View Full Version : Bad infection

05-13-2010, 05:16 AM
I went down to the dentist on Tuesday, supposedly for surgery. My mouth had swollen up a few days before, but when I called him, he told me just to come. It's a good thing I did! He said he had never seen an infection like that, and his mentor was so glad that they had caught it. He said to thank God that was all it was.

It hurt, and was waking me up at night, but advil did the trick. I had the same thing happen after the surgery a few weeks ago, but it went away. I guess the bacteria lingered and had a fine old time reproducing in my gums!!!:mad::mad::mad:

It still hurts, but I'm on antibiotics, and it is getting better. I won't even tell you how gross it was when he was cleaning it out!!! Jessie was laughing at me because they kept telling me I had a bad infecrtion, but noooooo. I can be very stubborn, and refuse to be sick! I take care of myself though.

I have to say that the left side of my face did look like Jay Leno's jaw, it was so swollen.

05-13-2010, 05:41 AM
Good thing you went to the dr!! Glad you're getting better Judy!!

Girl.............you have a way with words lol!! The part about comparing your face to Jay Leno's jaw cracked me up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

05-13-2010, 05:58 AM
I'm so glad you went to the Dentist Judy. I've not had one, but I can just imagine how painful an infection in the mouth would feel.........horrible! You keep taking those anit-biotics and get to feeling better real soon.

BTW....absolutely love the picture of you on FB. You are so beautiful!!

05-13-2010, 06:16 AM
OUCH!!!! You better take good care of yourself young lady!! Feel better:)

05-13-2010, 08:05 AM
It makes me hurt just thinking about your infection, Judy!! I'm so glad that you went to the doctor when you did and are on antibiotics. I'll be so glad when you're done with all of this dental work.....you've been through so much with your teeth. Hugs!!!

05-15-2010, 05:09 PM
Healing prayers sent your way!! Poor girl... you are too strong for your own good!! Now take it easy and HEAL!!

05-15-2010, 05:54 PM
Oh No! Was it your implant area where the infection was? Glad they cleaned it up and gave you antibodics.. Infections can be very painful.. Feel better!