View Full Version : Gonna Try Again.....

04-07-2010, 07:18 AM
Well, for the last few days, I've been trying to eat healthier. I've bought more veggies and a few fruits. I'm not going to mention it alot, but I need to get some of this weight off. I'm at 250 lbs....yes...you read right. Sucks alot!!!!

This morning after my bus route, I got Emilee out of her crate and put her harness on her and we went for a walk down the road and back...probably a little more than half a mile. I'm just taking it slow and going to work my way up a bit. Just get off my behind and do some more moving.

So....just keep me in your prayers or send me some good wishes if you will, that I can do better this time. I've been on so many diets I can't even count so decided I wasn't going to read any diet books or start any strict diet regimen....just going to do what I know is right and take it slow AND move.

04-07-2010, 08:08 AM
Janet I will for sure keep you in my prayers. I think you are making the right choice by taking it slow. The fad diets only work temporarily for most people anyway and then we tend to gain it right back and then some.

I wish you the best of luck on what you are trying to do Janet. I know exactly what you mean about the moving part. I don't get hardly any exercise at all. Keep us posted.:)

04-07-2010, 09:34 AM
Good luck, Girlfriend!!! I wish that you lived right by me so we could exercise together!!! I need to go with you on that walk!!!! I'll be praying!!!

04-07-2010, 10:21 AM
I so understand what you mean, i too need to lose weight (lots and lots), it is so hard though when you like your food. Your right we all know what we need to do to change our eating habits for life, it is a new way of life, not just for a period of time.
I am trying to get back to the old fashioned way of eating (Grandparents etc), small portion of meat and then vegetables or salad, and fruit to fill up on. My problem is i dont eat any breakfast or anything in fact until lunchtime, 1 - 2 pm. I know this is not good but i honestly dont feel hungry at all - now night-time is a different matter.

Yes.... i think to myself when the weight has come off then maybe we will feel more energetic... and so can eat a few of the goodies without worrying too much. I think taking it a little at a time is good, i am trying to be very good all week - which though is hard, is going ok. Then at weekends i just have to be a bit more relaxed.... but the way i look at it it has to be better than not doing anything at all:confused: Or is that just me trying to justify myself????

I am quite active all day with work etc, but have been taking Harvey out most evenings for a walk, mostly dont want to go - but then feel glad when i have been!!! But the little boooooger now wont let me not go - he mithers me at the time we usually go, i dont know bullied by a little 3.5 lb Yorkie:rolleyes:

So good luck, i will be thinking of you.

04-07-2010, 03:29 PM
Way to go Janet!! That's a great way to start. I've lost a million pounds over the years. and it's still a daily battle:rolleyes: KEEP WALKING:D

04-07-2010, 04:12 PM
I'm with you Janet! Fruits and veggies, a couple of servings of proteins, good fat, lots of water, and I have no idea how many carbs we are supposed to eat anymore! They keep changing their minds:confused:

The walking is a great idea. I bet it's nice and relaxing too!

04-09-2010, 08:29 AM
I've done really good this week. I am really enjoying the walking except for today...it's so cold and windy. It's 12:30 PM and only 43 degrees. Suppose to be warming up this weekend and next week to the mid 70's so that will be nice.

I wish you were here or me there too Diana. I would love walking with you.

Betsi...I think I've lost a million pounds over the years too. Wish I would have paid attention when I gained it all the first time. Oh well...water under the bridge...I just need to pay attention this time. We'll see how it goes...LoL....

04-10-2010, 07:40 AM
I'm glad you've done good this week!:cheer::cheer:

04-11-2010, 04:33 AM
I do have to say that I've really been enjoying the walking. I've always liked to walk, but it's really making me happy to do this and I look forward to it. It's a start so I sure hope the weather warms a bit....walking when it's in the 40's and windy is c c c c old. Brrrrr!

