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Janet 11-10-2011 07:37 AM

Since the Monday after the auction I haven't done a whole lot. Went back to Mom's once to let the appraiser in (my brothers were there too) and to get mail. Trying to keep things up here keeps my mind occupied some.

Found out my younger brother is making smart a$$ remarks about me behind my back which is hurtful. I try to ignore it, but it still hurts. He's telling people that it wouldn't surprise him if I made a claim to the estate for taking care of my Mom. I never even thought of it, but since it's obvious he's only worried about his share of the estate.....I just may have to do it now.

I'll be glad with the estate is totally closed, but it will be a while yet. Still waiting on the Will to be authenicated in Florida and once that is, I'll be made the Exectutrix and then can start the sale on the place Mom had there. We had the house here apraised and once it's formulated will be sent to the attorney and then on to me. Not a big house, just two bedroom and the appraiser thinks it will be somewhere between the high twenties to low thirties. I think, but not sure, but we may purchase it. Our house is paid for and our rental will be paid off June of 2013, so we'll see.

I just can't see living out here when I'm old....trying to take care of this house two garages, shed and an acre yard. We are 15 minutes from town and the winter driving isn't fun now, let alone when I'm older. Mom's house is just the right size and in town although being in town is the only draw back. BUT....hopefully it will be awhile before we won't be able to take care of things here. We're just trying to think ahead and make good judgements.

DianaB 11-10-2011 08:26 AM

Janet, I imagine that anyone that knows Brad understands what kind of person he is and they probably don't listen to his complaints. Don't worry about it.

It sounds like you have the hard part done so now you can relax a little. It's just going to take time to get all of your Mom's estate finished up.

I think that buying your Mom's house would be a good idea. Maybe Ricky could rent it from you if he wants to get out on his own.

On Tuesday it was rainy and cold here so I made homemade gingerbread cake with hot tea and invited all of the kids and grandkids over. It's something that I've always done since my own kids were little. It ended up that Daya and Kiley were sick......Kera was in town......and Feyn and Tammy are dieting so I didn't have very many that came.

Besides Dae Lynn, Dean, and Karlie.....we had Karley and Elijah. Later Jaci and Nate came over. Karley and Elijah ended up staying for a long time because they didn't want to be around Kiley while she was sick!!! We had a good time.

I have a friend and her daughter is looking for a babysitter for her daughter and I'm considering doing it. I told her that I would think about it. I'd make a little bit of money and I wouldn't have to watch her every day. She's a sweet little girl and only a few months old. Her Grandma and I have been best friends since we've been married but we don't do as much any more but our husbands are doing scuba diving together. I've known the Mom since she was born and she's a sweetie. I'll probably end up giving it a try and having a test period first before I decide.

gja1000 11-11-2011 04:59 AM

I'll be taking mom from rehab back to her assisted living facility today at 11:00. Wish us luck!

judy 11-11-2011 07:38 AM

I hope it all goes well Gayle!

Diana, I would have come for hot gingerbread!!! You are such a good Mom/Grandma!

Janet, why would Brad think that you shouldn't get money for taking care of Mom? I'm sure you had extra expenses. I know you wouldn't expect money for your time, although you certainly could put in for that. But, you did feed her, and drive her, and I'm sure a million other things that cost money.

DianaB 11-11-2011 10:36 AM

Judy.....I should have called you to come!!! I'll remember next time to let you know ahead of time!!!!

I'm wishing you luck, Gayle!! Oh....and Happy Birthday too!!!! I hope you have the greatest birthday ever!!!!

Last night the high school had a progam called "Just Us". It's where the kids in music get to pick their own songs and sing them. This year they also had a chili supper to go with it so it was very casual. Karley, Kiley, and Kera, all sang several songs. They each have good voices .......very soft voices and hard to hear them....but good. Music is something that I always liked and I'm so happy to have the girls involved in it. My Dad would have loved it!! I thought of how proud he would have been of the girls several times through the evening.

I'm doing so good on my diet!!! I've lost 25 lbs so far!!!! I was at a stand still for awhile but once I cut out diet pop then I started dropping again. I'm not sure if it's the sodium or what it is that makes a difference but something sure does. I'm looking for some new jeans because my jeans just hang on me!! I've been getting some compliments too......makes me feel good!!!!

I had heard some negative things from a doctor through a friend so I talked to my doctor about Atkins and she was supportive. I had a lipid blood test done and an A1C but I haven't gotten the results back yet. I'm really anxious to hear how they are. I've stopped my diabetic medicines and a few nights ago I quit using the breathing machine for sleep apnea because I'm not having problems any longer. If things change then I'll go back on it because it does make a difference. I can't tell you how much better I feel!!!!

gja1000 11-11-2011 02:45 PM

Diana! I'm so proud of you. You have made a big change and you are doing so well! I know you must be feeling better too! Congratulations!!!

