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I feel old!!! I know it's just a number, but 65 is not comfortable to me! Some birthdays are like that...my 40th hit me that way too.
Brandon was back in the hospital until 2 days ago. All of his tests were negative, except for a lot of gas from the surgery. That doctor told Jessie that if it doesn't get better in a few weeks, there is a hospital in Boston where they take children with difficult to diagnose things. She said that he does seem to be getting better slowly. I am praying! A couple of doctors are talking about him seeing a psychiatrist, but Jessie does not want any part of that. I don't blame her, until every physical cause is eliminated. He may have school phobia though. She does think about it. Time will tell. I just hope he feels better! Diana, have you explored legal ways to adopt Karlie? Even if you never need it, it might be goof to have all of the info. I am doing nothing much today. I have pottery tonight, and I am exhausted from the running back and forth to Jessie's. I might make a pair of earrings. |
I'm so sorry that Brandon is still having problems. I hope he gets to go to the hospital that specializes in difficult diagnoses. Regarding the mental health issue, often a traumatic experience in children manifests as physical symptoms, so it may have nothing to do with mental illness, but more to do with some traumatic experience.
He may have school phobia. His teacher is a witch, but I think he has underlying physical issues, made worse by stress.
Rashes and stomach pains are made worse by stress. I really hope his system is not that delicate. He has a whole life to live, and plenty of stress to face. I can't think of anything traumatic that has happened now. Jessie's MS was very bad for 3 years when he was younger. Could he be reacting to that now? |
Poor Brandon......I hope the doctors find out what his problem is soon. I'm sure it's hard on all of you.
Judy, some birthdays are harder than others. I think that you're very young and beautiful 65 year old!!! Ignore the number and just enjoy life!!! That's what we all have to do!! Janet, it's too bad that the second house was a wreck. Is it something that Ricky might be interested in fixing up? After all carpet can be replaced and walls painted but if he didn't like it in the first place then it's not worth the effort. Diane......I'm so glad that you're on more!! It's so nice to have another person's opinion on things!! I love hearing about how things are where you're at. Sometime you'll have to post some pictures!! Your vacation home sounds wonderful!! I would love to be so close to the ocean for a weekend!! I sure hope that the weather is wrong. It would really hurt the fruit trees and so much other stuff for it to get that cold. We too have been so warm.......irises are blooming in some places......and trees are blooming.......but.....it IS way too early! I know that we can still have a late snow or a cold snap. Fingers are crossed that it doesn't happen!!! Gayle, I hope that you don't have poison ivy again! That's NOT fun! And.......I'm sure that you have many camping stories you could tell and keep us in stitches for some time!! I don't even want to think about dumping holding tanks!! I will say though that it is better than running up a hill.......a quarter mille away to go to the bathroom like we usually have to do!!! LOL As you can see.....we're home from Nebraska! It was a nice trip. I mostly stayed in the house and read and watched tv. Brenda always has so much going on and it's hard to keep up. I really just needed some quiet time and that's what I had. Our schedules were completely off. We woke up at 9:30.....at lunch at 4:00......went to bed at midnight OR later!!! It's nice to be home!! I really missed Dean and I think that he missed his "Gamma" too!! |
Jessie left me a message yesterday that Brandon is slowly feeling better. He is getting the pains les frequently. Thank you God!
I went to pottery last night, and had fun glazing some pieces. Next week is our last week. I have somebody else to do my glazing, so I can work at home. A friend from pottery also likes to work at home, so maybe we can get together at her store, chat and potter (???). I have a meeting tonight, but lots of clean-up to do here today. I also want to make a pair of earrings. I have 3 lenghty phone calls to make, so I better hustle my bustle! The days get away from me so easily! I watched Wayne Dyer on Oprah yesterday. I see things a lot like he does, and maybe I will read is latest book. |
Jewelry making sounds like fun, Judy! We made a ring with beads all over it once and it was pretty simple but really nice.
