View Full Version : Blooming Flowers.......

04-06-2010, 08:58 PM
We have a few things that are blooming around the house and it was so nice outside that I couldn't help but go out and take some pictures.

1. We have little violets that grow all over the yard. They're so small that you don't hardly notice them but they are pretty. I'm not crazy that they're there but ....oh, well....I'm might as well enjoy them.

2. We have redbud trees around the yard and you can see them through the trees. We also have a pear tree that's blooming and something else that's white, but I don't know what it is.

3. A view of the top of my driveway. I have a flower bed there that I'll take pictures of when I get it planted. Doesn't my fence look nice? It's not finished yet but it sure dresses up my yard.

4. Some kind of little greenery that I've planted in my flower bed. It seems to be taking over so I'm going to have to take some out, but it has a pretty little flower!

04-07-2010, 06:40 AM
I'm not seeing a lot of blooms, only tulips and daffodils in others yards. I wish I would have planted some bulbs last fall. Oh well, maybe this fall. Our willow tree has the leaves out and looks nice. The maple trees are coming out now too so it doesn't look like bare branches anymore. I'm planning on planting a few flowers this year...didn't plant a one last year, but I'm afraid to plant them too early. It can still freeze here in Indiana...lol.

I love your fence Diana....one of these days I've got to see it for myself.

04-07-2010, 06:46 AM
Everything looks so pretty!! I love Spring:)

04-07-2010, 08:00 AM
The flowers are so pretty Diana. And your fence looks great! I really like it!:)

04-07-2010, 09:26 AM
Thanks everyone!! I take some more pictures when the other flowers are blooming. The fence really makes the yard look nice. Glen has even made the gates to swing shut when you open them. We're hoping eventually to have it where the dogs are inside of the fence and can't get out.......we'll see.....they tend to be little Houdini's when it comes to keeping them inside of a fence!!!

04-08-2010, 03:30 AM
It's so pretty Diana! Spring has sprung! Hurray!!!

I keep looking for the two bulbs I got planted in the fall. Nothing yet. I guess I should plant the rest now. (Got allergies last time and had to stop - they had just mowed the lawn).

04-08-2010, 11:43 AM
Beautiful pictures Diana! I can't wait for spring. It has been feeling spring-like around here, and the grass is just beginning to turn slightly green again.... and then I wake up this morning to the radio telling us to get ready for a dump of snow tomorrow and 100km/hr winds (62mi/hr). WHAT?! A couple hours north of here is supposed to get 40 cm (over 15 inches) of snow tonight.

As the saying goes.... Welcome to Saskatchewan. If you don't like the weather, wait 10 minutes!

But this is just ridiculous!

04-08-2010, 12:02 PM
We had a spring snow about 3 weeks ago. The good news is that it doesn't stay around very long!!! Sorry, Lindsey. Don't turn off the heater or put away your winter coat quite yet.

04-08-2010, 12:06 PM
Lol too bad all my winter stuff is packed in boxes :( It's going to be a cold move! Oh well, hopefully this will be the last of it! And we may need to get that hot tub up and running pretty quickly in the new place :D