04-11-2010, 12:09 PM
I'm glad to hear that you like the walking. I love walking too, but I have tight hamstrings, so walking makes the back of my legs hurt - not when I'm walking - but for the rest of the day, especially when I get up from sitting. Of course, the answer is to stretch the hammies really well, but I hate to do that, so I jsut usually complain. :D

04-12-2010, 03:26 PM
How are you feeling/doing today Janet?

04-13-2010, 08:55 AM
Doing really good Gayle...thanks. Still enjoying the walking. I didn't walk yesterday because it was so windy it took my breath away...lol. Did walk today. I've lost about 5 lbs so far so I'm happy with that. Need to get to the grocery and get some veggies and fruit, maybe do that this afternoon. I wish there was someone out here where I live to walk with although it is good for clearing my head walking alone with a doggie. :)

04-16-2010, 05:55 AM
Keep it up Janet! 5 pounds is nice. Walking is a real relaxing thing to do, although, I agree - it would be nice with a friend. Maybe not though. It's so peaceful with a dog.

04-16-2010, 02:07 PM
Thanks...I think losing 5 lbs in nice too....now only 95 lbs to go.... 6118

04-16-2010, 02:09 PM
Janet, I am so glad to hear that you are eating healthier and walking, way to go.....you'll be feeling much better in no time at all...

04-18-2010, 03:25 AM
Well......LOL....I blew it! rofl We were going to go use the gift card last night, but it was so crowded. The restaurant has openings in to where the bar is and when it's that crowded the wait is forever and the cigarette smoke from the bar goes into the dining area. Since I quit smoking (almost 3 years ago) I just can't hardly take that in an enclosed area any more. So we went for pizza. I wish I would eat slow and not so darn much. My goodness, I ate 1/3 of the pizza and 4 breadsticks with cheese. What the heck is wrong with me????? Half way through the meal I remembered I should slow down my eating....duh!!! Oh well, I'll try to do better today, because I still feel full.

Sometimes I think my best bet to lose would be trying to get on The Biggest Loser. LOL

04-18-2010, 02:08 PM
Well......LOL....I blew it! rofl We were going to go use the gift card last night, but it was so crowded. The restaurant has openings in to where the bar is and when it's that crowded the wait is forever and the cigarette smoke from the bar goes into the dining area. Since I quit smoking (almost 3 years ago) I just can't hardly take that in an enclosed area any more. So we went for pizza. I wish I would eat slow and not so darn much. My goodness, I ate 1/3 of the pizza and 4 breadsticks with cheese. What the heck is wrong with me????? Half way through the meal I remembered I should slow down my eating....duh!!! Oh well, I'll try to do better today, because I still feel full.

Sometimes I think my best bet to lose would be trying to get on The Biggest Loser. LOL

Your attitude is so good Janet! You should never beat yourself up for falling off the wagon. Just trying to do better the next day is a great outlook and will serve you well :)

04-18-2010, 03:34 PM
Thank you Maddie....I try...LOL....I try.

04-19-2010, 11:46 AM
Like ya said Janet........you can try to do better today.:) Good luck. Wish me luck too, I'm trying to quit smoking!!!:eek:

04-19-2010, 03:15 PM
I think it's ok to blow it every once in a while, as long as you get back down to business asap:D

04-19-2010, 03:40 PM
Like ya said Janet........you can try to do better today.:) Good luck. Wish me luck too, I'm trying to quit smoking!!!:eek:

Oh WOW! I think Janet did that just a few years ago - she's sure to chime in with her experiences. I've never smoked so I don't have a clue.

Good Luck!

04-19-2010, 04:49 PM
Like ya said Janet........you can try to do better today.:) Good luck. Wish me luck too, I'm trying to quit smoking!!!:eek:

You go girl!!! I posted on your other thread. We'll all be your cheerleaders...you can do it!!!

04-19-2010, 04:51 PM
I'm still working on it, but didn't do good this evening...darn it. I like eating!!! (and not the good for you food) LOL Why in the world did I buy those Pizza Rolls to begin with?????

