View Full Version : Possible new house....
03-09-2010, 10:30 AM
I thought I'd make a new thread for this! Scott and I are going to the bank today to see if we can afford it or not. Here is a slideshow showing pictures of the exterior and interior of the house....
All the fireplaces shown are electric, and they have taken them all except of course the one in the living room. Some furniture is still there and they're willing to part with some stuff if it means a sale. I don't think we will ask for much other than washer and dryer (it comes with all other appliances) if we have to give a low offer. I guess it all depends on what the bank says this afternoon! I absolutely love the antique formal dining room set but the realtor couldn't remember if they said they'd be willing to leave it or not lol. It just fits with the house so perfectly!
03-09-2010, 10:53 AM
Like I said on the other thread Lindsey....the house is beautiful! I love the kitchen! And you are right about the dining furniture, it just looks like it belongs in there. Very nice. I hope you get it!
I really like everything about it. A very lovely home.:)
03-09-2010, 10:57 AM
Lyndsey, that house looks so great, i hope so very much that you get good news at the bank, and can proceed.
Just remember though i know it wont be any consolation, (if it is meant to be it will be!!!!!!)
Good Luck......:crossfingers:
03-09-2010, 11:11 AM
Thanks!!!! I'm leaving in about 20 minutes. I love my condo too so if we can't get the house, we can stop worrying about it. If we didn't go to the bank we'd wonder about it forever!
03-09-2010, 11:13 AM
I will be waiting for your post......
03-09-2010, 07:46 PM
Oh my GOSH Linds, that house is GORGEOUS!! It looks just like you! Now it just needs to be filled with children :p
03-09-2010, 08:49 PM
I wish I could have replied earlier but we had company for a barbeque and an evening of Wii :)
We got pre-approved for MORE than the asking price of the house. And we aren't planning on offering the asking price. It's overwhelming... that house could be ours!
03-10-2010, 07:29 AM
Everything is falling in to place for you and Scott!! Congratulations...the house COULD be yours!! It looks move-in make an offer;)
03-10-2010, 07:34 AM
I talked to my realtor last night and let her know we're kind of looking at that place, but that if we put in an offer it would need to be conditional on our condo selling. She was like "Not only will I help you with the house, I can think of one person off the top of my head that would be interested in your condo.. a single girl with a pet"
It kind of feels like it's meant to be! But I can't stop having second thoughts about it. If we move we might realize we don't like paying so much for a mortgage! But if we let it go we might regret it forever. Eventually we'll be paying at least that much for a mortgage anyway... I don't want to live in the condo when I have kids. Lots of people do, but just to get some fresh air I'd have to haul a dog, stroller, and baby up and down three flights of stairs :eek: So that's not ideal! I'm trying to keep the future in mind ;)
03-10-2010, 08:34 AM
Aww Lindsey, you have a big decision ahead of you. I'm sure you guys will think everything through and make the right choice for you two. Good luck. Let us know.:)
I can't imagine carrying a baby, stroller, dog and not to mention diaper bag, car seat, etc up and down 3 fights of stairs.:eek:
03-10-2010, 08:41 AM
Exactly! Even getting ready to go somewhere for a weekend is such a big deal trying to load the car. In the new place we could just pack stuff up in the attached garage! I have not lived in a place with a garage since I moved out of my parents' house! I kind of miss it.
And Scott will LOVE it. He has an old (50's I think) Chevy truck that he and his dad have been taking apart to restore, but he's not home to work on it anymore and they don't really have room there anyway. But if he brought it up here, he could work on it whenever he wanted! And I could get my treadmill back from my brother :) They took it when I had no room in the condo!
Plus, we could store our motorcycles in the garage for the winter. Right now we're paying his friend to store them in his garage :( And I haven't been riding much in the past year or so anyway because city drivers are crazy and I don't feel safe. There are so many motorcycle accidents here. I would ride it a lot more in a small town!
I'm talking myself into it :)
03-10-2010, 10:33 AM
What a beautiful home!!! Oh, Lindsey, I hope that everything works out for you!! I could just picture you with a family living there!!!!
03-10-2010, 11:13 AM
Lindsey -- GO GET THAT HOUSE!!!!!!!!
Oooooops - ignore me i always have too much to say.......
Seriously though, you will always have doubts, work things out and just go for it, i remember when we bought our first home, we were so scared we couldnt afford it, wowee if only that was all we had to pay now...
Good luck with your decision, it is a fabulous big house - i am jealous.:)
03-10-2010, 01:01 PM
I think we are going for another viewing with our realtor tonight :) She has worked with older character homes in the same town so she'd like to see it to give us a better idea of what it's worth (we have no idea!). And I'm excited to go back and be able to actually evaluate it without the awe of last time. Plus, it was tough to look for flaws last time when the seller's realtor was the one showing us the place. He really tried to make us excited about it!
