View Full Version : Hi, Everybody!!!

04-29-2010, 05:49 PM
Just saying "HI". Sorry I've been away so long. Farming takes up a lot of time!! ;)

Everyone in my family is doing very well. So much has been going on, both with family and with work that when I'm home in the evenings, it's kinda nice to just go to FV and do mindless things. I do really need to get back on here and doing other things though.

Melissa and Garrett are moved in and settled in their mobile home. Melissa is trying to get into nursing school and her husband has decided that once she gets her RN, he wants to go to vet school. He would make a good vet, and he has the smarts to do it, but he wants to go to a school in Denver which is sooo far away. He will apply to several though and see what happens. We have Texas A & M not too far away, but he grew up in Buda, just south of Austin and it is difficult for him and his family to consider him going to their biggest rival school.

Karen and Carlton are doing well also. She is living near the base in 29 Palms, California and going to school while he is away on his mission on the other side of the world until November. We're not supposed to post anything online about where he is and what he may be doing. I've mentioned before where he was headed, so hopefully you all know. That's why nothing is posted on FB. We pray constantly for his safety and that he returns early and healthy. At the end of May when the semester ends, Karen will come back here and stay with us for a couple of months rather than be out there in the hot desert all summer without family. She will return sometime in the fall before her hubby gets back. She's registered for online classes in the fall so things will be more flexible.

Rex is getting ready for another Parade of Homes. It begins on May 8th, so he's busy getting the home all tweeked out and decorated. He has a professional decorator helping this year, so I'm not so involved. My work has been very busy and things are really tough out there. Will be doing more traveling trying to scratch up as much profitable business as possible.

Take care and love reading your threads and catching up!!!!

04-30-2010, 05:13 AM
Hi Marilyn! It's so good to hear from you! I'm so glad to hear that your children are doing well. I will continue to pray for Carlton.

I know what you mean about doing m,mindless things online. I have been playing solitaire and mah jongg!

Don't be a stranger! I know the farm needs you, but so do we!

04-30-2010, 05:48 AM
It sounds like your family is finally settled and doing well. You've been missed on here!! I'm glad to see that you're back.

04-30-2010, 12:35 PM
Sounds like all is well with you and your family....how wonderful. I'm just beginning to get tired of FV so not sure how much longer I'll keep farming. Time will tell.

04-30-2010, 03:03 PM
Hi Marilyn:) So glad you decided to check in. It's so good to hear that you and your family are doing well! Hope you will check in often!!

Your sil is in our prayers.

04-30-2010, 06:38 PM
Hi Marilyn!!! Glad to hear that all is well with your family, I will continue to pray for your SIL... As far as FB I am getting tired of farming too. but I continue to do so... I miss all you ladies and hope to be posting more often too..

05-01-2010, 05:43 AM
Glad to hear that Gina. Glad that Marilyn posted to and got us caught up.

05-02-2010, 07:31 PM
It's so hard to find time for everything. This weekend I "farmed" for real. Tried to get some vegetables planted in containers to see if it will work better than last year. I got a couple of those Topsey Tirvey tomato planters and have them setup and hopefully growing. It's a little late to start a spring garden here. Should have planted some of the items in February, but don't have much invested if it doesn't work out.

It's really good to be back on here. I'll try to be more faithful!! ;)

05-03-2010, 11:47 AM
Hi Marilyn.... nice to hear all is well with you and your family. I agree it is very hard at times to find spare time to keep up with everything, but glad everything is going well, and for the family too.

05-03-2010, 07:24 PM
Thank you all for your kind thoughts and prayers for us and especially for our SIL. We're pretty anxious for him to get back to the states. Hopefully in November!!!

I bought my plane ticket today to fly out to California and help Karen get everything situated and drive back with her and her yorkie, Chase, for the summer. We have to move the truck and RV to a friends place who will be storing it for her for the summer. I hope we can manage a 36' 5th wheel. Rex thinks we can do it, and the last time Karen had to switch spots in the RV park, without Carlton there, the guy who helped her had her hitch it up with his supervision and do some of the driving so she could get the feel of it.

This will be some experience for us though. We'll just have to take it slow. She said the turns we have to make are nice big clear intersections. We'll be doing this on May 28th. A few extra prayers that day couldn't hurt. Biting nails already!!!

I told a friend about the move, and she said we should make a sign for the back of the trailer, "STUDENT DRIVER". That may not be a bad idea!!

05-04-2010, 04:46 AM
Wow Marilyn...that's a pretty big rv to tackle but I'm sure you girls will be just fine. Like ya said..take it slow. If the turns are nice and wide, she shouldn't have a problem. Hopefully there won't be alot of traffic where you are going that day. I personally think that a sign like that is a very good idea.

I will say a prayer for you girls. Be safe and check in as soon as you can.:)

05-05-2010, 11:18 AM
Wow....that's scary to think of hitching up a fifth wheel and driving it somewhere by yourself!!! Does the "friend" know how to do that sort of thing? I'll be praying that all goes well for you!!! Give us a reminder when it's coming up.

05-05-2010, 04:18 PM
I know you two will be able to do it. If I can pull 52-72 foot trailers and back them up to a dock to be loaded you all will be just fine. I did this when I worked at Frito Lay. The two of you will certainly have an adventure.

05-05-2010, 07:08 PM
We'll have Rex on the phone with us, I'm sure. He'll be telling us every move!!

I'm looking forward to seeing where she is living, even if it's brief since we will be leaving as soon as the RV is settled. Flying in by plane one day and heading home by Jeep Grand Cherokee the next!!! The only thing that is putting some trepidation on the trip is moving the RV. Will be so glad when it's in place!!!

Janet, we have freight trucks delivering and picking up at work every day. There is no way that I can imagine driving one of those rigs and backing into a dock. I have enough trouble with my crew cab pickup truck!!! Rex drives an F350 diesel crew cab, long bed truck and he has problems maneuvering it in parking lots.

I like being up high in vehicles and the extra metal around on the highway, but hate moving them in tight spaces.

05-09-2010, 04:25 AM
I have a story to tell.... LOL. When I worked at Frito Lay and was working in the lot I needed to get a trailer and back it to the dock to be loaded. When I pulled around the lot I saw the manager from the traffic dept. there with about 7 guys. They were new drivers and he was showing them around. When I pulled up, I heard him say "now watch how she does this" and my heart dropped.

All I could think of to say is "please God, don't let me make a fool of myself." Well I did my manuever and backed it right to the dock in the first try. Usually it took a couple times to get it good and straight, but this time....I nailed it first time. Of couse I said "Thank You God", I sure felt like something that day....roflmbo!!!!