04-20-2010, 07:18 AM
Janet, you CAN do this!! You are so good about sticking with what you start!!! Now go get you some carrot sticks to snack on!!!!!!

04-20-2010, 05:45 PM
Janet, just start over again tomorrow. I have been eating everything in sight lately:eek: If you like a snack with a little kick...........I like baked tostitos with salsa. It's pretty low in fat. Good luck girl! You can do it!

04-20-2010, 06:53 PM
Hey Janet! When you need a sweet fix, take a pack of fat free cream cheese, a tub of free Cool Whip, and a cup of Splenda. Mix it with a mixer and eat it as a fruit dip. Apple is my favorite. It's yummy!!!:p

04-20-2010, 09:33 PM
Hey Janet! When you need a sweet fix, take a pack of fat free cream cheese, a tub of free Cool Whip, and a cup of Splenda. Mix it with a mixer and eat it as a fruit dip. Apple is my favorite. It's yummy!!!:p

That sounds AMAZING! So trying that!

Another sweet treat I like lately is sugar-free jello (5-10 calories in a quarter of a pack!!) and some fat free cool-whip. If you use orange jello it tastes like a creamsicle and if you use lemon its kinda like lemon meringue pie (minus the pie ;))

04-21-2010, 05:59 AM
I don't know what happened, but I totally blew it yesterday. I ate so much I need smacked!..lol So this morning I had some Fiber One cereal, toast and orange juice. Hopefully I'll do better today.

Diana...I've always been able to do anything I set my mind to do....except when it comes to eating. I eat when I'm happy, sad, depressed, and boredom. I love to eat and it's so hard not to. Bad part is I really like the bad stuff.

04-21-2010, 03:48 PM
You know what Janet, controlling your eating is really really hard! Think about it. When you stop smoking, you stop and you don't physically need a cigarette (after you get past the physical aspect of addition). Same with drugs, alcohol, etc. You can just not smoke, not drink, not take drugs.

BUT you CANNOT go without food - you HAVE to eat, it's not something you can give up cold turkey and say, I will never eat a bite of anything again.

So, this makes controlling your eating doubly hard. It's true, controlling your eating may be much more difficult that any thing else.

04-22-2010, 05:15 AM
I have been eating Lean Cuisine for lunches and dinners, and all of these low fat, 100 calories snacks for about 3 or 4 weeks. I cheat OFTEN! For example, I went to Kingston on Tuesday, so I had my McDonald's. I'm losing, but veeerrrryyyy slowly.

I kind of like having a lo cal meal all ready in 5 minutes, but once I am outside, real food is so enticing!

Keep it up, Janet! I'm not going for thin anymore - just thinner! Keep your goals small and cheat every so often. Or, were you going for the bikini look? I'm not!

04-24-2010, 04:20 PM
You know what Janet, controlling your eating is really really hard! Think about it. When you stop smoking, you stop and you don't physically need a cigarette (after you get past the physical aspect of addition). Same with drugs, alcohol, etc. You can just not smoke, not drink, not take drugs.

BUT you CANNOT go without food - you HAVE to eat, it's not something you can give up cold turkey and say, I will never eat a bite of anything again.

So, this makes controlling your eating doubly hard. It's true, controlling your eating may be much more difficult that any thing else.

That is so true Gayle....and it is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do....and again...I think I'm failing. We finally were able to use the gift card the guy who hit our tree gave us and this is what I ate for supper....fried jalepeno peppers, fried cheese puffs, fried broccoli and cauliflower, fried onion rings, fried catfish curls, tarter sauce and 2 beers. Now is this a heart attack waiting to happen or what????
I was absolutely miserable when we left. Oh yeah...I forgot to add a piece of garlic bread to that.

I have been eating Lean Cuisine for lunches and dinners, and all of these low fat, 100 calories snacks for about 3 or 4 weeks. I cheat OFTEN! For example, I went to Kingston on Tuesday, so I had my McDonald's. I'm losing, but veeerrrryyyy slowly.