Scott's mom is not being very supportive of the idea, and neither is my brother. But part of me wants to prove that we CAN do this and make it work!
What a wonderful house Linds! It looks like you could just move right in. It's in such good condition! gorgeous! I lover the wood, the kitchen, dining room, INDOOR HOT TUB, upstairs jetted bath, family room...I could go on and on.
I know you and Scott will make the right decision. I will be thinking of the two of you!
03-12-2010, 02:03 PM
We are putting in an offer tonight. I am so nervous about it I almost feel sick! And it's not because of the house, it's because of leaving the condo. After all this work I put into it, it's like my baby. It's perfectly ME in every way. I also feel bad that my family members who put in so many hours helping for free might think I'm being ungrateful by just turning around and selling it.
Scott's family is still being pretty unsupportive which is really being hard on him. We're going to visit them this weekend and I hope we can change their minds.
Judy, you're right, there's not much to do! There are things we would LIKE to do eventually but there's no rush. I would love to paint because the off-white walls look very dirty and you can see some drywall screws right through it. Eventually we'd also like to change the counter tops... it's just a laminate counter and there are seams everywhere, including right in front of the sink where it is starting to lift from moisture. We would like to maybe do a tile countertop. But all of that can happen in time.
The old floors are PERFECT. There are some scratches, some wear, some spots, and it's all great because if I drop something it won't show ;) My grandma was telling me that you can't put much moisture on real hardwoods, but we looked through the pictures of the old house before they had done ANYTHING, and the floors were covered in SNOW! They must have had to shovel out all the snowdrifts. So I'm not too worried about moisture!
We're a little worried about whether we can get it for sure. We do have a limit we're comfortable spending, and my realtor looked into the details and the current owners still have a mortgage for about what we want to pay. It's been 7 months on the market so maybe they'll be happy with breaking even and getting it off their bank account, or maybe they'll think it's worth more and want to make a profit. Who knows!
WOW!!! This is so exciting Linds! I can't wait to find out what happens next....I hope you get it!!
03-13-2010, 08:30 AM
I am so happy for you both, in some ways it is good that it is not too perfect, because then you can still do little things to make it your own without rushing in and having to do it now, you can take time.
It is a really great house, it looks really posh.....
It is a joint decision between you both, and sometimes family dont agree, well i think that is just life - and this is your life and you must do what feels right for you - nobody else. In an ideal world everryone would be happy for you and pleased, just not in reality. My family always feel they have the right to comment on decisions we make - i have learnt over the years to not be put off with it.
I understand about your feelings towards your condo, that is natural after the work you all put in, but you will feel like that about the new house too in time, but that will be your home for a long long time, your family will grow into the house.
Oh i am getting excited now and its not even me!!!!!!!!!
03-13-2010, 11:26 AM
Baby, don't waste time trying to persuade Scott's mother to like your house decision. The only thing that's important is what you and Scott decide for your life. She's probably just jealous:rolleyes:
03-14-2010, 06:29 AM
I'm so excited for ya Lindsey! I can't wait to hear whether you and Scott got the house. :):)
03-15-2010, 06:55 AM
I'm a nervous wreck! We've been negotiating the whole weekend. We put in our first offer 50,000 below their asking price, and asked for the washer and dryer to be included (they were not included in the listing). The counter offered 10,000 below the asking price, with no washer or dryer :(. We pushed our offer up 15,000, and they moved down another 5,000 but included the washer and dryer. Our hope is that we can meet in the middle because that's the limit we set for ourselves! So by noon today we have to respond and we're going to give them our final offer, and our realtor will explain to them we have no room for any more movement. Take it or leave it.
Just in case they do take the offer, we are showing our condo tonight with the hope that in the next couple of days it may be on the market. Our realtor's husband has a client who is close to putting in an offer on another place, so we'd like to show it in case she likes ours better.
03-15-2010, 07:05 AM
Baby, don't waste time trying to persuade Scott's mother to like your house decision. The only thing that's important is what you and Scott decide for your life. She's probably just jealous:rolleyes:
I tried to persuade, but to no avail! We went out shopping while Scott was getting things ready for his nephew's baptism with his sister. She basically just thinks we're rushing into it and it's a big decision etc. Everyone in the family seemed concerned about the indoor hot tub for ventilation, chlorine smell, health effects of breathing in the chlorine and bromine smell? I don't know. I could look into it but I did a little google search last night and didn't find much about it. And I didn't smell it at all when I walked in the house.
BUT now that may not even matter. Our realtor just emailed and said she talked to the listing agent and he said his clients don't want to go any lower than what they're at. She honestly doesn't think we can get it for the price we want. But she said we might as well try, and give our final offer.
