek movie.

On Saturday, we went to Scott's friends' wedding. It was at this little vacation ranch east of the city that I didn't even know existed! The grounds were just beautiful and the weather was HOT and sunny. When we first got there I said that's where I want to get married. It was a simple outdoor wedding and there were even GOATS wandering around!!! The inside areas for the dinner and dance were a little too western for me though, with antlers and wagon wheels and even a buffalo head! So we've nixed that for a venue for ourselves now, but outside sure was gorgeous. This is the place: http://www.champetrecounty.com/frames/Frameset.html

Saturday night we stayed at my grandma's house in the city because it would have been twice the distance to go home. She was visiting my parents for the weekend so we were there alone! I'm so glad she let us stay there though, it was so much more convenient! We also kept Layla there for the day and drove back in between the ceremony and reception so we could express her (and we all had a nap :D)

On Sunday morning we got up early and went out for breakfast with my cousin, her boyfriend, and her three kids. She was in town for the weekend visiting HIS family, and will be back again in 2 weeks to visit me and my grandma and take her kids to the fair. It's a big deal for them to come because it's about a 5 hour drive with 3 kids under 7 :rolleyes: They are not the best behaved kids either, but they were a bit better at this meal than the others we've had! The oldest girl has a big diva attitude and is getting her mom's hypochondriac tendencies too. My cousin is already taking her to therapists for anxiety, when I feel it's probably just a way for her kid to get attention :rolleyes: But I smile and nod because it's not MY child!

After breakfast, we headed down to Regina for Scott's nephew's first birthday! We got home late last night and didn't even have time to unpack our bags before bed.

I can't believe that a year ago on Sunday, I moved into my condo :eek: It feels like so much longer! I moved into that condo thinking I'd probably stay there for the next 3-5 years before buying a house. Was I ever wrong! I still miss it sometimes though. I love my house, but that condo was MINE, and when we were done with it, it was beautiful and I knew I designed it all. It was sad to let it go so soon but we just couldn't pass up the house!

08-03-2010, 03:27 PM
WOW! Lindsay, that made me tired just reading it. It does sound like you had a great time though. I love visiting lots of family, but it is so tiring. We live away from all our family so when we go to see them, it's a never ending parade of visitation. We come home just absolutely worn out!

I'm glad you had such a good time. It sounds like Layla did well too!

08-04-2010, 05:59 AM
Happy Birthday Scott! What a busy week you have had! You really have so much energy!

It sounds great that you visited so many people. You and Scott, and Layla are definitely participants and not observers of life!

08-04-2010, 06:33 AM
lol I don't have much energy! Everything is stuffed into the few months of summer here though so it's always so busy busy busy! And I'm just exhausted all the time! This weekend I just want to stay home, maybe do some painting, and relax! I'll probably be stuck at the office working though :(

08-04-2010, 09:39 AM
Lindsey, you have been busy!!! How nice that you could stay at your Grandmother's house and got to visit with your cousin!!!.......Tell Scott....Happy Birthday!!!

Gayle, peach cobbler and ice cream sound wonderful!! I haven't made ice cream for such a long time!! I may need to get my freezer out!!

Janet, Yay!!!! You got two puppies sold!!! I know that you've been worried about getting them sold......and you'll get the last one sold too!!! I just know it!!!

Well.......we had a good time at the lake!! Several aunts, uncles, some of Mom's cousins, and some of my cousins, were all there. We always have lots of food!! And lots of swimming!!! I spent two hours in the water swimming.......I float very well and don't have to have much movement to stay afloat......and I found out that it was too long.....my blood sugar dropped when I got out so I made sure that I didn't do that again!!!

My cousin decided to keep the bird which was fine.....we really weren't sure that we really wanted it anyway. We talked about going to Branson but had to be home by Tuesday so we decided to just spend the night somewhere on the way home......which was Joplin. The next morning Glen dropped me off at a big flea market there and I got to shop while he ran around to places he was interested in. I bought an antique parlor table to go here in the living room. It was a good trip.

Then....on Tuesday....yesterday.....we went to the lake with our children's church kids. Amy planned a picnic and we went swimming. The lake we went to has a nice sand beach which you don't find normally in Kansas. Dae Lynn even had Baby Dean out.....he was so cute with his little hat and sunglasses!!!!

Oh... and Dae Lynn, Damon, and the kids came out and housesit for us......they also watched the dogs. Karlie was so excited because she was going to get paid for doing it!!! She got $5 and was so excited!!!!

Now we have VBS tonight......gotta' dress like an Egyptian again!!! Lots of fun!!!!

08-06-2010, 03:58 PM
I have been outdoors much (well some) of the day in the 90-100 degree heat. YUK!

But my sweet honey got me a couple of rose bushes for the pots in our front yard, so I needed to take out the old potting soil and put in new rose potting soil and plant them. I still have one pot to do this evening after it gets into the shade.

I also repotted an impatiens plant. It was completely root bound so I got a new hanging pot for it. We don't actually have it hanging right now, because the location gets too much sun for it now - so it's sitting on my back porch. Hopefully though, we will be able to hang it in the fall (if it lives that long. LOL). I've been to the nursery TWICE!

We are looking for some ground cover for a spot in our back yard that gets total shade and another place under a tree where the grass is almost gone. I think we have found some native plants that will work well, but we'll have to drive an hour and half to get them! I think we'll make that drive on Sunday.

08-07-2010, 06:42 AM
Gayle, you are such a busy woman!!! I bet your roses will be beautiful!!! I've never had good luck with roses. You're so brave to be out in this heat!!!

08-09-2010, 05:09 PM
Well, I was Mrs. Green Jeans (for those of you old enough to remember that Mr. Green Jeans was a farmer and Captain Kangaroo's right hand man) for most of the weekend. With the 100+ temps, if you have any outdoor trees, grass, garden or flowers, they need A LOT of attention right about now. It seems I watered off and on all day on Saturday. Then Sunday, I tended to the garden, watered a few more spots and then Gary and I shopped for gutters for the back of the house and started to work on them a bit (no, he really isn't able to do the work, but he wants to try, so I'll help him as long as he can work at it).

We saw some rain barrels at the Farmers Market a couple of weeks ago and we have talked about setting up barrels to catch the rain off our roof, for some time now. Gary needs "projects" :rolleyes:, so we bought rain barrels. Here is a link to see them. The pictures all show two barrels together, but we only have one barrel in 3 locations. http://austingreenwater.com/rain-barrels/why-use-rain-barrels-from-green-water

They are nice as they are elevated on the wood platforms and the valve where you hook up the hose is at the bottom of the barrel, so the water will drain out through the hose via gravity. You can use a soaker hose also.

We can get a rebate from the City of Austin to pay for about 25% of each barrel. We have one in the front (or side of the house - it's hidden behind our crepe myrtle bushes) to water our white oak tree and crepe myrtles in the front yard. We'll put two in the back yard, one at one end of the house for the red oak and one at the other end of the house for the chinquapin oak and the garden.

We've needed to put up gutters in the back of the house for several years, but just haven't done it. We have friends who will help us if we can't get them done. We already have gutters in the front of the house, so we just have to adjust the downspout to empty into the barrel.

We are also having an arborist come tomorrow to trim our trees. We have a 3 1/2 year old white oak (Montery oak) in the front yard that needs the lower branches trimmed off. Then we have a red oak in the back yard that is rubbing the roof in places. Hopefully, tomorrow they will look all prettied up when I get home!

