View Full Version : Pissed At My Daughter's Professor

10-25-2006, 06:05 PM
I need advice and hopefuly the young ones on here can help! I am sooo mad, at my daughters Biologly Professor. This is want happened. My nephew got married last Friday, both my children were in bridal party. My daughter boards at school and the darling didn't inform the professor until the begining of last week, Monday to be exact. She was wrong I admit. Anyway the professor tells the class that he is given a test on Friday. She tells him that she has family obligations that she is in wedding party, that she will be leaving school on Thurs. can she please make up the test on Thursday.

He says absolutely not, if you want to take the test I will give it to you on Friday morning at 6 a.m. there was no way my daughter could take that test and leave to have hair done and be at brides home for 12. It is a 2 hrs. ride from school. During the week I tried to get in touch with the professor, and he got pissed off and threaten my daughter and said if he has to rewrite the test for her he will be making it harder, and his marking will not be easy.He was fuming that I called to speak to him, he told my daughter you are an adult and don't need mommy calling.I am upset to for I pay good money for this private college. I didn't want to rock the boat until she takes the test.

This past Tuesday, the professor gave her the exam, and it was all essay forms, now my daughter is in panic mode. She is a pre med. student and is concerned about her grades. She is in second year of college. The professor is a foreigner and does not care, my question is after she receives her grade, if she fails should I take it up with the head of Biology? I have been told I should, for two reasons he threaten her, and I feel he should have been more understanding... What do you girls think?Sorry for this long post...

10-26-2006, 05:20 AM
Being a parent and wanting what is best for my child, yes I would take it up with the Head of Biology Department. Yes, she should have informed him earlier...I have trouble with my son in this area too. There would have been nothing wrong with her taking the test on Thursday. The threatening was totally uncalled for. Good luck to you....like you said....it's your hard earned money going into that school!

10-26-2006, 05:29 AM
I wish I could help. I never had to deal with a professor like that. I once slept through a test. I didn't realize the test was gonna be that day. I went to the professor's office & told him what happened & how sorry I was & he let me take the test right there. My whole college experience I found that if I made an appointment to meet with the professor one on one & discuss my problem & the options things usually worked out. I would have your daughter go talk with the professor one on one. Very calmly. If he won't budge, then have her go speak to the head of biology. If none of this work then you can accompony her to speak with the head of biology. They will respect her more if she tries to handle this herself first. I hope things work out.

10-26-2006, 06:00 AM
I wish I could help. I never had to deal with a professor like that. I once slept through a test. I didn't realize the test was gonna be that day. I went to the professor's office & told him what happened & how sorry I was & he let me take the test right there. My whole college experience I found that if I made an appointment to meet with the professor one on one & discuss my problem & the options things usually worked out. I would have your daughter go talk with the professor one on one. Very calmly. If he won't budge, then have her go speak to the head of biology. If none of this work then you can accompony her to speak with the head of biology. They will respect her more if she tries to handle this herself first. I hope things work out.

Since I've never been to college....I like your advice better than mine!!!:)

10-26-2006, 06:14 AM
I think the professor probably felt threatened himself that you called him instead of your daughter making an appointment to go discuss her problem with him. If she fails the test, I think YOUR DAUGHTER, NOT YOU should make an appointment with the professor to go into his office one-on-one and discuss it with him. I can understand that the professor didn't want to give the test early because she could potentially tell other students what is on it, but there has to be some sort of makeup policy. Your daughter is in college and she is an adult and really needs to learn to fight her own battles. I think the professor would be a lot more understanding if she made an appointment herself and sat and talked with him one-on-one in his office. At least that has been my experience.

