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Lindsey 12-28-2011 05:18 PM

Gayle, my oven does that too but it's a wall oven so it can't vent anywhere else!

Janet, I'm so glad you finally got that mirror hung!

Today, we got up and headed into the city to meet Scott's sister for lunch on their way home to Edmonton. Their daughter is sooooo adorable! She was in a good mood too. I like babies when they're happy lol! After lunch we did some looking into wedding stuff, which I've already written about in another thread. While we were in Costco, I also bought a new blow dryer and curling iron. Scott bought a new electric razor. His parents gave us a Costco gift card for Christmas, so there went that!

We finally felt it's been long enough that we could maybe look at the leftovers in the fridge, and we warmed some up for supper, threw some out, and put some in the freezer for another time.

Now, Scott's gone back to the city to visit friends, and I'm holding down the fort with the dogs! These last few weeks I have felt so exhausted all the time, and all I want to do is sleep! I think I will be heading to bed early again tonight.

gja1000 12-29-2011 08:57 AM

We are headed back to Austin today. We planned to stay at the lake a couple of days with Gary's aunt and uncle but they have a stomach bug that we DO NOT WANT, so we will just drive home today I love staying at the lake but I will be glad to be home.

I developed a sore throat and the sniffles last night so I stopped and got some zinc lozenges and took them all night and this morni g. The sore throat is gone and the sniffles have not gotten any worse. I hope I can beat it back. I don't have time for a cold.

DianaB 12-29-2011 09:45 AM

Sounds like everyone had a great Christmas!!

Sandy, you're going to have to let us know what all you did in Branson!! It's a great town with so much to do!! We love to go there once in a while and I've heard that Christmas is a good time to go!!

We had a great time with the kids on Friday before Christmas. The only thing was that it wasn't long enough doing it in the evening. The grandkids all spent the night....except for Daya. She's not real social.....like her Dad!! Glen made breakfast the next morning then they all went home to get ready for Christmas at their own homes.

On Christmas we had Dae Lynn and the kids to open presents with. I miss having my kids be that age!!! It will be so hard when they move out!! I had made a list with some small things that I wanted and Dae Lynn made sure that I got them!! Then.......Glen gave me a present.....and it was filled with glass!! He had bought the greenhouse that we looked at a while back and had been working on it at the shop!! It needs sooooo much work!!! I've always wanted a greenhouse so I'm really excited about it.......just not the work!! I'm afraid that by the time we're all done and finished we'll have as much in it as if we'd have bought a new one but.....oh, well. So I've been going over to the shop to help him work on it so he can move on to other things. Today we're getting ready to paint the primer on.

We have a few more parties to go to yet so we're still busy. On Friday we're going to Glen's sister's for a party with Glen's family. Then the girls are planning a New Year's party here at the house......then we have a Christmas party with my family on Monday......Whew!!!

Janet 12-29-2011 07:01 PM

Today I was able to get the dogs groomed and bathed. I think this was the 2nd time since Mom passed in August. I just couldn't seem to get up enough ambition to do it. They all look so much better. I cut all of them down really short except for Joey...I'm ready for him to be in long coat. He's my baby and I really prefer the long coat, just don't like taking care of 5 of them.

I started around 10:30 I think it was and finished at 5:15. It absolutely wore me out. I have one of those wash tubs that I put in the bath tub so I don't have to be on my knees for so long. Then have a card table all set up in my bedroom to do the grooming. After getting everything out and then putting it all back up and then sweeping the floor....it's no wonder I kept putting it off.

Then I took a relaxing shower and now...of course I'm on the laptop, in bed.

gja1000 12-29-2011 07:27 PM

Janet, you make me tired!

Janet 12-30-2011 12:38 AM

I make myself tired. Maybe if I kept busier instead of on the computer so much I'd get some of this weight off.

judy 12-30-2011 08:18 AM

Wow! Christmas is over! It sounds like it was good for everyone.

I went over to Jessie's. Steve's uncle was there, and so was my ex. It was not the most comfortable situation. Steve's uncle is some piece of work! He has spent most of his life sponging off of family members, living in their houses, not contributing, and it always ends badly. He lived with Jessie and Steve for a while, but it was when she first got MS, and he did help a lot around the house. He send money to his daughter, who lives inm Hawaii, and claims to have none of his own. It's very crazy! He is sick now with cancer, and is trying to con Jessie and Steve to take him in. They found him an apartment nearby, and offered to be available if he needs help, but of course, he turned it down. He is a real scam artist, although he is sick, and I wish him well. We all make our own choices though.

Jessie took Brandon for tests today. He may have idiopathic anaphylaxis, which means that his throat closes, and they don't know the cause. It is very dangerous, so Jess and Steve are very worried. I am too, but I am optomistic that it is treatable. He will probably need to be on steroids. He only had the throat closing once. He has gotten hives and other symptoms for a couple of years now. I feel so bad for him!

Other than that, it is nice and quiet. My summer friends are here for the Christmas vacation, and we are having a New Year's party. We had a party a couple of nights ago too. I love when they are here!

Janet 12-30-2011 08:56 AM

Steve's uncle does sound like a piece of work, but I'm sorry he has cancer. I really hope Jessie doesn't let him move in. It doesn't sound like a good thing for her health. I know we are to help people and I'm sure they will, but her family needs her to be healthy.

How scary for Brandon to have his throat close. I pray it never happens again. Whatever is going on with him, I hope they can get it under control with very little to no medication. Could he be allergic to something? Food, environmental? Please keep us updated, I don't like it when our kids/grandkids are having health problems.

gja1000 12-30-2011 03:41 PM

I have developed a bit of a cold, so I don't feel real good. My symptoms are easily controlled by cold and cough medicine and my mucus is clear so I'm OK, just don't feel like doing much of anything. It seems like I ALWAYS get a cold the week after Christmas. Must be stress, but I really don't feel THAT stressed.