08-10-2010, 04:58 AM
Those rain barrels are great Gayle! That is one good idea!!! Luckily, we get rain almost every day for at least a couple of hours. It's raining now, and I think it rained overnight. I rarely have to water the plants. I do have to separate my coleus. They are growing fast, and are probably root bound. I forgot to buy a pot, so will have to hunt for one today.

08-10-2010, 09:42 AM
I saw rain barrels somewhere recently and I think that they're a good idea. It's really nice that the city will give you a rebate for them too. It will be nice to have water that hasn't been treated to water your plants with and they'll probably do better. You could even add some water soluble fertilizer to the water as well.

I know that our temps have been really high and we're in an "extreme heat warning" again today. The corn is drying out really quickly and Glen told me today that they'll be cutting corn early this year. We could really use some rain......Judy, why don't you send some of that rain here!!!!

The yard is looking so brown and dry. I watered my plants and flowers last night but I know that it's not enough. I probably should start running a trickle on some of the shrubs so the water can soak in really good and not just be on top of the ground.

08-10-2010, 11:56 AM
It's been really hot here too. Today it's 94 and the heat index is 105. Naturally...I'm staying in. Way too hot for me. It's suppose to be this way all week and we are under a heat warning also. I don't do well when it's this hot.

Spoke with Mom a little while ago and she told me that my brother Brad is taking her to Lafayette on Saturday to look for a car. SHE DOESN'T NEED ANOTHER CAR!! My brother has got to be out of his mind. She wants a station wagon/van type so she can load everything to go to Florida. Don't know what she'll do when my sister-in -law tells her she won't take her. Well....yes I do...mom will drive herself. Heaven help those on the road. Hopefully they won't find anything she likes.

Nothing else really going on here....pretty boring.

08-10-2010, 05:35 PM
Well, we put up 20 foot of gutter this evening. Actually it is only up with temporary screws - we still have to put in the permanent screws, but that won't be very hard. We only worked about 30 minutes today and 30 minutes on Sunday, so for an hours work, we have a lot done. We only have 10 more feet on one side and then 12 feet on the other side so it won't be too bad. It's been pretty easy so far. We'll have to put in the down spouts when we get the gutter up, and then we'll have to caulk all the seams, but I think we can do it!

08-11-2010, 05:26 AM
How did you get up to get the gutter up Gayle? A really tall ladder, I guess! Good job!

I would love to send you all the rain we're getting! It rained again last night. The weather up here is hot during the day, but we have the pool. Honestly, if it wasn't for that, it would be terribly hot. I would have to invest in air conditioning, which is really expensive for casement windows. As it is, we don't stay in the house during the afternoon when it is too hot. Max lays on the bathroom floor to cool off. Poor guy! It's too hot to take them outside during the day, and too buggy in the evening. There's a flea explosion due to the rain.

But, it cools down beautifully at night, and I am really enjoying this summer. I have my summer friends, and my winter friends (I don't see them that much), and the pool.

I really am lucky!

08-11-2010, 11:04 AM
Janet, you're just going to have to put a ball and chain on your Mother!!!! She's going to keep all of you hopping!!!! I'm sorry that you're going to have to deal with this. Maybe your brother could find something wrong with everyone she picks out.

Gayle, you and Gary have gotten a lot done for just working an hour. Having the guttering will really help with your water barrels. I have a place in my guttering where I really need another down spout because it always runs over.....it just carries too much water in that one spot and runs over.

Judy, I can just picture you lazying around on a float reading a book!!!! How nice!! I'm in a dirty pond....with mowed grass floating in it!! I'm not complaining.....I'm just glad that we have it to enjoy.

08-12-2010, 04:02 AM
How did you get up to get the gutter up Gayle? A really tall ladder, I guess! Good job!

Yes, a couple of really tall ladders! LOL! Gary was a carpenter in a former life, so we have all that "stuff" stored in our garage/shed. It comes in handy sometimes!

08-12-2010, 05:15 AM
Janet, you're just going to have to put a ball and chain on your Mother!!!! She's going to keep all of you hopping!!!! I'm sorry that you're going to have to deal with this. Maybe your brother could find something wrong with everyone she picks out.

Gayle, you and Gary have gotten a lot done for just working an hour. Having the guttering will really help with your water barrels. I have a place in my guttering where I really need another down spout because it always runs over.....it just carries too much water in that one spot and runs over.

Judy, I can just picture you lazying around on a float reading a book!!!! How nice!! I'm in a dirty pond....with mowed grass floating in it!! I'm not complaining.....I'm just glad that we have it to enjoy.

No floats allowed in the pool! When it's really hot, a pool, or a pond - both are great!

08-12-2010, 09:11 AM
Well....I'm getting ready to leave again. I have a cousin that is having his 25th wedding anniversary and I haven't seen him for years. Then Glen and I are going to stay a few days and have a short vacation visiting with family. Glen's really busy right now so I might ride down to Texas with my Mom and Step-Dad......and possibly my brother.....YUCK......Don't get me wrong...I love my brother....he just likes to talk about himself ALL the time and he's doing drugs again and I just want to let him have it with both barrels!!!!! So it should be an interesting trip down!!!! Glen will get there when he gets his work done her.

I'm not sure when I'll be back.....probably sooner than I would like since corn harvest is coming up so quickly!!! Hopefully sometime the middle of next week.....We'll see!!!

Oh.....and we're leaving in the morning.

08-12-2010, 11:50 AM
Have a safe trip Diana. You will definitely be missed. Will you be able to check in with us at all?

08-12-2010, 12:27 PM
Have a good trip Diana! We'll be LEAVING Texas tomorrow. Time to go get Kirby:D I can get him Thursday 19th. We're going to Springfield, Mo. first so we can go to the Bass Pro Shop..fun, fun. Then we're going to St. Louis to do tourist things for a couple of days. When we leave there, we're going to the Mall of America...it's just a couple of hours from Tink's house. It's just so hot, I know it will put a damper on the trip. After we get Kirby we'll come straight home.

Now a little about Jack. He was limping when we got back from Seattle. We took him to the vet, and he had to be sedated for x-rays because he's so big. The xrays showed the bones in his leg had bad changes that looked to have been going on for a long time. The tendon was pulled completely away from the bone. This happened just from him stepping down from the bed:eek: Long story a little shorter, he had bone cancer. He could barely walk because of his size. We could have prolonged his life for a little while, but that just seemed cruel when the outcome would be the same.

Mike and I sat in the floor with him at the vets while he went peacefully to sleep :o

08-12-2010, 03:30 PM
I'm going to take the computer so we'll see.

I thought that things were going to work out for Glen to leave on Saturday morning but it's not.....so I guess that I am going down with my Mom, Step-dad, and my brother. I promise that I'll TRY not to kill him!!!!!!

08-12-2010, 04:10 PM
Oh Betsi, I was wondering what happened to Jack. You made the right decision, but oh my goodness, isn't that hard. I have not had to be there when any of our animals have had to be put down, I don't know if I could do it or not. I've been with so many people while they died, but somehow I can't imagine what it would be like to be there with our babies. I just can't even think about it.

I'm so sorry, but so glad you all are getting Kirby right now!

08-12-2010, 04:12 PM
Diana, have a great trip! I wish I could come to north Texas to see you! I hope everything goes well with your family. I know that it difficult. I have a nephew who can't stay off drugs, or out of jail for that matter!

Have a great time!