I kind of like having a lo cal meal all ready in 5 minutes, but once I am outside, real food is so enticing!

Keep it up, Janet! I'm not going for thin anymore - just thinner! Keep your goals small and cheat every so often. Or, were you going for the bikini look? I'm not!

Me????? Bikini????? No way....LOL. I think the bikini days are over for good. I've got to do better, that's all there is to it or I'm afraid it's going to kill me.

04-24-2010, 05:41 PM
I wouldn't plan on eating at that place again. One thing that Glen and I do sometimes is we plan ahead of going to a restaurant what we're going to order......trying to encourage each other to eat healthier. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. We ARE eating more salads and a little more heathier though.

If you eat foods high in fiber you'll feel more full. I've been eating Great Grains with pecans.....yum!!! It's high in fiber and low in sugar and it really makes me feel full. Let me tell you.....I'm right there with you on the losing weight. It is so hard to do.......but I told the Dr. that I would lose weight so I'm working on it too.

04-24-2010, 06:22 PM
One trick for restaurant eating is to only eat half - since they usually serve you twice as much as you really need to eat. Gary and I often share something, but that only works if you are with someone who will share.

If you are not sharing, ask for a to go box when the meal comes (yes, the waiter will look at you like you are crazy, and you might have to ask for the box again, as they think you don't REALLY mean you want it when your food comes). When you get your food, put half of it in the to-go box, close it and set it out of sight, if possible.

Then take it home and eat it the next day. Usually the worst restaurant meal is not too bad if you only eat half and you usually won't end up feeling miserable. It doens't work to say that you'll only eat half and then take the rest home, you usually end up eating it all, if it stays on your plate. But if you put it in the box from the git-go, most likely you'll end up taking it home and eating it the next day.

04-25-2010, 04:48 AM
Great idea Gayle. I don't think we need to go to that restaurant for a long time. I felt so foolish after we got home....I know better!

04-27-2010, 05:44 AM
No more foolish than I feel when I gulp down a McD's! But, I know I am going to do it, and kind of allow it. I still feel dumb though.

I have lost 4 pounds though! I am very happy with this. I have about 8 to 10 more pounds to go. Last night, almost everyone brought deserts to the meeting. I had one plate of food, and one of deserts. Today, I will go back on my diet. Luckily, everybody takes their own leftovers home!

Somebody left a lemon meringue pie. I had an extra piece last night. Today, It is going into the garbage. If it was chocolate, I would eat it!

04-27-2010, 06:24 AM
SEND IT HERE!!!! SEND IT HERE!!! I love lemon meringue pie.......OH WAIT......I'm dieting too.......Bummer.

04-27-2010, 03:30 PM
I've decided that trying to eat healthy sucks.... :D but I'll keep trying. Lost 5 lbs....gained 3..LOL....I'll try harder..LOL.

04-28-2010, 05:35 PM
Personally I think that once you stay away from sugar and salt your cravings go away. I don't eat much salt anymore and I don't crave salty things and the same with sugar. I've been eating a lot more fruit than I used to. I do keep sugar-free cookies that I allow myself once a day. Wal-mart has the sugar-free chocolate fudge covered cookies......Yum!!! I can have three a day!!!!!

04-28-2010, 05:49 PM
You are right, Diana. The less sugar and carbs I eat, the less I want:p Unfortunately, that is all I've eaten for about a week:eek: I have such a sick relationship with food!

04-29-2010, 06:06 AM
It is true. I just stopped eating sandwiches, and I threw out the bread that had started to get moldy. If I was to have a sandwich though, I would have to eat bread for a couple of weeks until I got over it!

I still need carbs though. I love Pirate's Booty, which is kind of expensive, but has lots of air in between the carbs. I also love all of the soy treats, but I eat too many of them.

04-29-2010, 09:37 AM
Ricky loves the Cookies and Creme Pop Tarts. He takes them and eats on his way to school. I never tried them until recently and all I can say is....THEY ARE SOOOOO GOOD!!!!! It would help if I could keep it out of the house.