My heart is breaking :( I don't know how I'll get any work done today.
03-15-2010, 07:36 AM
Oh Lindsey, I'm sorry! At least you tried:o
03-15-2010, 07:43 AM
Thanks Betsi. Scott has been all about sticking to our guns for the whole process, but he just said "Would you really be willing to give it up over a couple thousand dollars?" ... When you think about it, a couple more on a 25 year mortgage is only going to bring up our payments less than $10 a month. Our "limit" is well below our ACTUAL limit so it seems silly to let the house go over such a small amount. We could still afford it.
I think we may offer our "limit" but not say it's our final offer. Our realtor has already told them we're close to just ending it so they may just go for it anyway.
03-15-2010, 09:29 AM
Just signed the new offer again.... hopefully she can get to Scott's work for him to sign and have it sent off before our cut-off of noon! That's just another half hour.
03-15-2010, 09:34 AM
I'm getting so excited and nervous too and it's not even me lol!
I so hope they accept your offer Lynsey!!:):)
03-15-2010, 09:38 AM
Thank you Paula! I'm beginning to feel indifferent... It would be such a cool house to own, but they obviously aren't that bent on selling it. I have been spending my morning looking up houses we could get for a similar price. There are some gorgeous ones that are brand new! But they don't have the character or the history that this house has... not to mention the size!
But even if we have to stay in the condo, if I have Scott and Layla with me every night I'll be happy no matter where I am.
03-15-2010, 02:03 PM
Oh my gosh... Scott just got a call from our realtor
The house is ours for $2,900 more than our last offer if we want it. They won't go any lower. They will give us everything we're asking for (including washer and dryer) but that's their final offer. That is $71,100 less than their original asking price last summer, and $22,000 less than the current listed price. That's a pretty substantial drop in price, and I'm sure the house is worth that much...
My heart is racing and I don't know what to do! They're giving us some time to think about it.
03-15-2010, 02:39 PM
Hi Lindsay! I haven't written much on this thread because I've been out of town and only able to read a little bit.
It is always good to buy as much house as you can afford when you are young. It won't be as much of a stretch after you get get older and you will have a fabulous house for the rest of your life, or until you decide to sell it. Since you are getting it so much less than the original asking price, then you will make A LOT of money on it someday and have such a wonderful place to live until then!
I know it is horribly stressful, buying/selling always is - it just about makes me sick - I can't even buy a car, Gary has to do it cause it causes be so much stress!!!
I say go for it, if you can afford it and if it is what you want to do. I know you have probably looked at all the positives and all the negatives and then add them up. If the positives outweigh the negatives, then the decision is easy!
Good luck, can't wait to see what you decide.
03-15-2010, 02:44 PM
Thank you Gayle! I'm so glad I have this forum for times like these! I can't talk to my parents because they're at work :) Your advice is just as good!
We have a showing of the condo tonight and if this girl really likes the condo, our choice will be easy! If not, we have the worry of waiting for the condo to sell in the next 6 weeks, and if another offer comes in on the house we've lost it. That would be tough on us.
03-15-2010, 03:58 PM
Oh, exciting!!!! The house could be YOURS!!!!! I bet that you just can't wait!!! You have your condo fixed up so cute that I wouldn't think that you'll have any trouble selling it. I'll say a prayer and keep my fingers and toes crossed!!!!
03-15-2010, 07:17 PM
Good luck Lindsey!!!!
If its meant to be, it will happen. And it sounds as though its meant to be!!!
Can hardly wait to hear update!!!
03-16-2010, 06:19 AM
Well, the girl wasn't interested :( She liked the condo, but she didn't like that the REST of the building wasn't updated as well. And she wants to be closer to the river. So I guess we can sign the papers tonight saying we'll take their counter offer with all of our conditions, and then we'll have to go through the paperwork to list our condo. Hopefully it will sell in 6 weeks without any offers coming in to the other place :(
Wow! You are really getting very close to owning that beautiful home Linds! I hope you get the condo sold.
I am a firm believer in "if it's meant to be..." so if it is meant to be, it will all fall into place for you and Scott.
Good luck!
03-16-2010, 06:27 AM
Thank you Judy! It's just so nerve wracking!
lynne b
03-16-2010, 12:55 PM
wishing you good luck with the house, it is beautiful!!! I also hope you can sell your condo.
03-16-2010, 01:03 PM
Thanks Lynne! We signed the papers at noon agreeing to the counter offer on the house, and then I signed the papers to list the condo. When I came back to work, Scott and our realtor were just measuring rooms for the listing. She's going to come back tomorrow morning to take pictures when we get the best natural light!
It all seems to be happening so fast. Just a couple of weeks ago we went to look at the house on a whim! Not thinking it could seriously be ours!
Here are some pictures from the previous listing from last summer.