08-12-2010, 06:08 PM
Diana, I have a brother that does drugs and alcohol. He has completely ruined his life. He had a great job for 25 years and made 6 figures. He has wiped out every cent he saved. I have taken him to rehab twice myself. He is a good-looking, kind hearted man. I want to beat some sense in to him with a baseball bat every time I see him...which isn't often anymore. Try hard not to kill your brother:o

08-14-2010, 02:24 PM
Hey, just checking in......we've just eaten and had anniversary cake to celebrate my cousin and his wife's 25th anniversary.......and I think that my aunts are all in the kitchen getting ready to mix up home made ice cream!!! This is definitely NOT the week for trying to diet!!!

Rick and Lynette's house is just beautiful and they have a swimming pool that is just calling my name!! I'm hoping that later this evening that we can go swimming.....we'll just have to see how long everyone sticks around.

Glen's still at home working. He had grain that he had to haul in and get loaded and was still working on it this morning. He'll either get here tonight or sometime tomorrow.

Talk to ya'll later!!! Hugs!!!!

08-15-2010, 09:49 AM
It sounds like so much fun Diana! Enjoy that swim! I hope Glen has a safe trip down, and that all have a great visit!

Betsi, I am so sorry about Jack. It is so good that you are getting Kirby right now.
He may help fill that void in your hearts.

I can't wait to see pictures of the little guy! Have fun visiting with Tink too!

08-15-2010, 10:21 AM
Yay! Our rain gutters are finally up permanently! YAY! Our sil, Bryan, came over today to return some borrowed tools and he went out there and had the permanent screws in place in about 30 minutes. I'm so glad because I was worried about the energy it would take Gary to stand on the ladder and put the screws in with the drill.

Now, we just have to caulk, which won't be too bad, heck, I think I can do that. We also have to install the down spouts, but they just have to be attached to the side of the house, so no big deal.

08-17-2010, 11:43 AM
You're doing great Gayle! Wow....I have some things that need done here if you're interested...lolol

08-17-2010, 12:20 PM
Wow, everyone is so busy! I am so sorry about Jack, Betsi :(

I have been working a lot of overtime and now have over 2 weeks' extra holiday time from all the time I've banked. That will come in handy one of these days lol!

In my spare time I've managed to get all the trim and baseboards on the main floor painted white. Now you can really tell the ceilings aren't totally white, so we're considering maybe painting the ceilings too before the walls. They haven't been painted in 13 years so they may be due for it anyway. I painted the condo in one week with a lot of stress, so this time I just want painting done at least a month before Christmas :) I'll give myself some extra time!

My parents are coming out this weekend and we're going to all go golfing at the course across from our house on Saturday. Scott and I are also going to a concert Friday night (Black Eyed Peas) and hopefully we'll have some time to check out "Cruise Weekend", where downtown is blocked off and filled with classic cars.

Oh yeah, and I am so proud of myself with my first ever garden of my very own! Last night I noticed we have TONS of cucumbers, a few peas are ready, and I pulled some carrots but they're still pretty small. We've already eaten a couple of strawberries too, and the onions are huge so we can eat those anytime! My few tomatoes are still small and green, and I'm still waiting for my bell peppers to do something! But I think it was a pretty good first crack at gardening this year :D

08-17-2010, 04:04 PM
It does sound like you did great at gardening this year! Oh and your bell peppers need some turkey poop compost. I don't know if you can find it up there, but that is what the garden store told me last year and it worked! My bells just wouldn't set on any peppers and after I put the turkey compost around them, they did! Jalapeno peppers are actually easier to grow than bell peppers. We don't eat many jalapeno peppers, we mostly give them away. :D

08-17-2010, 04:05 PM
You're doing great Gayle! Wow....I have some things that need done here if you're interested...lolol

In your dreams! LOL!!!!

08-19-2010, 01:20 PM
Well!!! LOL

There are quite a few things around here needing fixed so I guess I ought to be making a list...otherwise they will never get done. Some I need help with.

08-21-2010, 06:44 AM
The garden sounds good Linds! My daughter began one this year too, and her stuff is delicious! It is so good to eat from your own garden (or those of relatives, like me).

08-21-2010, 07:09 AM
Your garden sounds like it's doing very well, Lindsey. There's nothing like eating something that you've grown yourself!!

08-22-2010, 01:01 PM
Ah! All weekend company gone. Had a nice time with the family, but it is always good to have a quiet house once again.

My school starts on Wednesday. I'm ready though, I love the beginning of a new semester. It seems odd though, it always seems to go by so fast, yet here it is 101 degrees today and it will be cold by the time the semester is over in December! I'm looking forward to a little cooler weather (or maybe A LOT cooler).

08-23-2010, 08:21 AM
Sorry that I didn't post about our trip to Texas earlier.......We had a great time!!! It was so good to see my cousin, Steve, and his wife, Belinda!!! I hadn't seen them for almost 20 years!! Steve still has his wonderful sense of humor and soon had us all laughing!!! They had a very nice 25th anniversary party that included aunts, uncles, and cousins. My aunt, Joyce, had really gone all out with the cake and everything!!

I went down on Friday with my Mom, Step-dad, and my brother. It was a quiet trip for the most part. My Mom read a book and my brother slept while Art drove. It probably was a good thing because I found out that my brother had been arrested for beating up a guy that was in his ex (?) wife's bed......it's a long story.....well, it's just another in a long line of bad decidions. His life is so full of drama.

I stayed with Rick and Lynette, my cousin and his wife. They are such wonderful people.....Glen and I get along with them so well!!! They've just completed a lot of work on their home and yard.....it was all so beautiful!!! They had a wonderful swimming pool and I was so excited about it but the water was so hot!! The weather was terribly hot and just warmed the water up too much. I did swim but it was not as refreshing as I thought that it would be.

An aunt and uncle who lost everything in Katrina now live in this community and we've never really had too much to do with them because they lived too far away.....had us over for a shrimp supper. It was really good!!

Another day Lynette, Carol (another aunt), and I went to Gladewater and shopped the antique stores. We didn't near make it to all of them!!! I found a Chatty Cathy doll in her original clothes!!! I was pretty excited because I've always wanted one!!!

Glen and I headed home on Wednesday and decided to not go on the Indian Nation Turnpike so we could see the country.......we found out that it takes a looooong time to drive through the southern part of Oklahoma!!!!! So I called my Aunt Marva and we spent the night at her house in Muskogee. The next morning we left and hit some flea markets on the way home!!!

I was so ready to get home and see my Baby Dean!!! Rick and Lynette had a new little granddaughter, Milie Jo, that was 7 months old and soooo cute.......and Marva's little great-granddaughter, Addy, was at Marva's house and also cute.......I told Glen that I had ooo'd and awwww'd over everyone else's baby that I needed to see my own!!!

It was a great trip and so relaxing!! Being down there with my Aunt Carol and her husband, Richard, and Rick and Lynette is like being with mom and dad and a brother and sister. They're very close family to us.

08-23-2010, 11:34 AM
Sounds like wonderful family time Diana. So much to do and people to catch up with.

I am going to go get the bus either Wednesday or Thursday and make sure it's already for the route. School starts Tuesday the 31st. Starting later because of a school construction project. I'm beginning to get anxious...I do miss some of the kids. Registration is the 24th & 25th so after that I'll know how many new kids I'll have. It takes so much time making the easiest and most fuel efficient route and then calling all the kids letting them know what time to expect me. Parents want to talk and talk and it takes soooo much time. I'm usually able to cut the call short in a nice way and then on to the next.

I hope things go well this year. A couple drivers have quit and new ones hired. Some that have been there awhile are only there for the gossip and it's so maddening. I'll probably just stick to my bus instead of with the gossipers....I usually don't agree with their thinking so it's best I just stick to the bus.