Also...it's like Rick is trying to sabotage me. I love Pecan Sandies and those Keebler type cookies with the chocolate stripes. He doesn't eat much of them, but keep buying them. I've told him to keep them in his truck or garage, but he won't do it. I asked him not to buy them and only buy the kinds he likes that I don't....so last night he brought in the ones I mentioned above. I really appreciate his support......NOT!!!!!

05-05-2010, 11:14 AM
If you check the Pecan Sandies they probably don't have a lot of sugar in them so just limit yourself to one or two. As for the chocolate striped cookies you can get them in sugar-free at Wal-mart. They are wonderful!!! I also buy the chocolate covered graham cookies that are sugar-free!! Yummmm!!! I only eat what is recommended as a serving, but they really help my sweet tooth and doesn't make me crave chocolate or sugar. I like to keep them in the fridge!! You might try that and see if that helps. Hugs!!!!

05-05-2010, 04:21 PM
I'll be looking for them when I go to Wal Mart again. That's a great idea Diana. I haven't lost anymore I don't think. I haven't gotten on the scales.

05-05-2010, 04:27 PM
One thing to remember when you're eating sugar-free foods is that it's only "sugar-free". They're not calorie or fat-free.......unfortunately. Glen doesn't remember that but it really helps me..........that and if you eat too much sugar-free chocolate it causes diarrhea!!!!!! BTW--Russel Stover chocolates are good too but only eat ONE at a time........trust me!!!!!

06-24-2010, 05:13 AM
Didn't know whether to start another thread or come here AGAIN!!!

I went and got my hair cut yesterday. I wanted my hair a bit shorter, but feel I'm just too fat to have it too short. Anyway...decided I was going to TRY and start Weight Watchers again. I still have all the material that I was given when I was a member. I really liked having to be held accountable every week, but I just don't want to spend that money.

That's where you all come in. If you can help keep this thread active and ask me every Thurs. or Fri. what my weight is....I would really appreciate it. Today...Thursday..6/24/10 I weigh 251 lbs. Instead of trying to read all the booklets at once...I'm going to read one each week like when I was a member. I hope it works this time. I know I can do it....I just like all the bad stuff....chocolate mostly, breads.

So far today I've done good. I can have 29 points a day (plus the 35 extra weekly) and I've used 9 for breakfast. I'm going to have mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks of veggies or something else healthy to keep myself from getting so hungry. I know you're not suppose to be hungry on WW, but I was...so I need to keep an eye on that and make sure I have something between meals.

Yesterday I was talking to Lynne and I had to go eat something because I was shaking soooo bad. Hate that feeling. So here I go again.....please wish me luck and make me be accountable to you.

06-24-2010, 05:34 AM
Good luck!!! Post your weight every Thursday on this thread, let's say at 9 AM.
How would that work for you?

06-24-2010, 06:06 AM
That's a good idea......We'll help you out and cheer you on....all at the same time!! Good luck, Janet!!! I should join you......maybe I'll get inspired by you!!! You go, GF!!! :cheer:

06-24-2010, 08:17 AM
Okay...that's what I'll do.

This morning at around 8:30 I had some 1/4 cup Multigrain Cheerios and 1/4 cup Fiber One Clusters cereal. (I mix my cereals together...lol) with 1/2 cup milk and 1/2 cup orange juice.

By about 10 I had the shakes a little bit so got a bottle of water and a handfull of baby carrots. Shook the whole time eating them. I don't like having the shakes and being so hungry.

06-24-2010, 08:40 AM
Good luck Janet! You know we'll be here cheering you on!!:)

06-24-2010, 09:29 AM
I certainly will check in with you every Thurs/Fri. I lost a lot of weight on WW a few years ago. I haven't gained it ALL back, but I've gained a lot more than I wanted. I lost 8 lbs before we went to Alaska and I gained 2 lbs while up there, not too bad as I ate A LOT of fish and chips (fried halibut and french fries).

