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Mandy 10-17-2007 03:23 AM

Hi, and welcome Yorkiekids, Lorirenee, and Katepoet, it's nice to have you ladies with us, please keep posting, so we can get to know you better :)

katepoet 10-17-2007 06:00 AM

Thanks, Mandy. Angie invited me over and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

DianaB 10-17-2007 09:29 AM

Welcome to 4WT, Kate!! We have a great group of women here who are very friendly and helpful plus there are several of us that around your age. I see that you've already joined right in with our conversations and we're glad that you are!!! I hope that you enjoy 4WT as much as we do!!!!!!

katepoet 10-17-2007 10:38 AM

Thanks, Diana! I am getting used to being a newbie on a forum and having a friendly welcome sure makes it easier!

AngieDoogles 10-17-2007 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by katepoet
Thanks, Diana! I am getting used to being a newbie on a forum and having a friendly welcome sure makes it easier!

Just keep posting! You won't be a newbie for long! ;) :D

Queen_Rayback 10-25-2007 02:56 PM

Name- Natalie
Age- 20
Marital Status- Newlywed!
Kids- None anytime soon
Pets- 1 Chihuahua (on chihuahua talk) a cat (soon to have kittens!)
Occupation- Nail Technician and Horse Groom
Fav Food- Italian
Fav Restaurant- Olive Garden
Fav Vacation Spot- Anywhere warm!
Something interesting about you- I don't have a gallbladder
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Pay off our debt.:)

AngieDoogles 10-25-2007 04:11 PM

Welcome Natalie! I bet you're having so much fun as a newlywed! That's definitely a fun and exciting time in life. When did you get married? I'm 21 and I've been married for three years. Nice to meet you! :)

Mandy 10-25-2007 09:30 PM

Hi Natalie, nice to meet you, and welcome :)

Janet 10-26-2007 03:17 AM

Welcome Natalie. So nice to have you join us.

Queen_Rayback 10-26-2007 08:41 AM

I got married on June 23 of this past summer. Marriage has been fun and crappy (thats another story) but mostly fun. My husband is a great guy!:heart: Thank you for all the welcomes!:)

katepoet 10-26-2007 09:23 AM

Welcome, QueenR - that is a story you will have to tell us - can't just leave us with that tantalizing tidbit and not give us "the rest of the story!"

hmm... it sounds like a good writer's prompt, too.

AngieDoogles 10-26-2007 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Queen_Rayback
I got married on June 23 of this past summer. Marriage has been fun and crappy (thats another story) but mostly fun. My husband is a great guy!:heart: Thank you for all the welcomes!:)

We're looking forward to hearing your stories, good or bad. There is an amazing group of ladies here who are supportive no matter what! :)

Queen_Rayback 10-26-2007 05:38 PM

Sorry, its a long one!
Well, The STORY!

Have a good laugh!!!

Two days after returning home from our honeymoon in seattle, Steven comes to me and askes if I'm in a good mood. I say yes, than laugh and ask if theres bad news. He says kind of, I ask if its financial, he says, not yet. Again, I jokingly ask if he got fired again (Steven got fired a month or so before the wedding from a LOT of misunderstangings!) He went quiet.I laughed harder! He said yes, he had gotten fired. I assumed he had been fired that day (tuesday). No. Monday? No. Then where did you go on monday? To the library then came home when you left for work. So when did you get fired then?

the day before the wedding. I laughed. I really did. It was hilarous! At the time that is. I do not blame him, hate him, or not trust him for not telling me. It would have ruined EVERYTHING! The wedding, the honeymoon, all of it!

Fast forward a week. Steven's last payday. There is $500 missing from our bank account. we freak, Oh crap we have no job, LOW money, were screwed! Apparently, our hotel bill (which we thought had gone out already) went out late! $500 is a LOT!

Again, lets fast forward here about another 2 weeks, it is steven's 20 birthday and we are on our way to a local family fun center...

The car DIES!:eek:

Literally it died. It was used from my grandpa but it DIED! as in DEAD and not coming back to life. It is now in the U pull on 99W.

SOOOOOOO, One month into marriage and Steven and I have NO Money, NO job and NO car!:mad: I say no job cause I was still part time due to wedding planning.

WOW!! I hated when people asked me how married life was. It was sucking eggs!! Steven and I however were great. We did not argue much at all, and probably have had more fun then ever. We just had a VERY tight spending limit.

Thankfully our friends and family really helped out! Steven and I were the "we can cover you" ones when friends didn't have the funds too have fun, so when we were tight they jumped right up to help. Steven got a temporary job, but was fired (again) due to "insuficiant transportation" so again, family stepped in, namly steven's parents, and bought us a 97 subaru outback (cutest thing ever) and Steven got a job at INTEL (yeah baby!) He doens't even have the accounting degree and they took him! Big ego boost for him!

Whew! That is the story of how marriage sucked and now is getting better. We are still not quite out of debt from having no money for a few months, but we are getting there!

And we'll live happily ever after!:)

AngieDoogles 10-26-2007 05:41 PM

Oh yes, I definitely remember the "no money" stage of marriage. Our first five months were INCREDIBLY difficult, but that improves with time. It also made us much stronger as a couple and I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. :)

katepoet 10-26-2007 05:52 PM

Good story!! It will entertain you and yours for years. What a great way to start off - with all of that support from everyone, you know they believe in you.

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