Gary is really tired and we haven't' even finished unloading the car! We still have our stocking stuffer things out there and a couple of other bags. I guess that will be our chore for tomorrow. LOL!

I'm fixing a meat loaf for dinner - because - I don't like meatloaf but Gary loves it - and - so I won't eat it and can eat a diet dinner because I DESPERATELY need to get back to eating LESS!!!

2tiredmom 12-30-2011 06:18 PM

Boy everyone has so much going on. We got home this morning about 12:15 got to bed by 1. Then got up at 7:00. Started by taking down the Christmas Tree and then cleaned and had to go into town to pay some bills before the end of the year.
Took Gary to Ft Wayne to get his shot in his back. Dr told him he may have to have surgery. While we were sitting waiting for him to go back Gary checked the weather and it showed a snow storm with lake effect snows for Sunday and Monday right though the area where he drives though to go back to Wisconsin. SO now I will worry about his drive back. If it's not one things it's something else. Thanks for reading. Everyone enjoy there New Year.

Janet 12-30-2011 08:05 PM

Hopefully your cold won't last long Gayle. I still have that darn cough. It's not as bad, but at times, it's hard to catch my breath. At least I don't have that cackling noise anymore. I just wish I didn't pee when I get into one of the coughing spells.

Linda, I'm sure glad you're back with us now. You really are missed when you're not here and I like hearing how you and Gary are doing. What kind of surgery will Gary need? I wasn't aware he was having back trouble, did he injure it somehow? I'm just glad you're back.

Today I got all the laundry caught up for the weekend and cleaned out the drawers in the kitchen. I need to go through the cabinets too, but it was getting later into the afternoon so I called it a day.

DianaB 12-31-2011 08:05 AM

Janet, I don't know how you groom FIVE dogs!!! I can barely take care of two and it takes me all day!!!

Gayle, I hope that Gary's tiredness is just from traveling and not something worse and that your cold gets better. I've been fighting a cold since before Christmas.....but the whole family has been too.

Linda, I hope your husband doesn't have much trouble getting to work!! I know that that would be so worrisom to have him traveling in a bad storm. I hope the shot helps his back. Back pain is so hard to ignore.

Judy, I hope that Jessie sticks to her guns about not letting this uncle live with them. She has her hands full already and doesn't need the added responsibility of taking care of him as well.

And Brandon......I hope that they find out what's causing his problem....that would be so scary knowing that his throat could close at any time.

Well......Our plans have changed in the last 24 hours. Glen's going scuba diving on Sunday at Beaver Lake.......Can we say BRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!! The friend that he took lessons with is planning on going with their dive instructor and wanted Glen to come as well......so we're headed to Branson (Sandy, too bad that you're not still there!!) to spend the night and then tomorrow Glen's going diving with Logan and Logan's wife, Teresa (who I've been good friends with for years), and I are going shopping. I don't know if we'll shop at Branson or head back to Joplin. We'll meet up with the guys in Joplin before we all come home.

The girls have having a big New Year's Eve party here but it's alright that we miss it. We'll have to be back on Sunday because I have my family over for a late Christmas party on Monday at noon!!! Dae Lynn's suppose to get the house ready and hopefully I'll have time to get stuff ready for the meal!! Glen's so excited about going.......I'm worried about him getting too cold. I bought him some hand and foot warmers and I think that he's going to add them to his shoes to help keep his feet warm. Being diabetic I worry more about his hands and feet than I used to because his Mom had so much trouble with hers.

Poor Dean was putting his hands over his ears this morning and saying "Oh....." We finally decided that he had an earache so Dae Lynn has run him into the ER. He's been cutting teeth and I also think that he's got a touch of this cold-thing going around and his poor nose has just ran and ran. Poor little guy!!

Well.....I better go because I have packing to get done!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!!! Hugs to all of my Special Friends!!!

gja1000 12-31-2011 04:40 PM

HI Diana! It's so good to hear from you. SCUBA DIVING :eek: WOW! That will be COLD. BRRRRR. I hope you have lots of fun shopping and I hope Glen enjoys his dive. I'd love to be after Christmas shopping in Branson or Joplin, either one, it would be fun.

We're having a low key NYE. Gary had a leftover meatloaf sandwich and I fixed myself roasted brussel sprouts, steamed asparagus, and acorn squash. I'm trying to shut down the eating of JUNK! So far, so good!

I bought a bottle of Asti Spumonti Martini & Rossi and took a nap so hopefully I can make it to midnight! :D

Janet 12-31-2011 08:30 PM

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I love meatloaf and meatloaf sandwiches. Even though I'm full right now....meatloaf does sound good.

I can't believe Glenn wants to dive, won't he freeze? I wish I was there shopping with you, what fun!

Our NYE is pretty low key too. We went to Red Lobster and now I'm home in bed. Not much longer and 2012 will be here.

I had the Admiral's Feast with clams, jumbo shrimp, scallops, clams and flounder, plus garlic chees biscuits and ....... 2 very cold beers. It was sooooo good!

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not real healthy being all fried. I'm going to try and do better tomorrow.

gja1000 01-01-2012 03:15 PM

We went to see Mission Impossible III today. It was fine, nothing special, but Gary LOVES movies and he wanted me to go with him. Then I fixed cabbage rolls (in recipe thread) and they were delicious! Oh and we had black eyed peas too, but no matter how I fix them, then are never delicious. :D (but they were OK). Now we are home for the evening, watching football and just veging out.

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