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Jessica, I hope that you're able to find one at a good price!!
We've got rain here too and cooler temps but it's suppose to warm up all of this week. Last week was such a busy week!! Thursday evening I went to Kera, Karley, and Kiley's music program at school. Glen ended up staying home with Karlie and Dean so I could have a little break from the kids. Oh...and Thursday morning I went to a funeral for a dear friend.....but I think that I mentioned that. And Damon got out of jail so he and Dae Lynn went to Wichita. Friday.....I had to get Karlie around for school and down to the bus. I was sure glad that I don't have to be responsible for doing that every morning! On Friday evening I went to the Edge (which is a converted movie theater that we use for our youth group) to help watch kids for a children's church kid movie. The kids were awful but I guess that's what you get when you feed them a candy bar and can of pop before the movie starts!! Saturday, Glen and I took the kids to Wichita to be with Dae Lynn and Damon. I was so glad to turn them over!! Trying to get them ready and out the door was so fustrating!! Glen and I went to an antique mall, Catherine's clothing store, Menard's (which is like Lowe's but much larger), and Sam's Club. Glen also went to a couple of scuba shops!! I came home so tired and my knee and hip were hurting so bad. I did get some glucosimine and started taking it. Time change......hate it!!! I was so tired this morning and NOT ready to get up!! Mornings are NOT my best time......especially when the time changes......unless it's fall!! LOL It was nice though because I only had 4 kids in Sunday School instead of the 9 or 10 that I usually have!! I picked up a little and straighted some of the kitchen......Dae Lynn and Damon will be home soon. I'm not sure how things will go with Damon and Glen. I'm praying for peace. |
You all know that Ricky is planning to move out. It will be alittle while yet, because they have to build a wall. Anyway, I got to go over and see the inside for the first time this evening.......I hate it. I don't see why he would lower his standards to move into this place with his friend. I don't think the place has been cleaned since Chris bought it. Don't think he even has a clue what
hangers are, clothes everywhere and every room. Ricky won't be able to take his two dogs because the hyper lab mix that Chris has would trample them to death. Ricky's room will be big enough for a small bed if he can get one up the stairs and into his room and maybe his TV. I'm so disgusted that he would even think of wasting money on this place. Guess I should have posted this in the Vent section huh? I just don't know why he would want to live like that. |
It's not so much as "where" he's moving to.......it's the fact that he "can" move out. He just wants to be grown up and making his own decisions. At least he'll still be close by. Maybe Ricky will have a good influence on Chris and he'll get things cleaned up a bit. Just consider it a good learning lesson for Ricky.
Dae Lynn and Damon got home last night. I'm not sure what went on before they got here but Karlie came running in the house crying and slammed the door to her room. Dae Lynn and Damon went into their room and talked for some time. So I went in to find out what was going on with Karlie and she got in trouble because Damon did something and she threatened to tell her Papa!! Hmmmm........makes me wonder what happened. Damon had a court date in another town over some past child support owed for Karlie so he spent the night with his sister. Things seemed alright between him and Glen but I know that there will be some uncomfortable conversations in the future. Life will be different with him here......that's for sure!! I need to work in the greenhouse this week. I bought some storage containers to keep my pots in and I need to wash them up before I can use them again. That's recommended so that diseases and fungus doesn't spread. Wow!! I have so much to learn!! It's suppose to really warm up this week so I'm going to try and get some more things planted. Such fun!! |
Will Dae Lynn and Damon still be looking for a place of their own?
I have been SO BUSY! On the weekend, we started our wedding registry (so much fun!) shopped for some new glasses for me (didn't buy any but have some places to go back to!), and bought some supplies to make our own backdrop for the head table. We got all of our invitations and RSVP's printed, but not put together yet. I got all of the table numbers put together and ready to set up on the tables :) And Scott put together one panel of the backdrop and it looks awesome! It was a very wedding-filled weekend. We also got a call on Friday I think, about Layla. The results are back from her culture and sensitivity, and her urinalysis. There is no bacteria, and no crystals. We are going to stay on this course of antibiotics to make sure it's gone completely, and then just have her checked more often to make sure there's no infection coming back. I am starting to think our local vet may have been wrong about the crystals. It's funny that they would just go away immediately when we switched to her prescription diet (that we had to buy from her) but now that we've switched back to her normal food, the other vets don't see any sort of crystals at all. Our local vet was absolutely sure there were tons of crystals that were a huge health hazard and we had to switch her food asap because her other food was causing it! It makes me wonder! |
It would make me wonder too , Lindsey. I do know that Science Diet gives lots of money to vet schools in the U.S. that is why you see LOTS ofmScience Diet for sale in vet offices. It's not a bad food, but there are better foods. So I'm thinking that the local vet may get a percentage of sales from the RX foods. Of course that is just my opinion, but I too, would be suscipious.
Diana, I hope Dae Lynn and Damon are able to find a place of their own soon. I know you want to help them, but they need to make it on their own. You've done so much for them and I hope they can make it on their own soon.