I'm glad to hear that Brandon is doing better. I'm sure you're all relieved. Hopefully the problem is solved. I used to go to a pottery class years ago. Are you making your own pottery or are you glazing what is already formed? I did the already formed. I did a lot of dry brushing and some glazing......it depended on what I was making. I still have a lot of things around that I did. It is so nice outside!! Since it's so early AND nice outside I'm moving my iris around the yard. My plants have gotten so big so it's time to divide them. I have some other things that I'm going to divide as well. I might as well make good use of this wonderful weather!! When we got home from Nebraska there was a large wooden swing set in the yard. We knew that one had been bought but wasn't sure how it came about. It was in the sale ad here at Alco and I knew that Dae Lynn was interested because she's been wanting one for the kids but didn't feel like she could afford it. I asked her about it and I guess that Damon had Mark take him to town and they purchased it without Dae Lynn knowing. He also ordered her a half dozen roses from the flower shop. I guess Dae Lynn wasn't happy about the money being spent and I don't blame her. How are they ever going to be able to have anything if he keeps doing things like that??? |
It sounds like he was just trying to do good. I hope no one reprimands him for it. The kids will enjoy it so much.
Judy, I'm so happy to read that Brandon is doing better. School here is almost over...only 39 school days left...yay!!! Still seems longer when you say it will be over in May...lol Today I went to Lebanon to the pee dr. Don't know why I had to drive all the way over there. We talked for about 10 minutes and a phone call could have done the same thing and not used gas. Oh well. He wants to do a bladder study so will set that up and call in a week to let me know when. Then whatever procedure needs done will be done after school is out. On the way home I stopped at the cemetary to put some flowers on my parents grave and then went to Wal Mart. I saw a few people I hadn't seen in quite some time. It's been a really great day. Tommorrow I'm taking a friends Mom to the dentist and then I'm coming to clean. |
Yes, Damon was trying to do good.......but Dae Lynn has worked hard to save her money and he spent his whole first paycheck on the swing set. We didn't say a thing but it's hard when we're paying for so much for them. If Damon has money he spends it. He doesn't care if the bills are paid or not and that's not how Dae Lynn has been raised.
Dae Lynn's going to be home late from work. She's going to go and talk to the school counselor about things going on with Damon. He's the one that they talked to the other day. It's been really hard for Dae Lynn. There's just no trust for Damon........and I can understand it because we all feel that way. I worked in the yard again yesterday moving irises and day lillies around. The weather has just been so beautiful and is so nice to be outside! The greenhouse is full.......some seeds started and some didn't. The tomatoes look so-so. I'm having trouble with it getting too hot so I'm looking for a greenhouse shade cloth. It seems like there's always one more thing that I need for the greenhouse......then another.......then another!!! LOL Janet, I hope the doctor is able to help you with your problem. Enjoy your spring break!! Ours was last week.......it used to be the last week in March but for some reason it moved. |
I feel so bad for you all. Damon was trying to do good for his kids, but you're right, he should have waiting and spoke with Dae Lynn about it first to decide if it was the right thing to do. If there is no trust in a relationship, there's not much hope for it. I will continue to keep her in my prayers.
It would probably help if you had some fans in the greenhouse. I know when it got to hot, my FIL would turn on his big fans to have some air moving through the greenhouses. I was suppose to take my friends Mom to the dentist today, but they cancelled the appt. Marion's blood pressure went way up. Can't remember the top number, but high and the botton number was 120. She's 93 years young so I was afraid she would have a stroke. She seems better today, but they are still keeping an eye on her. Since I didn't have to take her this morning I was going to start really cleaning out closets and getting rid of things. But.....it didn't happen. By the time I was ready to get started I was out of the mood. I did clean up the kitchen and other small odds and ends, but that 's been it. I have some sewing to do also. Hopefully I'll be ready to start tomorrow or even later today. |
I'm so sorry about Damon. It sounds like he lacks self control and judgement. I've just never understood people who will spend thir money on frivolous things before paying the bills. That makes no sense to me but I have known others like that. I could not live that way. I've always gotten paid once a month at the first of the month and I pay all my bills then. If we ran out of money before the end of the month, oh well, at least the bills were paid.
Diana, I agree with Janet that fans will help and I think shade cloth will too. You will figure it out. I'm sure there is a knack to greenhouse growing. Janet, quite frankly young lady, I'm glad you haven't been able to clean yet. I still think you need to be careful with your neck Gary is home today. He came to get some lights to fish at night. They are fishing for crappie and sometimes, they bite best after dark. He'll go back tomorrow. It's good to have him home, he's feeling better, finally. |
I've decided not to do the heavy cleaning until later. Tomorrow I'm going to meet a friend for lunch so my cleaning schedule just isn't working out. I am going to clean my carpets though, it looks horrible thanks to the dogs. I'll probably do that Wed. or Thurs. I am going to try and clean out a few drawers.
Judy, I just read your post again.....YOU ARE NOT OLD!!! You hear me???? I think you are so beautiful and no one would ever guess you were in your 60's. You may feel old at times, but you sure as heck don't look it. I wish I looked as good as you do. |
My computer is acting awful!! The cord that plugs into the computer won't stay in and my battery isn't working so when the cord comes out my computer shuts down. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to post something lately only to have my computer turn off. So fustrating!! I have a new battery ordered so just a few more days!!
I lost Dean yesterday. He went outside while I was on the computer and when I went to check on him he was gone!! He had gone down the valley behind the house and up the next hill!! I could hear him crying but it took me awhile to figure out just where he was at. He was further away than what I was expecting. Scared the day-lights out of me!!! Not much went on today. Dae Lynn and I went and got her a new phone and went to Wal-mart. I bought a bunch of bulbs of different flowers to plant in the yard. My fingers are crossed that our ONE chicken doesn't kill them!! She's doing quite a number on the front yard.......I don't think that we'll have anything grow there because she scratches everything out!! |
I can't imagine the feeling you had not knowing where he was. Time to fix the doors so he can't get out. The thought of him realizing he was lost breaks my heart. So happy to know you both are alright.
If there is only one chicken destroying your plants, I think it's time for a nice chicken dinner...lol. I wouldn't want it ruining all my hard work. Planning on cleaning the carpets today. Not moving the furniture since I'm here alone and have no help. I'll do it all once the weather gets warmer and stays warmer and gives me more time to rest my neck. I've just got to get rid of the ugliness that shows. Others have told me they do the same thing so I won't feel like a slacker...lol |
I knew that Dean had gone out......I watched him go. We leave the front door open so he's easier to hear and watch. He's been playing in the dirt by the greenhouse so I figured he was either there or by the swingset. At first I wasn't worried but when I couldn't hear him answer me at first I got pretty worried. After I yelled a few times I could finally hear him and knew that he was around.
Feyn did that a couple of times to me when he was just a little older than Dean. The second time he had crossed two fences and the fence had changed so he couldn't come back.......he had the dog and a cat with him as well. Glen had to go and look for him. The next time he ran off I had gone outside to check on him and he was across the field......dog right along with him again......at that time Glen was pulling in and I pointed to where Feyn was at.......Glen drove out and picked up the dog and came back to the house. Feyn turned around and walked back to the house and never did that again!! Hmmmm........maybe I should try that on Dean......he DID have Reuger and Jazzi with him!!! |
Today I went to an auction in town. Once I got there I found quite a few things I wouldn't mind bidding on. All went for more than what I was willing to pay, except for one item...a beautiful solid oak TV stand. I was planning on bidding on it when a guy I graduated with came to me to talk. Well....I missed being able to bid and my witch sister-in-law got it....for $30. I was so disappointed. Seems she always has the best luck with great deals. Guess all I can do is move on.........and hope it has dry rot...lolol poll
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