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gja1000 12-12-2011 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 124347)
Gayle, I have to say that I admire a man that is as comfortable in a business suit as he is in his camo:p

LOL! Betsi! I guess I've never met one like that!

gja1000 12-13-2011 06:18 PM

Our boys went to get their teeth cleaned today. I wish I could make myself brush their teeth regularly so they didn't have to go through this. They both did fine, but I worry so much when they have to be sedated to have this done.

YAY! I finished all my grading and submitted my grades today. I was the biggest procrastinator these past couple of weeks. There is no reason to NOT have had this done a week ago. Oh well, it's done now.

I've got a busy day tomorrow, but on Thursday a couple of girl friends and I are going shopping in Bastrop. This is the central Texas town where the worst of the wildfires were this summer. We figured it would be the right thing to do to spend some money in their little town. They are trying hard to help everyone affected by the fires to have a good Christmas, and we think we should help, however little. I haven't driven through the fire area since it happened, so I am anxious (and sad) to see the damage.

Janet 12-13-2011 11:41 PM

That is such a worry isn't it Gayle? Joey needs his cleaned so bad, but I know they will pull most of what left. His are just horrible. Still need to get Brenna her annual, it was due in October and then of course....the kitty. She really should have vaccinations to keep her healthy. Pets can be so expensive.

Today, I mostly lounged around since I'm not feeling the greatest. Thought I would take a nice nap on the couch in between routes, but as soon as I layed down, the phone rang. So the nap was put on hold for another day... :(

I was going to call the Dr. today after my morning route, but he's closed on Wednesdays. If I'm not feeling better, then I will call him on Thursday. I sure don't want to be sick over Christmas.

Blueyes 12-14-2011 08:37 AM

Janet, :getwell:

Gayle, we went through Bastrop on our way to the ranch right after the fires. In fact, they were still smoking some. There were firefighters everywhere, emergency insurance sites set up in parking lots, along with lots of disaster relief. I tell you it was a scary, humbling sight! The devastation will just make you sick. I'm glad you are going there to shop, that's a great idea!

Lindsey 12-14-2011 10:36 AM

Layla really needs her teeth cleaned too! She is not a fan of having her teeth brushed :( I think we will schedule a cleaning in the new year.

I feel like I've been so busy lately, but I haven't really been. All of our presents are wrapped and under the tree. I just mailed a big pile of Christmas cards today. On the weekend we went to my Christmas party Friday, and then I won tickets to a hockey game Saturday so it was a full weekend compared to normal! This weekend we're visiting Scott's parents. Other than that, we just go home from work, play with the dogs, eat, and go to sleep!

A couple of nights ago my brother went to the emergency room with terrible pains and it turns out he has a hernia. He will be seeing a specialist and will be going for surgery sometime in the new year. I guess my dad had a hernia when he was about a year old, and his brother also had one when he was young. I talked to my brother yesterday and he's staying off work and he said he's in quite a bit of pain when he stands up, but laying down is okay.

judy 12-15-2011 02:25 PM

I hope he feels bettee soon, Linds!

You also, Janet! Sounds like a flu.. I'm with Gayle...I never go to the doctor. I like my doc, but they probe and test, and by the time they are done, you usually have recovered anyway. I did go for a mammo, and got a letter from the radiologist that I do not have cancer. What a nice letter!!! I always say "Thank you God" when I get a negative pap smear, mammo, and a skin check. One of my doctors would send a postcard with Mona Lisa smiling when you got a negative pap smear.

We all should brush our yorkie's teeth. I never have, and never remember. I do have a toothbrush and doggie toothpaste somewhere. I hope everybody's dogs' teeth stay healthy! There was a nice young woman on YT who washed her dog's face, put her in her pj's, and brushed her teeth nightly! Bless her heart!

Diana, why not try a playpen for a couple of hours each day? Or, is this considered child abuse these days? Jessie loved her playpen. She had special toys in there, her bottle, and I often found her sleeping in her cozy little nest. Do you think Dae Lynn would allow it?