I'm back on WW now, and did great yesterday. Today is good too, so far. I only get 25 points - and I don't get the extra points unless I save points from the 25.

Summer time is good for me to do WW because I love fresh homegrown tomatoes and I can eat a bacon sandwich (1.5 points for bacon; 1 point for bread (I use the 45 cal. 5 gm fiber bread that is only 1 point for 2 slices); 1 point for light miracle whip and tomato. Or I can eat a scrambled egg sandwich which is about the same.

One trick I learned a few weeks ago is grilled okra. Sounds gross, but is really quite tasty. You just put it on skewers, spay with Pam (butter flavor or olive oil flavor) and grill 3 minutes on each side on a low flame. Now, I LOVE LOVE LOVE fried okra, so I didn't think this would satisfy me - but it does and it is great.

I have some food scales and I weigh almost everything I eat so that I'm not eating too much. That really helps me too.

In the summer I like to make cold gazpacho (sp?) soup. I love the fresh tomatoes, onions, and peppers. It helps to curb the hunger.

Janet, I too, get hungry on WW. If you fill up on low point food, you are not supposed to get hungry - but raw fruits and vegetables make my tummy feel hungry, so I can't eat a lot of them or I will go on an eating binge.

Good luck! I'll be right here with you!

06-24-2010, 10:04 AM
I also bought a couple of books called Eat This Not That. I bet you could find them at half priced books. It tells you the better food choices.

One book is general foods, the other is restaurant foods but there are lots of restaurant food in the general book.

For example at IHOP a spinich mushroom and tomato omelet is 330 cals but a garden omelet is 1030 cals. Big difference.

06-24-2010, 12:12 PM
Thanks Gayle...I've seen the author of those books on Dr. Oz and Oprah. I'll have to look for them.

06-24-2010, 12:26 PM
You shouldn't have the shakes! Maybe you need to eat more for breakfast. Egg white omeletes and veggies with low point bread might keep you going longer. There are also 90 calories greek yogurts for those hungry times. They're expensive though.

I have been doing Lean Cuisine for lunch and for dinner, a very healthy oatmeal combo (protein powder, flaxseed, wheat germ, greek yogurt and fruit with oatmeal), 90 or 100 calorie snacks. I am losing, but oh so slowly! I need to lose another 8 pounds or so. Wish I could get the laser liposuction!

06-30-2010, 05:26 PM
OK Janet - it's 'ALMOST' Thursday. So, how did you do this week? It's time to check in with your weekly report.

I did good this past week, except for last night. I'm a binge eater and to keep from binging, I pretty much have to avoid my trigger foods (chips mostly). I stayed with my mom last night as my daughter was out of town and she had some chips in the house. I had avoided them the night before - but last night I thought, "I'll just eat a handful" I KNOW better, I can't stop when I start on something like chips.

Oh well, I've done great today, so all is not lost.

Oh, I have to go to a banquet with Gary and his family in 3 weeks - and his ex-wife will be there. I've GOT to look fabulous, don't you think??? :p

07-01-2010, 03:16 AM
I thought I was doing pretty good, but only lost one pound. I know it would help more if I wasn't sitting so much. I'm hoping to go out and clean the garage today while it's still in the 70's here. Tomorrow we start heading to the 90's...yuk.

I didn't weigh myself all week...I've decided to weigh myself only on Thursdays. I also forgot to drink more water....I need to do that too.

07-01-2010, 05:56 AM
I think the exercise is more important than we think. I also don't exercise and it is talking so long to lose even one pound!