Janet, Diana is right, Ricky just wants to be out on his own. Oh My Goodness, if you could have seen the dump I rented with a couple of girls one summer in college. It was awful, but we didn't have to go home for the summer and we were cool. It makes my stomach turn now, to think about that awful apartment. I didn't end up living there very long though cuz my stepdad had a heart attack and I needed to go home. I was secretly relieved to get out of that apartment! LOL! |
Janet.... I can really see where you are coming from with Ricky, i understand he thinks he wants to be independant, but i think he will end up regretting it and coming home to Mum with his tail between his legs. I know we all see things differently, and maybe he and his friend dont see the living conditions as an issue at all.
I cant understand these kids wanting independance, when they have a perfectly good home already, they should be enjoying their youth and spending their money on enjoying life - plenty of time for responsibility when older. Maybe it is me that is wrong though, i hate the thought of my daughter leaving home, but we only spend half the week together, as we have a holiday home we use every weekend... so we all get our own space too. Diana, I wish you lots of good wishes, with your family, I agree with the others, they are a family and need their own space, to live their own lives, and take responsibility for their family and each other now. Damon needs to grow up and be responsible for his family, I understand he has been through a tough time, but so have you all, i really hope he gets his life together and they can move on and be a happy family. I hope my posts dont cause any offence.... i do have a bit of a mouth at times, but i feel i know some of you so well, and i hate that you are going through difficult times. Just feel free to tell me to shut up......... i wont be offended - honest:D |
Don't you ever feel you need to shut up...not with me anyway. I really can see both sides. I would love to keep him home and he wants to be independent. It's just that if he moves, I want him to be happy and I don't think it would last long. If he goes, I'd like to put the dogs in his room. Right now I have 4 crates and 1 x-pen in my family room...it's so annoying. Then if he moves back, then I'll have to move the dogs back to the family room again.
I'd probably keep his room the same for awhile. Then if he wants to come back home he can. It will be good for him and help him learn independence and responsibility.
Diane.....we're good enough friends that you can say what you want without stepping on toes!! I enjoy hearing your opinion about things! Dae Lynn and Damon have had a rough day. They haven't gotten along very well. It's hard since Damon's been gone for 10 months and now has to come back and fit into the family. Plus he's dealing with his own family problems.......his mother died before Christmas and now his Dad is planning on getting married soon and moving his new wife into the home he shared with Damon's Mom. The family has all known that he was having an affair before Margaret died and there are some hard feelings over this. Damon has a lot to deal with now that he's out of jail. It will be nice when they move out but I don't think that will be any time soon. I'm sure that if they move out Dae Lynn's going to make sure that their marriage is better. She doesn't want to uproot the kids and be left with bills should Damon end up in jail again. |
Diana, the problem is that with an alcoholic, you can never ever be sure that "things are going to be better" especially in this situation where Damon really didn't get the help he needed with him alcohol problem. I see this as almost a no win situation. If Damon makes it through all this stress without drinking, it will be a miracle. The cards are stacked against him, unfortunately. I'm afraid he will end up back in jail for a long long time. He won't do well with all these stressful situations in his life.
I know, Gayle. Sigh......To look at things realistically you're right and we all know it. Dae Lynn and I have talked about the fact that she'll probably be in the situation again of having a husband in jail. He's talked about getting help but when it comes time to actually do it he finds excuses or blames the other person for why he can't do it. I've recently learned the term "triangulation"........which is when there are three that are involved and blame is placed but there isn't any communication, or limited communication, between two of those involved. Damon has used this on us several times.
I know what you mean Janet.... if he was moving to a nice place, that he could settle in and comfortably afford, then maybe it would feel different? I agree maybe dont change the rooms around for a while yet... just to see that he does settle. I only have Harvey (my little Yorkie), and he is enough for me to keep up with, dont know how you manage your dogs, they must be hard work for you. Never mind..... what will be will be, i think it is hard to allow our kids to make decisions that we feel are not right, or will make their life harder. |
Gayle is right, i think the first step is for him to accept he has a problem and be willing to get the help he needs for his sake and that of his family too - I really hope he can do it, or if not Dae Lynn has the strength to move on with her life, without him, I would hate for her to live allowing him chance after chance. He has the problem, nobody else. |
You're all right. It wouldn't bother me so much if it was a nice place, but it's an absolute dump and Ricky will have a bedroom so small that he can only fit in a bed and his TV. No dresser, no nothing. His closet will be outside of his bedroom. He'll just have to see for himself, but it still bothers me. I only want the best for him and this sure isn't it.
Diana, I wish I had a magic wand to make Damon's dependency disappear. I hope it doesn't happen again, but like the others and you.....unless he gets the help, it's going to happen over and over. Dae Lynn is so sweet, I wish she didn't have to go through all this. |
Today was so beautiful!! It was all sunshine and so warm. I came home from the bus route this afternoon and immediately started in cleaning out the dog area outside. Instead of using a rake so soon, I used the leaf blower and the rake for just getting it picked up. It looks so nice. Then I moved my operation to the front yard and blew out all the debris arount the shrubs. So many sticks to pick up but I'm leaving it to another day. It just wore me out. I need to get some exercise so I can have the stamina to do more.
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