Thank you gayle for the encouraging words. I just found something horrid out today and correct me if I am wrong. Someone told me that when you have a surgical biopsy you lay on a table with a hole in it with the infected breast and they do the surgery underneath you! OMG I hope it is not true that is so embarressing! I am a very modest person and this is hard enough as it is let alone going through that. I may sound like a baby but I am so stressing over this procedure!
thanks Gayle,
I just have a horrible feeling lately that it is going to be bad news! I go for the biopsy consultation on the 23. I am not sure what kind of biopsy they are doing, I was told it will be done in the hospital not in the office. Keep praying for me I need it! thanks for your support.~Joyce
Hi Gayle, I got my report back and it says that I have asymmetric densities in my right breast. They could not find any suspicious abnormalities except for the palpable lump and that did not show a solid mass but should be biopsyed. Can you shed some light on this? They want me back in 6 months for another mamogram and ultrasound on the right breast.
Hi Gayle,
They want me to get my left breast biopsyed, but I have to go for a consultation on the 23 and then they will schedule it. My Dads wife said that she never went for a consultation, they just made an appointment and did it in the office. My Gp said that they will be using middletown hospital so I am thinking that they are doing a surgical biopsy. As for the fybrocystic tissue on the right side they are going to do another mamogram in 6 months. What is going on? I feel like they are not telling me enough here.