View Full Version : Designer dog breeds

10-24-2006, 12:10 PM
I've kind of frowned on the idea of more dog breeds being developed even though I am a dog lover. It seemed to me that there were more than enough homeless dogs already that needed someone to take them in without coming up with excuses to make more.

I am now reconsidering after having started checking into some of the new breeds being developed. The goldendoodles, for instance, are cute as can be and bring the friendly comic traits of the golden retriever to mix with the allergy- relief and less shedding of the highly intelligent standard poodle. The result is often a hardier, healthier dog, that people who are allergic to dogs can have without getting sick from it.

The price tags on these mixes have kind of floored me, yet if the breeding is done with common sense and ethics, maybe they are doing something right.

What do YOU think about this?
I know many of you are dog lovers, so would realy like to hear your ideas about it.

10-24-2006, 12:19 PM
Well, I am not one really to stand up on my soap box and preach but I shall add my opinion towards it.

No matter if we agree w/ it or not, the breeding of these designer dogs are going to take place. It's just like so many other things that is taking place in the world today. With this said, all I can hope for is there are ethics. But not all breeders have common sense even with the known breeds, so the same will follow through I am sure with those who breed these designer dogs.

I for one (if I already didn't have so many fur kids) would do some research and look into these dogs. I do find most of them pretty adorable, and I do think for instance the type you spoke about "Golden Retriever friendly traits mixed with non shedding types" are pretty amazing and can be beneficial to many homes. I can easily see placing one in my home.

I know I can't argue w/ the price because I've already seen myself pay high dollars for Yorkie's which I think is totally insane. I've come to terms that sometimes the things you want in life are just going to have a pretty price tag that goes with it.

I see ditched dogs being thrown on my road so often and it saddens me. But dogs by the minute are being bred and the population grows and grows. I just don't really ever seeing this stop. :confused:

10-24-2006, 01:01 PM
I could really care less if people breed "designer breeds" and sell them at ridiculous prices. Doesn't bother me one bit. Economics 101 rings true here....as long as there is someone willing to buy it, it will be produced. No shirt off my back. :rolleyes:

10-24-2006, 01:19 PM
It doesn't seem to matter whether you are "for" it or "against" - it's gonna happen! What I find totally ridiculous is the high prices they are asking for on these designer breeds. If I'm gonna fork over hard earned cash, my personal opinion is I dang well better get a "true" breed! The shelters and pounds are bursting at the seems with "designer" breeds from careless people who, again - in my opinion, should NOT own pets!!! They are irresponsible, careless with their "pets" and let them breed. Then what happens??? Off they go, in the middle of the night, dropping them off at shelters, on the side of the road, in fields, wherever they can take them without being caught. In some instances, the mix of 2 different breeds could be beneficial (mild-tempered with non-allergy like the retriever and poodle) to a potential owner who might not otherwise get to enjoy the unconditional love of a pet. But I just can't see paying in excess of $500 for what boils down to a "mixed" breed. Maybe I've become more "harder" on this stance since I rescued Gage - before him, I never considered rescue or adoption but he has opened my eyes! In my opinion, if someone wants a "designer breed" - they need to go to their local shelter or pet adoption center and get one there.

I'm sorry, didn't mean to get off on my soapbox. As Rebecca said, as long as there are people out there who breed them and people out there to buy them, they will be available.

Excellent question :thumbup: Thanks for asking it:)

10-24-2006, 03:50 PM
I really don't know if I have an opinion at all on this topic... but most standard breeds today were developed by mixed breeding in the past. I have to say though, I think Puggles are adorable!

10-25-2006, 02:24 AM
I don't support breeding irrisponsibly to make a quick buck, however it's happening now and it's happend in the past, will it ever stop? I don't think so! As stated in above posts, the price tags attached to these mixed breeds are ridiculous, what gets to me is the trend setting thing that goes with it. Way too many of these innocent animals end up in shelters when the trend changes, which remains heartbreaking.

However, i have seen and heard of the labradoodle, now if breed correctly it's just the cutest thing and how intelligent they must be!

Now to answer your question, i am not in favour of people mixing breeds to end up in shelters!