Still haven't heard from any place but a few where I put in an application. If this keeps up...I'll be stuck here forever.

08-23-2010, 12:06 PM
Sounds like you had a nice trip Diana!

Janet, I hope things work out for you. I can't believe school is starting again. A couple of weeks ago we heard the pools in the city were getting ready to shut down and I couldn't believe it. But school is right around the corner!

Gayle, I have never heard of turkey poop compost lol! The plants have doubled in size over the past few weeks but no flowers or anything yet. Oh well, I gave it a try. We got frost last week already and I had to cover the plants. In the next month or so everything will have to be out of the garden. Next year I'm planting earlier!

I had such a busy weekend! On Friday after work, Scott and I headed to my grandma's for some lasagne (delicious!) and then went with my brother and his girlfriend to the Black Eyed Peas concert! It was a really good show!

We got home around midnight, went to sleep, got up early, and had the whole family out for a day of golf. The course in our town is SO nice! But it's long, and half is uphill, so I'll definitely get a cart next time! At the end of the 9th hole, there's a clear short path to our house so my mom and I just walked home instead of alllll the way back to the parking lot with Scott :D

Everyone hung out at our house for the afternoon and played some bocce ball in the yard. My grandma and mom and I went to check out the antique store in town and everything was soooo beautiful. I want to go back and buy some things!

We had a big barbeque later with steaks, potatoes and beans from my parents' garden, salads, and nanaimo bars for dessert. It was so good! After everyone left we packed our bags, showered, and went into the city for the night. We planned to play cards but after a few games I was so tuckered out I went to bed.

We did tons of shopping yesterday which was good because we stocked up our storage room and our freezer. A grocery store had a 10 for $10 sale on a bunch of items so we took big advantage of that :D 10 coconut cream pies for $10? Don't mind if I do! :D :D :D

When we got home last night, we had JUST put groceries away when the power went out. Usually it's 10 or 20 minutes before power is restored, but it wasn't coming back on. We called the provider and there was a recording saying there was a substation down, all surrounding towns were out of power, and there was no estimated time for it to be fixed :( It ended up being 2.5 hours without power! I was just going to bed when it came back on.

Now I'm counting down to next weekend when I get to do NOTHING!

08-23-2010, 05:36 PM
Sounds like everyone is having a nice end of summer. We took a two week vacation. Left the first of August and got home on the 14th. Went to Lake Charles, New Orleans, Williamsburg, VA, Washington, DC, Anapolis, MD, Baltimore, MD, Philadelphia, PA, Gettysburg, PA, down the Blue Ridge Parkway to Grandfather Mountain in SC, over to Nashville, TN, Memphis, TN and back home. It was very much an American History tour, but had a wonderful time. Melissa, Garrett and Karen were able to go with us. It was the first time our little family took a long driving vacation in the US. We have always flown everywhere due to lack of vacation time. I burned my entire vacation on this trip, but it was well worth it.

It's a little hard to get back in the swing of things, but we're working on it. Would love to spend a few weeks in Greenville, SC. I've been there on business, and we stopped and ate there on this trip, and Rex agreed with me that it is beautiful and he would like to spend some time there, too. We'll have to park the RV there for a few weeks when we retire, if we ever do....

08-24-2010, 08:44 AM
Everyone has just been so busy!!! I guess that's because summer is about to come to an end.

Janet, I know that you're excited about seeing your little kids!! Enjoy your late start!! Our school started last Wednesday. It felt like we hardly got to see Feyn's kids....even though they just live down the road from us. They were so involved with different camps and activities all summer.

Lindsey, it sounds like you had a very full weekend!! How nice that everyone was able to come and enjoy being at your home. I bet that you have so much room now for everyone when they come!!! It sounds like you're in a really good location too....being next to the golf course!!!........I'd like to know how your parents grow steaks in their garden!!!!........I just couldn't resist saying that!!!! LOL

Marilyn, it sounds like you had a wonderful trip and saw so many things!!!! I would love to be able to get Glen to go on a trip like that!!! He's not interested in history so I doubt that he'd ever go.......may have to just plan on it without him!!!! I'm sure that you really enjoyed having your family with you....but missed having Karen's husband. I'm sure that it will be a trip that will always be remembered!!!

08-27-2010, 04:37 PM
It's good to hear from everyone. I hope you guys up north are enjoying some cooler weather. We had a cool front this week and instead of 103, it is 97. But it does feel better.

Our school started Wednesday. It has been crazy around there this week. But then it always is the first week or two of school.

We got all our gutters up and the downspouts positioned over our rain barrels, now if it will ever rain, we might catch some! :D

Gary's family has decided to go to Eureka Springs Arkansas (actually Beaver Lake) the second weekend in October. I'm really excited because I hardly ever get to see the fall color change. Now watch, the leaves won't be changing by the time we are there! I'll keep my fingers crossed though, that the leaves WILL be changing!

08-27-2010, 05:06 PM
Hi everybody! Wow, y'all wear me out being so busy, lol!! I have been trying to rest up from our trip to get Kirby. We were gone for 8 days, so we had a nice vacation along the way. I've never seen so much corn and soybeans:p The fields were really pretty through Iowa.

It was so nice to meet Tink, and of course get Kirby. He is growing fast! Now if he would sleep all night it would be nice. I'm such a light sleeper, every little sound he makes wakes me up... but he's really being good.

08-28-2010, 08:39 AM
Gayle, you're right....we do have cooler temperatures now.....in fact it's in the 70's in the morning. With it getting that cool at night I'm probably done swimming in the pond because it cools off pretty quickly when the temps change. The day temps have been wonderful!!

Betsi, I'm glad to hear that you had a good trip!! You got to see quite a bit of different country!! When I went to Chicago we went through Iowa and you're right....the fields were just beautiful there. The ground just rolls up and down there and made it so pretty!!!

I'm sure that Kirby is growing!!! How old does he have to be to start with his training? Or can you start right away? I bet that you'll really enjoy doing that!! We have a therapy dog that wanders around our middle school. She's a golden retriever and her name is Bliss. The kids all love her!!

08-28-2010, 09:37 AM
I start Puppy Kindergarten with Kirby next Thursday at Petsmart. It is once a week for 8 weeks. When I get the basics done, we'll start training at the Therapet facility. That's where he'll learn to be around hospital equipment, elevators, etc., and all of the commands that go along with that. I'm really looking forward to it:D

I'm sorry it's too cool to swim Diana:o Our weather have been a bit cooler, with less humidity...probably much like Gayles weather.

08-28-2010, 01:45 PM
Hi everybody!! I am finally home once again lol. Dad is still in the hospital and I have been in Lexington since Tuesday. Glad to hear that all of you are having a nice end of summer. I love reading about everyone's adventures.
I'm looking forward to fall but certainly not looking forward to winter.

08-28-2010, 08:05 PM
The last few days the temps have been so wonderful here and with a light breeze too. I've noticed some leaves on the ground. Today I went to an auction in town. Saw a few people I know and haven't seen for awhile so it was good catching up a bit. I didn't buy anything....wanted to, but also wanted to hang on to my money. Don't really know why I even went. Everything was going so cheap I couldn't believe it. There was a Summer's End Festival near by and most people were there instead of the auction. One of the lowest turn outs I've ever been to.

I didn't make it to the festival. It is usually a pretty nice one, but again...didn't want to spend any money...lol. If I would have thought about it, I would have left my billfold home and just went and looked...lolol.

