View Full Version : I got a puppy!

10-26-2006, 05:30 AM
OMG is he CUTE!

I simply couldn't resist this guy. He's a 4 month old standard poodle; apricot in color and simply the friendliest, smartest little character I've met. He'd lived in a kennel with his siblings until yesterday, so knows nothing of being in a house, or riding in a car, etc. He was a little freaked by doorways last night, but today is fine with them. He's fascinated by the tv, and did great through his first ever bath. He gets hyper when he needs to relieve himself, so we've been taking him out and he goes almost immediately. I hope he keeps on with this so he trains easily!

I've named him Moses. I just HAD to share my news with someone! LOL
Even my hubby doesn't know I bought him yet. :eek: I have a birthday coming up soon, so plan to just tell him "thank you for the early gift". :p He's the sort who usually forgets to get me a gift, so this year he's really outdone himself!

I'll post a pic soon.

10-26-2006, 05:45 AM
YAYYYYYYYYYY CONGRATS on your new baby!!! Would love to see pics, he sounds so cute! :D

10-26-2006, 05:56 AM
You are so lucky!!! I think the standard Poodles are gorgious. I had a toy poodle when I first married. Very smart dogs!!! Sounds like you'll have an easy time with potty training, but I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya anyway!!

What a great surpise from (for) your hubby....LOLOL :D

10-26-2006, 07:55 AM
CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS on your new addition!!!!!!!!! And HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY! What a fantastic present! I think standard poodles are just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see pics!

10-26-2006, 02:51 PM
Congratulations on your new little one!! Puppies are sooooo cute!!!

My husband never gets me a gift for my birthday. It's not that he doesn't want to it's just that he never knows what to get. I always tell him that it's ok and that I'll just buy my own gift. I actually can get several gifts for myself before he catches on. Gotta' love him!!!!

10-26-2006, 03:52 PM
Here's my little moses!

http://img1.putfile.com/thumb/10/29723074347.jpg (http://www.putfile.com/pic.php?img=3807605)

Please excuse the mess in the background... we're in the middle of fall cleaning, so things always look far worse before they look better when you drag it all out!

10-26-2006, 09:37 PM
He's stunning!! CONGRATS!

10-26-2006, 11:49 PM
Awwwwww he's so cute!!

10-27-2006, 12:03 AM
oh my gosh
a standard poodle
how beautiful!
I always used to have this dream I'd have some huuge mansion that was like really big so was kind of empty, and that I'd have 2 standard poodles running around lol

ahve fun with your new puppy!

10-27-2006, 06:03 PM
Thanks friends, I think he's a charmer. LOL I still find it amazing that "I" chose a poodle! It's just SO unlike me... but I really like him.

Hubby seems to enjoy Moses too. He wasn't terribly happy with the price I paid, but he swallowed hard and smiled in spite of it. ;) Moses just adores men, so he's won over hubby and my son quickly.

He still smells a bit from being in a kennel and on a dairy farm, so I gave him a second bath tonight. Moses heard me filling the tub, so came in to watch... I lifted him into the tub and he just stood there waiting for me to rub him down. I got him to sit and even lay down in the tub, then had to lift him out, because he never tried to escape; so can't complain about his attitude about baths!

I'm excited that my oldest daughter and her family are coming to spend the night with us tonight since they will get to meet Moses too. I'm sure my granddaughters are going to think he's just fine. Since they are staying till sunday night or monday morning, they will get plenty of time to get to know him. :thumbup:

Taurus Babe
10-29-2006, 10:54 AM
OMG is he CUTE!

I simply couldn't resist this guy. He's a 4 month old standard poodle; apricot in color and simply the friendliest, smartest little character I've met. He'd lived in a kennel with his siblings until yesterday, so knows nothing of being in a house, or riding in a car, etc. He was a little freaked by doorways last night, but today is fine with them. He's fascinated by the tv, and did great through his first ever bath. He gets hyper when he needs to relieve himself, so we've been taking him out and he goes almost immediately. I hope he keeps on with this so he trains easily!

I've named him Moses. I just HAD to share my news with someone! LOL
Even my hubby doesn't know I bought him yet. :eek: I have a birthday coming up soon, so plan to just tell him "thank you for the early gift". :p He's the sort who usually forgets to get me a gift, so this year he's really outdone himself!

I'll post a pic soon.

10-29-2006, 11:10 AM
How exciting!

10-29-2006, 05:55 PM
Congrats!! He is beautiful and Happy Early Birthday!

10-30-2006, 08:19 AM
How ya getting along with the new baby? I bet Moses is a sweetheart!!:)

10-30-2006, 06:55 PM
He is a sweetheart, and a bit of a character.

He's not housetraining as quickly as I'd hoped, but I'm sure that will come in time. He's very loving and friendly, but really puts other dogs in their place when they invade his home. He went wacko when my grandkids dog came with for the weekend. He growled, snarled, and did his best to keep her away from everyone. She's normally rather agressive with other dogs, but was completely submissive to him for some reason. She spent a good part of the weekend under the computer desk to avoid him. He's also chased the neighbors male border collie and 5 month old female golden lab pup off our property a couple of times. This is HIS space and others are NOT welcome. I truly didn't expect this from a poodle or a dog so young.

He has learned the meaning of the word "NO" so is getting pretty good about dropping things he's picked to chew on that aren't on his list. He has decided pigs ears are GOOD chewing. LOL He's happiest when he's laying at my feet or following me around.

I'm really enjoying him and look forward to having tomorrow off so I can finally spend some time with him without a houseful of company. I'm going to call the vet tomorrow and see if I can get him in for his rabies vac since that's the one he's not had yet.

10-31-2006, 06:15 AM
AAAww I'm so glad things are working out with him. Isn't it funny how they just kind of "take over?" Poodles are so smart, I know mine was and so was my mom's. Just a little bit of work every day and they almost become human.:)

10-31-2006, 01:31 PM
I had Moses to our vet today. He checked out good but underweight, which didn't surprise me any. He got his shots, wormed, etc... He made quite an impression on the staff there. They have only one other standard poodle they see, so he was a welcome addition. He saw someone come in with 2 black labs and wanted to go eat their faces off... which made the vet crack up considering he's less than half their size. (28 lbs) He did really good through the exam and for the shots thank goodness. The vet said I might want to wait to get him neutered just to see how he turns out first. He thought he was a nice quality poodle which was nice to hear since I really don't know squat about the breed standards. LOL

He wants me to put some weight on him if I can and he'll check him over again in a month when he gets his 2nd lymes shot to be sure he's improved his weight. He's just not a huge eater, but drinks water like it's been days since he had any. So we're going to watch him for diabetes, which would suck... but for now we're just gonna keep an eye on him.

He went in on a leash for the first time today and actually did fairly well. I put a harness on him instead of a collar in case he'd freak and try to fight it, but he was pretty willing to just tag along with me. Other than his lymes booster he's set for a yr. I also started him on heartworm preventative just to be safe. I want to keep this little guy healthy!

I broke down and bought a crate today too. I really don't like the idea a whole lot, but there are times when I will need a safe place to contain him; so I figured I'd better just do it now so he can get used to it as young as possible. I'm sure he won't be spending a lot of time in it though. :)

10-31-2006, 03:41 PM
Sounds like you're having a great time with Moses. I am so happy for you and happy that everything checked out at the Vets. You may just have to start studying the "Standards" for poodles now....Your Vet must really be impressed with him.:thumbup: