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judy 11-13-2010 08:23 AM

I used to hide my chocolate in the freezer! Nobody ever went in there except me!
Enjoy those brownies...yummy!

Linds - I also can't wait to see pictures!

Gayle - It always is amazing how fast the fall semester goes, isn't it? Do you have a winter semester? I remember grading those research papers. I used to dread it, but it really was nice to learn new things, see how far my students progressed, and especially to give A's to those who deserved it. Teaching is the most amazing thing to do, don't you think? The world is a better place for you being a teacher. Gayle!

Happy Birthday to Emma too!

Jessie called me yesterday to invite me to ago to town with her and the girls. Mackenzie needed clothes. I surprised myself by saying yes! I usually don't like spontaneity. I had such fun! Kassidy is 8, and I know that this is the end of the little girl part of her life, so I enjoy every minute of time with her. She is really so bright too! She's like a little computer. While jess and Mackenzie were clothes shopping, we ran around the Body Shoppe, trying on every sample of creams, lotions and whatnot. When we walked in, she said to me, "Testers Grandma...look for testers!" Then a saleswoman came over and Kassidy was thrilled! She and the woman were discussing the various deals and packages you could get. I was thinking, "Poor woman...it's like trying to sell body creams to 2 children who are just playing with the testers!"

Then we went on to lunch, Walmart for a million things, the girls got presents, and we finally went home. I bought Mackenzie new bedding and Kassidy got a new baby doll (who she named Ashley, by the way). When I walk with Mackenzie, we hold hands, which is so lovely. She still lets me kiss her cheek in public!

I really enjoyed the fact that I was there to help Jessie. Like I said in an earlier post, she isn't feeling well. I know I complained about being expected to help so much, but I really am enjoying the kids, and it always feels good to help someone out, especially your own child. I think making the transition from being so free to being there so much was difficult. Now that I'm in the mode, it really is a very good thing. I still feel guilty though, when I don't go over. Well...nobody promised me a rose garden!

judy 11-13-2010 08:28 AM

Today's agenda:

Bathe the dogs
Set up the invisible fence for the dogs (I have an indoor transmitter, and have to figure out where to put the flags outside. I hope I don't get in trouble for putting up flags).
Give myself a facial
Hang a picture
Clean up

Not too bad at all!

Janet 11-13-2010 11:14 AM

Sounds like you have enough to keep you busy Judy.

Today I cleaned the kitchen good. I love clean looking countertops..:) I was going to go get some groceries, but had to pay bills first so I knew how much I could possible spend. I may go later this afternoon while the guys are out deer hunting.

I need to bath the dogs, but not in the mood...so maybe tomorrow. Can't think of anything else I really did today.....oh I did go pick Gidget up from the Vet. She's doing just fine.

I'm planning on going to church tomorrow....I just hope I can get up and moving.

paula1961 11-14-2010 02:50 PM

Today I haven't done much at all. I did wash a couple of loads of laundry. My sister came up Friday night and spent the night with me. She took Mom back home yesterday evening. Mom my sis and me went shopping and got a few things for Christmas. That was fun. We hadn't gotten to do that for a long time.
We had a really good time in Tennessee. Mom broke down a few times but all in all it was a good trip. I think we both needed it.:)

judy 11-14-2010 03:57 PM

It's so nice that you got to spend family time with your Mom, Paula. You need to be together now.

JJJ 11-14-2010 04:26 PM

Hmm, I woke up

went to a taqueria for breakfast

went bedsheet hunting until finding the right one

went grocery shopping

made sandwiches for lunch

check e-mail and more

gja1000 11-14-2010 05:14 PM

I kept the girls today. Abi is 14 and she can keep Emma who just turned 4, but their folks had to be gone all day, so that is a long time for the sisters to NOT get mad at each other. So, I took them shopping at the outlet mall. We only bought a couple little things, but Emma rode several of the kiddie rides so she was happy.

Then we picked up papaw (Gary) and went to eat Chinese food - REALLY GOOD!

Next, we dropped Papaw off and we went to the sporting goods store to look for Abi some ankle braces for volleyball - but didn't fine what we were looking for. We went to the sporting goods store on the University campus, and Abi always enjoys seeing all the college kids and their array of hair color, tatoos, and piercings. LOL!

We didn't get home till about 4:00PM and then their folks got home about 5:00. I had to go to Petco to get the boys some food, and run by the grocery store for bread and milk.

Gary is going to take the train up to Oklahoma on Wed-Sun. Yes, I am concerned about him going, but he will be with family and should be in good hands. At least he will be on the train and won't be driving - I always worry about him driving. It's a 4.5 hour drive and he gets so sleepy!

I'll be flying to New Orleans on Sunday, so Brooke will pick him up and bring him home (boy, I'll miss having her here to help with things like that after they move to Houston!). I'll be home about 1:00PM on Monday (quick trip). I have a presentation to do Sunday afternoon, or I wouldn't go at all.

Marilyn 11-14-2010 06:00 PM

We went to church this morning. Out to eat to Olive Garden with Rex, of course, and Karen & Carlton and Garrett & Melissa. So good to have them all together.

Home for a bit, baked a cake and some brownies, then off to Carlton's grandmothers to shoot some guns. I shot a little 35 pistol, and the kids shot all sorts of things.

Home and off to evening worship service.

Home again, munching a bit, not too hungry after our big lunch. Doing laundry to get ready for a busy work week and family in the evenings. Karen & Carlton will be here through next weekend. I think they leave on the 22nd.

Lindsey 11-15-2010 08:10 AM

We were visiting Scott's parents for the weekend, and his nephew who was staying there while his sister and her husband were in Mexico for a wedding. Yesterday morning we were at church when his mom got a text from his sister saying there was an explosion at their resort but they were okay and being evacuated. We got home and watched the news...5 Canadians and 2 Mexicans are dead, with 2 more Canadians in critical condition and many in hospital :( That is so scary! I am so thankful they are home safe now.

Other than that we had a great weekend of visiting, and we got home last night in time to watch our football team win in the SECOND OVERTIME to go to the Western Final next weekend! Woohoo!

Janet 11-15-2010 08:46 AM

Today I went over to the woods to take pictures of Ricky and the doe he shot this morning. He has been hunting for 3 years and this is his first. He called to tell me got one and I kept hearing this rattling sound so I asked him what it was. ......lol....he said "Mom it's me"... :)..."I'm cold and really excited at the same time" so he was shaking. Even though I really don't like for the deer to be hunted, I do understand the damage they do not only to crops but to vehicles too. It's just that I can sit on my porch and watch them in the fields and also see so many on my bus route. Such beautiful animals....anyway...I'm so happy for him.

Marilyn 11-16-2010 06:11 PM

Janet, So happy for Ricky. Saw the pics on FB. Nice doe!!!

Today, Rex and I both went to the podiatrist. We've each had a sore heal for about 6 months. His right one, my left one. We both have heal spurs. Go figure. So we each got a cortisone shot in our foot that was really painful. We go back next week for another shot and are both on anti-inflamitories for a month. That should do the trick for about 10 years, according to the doctor. I sure hope so. There are exercises too that should help.

We spent some time with Karen, Carlton and Melissa today. Went out to eat for lunch. It's so nice to have them here. Savoring the time!!!!

Janet 11-17-2010 07:15 AM

I'm really not doing anything today...lol. The guys left to go look at trucks for Ricky. I hope they find one that he can afford.

Marilyn....I had a heal spur some years back...don't really remember how long, but a long time. The Dr. I had was great and told me that when I start feeling the pain...it would be over and he was right, so it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I only went for the one shot though and I've not had any trouble. I'm pretty sure it was before Ricky was born....almost 20 years ago.

gja1000 11-18-2010 04:35 PM

Janet, did they have any luck finding a truck? Hope so!

judy 11-19-2010 06:58 AM

Twin heel spurs! That's love!

My dryer stopped working a few days ago. I went online and it sounded like the belt broke, so I hunted down a new belt yesterday. I didn't want to wait for my SIL to scratch his butt to get over here and fix it, and who knows what he would charge me, so I found a video online, and along with the guy who owns the appliance place's directions, I fixed it myself!

Haven't run a cycle yet, but it will be fine. I am so proud of myself! I think I will go be on "Dirty Jobs" now that I am officially so macho!

Janet 11-19-2010 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 114384)
Janet, did they have any luck finding a truck? Hope so!

They didn't find one where they went to look, but he did find one just down the road. I'm so glad he can afford it and the insurance. I think he'll be getting it tomorrow or Saturday. I really wouldn't mind having it myself. It's a 4 door Chevy S10 with a shortbed and 4 wheel drive.


Originally Posted by judy (Post 114392)
Twin heel spurs! That's love!

My dryer stopped working a few days ago. I went online and it sounded like the belt broke, so I hunted down a new belt yesterday. I didn't want to wait for my SIL to scratch his butt to get over here and fix it, and who knows what he would charge me, so I found a video online, and along with the guy who owns the appliance place's directions, I fixed it myself!

Haven't run a cycle yet, but it will be fine. I am so proud of myself! I think I will go be on "Dirty Jobs" now that I am officially so macho!

Judy....I am so darn proud of you I could burst!!!!! I would not have even thought of checking online to fix it myself.

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