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It sounds like you do understand. Oh...I would still want my alone time, but I always dreamed of a big family, it just never happened. I just love hearing about everyone's family time.
I just finished Christmas shopping for Gary's grandsons, got them wrapped, boxed up and ready to mail tomorrow. Whew! I'm glad to have that done. My shopping is going to be pretty easy this year. Gary's sons always get money, Brooke and Bryan usually want money and I've already got their stocking stuffers. Abigail wants gift cards and I just have to find out what I need to get Emma and I should be mostly done. I am not buying anything for Gary - his Colorado elk hunt and a new pair of binoculars are his presents, so I may have a pretty easy time of it this year! YAY!
I hate to admit this, but I didn't bother to get dressed today...lol. I went through some pictures and scanned them in to email to my brothers. Thought why should I use up all my ink and paper...they can print them out and use theirs. I've been on the computer, read the Sunday paper and picked up around the house. Can't believe Monday will be here tomorrow....seems like the weekend just got here.
I did put out some Christmas decorations and will probably put out a few more tomorrow. Need to put our tree up too. Maybe on Ricky's day off. I would rather buy a new one that is only 3 or 4 feet high instead of the 6 foot one we have. Maybe next year. No use spending money when we already have a tree. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Seems pretty quiet around here (4WT). I miss having a lot of new posts to read when I get on here. I know with the holiday getting closer and closer that everyone is busy. |
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Here's a pic of my little tree. Sorry, it is sideways, I don't know why that happens sometimes when I take pics with my camera. It is right up on my computer, but posts sideways. Oh well, you can sorta get the picture. LOL!
Gayle it is so cute!! That does it, I'm going to get me a smaller one.
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OK, I'm trying to fix my sideways tree. It'll probably post sideways again. Oh well
YAY! I FIXED IT!!! I have tiny little pretty boxes (empty) under the little tree - and we won't have many real presents, but if we did, I'd just put them around it on the floor on top of the "snow"! I really like the little tree. My daughter said it reminded her of Charlie Brown's poor little tree - but I like it!!! |
I like it too! Mike and I put up a tree like that, only with lcd lights. We did it last year because Kirby was 6 months old and he would have eaten a tree he could reach, lol! We'll put it up again this year!
Cute tree, Gayle!!! I would have liked to have a smaller tree this year so it wouldn't take up as much room but I didn't want to buy a new one so we ended up putting up what I had. Dean's done pretty good about staying out of it.
I had a larger family because I had only one brother and we're almost 6 years apart. My Mom has 5 sisters and they're really close......I grew up with cousins around all the time and an Aunt that was only 7 years older than me......more like a big sister. I started out wanting 6 kids but happily settled for 4. I really would like for my kids to be closer than they are to each other.......and the girls are but having a son and daughter-in-law makes a difference. So that's why I have a larger family......I wanted that closeness that my Mom and her sisters have. I still love to get together with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. They are still a huge part of my life!!! Well......to change the subject......Dean's about to drive me crazy!!! I don't know what it was about this weekend but even my Sunday School kids were active......ALL of them!!! I have a couple that cause trouble but on Sunday it was the whole class!!! After church Glen and I went out to eat with Jaci and Nate. Dae Lynn calls and Dean had gotten open a new bottle of paint that I had just bought. You know.....the small bottles of craft paint.....and he had poured it all over the living room carpet when Dae Lynn went to the bathroom!! She was furious!! She called wondering how to clean it up.......and it ended up that she just got out the shampooer and cleaned it. It turned out pretty good but you can still tell a little where it was at. I think that when some dirt gets mixed into it you won't notice it. So fustrating!!!! Even this morning he's been into all kinds of things.......if he's out of sight then you better be finding out where he's at!!! I've spanked him a couple of times though and he seems to be settling down. I sure hope this doesn't keep up!!! A sorority here in town has an annual home tour and it was yesterday. They usually have three homes but this year they only had two. One of the homes was a lady that has an antique shop. Her home was flooded severely when we had the big flood a few years ago but she had a group of Mennonite men that came in and helped her fix things back up. Her home was so unique that it was worth the money to just see it!!! She had incorporated a lot of salvage stuff from other houses and furniture into it and it was so cool!!! I just loved it!!! Matter of fact.....I'd like to go back and look again!!! Last night we had a Christmas banquet with the church. We had a nice supper and then had Greg Winn perform for us!! He is so awesome!! Here's his website.....http://www.gregwinn.com/ |
How is Glen's foot today? It does feel weird when you have a cast removed! At least they kept the stinky cast, and you didn't have to smell up the car, or bother getting rid of it!
Betsi, how awful that your knee got so hurt from that fall! It was more of a slip, wasn't it? Things just change on a dime, don't they? I hope it heals before Christmas. Gayle, how annoying that Gary's birthday steak was not good! Knowing you though, I'm sure you have made up for it! I have never tasted venison. I'm going to have to get somebody to give me just a little piece! Janet, I grew up in a huge family of cousins, aunts and uncles. It really was a blessing! I have such great memories of family! I still am in touch with 3 of my first cousins, and one aunt. I love them so much! I have no idea what it is to have siblings though. I wish I had a brother or a sister. I have been busy doing things in the house like cleaning out the pantry, putting the deck stuff down in the basement, putting up some pictures, etc. I have to go through the closets, drawers and cabinets. I have lived here over 3 years now, and it is time to resort things, and get rid of stuff. I do not like clutter! As it is, I really have no more room for knick knacks, or furniture. Too bad! I love decorating! I can always get rid of some things! I'm going with Jessie and Kassidy for blood tests and a sonogram for Kass. Her doctor thinks she may have mono. I doubt it, but she has been sick with bronchitis for a few weeks now, and her side hurts. She is a tiny thing, with no body fat, so she doesn't recover easily from things. Jessie has some symptoms of an MS flare up, so that is always upsetting. I'm trying to be as helpful as I can. She has been through this quite a few times, so she is handling it very well. Of course, that helps me handle it better, and then I can be more helpful. She does need to go on medication that is preventative, for the long run. It's hard to find a doctor up here, but she will have to, I think. Not much else is doing here. I am just enjoying my solitude, and the quiet. My eyes are healing well, and I am very happy with the results. I'll get somebody to take a picture to post. |
Thanks Janet!
Ready or not here comes Christmas. I'm sad that Laura and hers can't go on my road trip, but Jeff and his are going with me to Branson. I'm leaving on the 22nd and should get back on the 30th. We'll have Christmas eve on the trail and Dixie stampede the day after. We are very excited about the trip. I'm in a year end crunch and praying for an awesome 2012. Ain't this roller coaster life a blast! Love you all |
I can't believe Christmas is only a few weeks away!! So much for our big old family Christmas we were trying to host. Everyone has backed out, the last ones being my brother today. My grandma told me last week that she will just come out if my brother is there with the girls. She'd come watch them open presents, and then go back home. Without the kids, there is no point in coming. So I guess there will just be Scott and I, my parents, and his parents. His parents are coming just in time to eat Christmas dinner and stay overnight. I think my parents will come on Christmas eve. I am pretty disappointed because we told everyone last Christmas that we'd love to have them over this year and everyone agreed, but at the last minute they all made other plans. We have a 14 lb turkey in the freezer (from my mom, for Christmas), and a 10-14 lb ham ordered through Scott's work. I guess we'll just go buy a smaller turkey, let my mom have hers back for when they have company, and just keep the ham frozen for another time. Oh well, what can you do?
Yesterday I had quite a morning. I dropped Scott off, drove to my parking lot, and walked to the traffic lights. I got there too late and had to press the button for a cross walk. Finally the lights changed, just as someone else had come up behind me. I started walking across the street without seeing who it was. I was almost halfway across when all of a sudden there were lights and squealing tires!! I jumped out of the way and a car stopped maybe a foot from my legs. They were left turning and didn't even slow down to see if there were pedestrians crossing with the walk light!!! The person behind me yelled in fright... and it was my boss! He said he was just looking at the ground and all of a sudden there was a car right there. It took about an hour for my limbs to stop feeling like rubber! Thank goodness it wasn't icy and the car was able to stop! It was going really fast! Other than all that, I've been keeping busy with our new dogs. I'll update the other thread about them though! |
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My little tree!
Aw Sandy your tree is cute too. I'm going to town tomorrow to get a little 4 foot one instead of putting up the big one. It also seems like a fun thing to do and not work like the big one is.
Tell us more about your trip...what will you be doing? Lindsey...so glad to know you are safe. What kind of maniac was driving like that???? Someone should have gotten the plate number. Those kinds of drivers need to stay off the roads. Judy it sounds like you are really keeping busy around your home. I love taking care of where I live, most of the time. My mother had a large mirror that hung in the living room for as long as I can remember. After she passed I brought it home with me to hang and today I tried to hang it up. It will have to go into studs because it's rather heavy. Ricky was off today so he helped me, but it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to hang it, at least till I figure out a better way. The studs are 16 on center and there is no way to change the hooks to hang it with. I was so disappointed. At Mom's house the walls are plaster so didn't really need to worry about it pulling out of the wall. There is no way I could hang it on drywall. Hopefully I can figure out how to get it hung soon. Rick as some kind of class at work until 10 PM tonight, tomorrow and Thursday nights. He doesn't want to go but it's mandatory. He took some extra clothes in case the weather gets bad or if he's just too tired to drive home. I'm gonna love being home these 3 nights....LOLOL. |
Can you set the mirror on the floor?
Here are some ideas I found: http://www.doityourself.com/stry/hangheavymirror http://www.ehow.com/how_12141571_mak...g-mirrors.html I think that if you rest it on the wall, and get Rick to build a base to rest it on, and hold it in place, that would be interesting. |
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