They do the place a little more justice than the current listing! You can see the yard is small but so pretty in the summer! And the sunsets! We can watch every night from our second floor balcony....
Oh I hope the condo sells soon!
03-16-2010, 02:57 PM
The house is just so gorgeous Lindsay! I think you all did the right thing! I hope the condo sells quickly!
03-17-2010, 08:59 AM
Lindsey, the house is just beautiful!!! I'm soooo jealous!! I have always wanted a big old two story home......just like that one!!!! It will be so nice when you decide to have kids!!!
03-17-2010, 09:06 AM
Thank you all for all of the support! I am so terrible at making decisions and all my parents will say is "Do what makes you happy!" All of you commenting on how big and beautiful the house is really gave me the push to go forward with it.
This morning Scott told me he had a dream that we had the house, and we had a baby girl and he had to keep carrying her up and down all the sets of stairs, and he also had to bring a baby gate with him to each floor because we didn't have enough for every staircase. When he told me, I thought he was worried that it really will be too much work with young kids, so I said "Did it suck?" and he said "No, it was awesome!" :)
Our condo should be listed today, so as soon as it's up I'm going to post a link here!
03-17-2010, 01:42 PM
Congratulations Lynsey!! Is it final yet? Have you for sure gotten it?:)
03-17-2010, 01:50 PM
We for sure have agreed on a price and that's about it.... we have a few conditions that need to be met first. Tomorrow we have a meeting with the bank so the financing should be in place by Monday - that's one condition. We have a house inspection scheduled for tomorrow evening, and that's another condition. The last condition is the sale of the condo. That's the one I'm worried about. The sellers have agreed to give us 6 weeks to sell the condo, but if they have another offer in that time, they can give us 48 hours to sell the condo, or remove all conditions. We NEED to sell the condo because the profit will be going towards closing costs, etc. So basically if they get another offer they want to entertain before our condo is sold, we're out of luck.
03-17-2010, 02:34 PM
Wow Lindsey, this reminds me of when I bought the home I am in!
I wasn't looking either, but saw this house on the market and went to see it, just for a 'looksie'.. well I fell in love with it right away. It felt like home. So I put in a offer, put my other house up for sale. The other house sold fast. Actually the first guy that looked at it bought it! His first look, he said the master bedroom was too small. So I figured other people would think the same... it was small! So I took my queen bed out, replaced it with a twin. A few days later, he asked to see it again.
And made a offer! Sold!!!
I had a few people wanting the house I had put in a offer for, owners wanted it gone today. Had a few scares, but I got it!
Still here, still feels like home, still love it.
Anyway, good luck to you, your condo will sell!!! Then you will have your dream home. So exciting!!!
03-17-2010, 03:52 PM
OK Lindsey...I'm holding my breath for you!! Only 48 hours notice if they get another offer makes me nervous, but it HAS been on the market all this time. Hmmm... It's a good thing you and Scott are young and can take all this stress:eek:
The house is magnificent Lindsey! I am sure you will sell the condo quickly. You just finished fixing it up, so whoever looks at it will be thrilled.
Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!!!:bighug::bighug::bighug:
03-18-2010, 06:14 AM
Ugh. The listing is not very good. There are hardly any pictures, so she's coming back to take more today I think. The last picture doesn't even show our place! Anyways I'm not very impressed with the listing, but at least we do have a showing this morning.
03-18-2010, 06:16 AM
03-18-2010, 02:15 PM
Well that was fast! Got a full price offer this morning, already filled out a counter offer (about the amount the person has to put down when conditions close for more security on my end) and that's that! I should get something back by 7 tonight, and the place might be sold by the end of next week!
The person asked for possession on April 15th, which means I may have less than a month left in the condo! Ugh! Time to start packing!
03-18-2010, 03:47 PM
OH MY GOSH!!!!! Lindsey... WOOO-HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03-19-2010, 05:40 AM
I didn't think that it would take long to sell your condo!! You've put so much work into it and it looks so nice that I would think that anyone would be thrilled with it!!! Congratulations on your new home and selling the condo!!! How exciting!!!!
03-19-2010, 06:18 AM
Thank you sooooooo much! The condo sale should be finalized next week, and the house people have promised not to look at any other offers until the end of next week, so we have time to get everything through for the sale! We had the house inspection yesterday and there are a few minor things to fix or keep an eye on but nothing major! The inspector was very impressed with the quality of work!
What good news Lindsey! That was so quick!
You are now homeowners, and what a beautiful home it is!
03-20-2010, 11:29 AM
Congratulations Lynsey!!!!! I'm soooo happy for you!:)
03-21-2010, 06:09 AM
That's wonderful Lindsey!!! I'm so happy for you. Your condo is just beautiful, but I think you're going to like the privacy of a house. You're doing great!!!
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