I got mom home today. She did really well, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything will go well. She is able to walk very well with the walker and I got extra help at the center. They will help her with dressing and grooming every morning and evening. She doesn't need help dressing, but help getting her clothes and grooming items together. It's hard to do when you have to use a walker. They will stay with her while she is in the shower, she doesn't need help showering, but I think someone needs to be with her, plus she needs help with the dressing and grooming afterward. Someone will also push her in her wheelchair down to the dining room and back. Again, she can push herself, but I know she doesn't want to. We have to pay extra for this help but I don't think it will be permanent as once she can bear full weight on her leg, and a few more weeks of physical therapy, she should be back to walking with only a cane. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well!

Janet 11-11-2011 05:49 PM

Judy...Brad is just a plain spoiled a$$ hole! That's the only explanation I have. I did endure some expenses and still struggling a bit, but she was my Mom and I didn't expect to get paid. He's probably just worried someone may get more inheritence than him. What a pig!

Diana....I'm so proud and happy for you!!! You're doing great on your diet.

Gayle...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It's great your Mom is getting the help she needs while still being able to do for herself. That is so important I think for their recovery. She's so blessed to have you as her daughter.

Today was just a normal day with running my bus route. I did get my hair cut and then went to a friends house to try some Mary Kay make-up. I did order some so I'm anxious for it to come in. This evening Ricky and I went to Mom's to get whatever mail was delivered and to bring home her computer desk that I bought at the auction. I have one already but mine is soooo big and is "L" shaped. Takes up a lot of space. This one is a desk with a hutch.

Tomorrow I'm planning on going to the library for a arts and craft show. I should see plenty of people I know and my friend and her mother will be there too. Afterwards we will be going to Applebee's for lunch. I'm really looking forward to it, it feels so good to be doing things with a friend instead of keeping myself in the house all the time.

gja1000 11-12-2011 05:26 PM

Mom is doing well today. She says she feels stronger and better. I was a little worried about how she would do on her own, but she seems to be doing OK (knock on wood)!

Janet 11-12-2011 06:41 PM

I just knocked Gayle!!! :)

Today I didn't sleep as late as I wanted, but felt rested at 7:30. I went to the library for the arts and crafts show. It was really nice. There were some beautiful photographs and one painted picture I would have loved to have but the price was $1750...lol...a little out of my league. There were also lots of handmade jewelry and pottery. I'm not a big pottery fan, but some of the pieces were very pretty. All the items were handmade or painted by local artists. This was the first one I've ever gone to and really enjoyed it.

After the library my friend, her 94 year old mother went to Wal Mart to pick up a few items and then went to Applebee's for lunch. It was so good and the conversation and laughs were fun.

I then went to my brother Jerry's house. Someone had bought one of mom's purses at the Salvation Army and there were old charge cards and something with her bank account number on it. The account had been closed, but this lady was nice enough to call my brother (his and my phone number was in there too) and then brought the items to his house. He wanted me to keep them with all the other stuff I have. It was a pretty nice day, little windy, but we sat on his front porch in the swing and talked for about an hour. It was really nice and a great way to end my day in town.

Lindsey 11-12-2011 07:04 PM

Diana, you are doing great on your diet! Way to go!!

Gayle, I missed your birthday! Happy belated birthday!!!

Janet, that was really nice of the lady to call. It sounds like you had a nice day!

I am pretty exhausted. I have been painting all day! I decided that we would tackle the main bathroom this weekend. It is probably the room I've most wanted to paint since we moved in. It was a dark, dark, dark forest green sort of color. There is white wainscotting which made it look a little less dreary, but the dark color really didn't do much for me. It was just too dark all the time! Especially now when it's pitch black in the mornings and I try to get up and go and get ready in a dark bathroom, it just doesn't wake me up. So yesterday we bought some supplies, and today I used two coats of primer (and still some green was poking through!) and so far, two coats of a light robin's egg blue. I'm just waiting for it to dry now so I can see if I need to go over any spots before putting it all away. My hand and wrist are really sore, but the room looks so cheerful and HUGE!

gja1000 11-13-2011 07:59 AM

We (me really) cleaned out the garage yesterday and it looks so much better! Gary isn't feeling well, he's got a cold. But he was able to tell me where some things should go. I'm so glad to have things put away and straightened up. Gary is real bad about doing something and then just leaving things laying around after he is finished. I know part of it is that he has very little energy and after he uses up his energy to do whatever he is doing, he has little left to put everything away. But still, the garage can start looking awful after a few weeks.

