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gja1000 05-13-2010 07:47 PM

I went shopping today at the outlet mall with a couple of girl friends. We had such a good time! We just "skipped school" - please don't tell the Dean. LOL!!! Actually, as I mentioned before, school is out and I am leaving next weekend. We always try to do something fun together at the end of each semester and it was now or never!

We ate breakfast at Cracker Barrel and then hit the outlet stores.

I bought quite a few things FOR EVERYONE ELSE! Would you believe the only thing I bought for myself was UNDERWEAR!

I got Gary a cotton short sleeved shirt and a tee shirt. The tee shirt said, "Old fishermen never die, they just lose their lure" He'll think it's funny!

I got Emma a Disney princess beach towel. Oops, she was ready to go swimming and it was cloudy and rainy. I got Abigail some moccasin shoes she has been wanting.

I got my daughter a cast iron skillet - a really good brand, Lodge. They are usually pretty expensive, but I got this on sale for $18.00. I got my sil 3 books, origami with dollar bills, making airplanes with dollar bills, and tricks with dollar bills. Actually, when my 13 year old granddaughter, Abigail saw the books, she immediately wanted them, so I guess she and her dad will have some fun.

It was a good day. I have meetings tomorrow to finish up my grades for the semester. It will be good to be totally done. I hope to have a quiet weekend so I can get some things ready for our trip.

DianaB 05-14-2010 07:44 AM

Gayle, the things that you do always sound like so much fun!!! Even just going out to eat and shopping!!!! Girl time!!

Diane, what a wonderful trip to look forward to!! That sounds so wonderful and for your 25th anniversary!!! You'll have to make sure that you take lots of pictures (I know that it's not until fall but thought that I'd start making sure you are all ready to take pictures when you get there!!!)

I've been trying to get flowers planted. We made a huge flower bed last summer in the yard and I really haven't had time or money to fix it the way I really want but I'm am getting some flowers in it.

I finally got caught up on my laundry and am breathing a BIG sigh of relief with that. The kitchen's finally looking better and I'm feeling some of the stress lifting.

We have a work day today on Althea's yard but I have the kids so I probably won't make it. I'll try to go next week and get some things pruned and looking better.

I have a guest bedroom that needs to be cleaned out. I've put so much of my flea market stuff in there while it's waiting to be priced. I don't think that I'm going to worry about it until after the wedding but I have to find a place for it all......I'm thinking that UNDER the bed would be a nice place for it!!!!! The closet is full and needs cleaned out and there's no room in there so......my only choice besides the basement is under the bed!!!! I don't know if I'll have company but I'd rather things be in order......just in case!!!

DIANE W 05-14-2010 01:25 PM

Diana.... oh my you are really busy, isnt cleaning just a never ending job?

I always see things that need to be done, i am a lot better than i used to be at trying to leave some things..... but i feel so much better when everywhere is nice and clean and tidy - i can relax properly then.

I have been to my Aunt and Uncle's today, did their food shop, some cleaning, and cooked them a meal, i stayed and joined them too. They so enjoy having me there and i feel guilty that i cant be there more than i am. I have always been very close to them, like another Mum & Dad really.

Looking forward to the weekend now.

DianaB 05-15-2010 04:35 PM

It's just crazy here!! Today we've been picking out pictures of Jaci to have someone make a slide show for her graduation party. Now I have pictures and albums EVERYWHERE!!! I have soooo many pictures of her!!!

I finally opened the punch bowl that I ordered and it's a different size than the base that I have from another bowl I had. Bummer!! I guess that it will just have to sit on the table. It's still pretty.....it's just that I wanted it to be on a pedestal!

We have baccalaureate tomorrow and graduation next Sunday. Then two weeks later is the wedding........I'm starting to get panicky!!! I hope that everything is ready!!!! I'll be so glad when this madness is all over!! I don't feel very prepared for this since I've hardly been part of the planning.

Dae Lynn's been coming out quite a bit which I love but it adds to the madness......having Karlie talk nonstop and having the baby cry!! I do enjoy visiting with her but give a big sigh when she leaves. I've had the kids quite a bit since Damon's in jail. We're hoping that he'll be able to get out soon but we'll see. At least he's been made trustee so he can call home more often without using the pay phone. The calls cost $10 each using the pay phone so Dae Lynn wasn't answering them but Damon would leave messages in the place for you to leave your name!!!

I'm not sure how much I'm going to be on in the next few weeks. I'm trying to keep up somewhat but am hardly on the computer.

Janet 05-16-2010 06:12 AM

I've noticed you've haven't been online near as much Diana and I miss you. It's all understandable and know that we are here for you when you need us and when everything is done and overwith....will be expecting updates...pictures and well...just everything.

DIANE W 05-16-2010 12:55 PM

Diana.... Now dont be trying to do too much, just try to do what you can and also enjoy it all too.

I am also looking forward to hearing all about it and the pictures too.

gja1000 05-21-2010 07:15 PM

We will be leaving tomorrow morning for Arkansas. We'll be near Eureka Springs, camped on the White River, just below Beaver Lake dam. We'll be visiting relatives and trout fishing for a couple of weeks. It has been hectic getting things ready to go, but I think we are about ready to hit the road in the morning.