My younger brother's wife was there, but we didn't speak. Such a strange woman :)

Mom found out my other SIL wasn't driving her to Florida, so she said she was driving herself....yeah...we'll see about that.

Not sure how many of you have Kat's email address, but here it is if you would like to drop her a line and let her know you're thinking of her: katcarasella@yahoo.com

08-29-2010, 06:01 AM
Mom found out my other SIL wasn't driving her to Florida, so she said she was driving herself....yeah...we'll see about that.

Now, THAT SIL has brains! LOL! I sure hope your mom doesn't try to drive herself, although she probably will. Oh LORDY!!!

I would have loved to go to the auction with you! I also love festivals and the like. I can (usually) go without spending any money. It's kinda therapeutic for me. I also love prowling in antique stores, and don't have to spend a dime to feel like I've had a great time!

I wish I had your cooler weather - but then in the dead of winter, I'll be glad I live in Texas. LOL! Our weather has cooled off a bit, so it is not so stiffling hot. But we are supposed to have increase humidity this week, along with a tiny chance of rain. The humidity won't feel good at all, but a little rain would be nice!

08-29-2010, 01:25 PM
Going to my daughters this evening for pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, and fried okra (from the garden). MMMMMMMMMM!

08-29-2010, 02:57 PM
Going to my daughters this evening for pot roast, mashed potatoes, carrots, and fried okra (from the garden). MMMMMMMMMM!

Sounds yummy Gayle!!

08-31-2010, 07:18 AM
Today is our first day of school. Oh dear...lol. I don't think I forgot anyone. It really was good to see the kids and I can't believe how much some have grown and changed. Didn't have any problems (thank you God) getting the kids to school and I didn't have any of them cry because they were afraid. I don't think the bus is going to be quite as full this year.

It sure is hot and humid today and suppose to be the same tomorrow. Those big yellow bananas don't have air conditioning so it gets quite hot and dusty. This weekend though it's suppose to cool down nicely into the 70's....I sure hope so.

Not much else going on right now.

08-31-2010, 07:26 AM
I'm glad that your first day went so well. It will probably be nice to not have as many kids. That will make it shorter to pick up and to take home.

I tried to go swimming again yesterday. I was afraid that the water had cooled down because our nights have been getting cooler. I was right.......after one lap I got out......it was just too cold. I'm going to miss swimming!!

08-31-2010, 09:22 AM
Are you glad to be back in the bus routine Janet?

Diana, it has gotten so cold here in the past few days! Last Thursday it was so hot, we had Scott's dad out for supper and ate outside at 8:30. And now I'm wearing sweaters constantly and we turned on the furnace this morning after I woke up shivering! I think summer is gone for this year!

I have worked so much OT in the past month or so. I will probably be working all night tonight, and tomorrow we will submit the project. As I think I mentioned before, we have a bunch of designers working here with me from Arizona and Mexico. Tomorrow night they are going to have a big Mexican feast here, and our boss is supplying drinks, and we are inviting the client out as well for a celebration. Yay we're done! Lol. I am taking next week off work, because frankly, I'm burning out.

This weekend, Scott and I are heading halfway to my home to go to our friends' wedding. We'll stay overnight in a hotel (with a pool and two waterslides so we can have waterslide races LOL! We're dorks) and then going to visit my parents for Sunday and Monday. They're going to take Layla for us while we're at the wedding. I'm so lucky to have them around for that!

08-31-2010, 01:04 PM
LOLOL....Lindsey...I guess I'm glad to be back in a routine, not sure about the bus part.... :D

The afternoon route went very well also. I did have one boy cry a little bit, but I had him talk to another little girl and then he was fine. His dad did ride the bus with us this morning because he has anxiety issues....mostly for just new and different things. Once he gets use to something then he's okay.

I don't have quite as many kids at this time, but I have to travel more distance so it's a longer route. Oh well... What else have I do to...lol

It got up to 91 today and tomorrow heading toward 94 with high humidity. Man.....that bus is gonna be hot. Let's see.... one day down....179 to go.

I'm looking forward to the Labor Day weekend. Not sure why....we never do anything...and there really isn't much to do. I'm getting that couped up feeling can ya tell? I need to get out of this house for awhile.

09-01-2010, 06:11 AM
I have been keeping up with reading all of your posts about vacations, new puppies and work beginning. It sounds like all is well, thank goodness! The various vacations sound wonderful, and Kirby and Marilyn's new pups do also.

I haven't had a chance to sit down and type. It's not that I have been so busy...it's more that I've been too lazy! This week has been hot, and we are all enjoying just sitting at the pool together. I have become very close with my summer friends, and have enjoyed this summer so much! They are leaving next week, and I will be sad. I will also miss the easy going activities of summer, which I love. The pool, grilling dinner, hanging out, and so on, have been so great, as well as having friends right here. I probably would have been very happy if I had retired to Florida, but I have my family here, and it is an amazing place to live.

It is just hard work to get together, especially in the winter! I have been taking my writing courses, and start a new one on Sept. 13th. Pottery has been lots of fun, and is pretty much ongoing. I am on the Board of 2 organizations, so have those meetings and get togethers. I'm also running for the Board here at my development. There are 3 candidates, and 2 slots though. The other two have had condo Board experience, so I don't know what will happen. I think I should win though!

My cousins are coming up today, just for the day. I am glad that I will see them, but it's going to be in the 90's and hate to give up a pool day! My cousin Lynn cannot sit in the sun. Oh well! At least they aren't staying over. Today and tomorrow may be our last warm days for this summer.

Everything else is fine. Jessie isn't feeling great, but she has been doing too much, which will end soon. She is directing "Annie," which will go on on 9/18.
The kids are fine, growing up so fast!

Love:heart::heart::heart: you all

09-01-2010, 06:25 AM
Judy, you have been busy!! I know how you feel about giving up your pool days. We've cooled off and I tried to swim but the water was just too cold for me. It's been such good exercise and so refreshing.

You're running for an office!!! Yay!! I hope you win......I'd vote for you!!!

I'm sure that you're going to miss your friends when they leave for the winter. At least you'll still have your writing class and your pottery class to stay busy with!!

I'm sure that Jessie is run down since she's so busy with this play. Once she gets this done she'll have time to rest especially since the kids are in school. She really needs to take care of herself. But I expect that she's really enjoying the play and working with all of the kids!!

lynne b
09-02-2010, 06:48 AM
I read everyone's post almost every day and everyone is so busy it seem's. We are like Janet and don't really go any place because of the dog's, although we do go to the festivals in the fall and the 1st one is this coming weekend. I am not sure i will be able to go because Sadie just had a litter of pup's on Tuesday, they were a little early but all are good weights and doing good, I was not expecting them till this weekend, I had to switch my vac from next week to this week.

Everything else is going good, mom is doing wonderful, my youngest daughter goes to court for hopefully the final divorce and custody the 1st week of Oct. and tonight i will be going to my oldest g-son's b-day party (just cake & ice cream) he is 17 today OMG i can't believe how the years have flown by since i watched him come into this world.

I hope everyone enjoy's their Labor Day weekend, won't be long now and the snow will be flying and we will be complaining about how cold it is and wishing it were summer again, don't know why it can't just be spring or fall all year long.

I posted some pic's of Sadie & the babies, this is the largest litter she has had, there a 3 boys and 1 girl, hopeing they all look like Serena since this was a repeat breeding.

09-02-2010, 07:16 AM
Lynne....the puppies are just so adorable!!! You can tell from the pictures how soft they are!!!

