View Full Version : What should I do??

10-27-2006, 02:31 PM
Okay, so most of you know I will be graduating from college in December, and last year I had my work term with a company that I didn't like a whole lot, mostly because of the people I worked with. I e-mailed my old boss for a reference a week and a half ago, and haven't gotten a reply.
This morning I went to school and there was a message for me from the Co-operative Education office, telling me to call the lab manager of a different office than the one I worked in, but he's pretty much is the head manager of all the labs because he knows EVERYTHING.
So I just got off the phone with him, and basically they want me back bad. I told him I haven't made a decision yet, and that I tried to get ahold of my old office manager but never got a reply, and it turns out that's because he's farming right now. He asked which city I plan to move to, and if I would consider going back to the company (so I can have a job in any city I want to go to!). I told him I'm not interested in just doing lab work because it would be a step back from what I've learned this year being able to design and stuff. He asked what I would like to do and I said I would be interested in helping with design work and drafting, and I'm not sure if that opportunity would be open for me at the company. He told me he would definitely look into it at the office I had been working at, and that he would give my contact information to them to call me as well.
It also turns out that most of the people I had troubles with last year, except for one, have all left the company. On top of that, another girl who worked at a different office last year and didn't like it at all has apparently already accepted their offer for next year. It makes me wonder if maybe they have upped the pay and benefits, and if I should give them a second chance.
Ahhhh I really don't know what to do about this. Last year they hired a new engineer while I was working there, and they told her she would just be getting used to how the lab runs, and then she would get straight into engineering work. Well, she was working under me in the lab for 4 months, and that's when I left to come back to school. So they have a tendency to tell you what you want to hear so that you work for them I think...
And finally, I just had x-rays taken of my back earlier today. Hopefully it's nothing too bad, but if there's something wrong there it would definitely prohibit me being able to work in the lab at all. Even if I was doing drafting and design, I would be expected to help out in the lab during heavy construction times. I guess I'll have to talk that over with them when they contact me.

10-31-2006, 11:07 AM
Alrighty maybe none of you care about this because I haven't had a reply yet, but I have nobody else to talk to so here goes..
They just gave me an offer. A very very very tempting offer. My duties will be primarily drafting and design, and they're willing to start me at a Technologist 3 level, skipping 1 and 2. The salary is much more than I expected. They want me to just tell them a starting date in January and I'm there. Most companies will not hire until spring.
If I take their offer now, I won't have to worry about revising my resume, researching companies, and going to interviews. I am so busy right now with school and the city I'm looking to work in is 2 hours away. It's so easy to just say I'll take this job and not have to worry about any of that, and go to a place where I've already been, I know how it runs, and I will not have to be trained.
What do you guys think? Should I just go for it?

10-31-2006, 11:53 AM
I would take it, but I also hate to take risks & I am a poor interviewer. If most companies don't hire to spring anyway you can work there for like 5-6months & if you don't like it, look for a new job come spring.

10-31-2006, 11:59 AM
I would take it, but I also hate to take risks & I am a poor interviewer. If most companies don't hire to spring anyway you can work there for like 5-6months & if you don't like it, look for a new job come spring.

I agree. You should take the job and if you don't like it, quit in the spring and find a new job whe more companies are hiring.

10-31-2006, 01:04 PM
That's what my mom told me too.. I just don't know if I'd be able to be like "hey I'm quitting here, but please give me a good reference" you know? I've only quit one job in my life because I found a better one and I felt soooo awful the day I had to tell them because they kind of made a big deal out of it. If I do take this job I'll feel like I need to stay there.
But I guess already going into it knowing what to expect is better than going to a brand new job in a brand new place with brand new people and not knowing anything.

10-31-2006, 02:10 PM
That's what my mom told me too.. I just don't know if I'd be able to be like "hey I'm quitting here, but please give me a good reference" you know? I've only quit one job in my life because I found a better one and I felt soooo awful the day I had to tell them because they kind of made a big deal out of it. If I do take this job I'll feel like I need to stay there.
But I guess already going into it knowing what to expect is better than going to a brand new job in a brand new place with brand new people and not knowing anything.

You need to learn to look out for #1---YOURSELF! If you start working there and hate it and want to quit, then WHO CARES what they have to say about it! This is your life. And I am SURE if you had to quit and find another job, then you would have OTHER people (i.e. professors, mentor, close family friend) that could give you a reference other than them.

10-31-2006, 02:53 PM
That's true, and I know I need to stop being such a wimp sometimes :rolleyes: I'm working on it!
I think I've decided to go for it. If nothing else, the money is GREAT and I'm so far in debt right now from school. Even if I just get my car paid off or something, it would make a big difference. I don't want to turn down that salary!

10-31-2006, 03:56 PM
Sounds like a plan to me. I like Rebecca's advice....isn't she good? :)

10-31-2006, 09:35 PM
What I think you should keep in mind, and my husband and I tell our son who is a Junior Engineering student, is that jobs are not like they used to be. You used to go into a job and stay there forever. It just doesn't work that way anymore in today's workplace. People are constantly moving and companies are also not loyal like they used to be....they lay off! So, you DO need to go into it with the attitude of what is best for you...yes, do a good job, but if you want or need to leave, that is just how today's workplace atmosphere is. I don't think it is smart to feel too entrenched in one place anymore, that is just my 2 cents. I wish you all the best whatever you decide...this does seem like a great opportunity!

10-31-2006, 09:45 PM
Thanks everyone for the replies! I've decided that I will e-mail them back with my address tomorrow so they can send me their offer in the mail. It's a huge load off my mind if I'm not worrying about finding a job while I'm trying to finish my projects and write my finals. And, like everyone said, I can always leave if that's what's best for me.