Thanks for your advice about my old boyfriend. I think what I'm getting to is that I want that kind of love again. I was so lucky to have had that, especially as a teenager, when things can be so hard. I did not have it hard then because of Gary. I did have a rough time because my mother was so ill, and I think that Gary, and my two ex-husbands suffered from depression. I know I did. I probably felt comfortable with men who felt the same way I did. At any rate, I want that kind of love again. Not the teenage stuff, but he and I really did love each other.

Janet 12-15-2011 05:44 PM

I didn't do much today except cough and pee...lol. Oh I got laundry caught up so I wouldn't have to do it over the weekend, mailed my Christmas cards, and made a list of things to do tomorrow. I need to get to town and see if there is any kind of mail at Mom's. It's starting to really dwindle down now finally. Our WorkForce One is offering free certified nursing assistant training, so I want to go and see what that is about. I think I would really like that, we'll see. I have been thinking about it since before Mom passed and then all of a sudden I see this in the newspaper, glad I did, because I'm getting ready to cancel the paper....:)

I always felt bad for Mom when someone else had to take care of her and I want to be able to give that kind of comfort. Not saying it will be for me, but I want to check out what they are offering

judy 12-16-2011 09:10 AM

That sounds nice Janet. I remember you wanting to do that when Mom was sick.

I have lots of stuff to do today, but I'm not sure I will get anything done. I may just relax!

Janet 12-16-2011 01:49 PM

That sounds like a great thing to do Judy and I could that all day....LOL

I did call about the training and it doesn't sound too promising. It's mostly for unemployed or lower income. Not sure I'll qualify. Oh well...we'll see.

gja1000 12-18-2011 06:04 AM

I've had a nice quiet weekend. Gary decided at the last minute to go to the deer lease with the other couple that are on the lease too. We needed to check on the trailer before we leave this Friday for a few days, so its good that he went. I hope he doesn't come home sick though.

Yesterday I went shopping early (Dollar Tree) for a few stocking stuffers for his sisters and their husbands. It was good because the stores were not crowded yet. Then I ran a few more errands and came home and made potato soup. That's mom's favorite so I took some over and ate lunch with her.

Then I just came home and did a few things around the house and rested. I took mom to the Texas women's basketball game last night, the first since she broke her leg. She was so excited! A friend of mine who has front row seats gave us her tickets so mom wouldn't have to climb the 17 stairs to our regular seats. I took mom in the arena in her wheelchair and then she just got right in the seat. It is a very different perspective watching a college basketball game in the front seats. It's up close and personal. One time a player from the other team was diving for a loose basketball and landed in my lap. :eek: Fortunately, everyone around me put out their arms to stop her so she didn't land on me too forcefully.

Mom is doing well, but doesn't seem to have made a whole lot more progress (walking better) in the past couple of weeks. We see the surgeon this Tuesday and I think he will release her to put full weight on the leg. I'm going to ask if she can continue physical therapy for a while longer because I'd like to see her walking better. She says her knee is hurting and it probably is since she is walking "differently" due to not being able to step full weight on it.

This morning I think I'll go out for a leisurely breakfast and then go to the grocery store early before the crowds. I hope everyone has a good day.

Janet 12-18-2011 09:08 AM

Gayle....I just felt so relaxed reading your post. In your writing you seemed so content and it transferred right on to me.

I've had too short a weekend...as usual.. :) Didn't even get dressed yesterday, just not feeling like I should. Still have that cackling noise going on and I'm not liking it one bit. Also still have a cough, not a really bad one where I'm hacking all the time, just once in awhile I have a deep cough and then well....we all know what happens.... lol.

I got upset with my husband, (gee, who'd a thought?). I was sitting at my computer when he came home from playing Cowboy Shooter. I was printing out pictures for my friends Mom and putting them in a small album. He asked how I was feeling and I told him not really any better or any worse. Then he pops off with "what'd I do now?" Being as I wasn't feeling the greatest, I popped right back that "not everything revolves around what you did or didn't do. Why because I don't feel well does that have anything to do with you?" I honestly very seldom confront him, I usually just hold it in, but he is always asking this question and it makes me insane. Okay...enough of that.