Yes, it seems like our grandchildren grow so fast!!! I can't believe that you have one that will be 17!!! Time sure does fly!!!

I didn't know that your daughter was getting a divorce. Hopefully things will be better for her now. I know that we really worry over our children when they leave home and we hope they make the right decisions.

It would be nice if the seasons lasted longer but we'd still complain when they changed!!!

Take care of yourself, Lynne!!! Keep us posted on how everyone's doing and how your puppies are growing!!! Hugs!!!!

09-02-2010, 09:25 AM
I had a busy morning. After the route I had to get my list of bus students and all their information (parents, address and phone #) into the computer, print it out and turn it in today. Sounds easy, but can be very confusing. I also worked out a seating chart for the elementary kids. The enthusiasm just isn't here....so I know it's time to look even harder for something else to do.

Tomorrow I get to go with Lynne to have the puppy's tails and dew claws done. Can't wait to see those little babies....and Lynne too. :)

Not sure what I'll do over this Labor Day Holiday, but I know I want to do something. Don't want another 3 days to go by and me just hanging around this house. I'll figure out something.

I really love this thread, so easy to keep up! LOL

09-04-2010, 02:11 PM
I had a busy morning. After the route I had to get my list of bus students and all their information (parents, address and phone #) into the computer, print it out and turn it in today. Sounds easy, but can be very confusing. I also worked out a seating chart for the elementary kids. The enthusiasm just isn't here....so I know it's time to look even harder for something else to do.

Tomorrow I get to go with Lynne to have the puppy's tails and dew claws done. Can't wait to see those little babies....and Lynne too. :)

Not sure what I'll do over this Labor Day Holiday, but I know I want to do something. Don't want another 3 days to go by and me just hanging around this house. I'll figure out something.

I really love this thread, so easy to keep up! LOL

Is there a town celebration? I just came from ours and it was just nice to see everybody and eat too much. I went by myself and had a lovely day. I hope you find something to do!

09-04-2010, 03:47 PM
Our town doesn't do anything that I know of..lol Today I groomed and bathed all the the dogs. It had been 3 weeks and they needed it so bad. I then got the house all swept. I'm got my nails done now and so for the next two days......it's whatever comes along.

09-05-2010, 12:50 PM
I went to my granddaughters volleyball game on Thursday!! I have all three of them playing on one team so I don't have to sit through a lot of games to watch them! I took some pictures and I'll get them on soon.

I had Karlie and Dean on Friday and Dean is traveling EVERYWHERE!!! He's not crawling yet but is doing the "get up on hands and knees then lunge forward" thing!! It's so cute!!

Then on Saturday I went to a house that Dae Lynn and Damon are going to rent (closer to us) and we started painting it. They are renting from a friend and she's given them permission to go ahead and start painting even though they aren't quite moved out and still have some repair work to do. We filled all the holes and bad cracks with joint compound and we really made the wall we painted look so good!!! I was so proud of what we'd done!! The house is really cute but has been remodeled by people who really aren't carpenters........but I hope when she gets her furniture in it won't be so noticeable. We're going to paint the whole house so it's going to be quite a project for the next couple of weeks and made even harder with us watching both of the kids!!!

09-06-2010, 04:55 AM
Oh Diana...that much painting is going to be a job. I've sworn that I will never paint again. At least not until I'm thinner and much more agile...lol. You know we need pictures of everything right? I'm not sure why....but I've been wanting to look at pictures like crazy. Guess I should get out and take some too huh?

Had a great afternoon with Lynne as always. She's painting her kitchen and it's looking great! It will be so beautiful when she's done and so much brighter. Her Serena and my Brenna played and then decided it was nap time...lol. Sadie's puppies are so cute....I love the babies. Makes me wish I was gonna breed some more but when I think of all the work and where I want to be in the future....it's not a good idea. I know Lynne will be happy to share...lol

09-06-2010, 05:54 AM
Hard work ahead Diana! But they will be living closer, which is always nice!

Lynne, the puppies are precious!

Mackenzie was on the local radio yesterday! She sang 5 songs, and she and Jessie talked about the upcoming show, "Annie." I'll post pix, and if I can get a tape I'll put it up. I was so proud!

She is sad though because none of her friends have ever commented on her fb page about her being in the shows she is in, the newspaper, or now on the radio.
Jess tells her they are jealous. Young teenage girls! She was thrilled though that she was on the radio!

09-06-2010, 08:00 AM
I saw where you had posted on FB about Mackenzie singing on the radio!!! I thought how sad it was that I couldn't hear it but that would be so cool to put it on where we could hear it!! She has so much talent!!! I'm sure that the other girls are jealous.

Lynne should put some pictures of her kitchen up too!! We'd all love to see it. I"ll take some pictures when I go tomorrow to paint. We're a little bit worried about getting the painting all done and then having the family decided that they really don't want to move. It's a really odd situation with them moving anyway.

The girl, Traci, is one that Dae Lynn was best friends with in college. They had some big problems living together in college but have just gotten together again and things are so much different now......definitely for the better. Traci's not real good at decorating and has said that. I know that she wishes that the home she's living in now were different so I think that maybe......Dae Lynn and I may go over and paint some in her home when we have time and help to spruce it up. We'll see. I know that Traci would just love it if we did that. First we have to finish what we have planned!!!!!

Oh.....and I have a couple of auctions going on e-bay!!! I have some more stuff that I need to put on as well. Anyway....here they are!!



lynne b
09-06-2010, 11:36 AM
Diana, you can come and finish painting my kitchen anytime LOL, it's half way done, now i have to do the wall behind the stove, sink and fridge, which means i need to do some cleaning before i paint, also will be putting tile up for the back splash, i will take pic's soon.

Betsi, how is the new puppy doing? would love to see pic's of him!!

Gayle, glad to hear that Gary's back is doing better and he was able to do some serious fishing, hope he caught a whopper LOL.

Judy, hope you can find some way of getting your g-daughters radio debut on here, would love to hear her sing, sounds like she is pretty serious about her acting. You could be a famous g-ma some day LOL.

Janet, I had such a wonderful afternoon with you yesterday, i am sorry it had such a terrible ending for you, you know my feelings on the subject.

09-11-2010, 08:56 AM
Lynne, I wish that you lived closer. My daughter and I are so good at working together that we could probably finish it up for you!!

We have been painting ALL week!!! Well.....preparing the walls and painting. We've been filling in holes and cracks and spending so much time on that that it seems like we haven't done as much painting as we'd have liked to but it's looking so so nice!!!! We have Dean's room done and the living room almost done!! I have taken some pictures so I'll put them on soon.

Today I get a day off because the Dae Lynn and Amy and their families went to the circus in KC so I get to get caught up on housework and laundry. We're going to Lincoln, Nebraska, on Sunday for a wedding and will be back on Monday. I'd really prefer to just stay home!!!

09-11-2010, 09:42 AM
Hi everybody! This is just the best thread ever:D It's so easy to keep up. Whoever said that Summer is a lazy time was wrong, lol! I want to see pictures of the painting jobs that are going on. It makes me want to paint something, too! I really want to redo Mike's bedroom now that Jack is gone. Yes, we have separate bedrooms:rolleyes: Mike has very erratic sleep patterns and likes to watch tv at odd hours. I like to stay up with my lamp on to read if I want to. It just works out better for us.

Kirby is doing fine! He's growing so fast. He's 17 lbs at 11 weeks old:eek: He is in puppy kindergarten, and he loves it. He's doing good with his potty training, but still has an occasional accident. He's so laid back and calm, quite a switch from a little dog:p He is a lot of company for us, and we're glad we have him!!

09-11-2010, 01:15 PM
Ahhh Betsi Kirby is so cute and so is the other little one playing with him. He has such a lovely face, that make your heart melt.....

lynne b
09-11-2010, 02:53 PM
Betsi, I love Kirby, he is such a cutie, glad to see he gets along with your little one, he's a cutie also LOL. I bet puppy classes are so much fun, I have a few that are bigger and would love to try them in agility or something but there is nothing close to me.

09-11-2010, 03:44 PM
Diana....I knew you were still painting, but I wanted to say I miss you. So get it done will ya??? :) Do you have to go to the wedding? Maybe something come up...like a much needed nap?

Betsi...Kirby is really cute, so is that other little cutie.

My son and I went to Lafayette today. He had so many games from the game systems he has/had and there is a play that will buy them and resell them. Then we went to Kmart, Target and Golden Corral. Oh and I can't forget we went to PetSmart too...I needed a new brush for the doggies.

I always have such a good time with Ricky. We had the radio blaring with my Sawyer Brown CD...love it!


09-11-2010, 06:08 PM
A painting theme going on here, huh? I took the week off work and all I've done is paint! I've done the living room, dining room, hallway, kitchen, and just finished one coat in the breakfast nook. One more coat tomorrow and I'll be done just in time to go back to work :rolleyes: I think I've done more work at home than I do at work!

Right now I'm sitting here with achy feet, watching Scott put up a new ceiling fan in the living room. Time to put pizza in the oven!

09-12-2010, 06:03 AM
Sounds like everybody is really busy right now! Betsi.. Kirby is just too cute! I'm glad that he and Layni are getting along good! I bet puppy classes are so much fun! I'd love to do something like that.

09-13-2010, 03:53 PM
We have a little shop just down the street from my house. The name is

Lick It Bite It or Both

Can you guess what it sells?

P.S. I can't tell you what Gary calls it - let's just say it's a variation of Lick It Bite It or Both. :D

09-13-2010, 07:40 PM
An ice cream store? A porn shop???:eek:

09-14-2010, 07:46 AM
I bought Jessie and the family ANOTHER dog!

Here's the story, and I'm sticking to it!

Somebody offered me a little male yorkie who needed rehoming last week. I knew I should have kept my big mouth shut, but told Jessie since I didn't want to take him. Sadly, he was hit by a car thew very next day. I don't know if he made it through, but will call and find out this week. How tragic for the poor little puppy!

Jessie and the kids have always wanted a yorkie. I offered to find a little female for them, since that's what Jessie wants. I guess I'm a sucker for giving them what they want, but I do enjoy making them happy so much! I may not have anything to leave them when I die, but I sure will give them what I can while I'm alive!

To make a long story very short, we found a wonderful breeder close to us. She had a big puppy - probably couldn't sell her because people want them small. She only charged half of what she usually gets, and we went over that night and took her right home! Her name is Muffin Precious Wright, and she should be around 7 or 8 pounds fully grown. Her mom is 11 pounds, and her dad is about 4 pounds. She is such a sweetheart! A really affectionate sweet little baby girl!

Here she is, sleeping on top of Ginger, the Japanese Chin I got them last year.
(This is their Christmas present, just like Ginger was last year).

09-14-2010, 07:48 AM
I have to save pictures in Paint to get JPEG. The thumbnails come out like this though. I haven't figured out a way to fix them yet.

09-14-2010, 05:22 PM
An ice cream store? A porn shop???:eek:

Ha Ha! Betsi! You are half right, and I won't say which half is right! :D

09-14-2010, 05:22 PM
Judy, you are a sucker for your kids, but I'm the SAME way!!! :p

09-14-2010, 06:09 PM
Then I'll go with ICE CREAM!!!

09-14-2010, 06:58 PM
Then I'll go with ICE CREAM!!!

DING DING DING! You are half right Betsi! It's a ice cream and cupcake shop. We were talking to the owners the other day and they said they were originally going to call it:

Licks & Bites

But then someone said that sounded like a vet clinic. LOL! It kinda DOES!

So, they came up with Lick It, Bite It or Both. You see, you can get ice cream (lick it) cupcakes (bite it) or BOTH! :D

09-15-2010, 07:34 AM
Judy...she's a cute all right!!! Have you tried using Pixriser? I always resize to 33% or 50% and you can save it to whatever you want. Here is the link and it's really easy to use...


09-15-2010, 11:47 AM
This being back at work thing really sucks. I wish I was rich and never had to work again lol. Somebody buy me a winning lottery ticket please :)

What a long week so far! We're really busy but kind of disorganized at work. Being out of the loop for a week means I'm a little unsure of what is going on with projects now, except they are due soon!

At home we have started putting everything back together after the painting spree. Scott put up a new ceiling fan in the living room, took the chandelier from over the kitchen island and moved it to the dining room (replacing another ceiling fan) and put up a new light over the island (not sure what it's called... it hangs low and is bowl-shaped lol). I got a chance to put the old ceiling fans up on internet classifieds this morning but haven't gotten any replies yet. We'd like them cleared from the dining room asap!

This weekend my parents are taking my brother and his girlfriend to a football game, so Scott and I are taking the girls for Friday night. He'll pick them up from daycare after work, since the football crew will be leaving in the afternoon. I'm excited to have them over again :) I just got word that on Saturday, everyone is coming out to our house for golf and supper again! I'll have to figure out something to make now. My uncle is also bringing out my treadmill in his truck so I need to clear a space for that! My brother kept it at his house when I moved into the condo.

It is getting cold here... we're starting to have frosty mornings, yellow leaves are falling off trees, and I'm sure we'll have snow in a month. I'm kind of glad for it though, because life slows down in the winter!

09-19-2010, 06:58 AM
Lindsey...you know we need pictures of your home improvements. I just know everything you and Scott have done is lovely.

I had a great time at an auction yesterday. I posted about it on another thread. Today...I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'm here alone for the day so I've not turned on the TV or radio and just enjoying the silence. Dogs are sleeping so no barking at the moment from them. I am trying to get laundry caught up, seems like a never ending battle.

Rick and I went out for supper last night while Ricky was at work. Of course....I paid mine and he paid his. We talked a bit, but nothing too deep. I was in the mood to drink, which doesn't happen very often so I had a Filet of Pork wrapped in bacon, potato wedges, cole slaw and 3 beers. They were sooo good and sooo cold. To be honest....I could have drank another, but my son will never see me in that kind of condition... ever!

Wish I could see you all today....

09-19-2010, 12:10 PM
Well POOP! Gary and Bryan were going fishing this evening/night - but now there is rain coming so they can't go. Oh the rain is good, just not this evening. Gary has been soooo looking forward to going - he hasn't been fishing since we were in Alaska. He loves it so much. Bryan was taking off work tomorrow so they were going to fish from about 5:00PM to whenever..........

I feel so sorry for him - but then again, there will be another time!

Truthfully, I was looking forward to an evening alone too ;). I don't get many of those!

09-19-2010, 12:12 PM
Janet, a few beers sounds good to me too. I don't ever drink either, and it usually because I'm the designated driver. Gary doesn't drink much, but he doesn't see well and doesn't like to drive too much, so I usually do all of it.

