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Janet 01-03-2012 06:08 PM

Take a nice hot bath and get a good nights sleep Sandy. Keeping my fingers crossed that you feel much better tomorrow.

Today I did a bit of running around. First thing I went to the bank to do my weekly banking and then went to the attorney's office. I told her what Jerry had said on the Friday before Christmas and she said my brothers were a$$holes....LOLOL. She's quite blunt and I like that...lol.

Forgot to bring the stock check I rec'd from the estate so went back home and then back to the bank. Finally had enough to get some groceries....finally. We were really getting low. Tomorrow I'm planning on making beef stroganoff in the crockpot. Really looking forward to that. Also have to run back to town to the attorney's office to sign the new deed and it will be mine....I think. Only thing left is the house in Florida and it looks like it will be appraised this week if the papers are signed making me the exectutrix. I sure hope so.

Lindsey 01-03-2012 08:00 PM

Haha sounds like you have a good attorney Janet!

We went back to work today. It was a little slow getting back into things, but I actually was missing it a little on my time off!

After work, we made some nachos and then took down all the Christmas decorations. Now we're watching Canada get annihilated by Russia in World Junior hockey :(

DianaB 01-05-2012 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 124750)
What crafts are you going to do?

I have some things to spray paint. I bought a little cast iron table and it's dark green so I bought some tan spray paint and I'm going to change the color.

I also have a LOT of pictures to frame......plus I need to get some pictures printed off. I finally put the pictures off of the new camera I bought this summer onto the computer. Dae Lynn hasn't taken any professional pictures of Dean but I do have some good ones that I need to get printed off. I only have one baby picture of him sitting aound the house. I always figure that January is MY month.......to do what I want to do!!! It never works out the way I'd like for it to but it's a neat thought!!!

DianaB 01-06-2012 11:00 AM

I had a stinkin' squirrel get into my electric lines AGAIN this morning!!! Thank goodness our electric company is quick to respond and in an hour we were back up and running. I asked them about putting a squirrel guard on to help prevent this and I guess that they did!! Yay!! We probably have this happen a couple of times a year.

Feyn brought birthday gifts this morning. Glen's birthday is Dec. 29th and he got a weather station thing to attach to the house. Then.....he also gave me my birthday present even though my birthday is still three weeks away.........AND I got a KINDLE!!! I was so excited!!! I love to read so this is a really thoughtful gift!! I felt bad that they spent so much though. One thing about your kids growing up is that you get better gifts!!!!

The greenhouse is coming along! Glen started putting the glass in yesterday and I got the door back together and hung. We need to finish putting in the glass......add the lights and electricity.......move it here to the house and it will be ready to go!!! Yay!!!

Tiramisu 01-06-2012 06:25 PM

I'm so ready to get started planting. I bought two blueberry bushes this evening and hope to find some live oaks and crepe myrtles tomorrow. I called 811 today to get all my underground things marked so I can start digging. Hope to start my veggie beds within a couple of weeks. Yum yum

Janet 01-06-2012 07:21 PM

Even though it was 56 degrees here today....we won't be able to plant anything for 3-4 months. I sure wish spring was here.

DianaB 01-06-2012 07:56 PM

We haven't even had WINTER yet so we're not thinking of planting anything yet either.....except maybe in my new greenhouse........once I figure out what I'm doing!!

judy 01-07-2012 08:56 AM

The greenhouse sounds amazing, Diana! Have you decided what you are going to plant in there?

I haven't been sick, but yesterday was the first day I had any energy since the holidays! Might have been a bug, but it is gone now. I hope all of you with that respiratory thing feel better! Janet, you have been sick with that cough for quite some time now!

I have been doing chores around the house. I finally hung the bird feeders out on the deck yesterday, and I see birds today!!! I am so excited! I don't know about bird species, but they have white heads, and are small. When it warms up, and the bears come out of hibernation, I will put the hummingbird feeders up. I had to hang the hooks facing in on the deck, which means bird poop and seeds all over, but I could not manage to hang them on the outside of the deck, facing out. As long as the dogs don't eat the bird poop, it will be okay.

Steve went to work!!! He got a welding job, which involves him being out of town for 3 or 4 weeks at a time. Jessie is thrilled! Freedom at last!!! I don't know if he will stay on at this job, but at least he went. As always, I am minding my own business!;) It is the only road to sanity!