If she is pre-med, she is going to have to make good grades throughout college. I have found that one of the only ways of doing this is to establish a relationship with the professors. On the first day of EVERY semester (or quarater, whatever her college is on), she needs to go introduce herself to her professors and let them know that she is pre-med and that she really wants to do well in their class and then she needs to ask if the professor has any advice as to what she can do to excel. When a professor knows a student personally and knows for sure that the students is trying hard in their class, it will be very hard for that professor to give that student a bad grade when it comes to grading time. They will see her test, and remember your daughter. Also, after EVERY SINGLE TEST, she needs to make an appointment with her professors to go into their office and discuss the test with them one-on-one. She should review the test with her professor and ask the professor if they have any advice on how she could do better on the next test. Again, there are SO many people in each class, but if the professor knows your daughter by name, it will be much harder for him to give her a bad grade.

I know a thing or two about college and making good grades there in order to go to professional school. I am going to law school next year and my hubby just finished medical school. If you need anymore advice or tips or anything, just let me know. I'd love to be of assistance.

And GOOD LUCK to your daughter. Pre-med is tough....but I have no doubt that she can do it. She just needs to learn how to work the system. ;)

10-26-2006, 07:10 AM
RLC made some good points. One of the biggest things I did to excel at college is that I went to class everyday & I made sure the professor knew I was there everyday. Sit near the front & ask questions. That way when you need a favor or extra help, the professor knows that you are already putting in the maximum effort from yourself & they will be more likely to ablige.

10-26-2006, 07:43 AM
RLC made some good points. One of the biggest things I did to excel at college is that I went to class everyday & I made sure the professor knew I was there everyday. Sit near the front & ask questions. That way when you need a favor or extra help, the professor knows that you are already putting in the maximum effort from yourself & they will be more likely to ablige.

COMPLETELY AGREE!!!!!!!!! This is great advice. Your daughter needs to go to class EVERY SINGLE DAY! If the teacher thinks that she is slacking, of course he is not going to help her out when she wants to take a day off to go to a wedding or something. The best thing for your daughter to do is establish a good relationship with all her professors. Bottom line.

10-26-2006, 10:18 AM
Rebecca, Pony... Thank you so much I will forward this thread to my daughter to read. Yes she is an adult and has to take care of it on her own.. I appreciate the good advice. Janet , ty for your input to..

She does study and work very hard. God I even got her a tutor for organic chemistry. It is going to get harder and she knows it. I always tell her hang in there and you will make it, even tho it gets tougher.. She wants to be an optometrist .She does have a long road ahead of her, and I can only help her out so much. Rebecca you know to well what its like, and my two cousins one a dr. another a dentist tell her all the time, study hard get through it .

Thanks Girls!

10-26-2006, 11:09 AM
Rebecca, Pony... Thank you so much I will forward this thread to my daughter to read. Yes she is an adult and has to take care of it on her own.. I appreciate the good advice. Janet , ty for your input to..

She does study and work very hard. God I even got her a tutor for organic chemistry. It is going to get harder and she knows it. I always tell her hang in there and you will make it, even tho it gets tougher.. She wants to be an optometrist .She does have a long road ahead of her, and I can only help her out so much. Rebecca you know to well what its like, and my two cousins one a dr. another a dentist tell her all the time, study hard get through it .

Thanks Girls!

She will get through it!!!!!!! It is during this pre-med process that they try to weed out all of those who are not too serious about going to professional school. A tutor is a great idea. I remember my hubby telling me how hard organic chemistry was for him. Just tell her to do the best that she can do and everything will work out. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

10-26-2006, 02:46 PM
My daughter had problems with a professor last year. He had told the class that he would NEVER schedule a test on Friday. Before spring break she checked with him about what day he would be giving a test and he asked her why she wanted to know. She told him that on Friday she was leaving to go snow skiing. He then informed her that the test was on Friday. Every time that anything was brought up about it he glared at her even though she had nothing to do with it being brought up. It ended up that she and my husband had to drive up separately from the rest of the family because of her test.

She's had some real doozies for professors. It makes you wonder how some of them got to be professors!!! And don't get me started on foreign professors!!!

10-26-2006, 02:57 PM
Most professors are at universities doing research and part of their requirements to do research at the university is to also TEACH! So, most of them doing really give a crap about teaching or their students. :rolleyes: