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Lindsey 03-06-2012 09:35 AM

I'm glad you enjoyed your swimming Diana! You're right, do what you want because it's a public area!

Janet, I love having a garden! But I suck at it lol! I am good when I buy flowers and put them in planters every year, but we do have perennials in our front yard and they get SO overgrown with weeds and we just don't have the time to keep up! This spring we are just going to kill everything and fill in the area with cedar chips. We might just buy a few little bushes or something to put out there, and hopefully the weeds won't be so bad! The vegetable gardens aren't so bad though. they don't tend to get quite as weedy for some reason! We will have to see this year how the new dogs do with the veggie gardens... Layla never touched them but I hope they don't start eating the onions or peas or anything lol!

I hurt my back again somehow yesterday. I keep getting the same pinched nerve, at least a couple of times a year. Yesterday it happened when I was putting my laptop in the car after work, I kind of twisted my body and felt something happen in my lower back. It has been painful ever since! It is really low on my back, kind of right between my hips.

I have a feeling I'll be dealing with this for the rest of my life :( It all started with one dumb night in college when I was on a pub crawl in the middle of winter and some guy kept saying he could bench-press me, and I told him he couldn't! Finally I let him try, and he dropped me on my back on the frozen pavement :mad: I hope they invent time machines soon so I can go back and not try that again lol.

Janet 03-06-2012 07:43 PM

Oh Lindsey, I sure hope your back doesn't cause you problems for long. Take it easy and don't lift anything.

DianaB 03-07-2012 09:34 AM

Janet, I don't know if I mentioned it or not but I'm so happy that you're feeling better!! Just take it easy and do what the doctor says so it doesn't flare up again.

Lindsey, I'm so sorry that your back is hurting. We get one better than another one is hurting. Start taking some ibuprophen so it can help the inflamation.

I have a hip that hurts. I don't say much about it because I think that it's arthritis. If it gets any worse I'll go to the doctor. I keep taking ibuprophen but so far it doesn't help much. Growing old is hard!!!! I do take something for arthritis....it's the gabapentin, like you're taking, Janet.

It is so windy here!! I think that it's going to blow in some rain....which is good as long as we don't get the bad storms.

I was on the computer earlier and Dean spilled almost a whole cup of coffee all over my chair and carpet. I get so tired of spills and things that are hard on the house. It sure didn't set my day off right.

We also had a hawk hit the window in the living room! It was a really loud sound and the fine white feathers flew everywhere!! He laid there for awhile then the next time I checked he was sitting up. He finally flew off but I don't think he was flying right......oh well, at least he's not by the house where Jazzi and Reuger will get him. We have birds hit the window all the time because of feeding them near the window but I don't think we've ever had one that big hit.

We have the Alley tonight. I like going once I get there but I'm never ready to go. Tonight I'm in the nursery again. I was there a couple of weeks ago. The kids are good but the Alley is so interesting that I hate missing the skits and games!! Last time I took a movie that I wanted to see so it helped the time to pass. I chased the kids around the room doing Kung Fu!!! We were laughing and having such a good time.......I may just do that again!!!

Janet 03-07-2012 02:05 PM

Diana, you did tell me you were happy I was feeling better. Thank you for that. I really am too. Once in a while still I feel something in my left shoulder and then a tingle down my arm, but it only lasts less than a minute. Still no pain. Thank you God!!! I go back to the dr that gave me the injection tomorrow at 10:00 AM.

The gabapentin you're taking, Gayle told me it was for nerve pain and then I looked it up and of course she was right. Maybe taking some Glucosomine might help with your hip. Quite some time ago, our wonderful Gayle suggested I take 2000 units of it a day for the pain in my knees. Two capsules equals 2000 so I take one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I haven't had knee pain since. I was taking the capsules together and it still somewhat ached but after splitting them up to morning and evening...no pain at all. Whatever you try, I hope it works. Pain just isn't any fun.

I know what you mean about spills and such. Only my problem is mostly the dogs. My furniture looks horrible, the loveseat has snags all over it because of Brenna digginng. The recliner has tears on the foot rest where the Ozzie chewed it. The couch in the other room has tears in a cushion because I had the puppies too close to it and the chewed it. Now it seems the dogs keep missing the pads on my carpet. I'm so tired of it and ready to get rid of all of them except for Joey.

When Ricky moves I know he is taking two, but that still leaves me with 3 Yorkies and Penny. Penny will always be here, but the others....we'll see what it's like after Ricky moves out. I may move them to the garage. I just know I'm tired of them being in the house tearing things up, missing the pads, eating poop and barking their fool heads off.

ROFLMBO..... so sorry...I sure got on a rampage didn't I? LOLOL Oh dear...get me started...lol.

DianaB 03-07-2012 09:49 PM

I know what you mean about the barking. I had a Jehovah's Witness that came to the door during Dean's nap and Jazzi went crazy......of course, she ended up waking Dean up. Sometimes when she won't settle down I go ahead and crate her and Reuger. They don't bark in the crate most of the time. Oh....and I wasn't too happy with the JW guy either!!! He comes by pretty regularly to chat with Glen!! This time he must have been pretty serious because he brought a pastor with him!!! I'd say that it's a waste of time for both of them!!! LOL

Janet 03-08-2012 04:11 AM

I know, the JW use to come by here quite alot. I wouldn't let them in and one day one of the dogs was smelling the brief case type bag he sat on the porch. Well he kicked my dog and said loudly but not quite a yell to "get away" and that was all it took for me to tell them what I really thought and to not ever come back. Haven't seen any of them sense.

DianaB 03-08-2012 08:21 AM

Good for you!! I would have done the same thing!! This gentleman is very nice and if you met him on the street would really like him. He thinks that he's going to "convert" Glen!! Ha! Ha! Ha!! We don't agree with the teachings of the JW so that's not going to happen!!

I have a funeral to go to this morning. A very dear friend of ours passed away on Saturday. He had diabetic complications and had some toes removed....then part of his leg....then they found out that he had lung cancer. He never woke up to know about the cancer. So sad because just a few weeks ago he was so healthy and running around. We were really good friends with some of his kids and were even named guardians of some of his grandchildren should anything happen to the parents. My Mom was best friends with him and his wife.....who passed away a few years ago. His granddaughters are very musical and I'm sure that they'll be singing in the funeral.....always a treat to hear the girls.

Damon was suppose to get out this morning but Dae Lynn just called and there is some kind of hold-up so who knows when he'll get out. The people at the jail are NOT organized and you have to make sure you get receipts for things or they'll say that you never paid them....and they steal things! Do you sense that maybe the wrong people are in jail??? Or maybe I should say that there should be more people IN jail!!! Damon and Dae Lynn are headed to Wichita for a couple of days alone.

This evening Kera, Karley, and Kiley, have a music program at the school. I really want to go so I guess that I'll have to just bite the bullet and take Dean and Karlie. I sure hope that they're good for me!! I always enjoy the school music programs......they remind me of when I was in school. I love music!!

We had rain, snow, then rain AND snow this morning!!! Quite the combination!! Not much snow but I enjoyed the few minutes that I had!! LOL

Janet 03-08-2012 09:02 AM

The big heavy wind blew in some rain this morning. Sometime around 5:30 or 6:00 this morning the rain was pounding so hard on the windows it woke me up. Thought the windows were going to break. When I went to town this morning it was 39. Suppose to have a nice warm-up coming so I'm excited about that. Spring is in a few days...so I hope the nicer temps stick around.

gja1000 03-08-2012 08:40 PM

Dang'it Janet, you blew the cold air all the way to Texas - it is FREEZING!!!!! It's cold and rainy and will be all weekend! The guys tried to fish today but didn't catch a thing. Also, we could NOT get our satellite dish to pick up the signal at the trailer and so we had to pay $130 for a service call. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!! Direct TV wouldn't come to service it because it is not at our residence. Of course it isn't - we don't use Direct TV at home, only in our travel trailer. We had to call an independent repair person to come out. So frustrating - but we did get it fixed. Well actually we had to get a new dish. Ours was sitting on the driveway after we got back from the deer lease in January, and it blew over and hit the concrete. We didn't think a think about it, but it bent the contour of the dish just enough so it wouldn't pick up the signal :mad: The new dish only cost $40, but it was $170 all together. :mad::mad::mad: The service person did set everything up and tuned the signal for us, so we are good to go now.

I'm on spring break for the next week. I'm going to the lake with Gary for a few days, but because Janet blew all the cold rainy weather down here, I'll only be able to sit in the trailer for the next couple of days. ;)

Janet 03-09-2012 02:43 AM

Sorry Gayle sure didn't mean too. The wind blew back cold temps here too. It's 33 degrees right now. Warmer temps are predicted for mid week.....so ready for spring, have I mentioned that before? ;)

gja1000 03-09-2012 05:38 AM

It's cold as can be here this morning - the temp is 39 but the wind is about 25 mph, so it feels REALLY cold, especially for this thin-blooded Texas gal.

Janet 03-09-2012 07:51 AM

It's cold, it's windy, but oh my goodness, the sunshine is just beautiful.

Blueyes 03-09-2012 08:57 PM

Lol, Gayle you know it will be back up to 80 in a couple of days:rolleyes: I do hate that it's nasty weather for Spring Break.

Mike and I went to dinner and then to an auction with Jim and Teresa, my brother and sil. We didn't get much, but we always have fun together.

My bad cold is finally getting better. It's really all of this blooming SPRINGness around here:p The doc also started me on Arthrotec, which is an anti inflammatory for arthritis. Hopefully it will help my achy self! I also started shots in my knees. I get one in each knee every week for 5 weeks. By the time I get to Paris, I intend to be in the best shape I can. I'm also walking every day. Those crazy France people WALK everywhere they go, so I'm gonna have to get with it:eek:

Janet 03-11-2012 11:47 AM

It was so pretty out today. The sun was shining so bright that I decided to get out and enjoy it. I cleaned out my garage, it was an absolute mess, but no....I didn't lift anything. Ricky was here and helped me. Now I have a little more room to get the van in. I decided to do that because the other day I was backing out of the garage and turning at the same time. Well, I hit the blade on the front of the lawnmower and put a long scrape on the bumper of my van. It's starting to look so bad and I know it will never get fixed.

It's starting to cloud up now, rain is suppose to be moving in after midnight, but it just may come a little early.

I have my bus back and ready to go for tomorrow. Finally....back to driving again.

JJJ 03-11-2012 12:03 PM

My laptop broke :(

Have to find one quick.

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