It's too hot to really walk or work out in the summer though. Can you go swimming somewhere? That's good exercise and it cools you down too! Maybe you can fill the bathtub with cool water and do some leg lifts, etc. in there! (I'm serious too)

07-01-2010, 07:46 AM
One pound is GREAT, Janet!!!! :cheer: :cheer:

That means that you're going slow and steady.....which is what you're suppose to be doing!!! Try to get a little bit of exercise in.......why don't you buy that Zuma dance that's been on tv? I think that it looks fun......but also a killer for this heavy body!!! Ha!! Ha!!!! I can just see you doing it though!!!!! LOL

I had told the doctor that I would try to lose some weight and since I've been doing yard work and now I'm swimming I've lost about 7-8 lbs. I'm TRYING to swim everyday but it's not working well but when I do swim it's a real workout!!......not just floating around!! I absolutely LOVE to swim!!!

Yes, Gayle......I think that you need to look your absolute BEST when you meet Gary's ex!!!! That shouldn't be a problem though because you're such a beautiful woman anyway!!! Go buy an outfit that looks great on you!!!!.......Oh, and get Gary slicked up as well!!!!

Can we get those counters for weight on here to register what we're losing?

07-01-2010, 09:56 AM
Count me in, too! I've gained 10:eek: pounds back from the 40 I lost. You know we all need to look our best to meet each other..NOT! It's nice to have friends that you KNOW will like you no matter how you look:) But hubby's ex wife...well that's another story, lol!

07-01-2010, 02:29 PM
What are those counters Diana? I'm weighing in at 139.5 this morning. I want to lose about 6 or 7 pounds. At this rate, it should take about two years.

07-01-2010, 04:35 PM
Janet........a pound is great!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! I am like you too...I need to exercise. I am horrible....always making excuses as to why I am not moving:rolleyes:

07-02-2010, 08:42 AM
What are those counters Diana? .........

I tried and tried to get one on yesterday but I don't think that this site allows them. Here's a site that has them. They're pretty cool! You put them where your signature goes and it shows everyone how much you've lost.


07-03-2010, 05:11 PM
That is a great thing Diana! If we can't have one here, I'm just going to post my weight weekly. Being accountable is very helpful!!!

07-04-2010, 02:59 PM
Very helpful indeed and embarassing ...lol...at least for me. I do need to try harder, but when you're not very happy it's hard to really care. I'll tell you one thing for sure....I will sure be happy when I see all of you!!!!

07-04-2010, 04:10 PM
Just think Janet.. one of these days Ricky will have kids, and they will need a healthy grandma to play with:) I can't wait to meet up with everybody, too!

07-07-2010, 04:53 PM
Well, it's Wednesday evening - so tomorrow must be Thursday. How did everyone do this past week?

I didn't do as well - I had to eat out more than I would have liked (when I am trying to control my eating). I think I lost a pound, but could have lost 2 if not for too much restaurant food.

How 'bout the rest of you?

07-07-2010, 06:38 PM
I didn't realize that we were making this an accountability thread :eek: I ate too much left over wedding cake so I'm not ready........but I'll weigh anyway!!!

07-09-2010, 12:31 PM
For you ladies that want to lose weight I recommend you have at least 5 small meals a day. Quantity matters alot when your in a diet, what you want to do is train your tummy to take in less food. Pack your refrigerator with veggie trays so you can snack in between. Also remember fruit juices have tons of sugar too, better than soda thought. If you do cardio excercise, feel free to indulge once a week in a meal you've craved. Fish is good for dieting but keep in mind salmon has alot of oil, so a white fish is a better choice. If you want to substitute sugar I recommend you use Splenda I think natural sugar is healthier but hey. Steam all your veggies, make sure you don't overcook them or they will lose there benefits. Use herbs for seasoning, throw away the salt. Fiber-Fiber-Fiber

When it comes to exercise, weather is not an excuse. Walk on your tipi-toes going up the stairs. When your sitting down cramp your stomach in and out ( you can squeeze your buttocks muscles too). When nobody's home march (raise your knees as far up as you can) everywhere you go. Those are little things you can do to fire up your body. Then next thing you know you will be craving to go out and start joggin. Cardio-Cardio-Cardio

That's all I can think of right now, hopefully it helps a little.