Brandon's doctor said that there is medication for Brandon, which will help a lot. It seems that this is fairly common. There is one more test they are waiting for. He is back at school, with instructions for everyone about using the epipen immediately if he starts to have trouble. Jessie taught him how to use it himself. She also taught Kassidy and Mackenzie. They send a practice epipen, without a needle, and Jessie finally stopped Brandon and Kassidy from trying it on each other, leaving marks all over their bodies!

Not sure what I am doing today. I have to go into town, but that's it. I will take the dogs with me and may let them walk around town sniffing everything out. It is going to be in the 40's all week!!! I really love this weather we are having, but I am beginning to worry about global warming. This warm trend is all over the country, and really is not normal. A little scary!

gja1000 01-07-2012 08:25 PM

WHEW! I am tired!!! Gary and I brought home our travel trailer and most of his hunting stuff (deer stand and feeder and GOBS of other "hunting" stuff). We worked yesterday taking down his stand and feeder, taking everything apart and getting it back to the camp. The feeder was down in a canyon and we had to haul it out in pieces on the 4-wheeler. We had been camped out there since September so you can just imagine all the "stuff" (not the word I really wanted to use) we had out there. We had to take 2 vehicles, our FJ Cruiser pulling our 16 foot flatbed trailer for the 4-wheeler, feeder, stand and other "stuff" and then also the pickup to pull the trailer home. The flatbed was full of stuff, the back of the pickup was full of stuff and the inside of the cruise was full of stuff. How can one man accumulate so much STUFF????? The travel trailer is just filthy. It was so dusty out there and even with sweeping it is very very dusty.

Both Gary and my back is killing us tonight. I've been sitting with the heating pad. I can't take any ibuprofen because I am having a screening colonscopy (no problems at all, just something you are supposed to do occasionally when you are over 50) on Monday and can't take any aspirin or ibuprofen. Tylenol just really doesn't cut it.

We haven't unloaded everything yet and probably won't get it done for a few days as we'll just unload a little at a time. The travel trailer needs to go to the shop to have some work done, so I'll need to get it unloaded and cleaned up to take it to the shop. It's nothing major, but just a few minor things that Gary just doesn't have the energy to fix.

It feels really good though, to have almost everything home - especially the travel trailer. We have to go back for another feeder and stand, but it won't take much time at all to get them. We'll just drive down and back in one day.

DianaB 01-07-2012 08:40 PM

Glen worked on the greenhouse this morning and the glass is half in!! He's determined to move it with all of the glass in it so my fingers will be crossed when he decides to bring it home from the shop AND get it off of the trailer it's on!!! I've always wanted a greenhouse so I'm really excited!! There are a few things that I would have done differently if I had a choice......like polycarb windows instead of glass. If we have a hail storm.......well, you get the picture!!!

I'm glad that you're feeling better, Judy. We've had some kind of something here too. I'm finally feeling better but Dae Lynn's had a little something. We're all finally on the tail end of it so.....YAY!!

That's great news that Steve got a job!! I'm sure that they're hard to find. Maybe he needs it bad enough that he's willing to go whether he wants to or not. Welding is hard work.....my SIL has done that before. Hard, hot, and dirty.

I'm glad that the doctors are still checking Brandon out. I hope that there is something that can be done. That's gotta' be really scary to have your throat swell shut and not know what's caused it.

Gayle, I can imagine that you ARE tired!! That sounds like a lot of "stuff" to bring back home. I'm sure that each time Gary went out that he packed more out there and it does start adding up!! Take a nice warm bath and that should help!! Hope all goes well with your test tomorrow!!!

My nephew's wedding was very nice. Very simple but nice. I couldn't believe all of the grandparents and step-grandparents!!! It was ridiculous!!! And one wasn't even invited because she's an alcholic and they were afraid that she would come drunk!! Steven was thrilled that we were there......especially Jaci!! They were close in age and were very close when they were little and lived here.

My neice, Natasha, was there with her new baby!! She was such a little doll!!! I could have brought her home except she's fussy and needs Mama to feed her!! She was so tiny and adorable!! Her name is Annaleisia......with the Ann pronounced like "on". Such a big name for a little girl!!!

After we got done with the wedding we went out to eat at one of our favorite steak houses......Big Ed's!! Yummm..........We had Dae Lynn and the kids, Jaci, my Mom and Step-Dad, Art, and Glen and I. It was sooooo good!!! It's been awhile since we'd been there so it was a special treat!!

judy 01-08-2012 06:03 AM

The wedding sounds like it was fun, Diana! Are they going to call the baby Annie? Maybe Onnie? Doesn't matter...little girls are so cute!

