View Full Version : Satisfaction with Personal Life

11-06-2006, 07:16 AM
In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in your own personal life?

11-06-2006, 07:56 AM
Today I am extremely satisfied with the way things are going with my personal life. However, there is always a calm before the storm. It only takes a moment for things to change completely.

11-06-2006, 08:08 AM
I think I'm doing okay in my personal life. It's stable, if that means anything. I always have the "wants" and definitely need more money, just unwilling to go out and find a full time job. Maybe after my son graduates, but not right now. I could make some more doggie clothes and sell them.

Rebecca, you have come up with some really good and some really tough mind wrecking things to consider. You're good, girl. I will probably have to post in some of them more than once, once I get my mind and heart a little more clear.

11-06-2006, 08:11 AM
I think I'm doing okay in my personal life. It's stable, if that means anything. I always have the "wants" and definitely need more money, just unwilling to go out and find a full time job. Maybe after my son graduates, but not right now. I could make some more doggie clothes and sell them.

Rebecca, you have come up with some really good and some really tough mind wrecking things to consider. You're good, girl. I will probably have to post in some of them more than once, once I get my mind and heart a little more clear.

Girl, we could ALL use more money! :p :p :p You better believe I have wants. My hubby and I don't even own our own house!!!!!! :rolleyes: But overall, things are going well. I always think that things could be a whole lot worse!!!!!!!

11-06-2006, 08:18 AM
I agree, it could be worse and I know money doesn't buy happiness, but man, I hate having the wants. I have this really nice house, but I want something bigger and more modern. I am tired of not being totally satified. It would help if my hubby was as ambitious about home type things as I am. He just doesn't care about those kind of things. I would be satified for awhile anyway, if I could just have a home makeover. Oh crap...I sound so petty, so I'd better stop!!!:)

11-06-2006, 08:23 AM
I agree, it could be worse and I know money doesn't buy happiness, but man, I hate having the wants. I have this really nice house, but I want something bigger and more modern. I am tired of not being totally satified. It would help if my hubby was as ambitious about home type things as I am. He just doesn't care about those kind of things. I would be satified for awhile anyway, if I could just have a home makeover. Oh crap...I sound so petty, so I'd better stop!!!:)

You aren't petty at all!!!!!!!!!! Hubby and I look online at real estate listings and dream of buying a house. He is almost done with his schooling and I start school next fall and then we'll have ALL those student loans to pay back! Ugh....unless I get a scholarship to law school, we'll have almost $250,000 in student loans to pay back! That's a quarter of a million dollars! :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm going for a scholarship interview tomorrow at the law school I was accepted to, so keep your fingers crossed for me! What a blessing it would be if we didn't have to take out MORE student loans to pay for my school!!!!!!

11-06-2006, 08:23 AM
I voted "very satisified" because I feel that gives me room for improvement. I wish I was better at keeping my house clean (I'm doing better since I joined Flylady.net). I could go on and on about what I need to improve but then I'd feel like I'd need to change my vote!!

11-06-2006, 08:26 AM
I voted "very satisified" because I feel that gives me room for improvement. I wish I was better at keeping my house clean (I'm doing better since I joined Flylady.net). I could go on and on about what I need to improve but then I'd feel like I'd need to change my vote!!

Don't get me wrong, there are SOOOOOO many things that I need to improve on. I certainly don't do a good enough job of keeping my house clean. Heck, I spent ALL DAY on Saturday doing laundry bc I haven't done it in 3 weeks. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I'm checking out flylady.net right now! Neat!

11-06-2006, 08:28 AM
You aren't petty at all!!!!!!!!!! Hubby and I look online at real estate listings and dream of buying a house. He is almost done with his schooling and I start school next fall and then we'll have ALL those student loans to pay back! Ugh....unless I get a scholarship to law school, we'll have almost $250,000 in student loans to pay back! That's a quarter of a million dollars! :eek: :eek: :eek: I'm going for a scholarship interview tomorrow at the law school I was accepted to, so keep your fingers crossed for me! What a blessing it would be if we didn't have to take out MORE student loans to pay for my school!!!!!!

Well I'll keep my fingers AND toes crossed for you if it will help. I hope you get the scholarship...that would be great!!!:)

11-06-2006, 08:32 AM
Well I'll keep my fingers AND toes crossed for you if it will help. I hope you get the scholarship...that would be great!!!:)

Thanks, Janet!!!!!! :D :D :D

11-06-2006, 07:39 PM
Well I'll keep my fingers AND toes crossed for you if it will help. I hope you get the scholarship...that would be great!!!:)

Count me in two!!!

11-07-2006, 08:08 AM
Rebecca, I hope that you get a scholarship too. I can't imagine being in debt that much with student loans. Actually, I hope that you get a WHOLE lot of scholarships!!!!!

11-07-2006, 08:18 AM
I would have to say some what but needs improving. Come first of year Ihope to be alot better satisfied. I have the wants also. I know I'm not suppose to be envious of others but it happens. Money is the root of all evil. But it does help to have some. So I've heard anyway. I would just like to get college loans paid off.
But I'm just getting started on those. Sucks to be me at times.:D