07-09-2010, 01:06 PM
Thanks for the suggestions!!

07-09-2010, 08:06 PM
Very sound advice JJJ, thanks!!

07-10-2010, 06:52 AM
Oops! I forgot in all of this heat! I'm going to weigh myself right now!

Okay! I'm back and happy! I weigh 138.5, so I lost a pound:)

I've been eating fattening stuff though, so I better be careful or it will catchup next week! I went to the city on Tuesday, so it was a junk food day, went out to dinner Thursday and had a cheesburger and fries, and an Italian hero last night for dinner. I'm just so sick of the WW frozen meals, and they are very expensive.
I did get a small grill for my deck, and maybe grilling up some veggies and meat, and maybe a potato for dinners will be better. It's just so complicated to put the grill together! I do a little bit at a time!

My goal is to lose 5 more pounds. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I am only about 5'1" and small boned. I also don't exercise, and my metabolism is so much slower than it used to be! A lot of the weight is in my stomach. I don't really care about a little extra in my legs, or my butt, I just hate the stomach and the muffin top when I wear a shirt!

Am I the only one posting my weight? It doesn't matter, as long as we all are accountable in some way. At least for me, being accountable is very important, so I am going to post my poundage.

07-10-2010, 08:01 AM
My weight stayed about the same. We haven't gone swimming this week because of the rain and the water's cooler. The rain washed out my blue dye so my pond is back to mud color :( Bummer!!!! We've been eating lots of fruit!! Yummmmmm!!!!!

07-11-2010, 06:02 AM
Didn't lose any...but didn't gain back the pound either...lol. It's hard when my heart just isn't in it. Have too many other things to worry about right now to worry about weight too. I'm just trying not to go overboard on eating and maybe that will help until I can give it my best.

07-14-2010, 07:55 AM
Stress makes it hard to lose weight too. Things will get better!!! Life's an adventure!!!

07-14-2010, 08:00 AM
I sent an e-mail to Admin to see if we can get the weight counters for our signature!!

07-14-2010, 08:09 AM
Oops! I forgot in all of this heat! I'm going to weigh myself right now!

Okay! I'm back and happy! I weigh 138.5, so I lost a pound:)

I've been eating fattening stuff though, so I better be careful or it will catchup next week! I went to the city on Tuesday, so it was a junk food day, went out to dinner Thursday and had a cheesburger and fries, and an Italian hero last night for dinner. I'm just so sick of the WW frozen meals, and they are very expensive.
I did get a small grill for my deck, and maybe grilling up some veggies and meat, and maybe a potato for dinners will be better. It's just so complicated to put the grill together! I do a little bit at a time!

My goal is to lose 5 more pounds. I know that doesn't sound like much, but I am only about 5'1" and small boned. I also don't exercise, and my metabolism is so much slower than it used to be! A lot of the weight is in my stomach. I don't really care about a little extra in my legs, or my butt, I just hate the stomach and the muffin top when I wear a shirt!

Am I the only one posting my weight? It doesn't matter, as long as we all are accountable in some way. At least for me, being accountable is very important, so I am going to post my poundage.

Hey that's me too :rolleyes:

I'm also 5'1 and small bone, currently I'm 95lbs. I don't want to loose weight or gain weight but I do want to gain muscle. I know the older you get the slower your metabolsim gets.

Have you tried a corset? It should help alot in the tummy area. Especially if you don't like to exercise. I also love the brand Lipo in a box, to cover up your flaws.

07-14-2010, 09:02 AM
Hey that's me too :rolleyes:

I'm also 5'1 and small bone, currently I'm 95lbs. I don't want to loose weight or gain weight but I do want to gain muscle. I know the older you get the slower your metabolsim gets.

Have you tried a corset? It should help alot in the tummy area. Especially if you don't like to exercise. I also love the brand Lipo in a box, to cover up your flaws.

I wear a one piece bodyshaper all the time! Hides a multitude of sins! My favorite is the Barely There. I still get the muffin top though.