Gayle, you are such a trooper! All of that STUFF!!! My first husband and I went camping a lot, and we also had STUFF!! We tented though, so it wasn't all that much. It had to all fit into a VW every weekend, and we did it! It is worth it though, don't you think?

Steve is home! He lasted one day! The job was awful, and had a lot of health hazards involved. He had to wear a respirator. Actually, it was cleaning out incinerators, and then welding the grates that break down because of the garbage. Yuck!!! BUT...he has a story for every job! Jessie told me that she felt bad because she was very disappointed in him. I told her that this is a case of the boy who cried wolf, and that who could blame her for being upset?

I hope they figure something out soon. He is still blaming everyone else for him not having a job. They don't hire anyone but locals, they don't pay enough, blah, blah, blah. I think I will stay away from there today. I am not upset that he left a terrible job, just upset and worried that he is not stepping up to the plate. I would love it if he could stop playing the victim.

Please pray for them. I think he has real problems, and needs all of the help he can get.

gja1000 01-08-2012 08:08 AM

Diana, I know you are so happy to get your greenhouse. I can hardly wait to see pictures and hear about everything that you will be planting in it!!! I know you will just love it because you love your plants so much. This will give you so many options for having plants year round.

Judy, I am so disappointed in Steve too. Yes I understand it was a terrible job, but it was a job and he desperately needs one for his family. I think back to the early 1900's and think what if everyone decided the job was too hard or too dangerous. Think about the men that built the railroads, bridges, dams, etc. in the early 1900's. They made our country, but the jobs were hard and dangerous, yet it had to be done. If Steve was wearing a respirator, his lungs were protected. Gary has had to wear respirators many times in his work in construction throughout the years. I understand it was a horrible job, but sometimes we just have to buck up and do what needs to be done. Grit and determination is what this country was built on and I don't think Steve has any of it. I feel terribly sorry for your daughter and grandchildren.

I am feeling better today, my back is better too. I start my clear liquid diet and laxatives at noon. I've never done this before so I know it is going to be soooo YUCKY! :mad: Gary has done it a couple of times so I know what to expect, but that doesn't make it any better. I'm afraid I'm going to be so hungry. I've got pineapple and apricot jello, beef and chicken broth, along with assorted drinks to get me through the day. I'm sorta hoping the laxatives will upset my stomach so I won't be hungry. Isn't that a terrible thought? :eek:

2tiredmom 01-08-2012 03:07 PM

Gayle good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking about you. I have to have a scope done every 2 years. The prep is the worse thing about it.
Diana have fun with your greenhouse. Sounds like work. lol
I got busy today and cleaned my kitchen. CLeaned the walls, cabinets and mopped the floor. I am now all alone. Jennifer headed back to college and Gary headed back to Wisconsin. SO the house is very quiet. SO i am watching An Affair to Remember. Every one have a great week.

Blueyes 01-08-2012 05:49 PM

An Affair To Remember... I love old movies:)

Wow, everybody has a lot going on! We are sort of in a lull around here. Hunting season is over...thankgoodness!! I really don't have anything I have to do or anyplace I have to go for awhile. I think I'm getting old before my time, lol!

I have gained so much weight, I'm really mad at myself! I'm such an emotional eater, that the stress of Dustin having so many health problems and my kids moving to France almost did me in:rolleyes: Sooo here I am dieting AGAIN!! Oh well, story of my life! I have 3 sizes of jeans in my closet..and they ain't little sizes, either:p

Janet 01-08-2012 05:58 PM

I had a long post and lost it. I do so much better typing on my laptop than my iPad. I'll try again, but with a Reader's Digest version....

Diana I sure hope your new greenhouse can be moved without breaking any of the glass. I would love to have a small greenhouse. I really miss going out to my in-laws greenhouses. They've all been torn down now and it makes me sad.

Judy, I just don't understand how Steve can live with himself or have any kind of pride. He's not setting a very good work ethic for his children. I've done quite a few jobs I didn't like doing, but it paid the bills. I feel so bad for Jessie and the kids.

Hope you're doing okay with the prep Gayle. I just can't do it. As soon as it goes down it comes right back up so I won't do it any more.

Today we went to Mom's and replaced all the doorknobs. I know that sounds strange, but the bedrooms never had doorknobs that I can remember. So we put some on the bedroom doors, three closet doors and the bathroom. The ones that were on the doors were those glass diamond looking knobs and I wanted to keep them. Why??? Because I remember when I was little I thought we were rich....lol. Also had some keys made and then before we went home we stopped at Pepe's and had a plate of Carnachos and beer. So good!!

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