We actually don't have phone service at the campsite as it is down in a little valley - right next to the river. But when we leave the campground, about a mile up the road, we have signal, so I'll be able to check in from time to time, but won't be posting too much as the phone signal is weak, and loading pages and posting takes FOREVER! But I will read and keep up with you all.

All of you, please take care! Lindsay, I can hardly wait to get back and hear about Layla's progress! Janet, the puppies will be getting REALLY cute when I get back. I might have to just drive on up to Indiana and bring one home!!! Although my two boys wouldn't like that very much, I'm afraid! LOL!

"See" you in a couple of weeks!

paula1961 05-22-2010 05:29 AM

Have fun Gayle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your trip!! Happy Fishing!!:D

judy 05-22-2010 07:19 AM

Have a great time Gayle!

Janet 05-22-2010 11:00 AM

Stay safe Gayle and have a wonderful time. I really need a vacation so I'll just live vicariously through you...lol. Please take lots of pictures for us!

gja1000 05-22-2010 03:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, our trip took a little detour today!!! Gary and I are still in Austin. We loaded up and headed to Arkansas this morning about 8:00AM. We'd driven about 5 miles when someone honked at us and pointed at the trailer. We pulled over and smoke was coming from behind the rear tire.

Fortunately, we carry emergency roadside assistance through the Good Sam club, which pays for roadside repairs or towing. We have a bearing out on the wheel/axle, which also fried the brake - sooooo, the trailer is at the repair shop and (hopefully) will be fixed by Tuesday-keep your fingers crossed! We plan to leave early Wednesday if the trailer is up and running.

We had quite an adventure with the tow truck, I'll tell you! We were stranded on I35 (a MAJOR interstate highway) for 2 1/2 hours. First there was a wreck and the tow truck couldn't get through. Then, he couldn't tow the trailer due to the wheel problem, so he planned to put it on a dolly - which turned out to not be wide enough - so he took the wheel off (there were 3 more, 2 on one side, and 1 on the other), did something to the axle so it wouldn't be off balance, and he drove VERY slowly the 30 miles to the repair place. It was all very interesting because he didn't speak much English, and we don't speak much Spanish.

Of course, our fridge was loaded up for the trip, so Brooke came over and got all our food and took it to her house - plus she took the boys, who were very worried about what was happening. We also had to get out all of Gary's medicines, c-pap machine, oxygen machine, insulin supplies, and a few clothes we didn't want to live without for 5 days. It was a hassle, but it could have been much worse - it could have happened in the middle of NOWHERE and we would have been stuck in a motel for several days. Fortunately, motel costs are covered with our roadside insurance, but still - who wants to be stuck in nowhere land in a motel!!!

We did have a bit of a problem when we got to the RV repair place - the wheel is covered under warranty - and they are not a dealer for the brand of trailer we have, so they were reluctant to do the work. I know it would have taken them a loooong time to do it, cuz they didn't want to. I got on my phone and found a dealer that sold our brand of trailer just 3 miles down the road, so we went down there and they couldn't have been nicer. They promised that if they have the part to fix the wheel, it will be ready by Tuesday. I really won't be upset if it isn't because i know these things take time and they may not have the right part in stock. I even remembered just a while ago that I left a pound of hamburger in the door of the freezer and because we turned off the fridge, I was instantly panicked at how that was gonna smell after 5 days!!! Diana, I remember your story! LOL! I immediately called them and asked them if they would get the hamburger out of the freezer. Again, they couldn't have been nicer and said they would do it immediately. Guys, this could have been much worse.

So, now I'll have a few quiet days at home before we leave which I am looking forward to! Here's a picture that Brooke took of us on the side of the road. That's the tow truck behind us and we are standing next to our trailer.

Oh yeah, the wind was blowing about 20 mph - that's why our hair looks so goofy! We both have a wind burned face!!!

Blueyes 05-22-2010 03:25 PM

Oh Gayle..what a PAIN!! And on 35:eek: I'm glad you didn't get squished!! I'd be really aggravated after all of that packing and UNpacking! You and Gary look adorable:D

We just got home this afternoon, too. We were at our friends ranch in the Hill Country, not far from Johnson City. We HAD to put out protein feeders for the stupid deer:rolleyes: The wildflowers were so pretty, and there were butterflies everywhere! We saw 21 deer, 3 jackrabbits, 8 hogs, and we heard a lot of turkey. Mike was in wildlife heaven, lol!

gja1000 05-22-2010 03:48 PM

We were very fortunate to be on a stretch of I35 where the shoulder was HUGE. We were at least 10 feet away from the whizzing cars - if you had to be stranded on the busiest highway in central Texas, we were at the ideal spot!!!

Oh Betsi, your getaway sounds heavenly. I just love that the wildflowers are still so beautiful! Gary would have been in wildlife heaven too! LOL! I know you all had a ball!

We are lucky, we have a few days to rest up from our "adventure" :rolleyes:

Blueyes 05-22-2010 04:40 PM

Gayle, we need to get together sometime when we are there!!

gja1000 05-22-2010 04:46 PM

Yes we do! :)

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