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My 10 year od grandson, Brandon, has been in the hospital for about 2 weeks now. He has those terrible rashes, which progressed to terrible stomach pains. They have not found the cause yet, but the pain just got worse and worse. They have him on morphine which doesn't help for long enough.
He had his appendix out yesterday. It had a calcification in it, and would have had to come out at some time anyway. They are hoping this is the cause of the pain. Actually, the surgeon was not too hopeful, but you never know, she said. They couldn't tell after the surgery because he was sleeping, and there is pain from the appendectomy. I haven't spoken to Jessie today, but I am praying that the pain is gone. I have been with the girls every day after school, so have been really busy. Jessie has been at the hospital, and Steve is back and forth. The girls are not happy when it's just him with them. They need a woman's touch, and they miss their mama. I have to go into the city today to get my dentist to write up some things so that I can finally collect from my insurance company. I just wanted to say hi, let you know why I haven't been on here, and ask for prayers for Brandon. I miss you all! |
Oh, Poor Brandon!!! I'll be praying! I hope that the surgery helps but I can't imagine that an appendix would cause a rash. Keep us posted.
It's been so nice here too. Yesterday I spent a lot of time in the greenhouse. The tomatoes that I planted earlier either got too cold or hot. It could have been either one......anyway I lost about half of what was up so I replanted them and planted some other stuff. Tension has been building with Damon here with Glen. This morning after Damon left for awhile I got to hear all about it......It's the same thing over and over. It makes it difficult that I don't support Glen in his thinking. I'm not willing to be used but I am willing to give Damon another chance. I had a talk with Damon this morning, trying to smooth things over. He understands about how Glen feels but I know that he's hurt by it. However, that's part of what he has to deal with the trouble he got into. Glen is not like he used to be. He used to be so optimistic and he's not anymore. Some of that I blame on his Mother because she was always so pessimestic. She left that wonderful (not) legacy for her family.....and it does cause problems. He's so grumpy and hard to get along with. Do men go through this with male menopause? That's the only explaination I can think of. I need a "Calgon, take me away" week!!!!!! |
Judy...how horrible for Brandon to have to go through all this. Bless his heart...I just want to hug him. I will keep him in my prayers too, that he starts feeling better and that the Drs. can find out just what is going on.
I'm so envious of your greenhouse Diana...I am so anxious to get some flowers (at least) planted. Haven't planted any for a couple years and I'm so ready. I don't envy what's going on at your place. I do hope Glenn can give Damon the benefit of the doubt and then if he screws up one more time...THEN he can say "no more". Has Damon been out trying to find any kind of job? He may need to humble himself and take whatever job he can find. Hugs to you!! |
Judy, I'm so sorry Brandon is sick. I hope they can find out just what's wrong with him, and will be able to find a safe easy cure. The girls are so lucky to have you nearby, and I'm sure it puts Jessie's mind at ease knowing you are there with them.
Diana, I heard somebody on TV say that they were only as happy as their saddest child. This is true for me, and probably all of us. I pray that things work out for Dae Lynn and you all. |
Judy, I'm so sorry about Brandon. I'm thinking about an autoimmune problem. Since Jessie has MS and it is related to an autoimmune problem, and since Brandon has had allergic reactions (hives), I'm thinking something may be wrong with his immune system too. I sure hope they find out what is wrong, very soon!
Diana, I don't know how you do it - you are a saint. I know I would be like a much more grumpy Glen, if I were in your situation. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. I agree with Janet, Damon needs to get a job, ANY job possible. |
Judy and Diana, My prayer are going up for both of your families.
Hope all gets better soon. Today I took a 2 + mile walk after work with one of my best buds. We had lots to talk about. As we were walking I got a call from the Nursing home about my dad. I posted that elsewhere. Then I came home mopped the Kitchen and bathroom floors. Now I am pooped. Enjoy the weather everyone. |
Hi All! I've been reading everyday and posting a little bit. I've been out at the lake (only 30 miles from our home) with Gary all week and he has not been feeling well, to say the least. We had a doctor's appointment last Friday and he was feeling OK (for him). But by Friday night, he couldn't breath, so I came in and got his prednisone to start him back up - but that really didn't help much. Then I noticed his feet were swelling (a common heart failure symptom, but Gary never has it), so I suspected his heart was causing the breathing problems (fluid gets accumulated and backs up into the lungs). So by yesterday, he was really feeling badly so I called the doc and we got in today. He had so much fluid accumulation he was TEN POUNDS HEAVIER! They gave his Lasix (medicine to get rid of the water) in his vein. He takes this everyday by mouth, but it is much more powerful by the vein. They also gave him a medicine by mouth that makes the Lasix even more powerful. He was not able to lay down in the bed last night to sleep, but 4 hours after the IV Lasix (and much peeing) he was able to lay down and take a 2 hour nap. He feels much better, but is still very short of breath on exertion. Also, they drew blood work and the nurse called to say his kidney function is really bad - but it may get better after getting the fluid off, or it may be worse (hope not). He goes back in next Wednesday and they will do the blood work again.
