View Full Version : Nyc

04-09-2010, 06:19 AM
I drove down to the city yesterday to go to the dentist. He finally called me. I have been trying to get an appointment since December! I am (a lot) more than annoyed! He is graduating in July, and I will have to have a new dentist finish me up. I can't even remember how many dentists I have gone through there!

He really should have made it his business to see to it that he finished me up before his graduation! I was nice to him though because I want him to do as much as possible before he leaves. He is an excellent dentisyt and is very familiar with what needs to be done. My next appointment is 4/19 and he made it a double appt. which is great!

I also feel that he really doesn't care about me and my case. My other dentists were not like that at all.

Okay, now I have vented!

I loved being in the city! It was a beautiful day, and I liked falling right back into my City Girl mode! I would never want to live there again though!

04-09-2010, 06:35 AM
Ah....Judy.....you're becoming a country girl!!!!! Pretty soon you'll fit right in where I live.....in a farming communtiy!!! Ha!! Ha!!!

I'm sorry about your dentist problems. He hasn't treated you right to have known that he wasn't going to be able to finish on your teeth and to have put you off like he has. I'd be pretty unhappy about it too. At least you're going to get several appointments in before he leaves.

04-09-2010, 08:04 AM
I'm lucky that I have a very caring dentist...wish you did too Judy. At least he's good at what he does. I would still like to see what NYC is like. Diana...why don't you come pick me up and we'll go together!! Sound like fun?

04-10-2010, 07:37 AM
Sorry about your dentist Judy. You are right..he should've made it a point to have gotten your work finished before he graduated! Hopefully you will be happier with your next one.

I would love to see NYC! It looks so busy everywhere on TV. People and traffic all around you all the time. So different from where I live...out in the country. Quiet and calm almost all of the time. Come to think of it, that gets old too:rolleyes:LOL

04-11-2010, 04:35 AM
I love the country and don't think I would ever want to live in a city, but NYC just looks so exciting with so much to do. I really would like to see it at least once. Oh....Diana!!!!

04-11-2010, 12:07 PM
Hmmm JUDY! I do NOT like how that dentist has treated you! I hope the next one you get has a more caring attitude, and takes the time to do your work the best way possible!