I have been busy online looking for other jobs. Even if it's part-time (with my bus schedule) and could work into more hours in the summer months. There really isn't much out there. I can do office administration and I've worked retail as a department head over mens, ladies, and children's clothing and then as a stock room supervisor. Everyone wants all these degrees. I will continue to look and once I feel better will start right after the first of the year (try to beat some of the school and college kids) going door to door at places of business and putting in a application or leaving a resume. Sure hope something comes along, I'm a hard worker so I just have to be patient. I really want to start putting some money back, for myself.

Today I slept in just a tad and as of yet (12:06) still haven't gotten dressed. Don't really have anything on my agenda until later so why dirty some clothes...lol.

Tuesday Ricky will be 21 and has to work until 7:30 so I told him last night that we would take him out to eat this evening where ever he wanted to go. His favorites are Red Lobster and Outback. Can't believe my baby will be 21. Where did the time go?????

gja1000 12-18-2011 09:36 AM

You know Janet, when someone is irritating to us, just about no matter what they say, it sets us off. I don't know why that is, but I find that it is true. I'm sorry you have to feel like you can't say/do whatever you want, that really isn't a very healthy way to live.

Maybe with another job or one to supplement the bus route, and your mom's house to live in, you could make a move???

Janet 12-18-2011 02:04 PM

Been thinking of it Gayle, it's just gonna take some planning. Oh please don't think I can't say or do what I want. I do...believe me, probably too much, lol. But when it comes to arguing or dealing with that kind of stuff, I just try to avoid it. Not worth the aggravation.

2tiredmom 12-18-2011 04:34 PM

Had our office party last night at my bosses house. She is such a dear friend. Husbands were invited too. Got to be with my best friend and her hubby too. They are just such good sweet Christen people. My bosses hubby is 59 and the retired police chief. Sweet people. I am trully blessed. It was a fun night played po keen oh. Gary won just about every other game. lol. Then I won the grand prize. 2 wine glasses and a bottle of wine from our local winery. Satek Winery.
Today didn't do much. Gary left a little after 5. I hate it when he leaves. I feel like a piece of me is missing when he is not here. He goes back to Dr on Friday for his back. Not much else going on. Jennifer is out with friends. College kids. lol.
Have a great week everyone.

DianaB 12-18-2011 08:35 PM

Janet, I hope you're feeling better!! This isn't a good time to be sick. It was so nice talking to you the other day!!

Linda, it sounds like you had a good time at your Christmas party!! How nice that you won a nice prize!!! I wish that you were on here a little more......you're missed!!!

Sorry, I haven't been on much again!! Glen and I went to Joplin for a couple of days to finish up our Christmas shopping. Actually Glen got his own Christmas gifts......he bought himself a scuba outfit and all the stuff that goes with it!! Plus we got him a new suit and a dress jacket.......he needed them so badly!!! He spent enough that I'm not worrying about getting him anything else!!!

I'm not wanting much for Christmas.......I did make out a small list of a few things I wanted but nothing expensive. I really like being able to buy things on e-bay so I'm content with just having that!!

Anyway, we got our shopping done......or figured out who we were giving money to!! LOL I think that next year that's all we're going to do.....give money.

This evening we had our Christmas play with our children's church kids. It went really well!!! I'm so glad that it's over though and I don't have to teach Sunday School for a couple of weeks since they fall on holidays!!! I could use the break.....even though I have great kids. Maybe they'll feel more like listening and sitting still when we come back from break!!! Ha Ha!!

Tomorrow is Damon's Mother's funeral so we'll be going to that and bringing Dean and Karlie home. Damon gets out of jail for 6 hours to attend the funeral. I hope the funeral goes well.....because the family doesn't get along too well. Our pastor is doing the service and he's handled families like this before so I know that he'll do a good job for them.

We're having our "Christmas" with the kids on Friday evening so I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few days getting things ready. I guess it's been decided that we're having "Mexican" food!! That's alright because we can fix that to go with our diet!!

Love ya'll and I'll talk to ya' later!!! Hugs!!!

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