I didn't intend to stay out at the lake all week, but I just have not been able to leave Gary. He loves this time fishing with his aunt and uncle so much, but I'm not sure he'll be able to do it for a month, as planned. I will have to go back to work next week, but I can go out in the evenings (I don't want to do that every evening, but will if I need to). I'm thinking though, that his aunt and uncle know how much he is struggling, so they may go ahead and go home next week, rather than staying another couple of weeks. Guess we'll see how it goes. I've been keeping up with everyone and hope all gets better for those having troubles, and stays stable for all that are doing OK. |
Oh Gayle I am so sorry. I will keep you and Gary in my prayers too.
I hope he feels better soon and can enjoy the rest of the week at the lake. I loved getting up this morning. Had the windows open and heard the birds chirpping. I love spring. Just another day of work to be thankful for. |
The springtime is just glorious, isn't it. It has been wonderful during the day and cool enough in the evenings to have a campfire at the lake. We've been under a burn bad in Texas for so long, but we've had rain this winter and spring, so now we can have campfires. I got stuff to make s'mores, but we haven't made them yet. Hopefully tomorrow!
Linda' thanks for the kind words about Gary. He's feeling much better this evening. I hope I can keep him going for a few more days of fishing. He made jug lines this evening for cat fishing. All he has to do is put them out and then check them later in the day. Hopefully they will catch some big cats. He loves to fish so much, it feeds his soul, so anything I can do to keep him going, is all worth it.
I sure have been enjoying these beautiful warm days. Forecast calls for high temps but rain almost every day for the next week.
I'm so glad to read that Gary is feeling better. You are such a good wife Gayle, but it has to be exhausting. When it's for someone you love, it doesn't matter though does it. I've tried to get some things done like laundry, sweeping and dusting before the weekend gets here. On Saturdayi plan to shave the dogs down and bathe them. Ricky has to work and Rick will be at one of those cowboy shoot things so I won't beinterruptedand should get them done in no time.....I hope... lol. |
Gayle, I sure hate to hear that. I know he wants to stay and fish, and you will do everything possible to make that happen for as long as you can, but it gets scary sometimes. Did I tell you that my 31 year old son Dustin has CHF? It's the result of all the health problems he's had in the last year. He's still on oxygen most of the time.
Mike has gone to an NRA banquet tonight. It's kind of nice to have a little alone time:p I've been trying to get the shutters painted to match our new roof. The roof is brown metal, our siding trim and garage door is tan and white, and our other shutters were black...and the brick is just ugly! I painted 1 shutter green and just stopped because it was so ugly. So now the shutters will be brown to match the roof. I painted 2 today, and they look so much better. Except that now I have black, brown and green shutters on the front of the house, lol. Guess I'll get busy tomorrow:rolleyes: |
Oh My Gosh NO, Betsi, you didn't tell me Dustin has CHF. It's a wicked condition and I am so sorry he has to deal with it. If I remember correctly his wife is a nurse, so that will help him keep on top of it. I'm so sorry that he is so young to be dealing with this, but at the same time with meds, diet and exercise, young people can often overcome it and lead a good life with minimal symptoms. It takes discipline though. Gary doesn't do all of what he could do to manage it, and yet, his heart function has improved in the past couple of years. Go figure. I hope Dustin takes care of himself and does what he can to over come it.
LOL at your house. I know exactly what you mean. I still have things that need to be done to this house and yard, and we've been here a YEAR! I wish we had a metal roof, maybe someday. |
Betsi, I am so sorry that Dustin has CHF! I will keep him in my prayers. The advances in medicine will, hopefully, make his life much easier in the future.
Gayle, how is Gary doing now? I hope he can have his fishing time! Brandon is at home, finally! They found a canceroid tumor in his appendix through a CAT scan. The appendix was removed a couple of days ago, and his pain is gone!!! I read a little about canceroid tumors, and flushing of the skin is a symptom, so I am praying that the rashes are gone too. The tumor was sent for a biopsy, but the surgeon was not concerned that it metastiized. I want to see the results very soon because, as positive as I am trying to be, I am worried. I have Kassidy's dance recital today, and then I am taking the weekend for myself! I haven't emptied my dishwasher in 3 days! Jessie's Japanese Chin had an unexpected litter, and I am considerimg taking the little female. She is the cutest little sweet thing! Chins do shed though, and I am not sure how Annie would take to another little female puppy. I may try it for a week. |
I'm so glad that they found something that took away the pain. Yes, I would be concerned until the results come back too. That waiting is just awful. We have been told twice that Gary had lung cancer and had to wait for the biopsy results. It can be a long wait. It is so wonderful though, that the pain is gone and hopefully, the rashes too! It sounds like you need a looooong weekend (or maybe week) to yourself. I hope everything continues to go smoothly.
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