I'm like you though, I don't like to drink too much. I don't think I could drink even 3 beers! :p

09-19-2010, 03:27 PM
I drove over, but since I knew I was going to enjoy my drink(s) he had to drive home, so he limits it to two. I was worried though....I thought he had more during the day and his driving proved it. I just made him drive the back roads and slow. I won't drive at all even with just one beer in my system....if I would ever get caught...I'd lose my job. Next time I need to take a non-drinker with me...lol

Can't they go fishing in the rain or are you expecting storms? We've done it many times especially when it's been so hot. Seems here the fish will bite at the drops...lol.

09-19-2010, 05:36 PM
Yeah, they can fish in the rain, but they were going to be out on the lake in the boat and the radar looked like there might be wind. When the wind picks up they sound the sirens and make everyone get off the lake. Plus is it a pain getting the boat in and out with the wind/rain. It started raining at the lake about 3:00 and it is still raining - even though they have rain gear, they would have been wet and miserable by now.

I don't drive with even one drink either. As a health care worker, a DUI could have consequences too.

09-20-2010, 09:05 AM
I am back at work today and getting over a bad cold. I actually took Friday off work it was so bad. It's a good thing too... between around noon and bedtime on Friday, I had SEVEN nosebleeds! A few started from blowing my nose, but the ones in the evening seemed to come on just from tilting my head forward (looking at Scott's computer screen, washing my face). My nose was just pouring blood! I've never had that many nosebleeds before. Saturday I had two more, but I've been doing well since then. Today at least my head is clear enough to think!

This weekend coming up, Scott's family is coming up to our house so I need to get a LOT of cleaning and organizing done. His sister and husband haven't seen it yet, and neither has his grandma from BC. We want to make a good impression! His mom hasn't seen it since we moved in either, and I'm pretty sure she'll hate the green paint in the kitchen. Oh well :rolleyes:

09-20-2010, 02:04 PM
My goodness Lynsey! That's alot of nose bleeding. Is it from sinus problems or allergies maybe? Hope you get over that soon honey.

I'm sure you and Scott will get everything done for your company. Hope you enjoy having everyone there.:)

09-25-2010, 09:07 AM
I hope you feel better Linds!

The kids are back at school, and they have been very busy lately. They were very busy with the play rehearsals,the girls went to the city to see Wicked on Wednesday, and tonight they are going to see Sally Mayes, a singer.

I love it! I hate to say it, but I need more free time than Jessie gives me. I love them all dearly, but I am very used to feeling a lot of freedom. Since I moved up here, I have not had that feeling. Even if I haven't had plans with them, she or the kids can call at anytime and want to come over sleep over, have me visit, etc.

I sometimes dread when the phone rings because my nice easy going day is about to be devoted to them. I wish that she could just cut back a drop. Oh well, having said that, I better go enjoy my day before she calls me to come meet them tonight! The show is in my town. I called her this morning, but had to leave a message.

09-25-2010, 11:51 AM
Do you have caller ID Judy? Maybe you can just say you were out walking or something and didn't hear it ring... :)

09-25-2010, 04:51 PM
I did that today Janet! I was about to leave, and just didn't answer it. This evening though, I wanted to say Hi, and see what they were up to. I felt guilty about ducking them too.

Well, wouldn't you know it? Mackenzie got on and asked if she could sleep over. I had to say yes, because she gets so hurt if I say no. Jessie said in the background she didn't know if she could. It depended on what their plans for tomorrow are. She said she would call me back.

How many of you think she called me back? None...good! You're all right! So here I sit at 8:49, having no idea if the bell is going to ring or not, with Mackenzie being dropped off to sleep here, and maybe Kassidy too.


09-25-2010, 07:38 PM
Judy, I do know how you feel. When Abigail was 4-12, she spent every weekend at my house. I loved having her, but I work and it really was a chore to have her here and get everything done I needed to do. It was a relief when she started athletics that required her to play/practice almost every Saturday (so she didn't stay over - maybe Saturday night only). Then, she developed so many friends about age 11-12, and they all visit each other over the weekend. So now, she hardly ever stays over and I really miss her sometimes. But I see her a lot, go to her volleyball games, and stay as involved as my time will allow.

However, I just don't think I'll be able to take Emma every weekend like I did Abigail - although Emma may not want to stay with us - who knows. I have so much more to do with Gary now, and he needs a lot of my attention. After his best friend died, he doesn't go out much, and his health is much more tenuous now anyway, if he was running around, I'd just be a nervous wreck! Yet, I don't want Emma to not be able to stay with us some of the time - however, I just don't think I can keep her every weekend. Now, that may be a moot point if the kids have to move to Houston - which is looking more imminent. Of course, then I will be so sad that they are 3 hours away, and I can't run over to see them any time I want. Although in some ways, that will be better. But I will still be really sad!

Anyway, I do understand your feeling like you are at their beck and call all the time and I know that doesn't feel very good. I need my space and alone time and the older I get the crankier I get when I don't get it. I have fallen into the trap of picking up my mom from church and taking her home every Sunday at noon (she rides to church with a friend, but can't ride home with her and the church is near my house). She called tonight, and I just thought, "I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow and I need a break from picking you up!" So, I told her I didn't know what we'd be doing and to call me tomorrow. I'll probably pick her up, but grrrrrrr........

Maybe that is even more reason to get away to FL for part of the winter! Maybe I'll join you! LOL!!! ;)

09-26-2010, 12:52 PM
I'm really understanding out you both feel, but not with grandchildren.....my mother. I'm exhausted and tired of it. But then again ...I love my Mom and I really do want to help her and be with her....just not all the time.

I think I want to go to Florida with you two....just don't say anything to my Mom...she'll want to go.

09-26-2010, 02:40 PM
I'm really understanding out you both feel, but not with grandchildren.....my mother. I'm exhausted and tired of it. But then again ...I love my Mom and I really do want to help her and be with her....just not all the time.

I think I want to go to Florida with you two....just don't say anything to my Mom...she'll want to go.

Yes Janet, it is quite a chore to be at someone's beck and call, especially when you have responsibilities of your own. So many people do it though, that I feel guilty about complaining - especially about complaining about my grandchildren - and ESPECIALLY when Betsi doens't ever get to see her grandchildren anymore. Yet, I get so tired and stressed sometimes and just need a break!!!

09-26-2010, 03:20 PM
I so understand. I know I don't have much time left with Mom, but sometimes she acts like I'm suppose to stop whatever I'm doing and run to help her. It takes me 15-20 minutes to get to her house. I feel guilty sometimes too for complaining about it, but what else can we do? We sure don't want to complain to them because it would hurt their feelings too bad.

At the rate my son is going....doubt I'll be alive to see grandchildren. He's only gone out with one girl, got his heart broke and that's been it. He's not even looking right now. Says he needs to get a full time job and wants a better vehicle. I think he's just afraid of getting his heart broke again. Maybe someday.

10-05-2010, 07:34 PM
Just to let everyone know that we are leaving tomorrow for Arkansas. We'll be back next Tuesday. I may be able to check in, but maybe not - I'm not sure how strong my phone signal will be. I'll probably be able to read, but may not be able to post much. I'll be thinking of all of you and will try to remember to take some pictures to share. Unfortunately, the leaves won't be turning much yet. It would be so nice to have some fall foliage pix, but don't think there will be any. I'll be thinking of all of you!

10-06-2010, 06:53 AM
Have a great time and a safe trip!

10-06-2010, 07:08 AM
Have a fun and relaxing time, Gayle. You deserve it!!!

10-06-2010, 09:39 AM
Hope you have a wonderful time Gayle....stay safe....and of cours....take lots of pictures.

10-06-2010, 04:17 PM
Enjoy your trip Gayle!! We'll miss ya!!:)