I also worked on my garden beds a little bit. I needed to take out some old okra plants and some old zinnias. I still have some things to get out, but I'll wait till next weekend - I only have one big trash bin and it is full right now.

I need to make a run to Walmart and Petco here in a few minutes. Think I'll go before the crowds get bad.

Tiramisu 11-13-2011 04:34 PM

I worked like a big girl this weekend. Painted, cleaned, dropped a hammer in the toilet and broke it I am so tired, but my house is almost done.

Have a good week.

Janet 11-13-2011 05:32 PM

Did you break the hammer or the toilet? Sandy...I'm glad you're almost done so you can start really enjoying your home.

Today I went to a different church in town with my neighbor and fellow bus driver. I really enjoyed the sermon very much. They have a band that plays, two guitarists, drummer, organ, piano and two singers. The band is very good, but way too loud for me. I'm planning on going again to give it another try...just not sure if this one is for me or not. I knew a few people, but I guess there is a packed house at the 10:45 service and I went to the 9:00 service. So I may give that time a try. I just normally like the early morning service so I have the rest of the day to do whatever. We'll see, oh...it's a Baptist church...I'm not Baptist so I'll just have to see.

DianaB 11-14-2011 11:27 AM

Sandy, I sure hope you broke the hammer and NOT the toilet!!!!! The hammer will be much easier to replace!!!

Janet, I'm glad that you tried a new church!!! Any church with a band is likely to be loud......it's something that you get used to. I like the up beat music that they play but I know it's not for everyone!!

Judy, I bet your new bathroom looks great!!! I'm not a big fan of hunter green so I imagine the blue looks much, much better!!! Some little yellow accents with pale pink would look so pretty!!! I have my guest room in those colors and really like it!!!

Gayle, I know that I've said this over and over, but you're such a good wife!!! Here Glen is with a cast on his foot and I get pretty irritated at stopping what I'm doing to help him out!!! I've thought of you often........You're a Saint!!!!! I'm so ready for Glen to get out of that cast!!!!!......and it's only been 2 weeks or so!!!!

Speaking of Glen, he was gone for the weekend........the guys went to Chadwick and rode cycles so he had to go too!! He took it pretty easy and rode with Feyn and Elijah. It was Elijah's first time so they took it pretty easy. Jaci and Nate went too.....plus a bunch of other guys!!!

Dae Lynn and I stayed home, cleaned, and watched kids!!! The kids were a LOT better than they were last weekend!!! Dean ended up with a bad runny nose and didn't feel good so he was miserable but some ibuphrophen helped him feel better. The weather was so nice on Sunday and we talked about going 4-wheeling but all of them were with Glen at Chadwick!!!!

I tried on some slacks that I had bought at a garage sale in a smaller size and they fit!!! I was in a size 22 and these are an 18!!! I'm so excited!! I've been looking for some sugar-free stuff to make candy for the holidays. I found some sugar-free dipping chocolate and sugar-free oreos so I'm going to make the cream cheese balls.......Yummmm.......!!!!!!!! I can have these in moderation!!!

judy 11-14-2011 02:44 PM

Diana, I was thinking the same thing! Sandy, was it the toilet or the hammer?

Lindsey is doing her bathroom, not me! I love the color you chose, Linds, but I am not redoing anything right now!

I had Kass on Friday night. It was the first time she slept over without one of the other kids. We had such a good time! She was so good. She has to be kept busy all of the time. I wish I had her energy! I used to!!!! We watched 2 movies, painted, did some pottery, washed the dogs, slept, ate and ate and ate, and she played tons of games on my ipad. She is really growing up, although she is still a little girl. She is only 9!

I have been spending a lot of time at home since the eye surgery. I am getting a little bored with this! I have to go to the doctor on Friday. I would like to begin exercising soon. I'll see what he says. I like the way I look. It's not comletely healed, but feels so much better. The vision in my right eye is still a little blurry, but much better than it has been. The eyes get dry when you fuss with them, and it effects vision.

I've been weighing in at 132.5 - 134.5 for the past few weeks. I was 129.5 when I went on maintenance. I called the nutritionist today, and she said the 2 pound difference is normal. Depends on how much salt, stress, etc., I would like to keep it down to 130 - 131. She said I may not be eating enough calories! I'm keeping track, and I think I am. I can eat about 1300-1400 cal/day to maintain the weight I want to be. I can raise it up when I begin exercising.

If I can tighten up my stomach a bit by exercising, I am fine at this weight, so it remains to be seen!

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