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We got home from the lake about 1:30 today. I am so glad to be home. Gary was ready to come home too, he is really tired. Abigail helped me unload the trailer but I still need to sweep and clean up a bit. But the major stuff is done. We will be leaving next month to go to Akansas so I will leave the trailer partially stocked.
You are quite the traveler Gayle! Your life sounds so much more interesting than mine.
Today I bahedq and groomed 5 dogs, my mother and myself, so it's been a wet day...lol. I did take some time to myself and had a nice relaxing bath and shaped my nails, and then my younger brother , his wife and daughter came over. Sure wish he'd leave his wife at home. So, I guess I'll try and put some polish on tomorrow. Ala in all, it was a good day...now I'm settled in my OWN bed and watching Real Housewives of Orange County. |
LOL Janet, I wish my life would slow DOWN! Thankfully, I'll be home this coming weekend, then I may have to go to Dallas with my daughter for a volleyball tourney, but hopefully, her hubby will be able to go and I won't have to. Then we are going to Houston, probably the first weekend in May. Other than that, I'm staying HOME till we leave to go to Arkansas.
I got to see Tangled on Friday night and it is soooo cute!! Of course, the music was fantastic as all Disney movies are!!! I always love the songs and how they're sung!!!
Saturday I swept and mopped my floors which is saying quite a lot!!! They had gotten so dirty that I was ashamed to have Dean on the floor.....even if he is walking!! It looks so much better!!! Today we went out to eat with some friends after church then we went to Glen's cousin's house out on the lake. She and her husband both passed away fairly recently and we had talked to her daughter, Glen's cousin, about getting some old family pictures. While we were there we checked out the house, shop, and yard to make sure that everything was alright. Glen's cousin is trying to sell it all but I think that she's had it priced too high for the shape it's in. Then we came home and hurried around for Care Group. We joined a group on marriage so it's been pretty interesting and tonight we had some great discussion. We got home a while ago and lightening was everywhere!!! We're in a severe storm watch with the possibility of hail. We had a little bit but not much.....Thank goodness!!! |
Can you all tell in my last post that I was using my IPad? LOL. Takes some getting use to.
I wondered why you had this word in your post......"bahedq"!!! :sidesplit:
I came home from school early today. We had someone mow the yard, aerate it and spread compost. Of course, they didn't order enough compost so they have to get some more and spread it tomorrow (hopefully). I needed to water the yard, and help Gary with a couple of projects that he is working on - so I just came home early. That is a perk of working at a University - you can do your work at home or school, so if you need to be home during the day, you can be.
Brooke and Emma came in today from Houston. Abi has been here with me since Sunday. This is her last week in school here and then she is going to transfer to Houston starting next week. I'm ready for my house to be quiet in back in order - but I sure will miss having them all here. |
Today I came home from my bus route to find my son a little upset. The male dogs...Joey and Ozzie sleep with him in his room. Well....Joey had diarrhea. Not a lot in one spot mind you, but dots of poo every where. So I had to shampoo his bedroom carpet. It wasn't in my plans and I was upset too. I told him no more.....the dogs sleep in their crates.
Sure wish I could afford to build a small kennel out back like Lynne has. Hers is really nice. I'd have the dogs out there most of the time and just bring in a couple at a time and definitely not overnight. Then I got on the computer for a bit, but not for very long. I think tonight I'm going to go to bed early....towards the end of my route I'm getting so sleepy...not sure what is going on with that. I feel like I'm getting a restful sleep and feel wide awake with I leave on my route. Someone told be to be checked for diabetes. I thought I did once, they took some blood and said it was fine, but my friend said I needed to fast and then have another blood draw a couple hours later. I guess I really wasn't tested. Hopefully I'll have time to get that done. |
Lindsey, it took me a little while before I got it!!! Very funny!!!!
Gayle, that's nice that you have the option to work at school or home. That way you can get a lot more done!! I know that you're really probably having mixed feelings about the kids leaving. The quiet house will be nice for awhile then you'll be ready to have them back!! We just can't seem to decide if we want things quiet and picked up........or have the kids home and deal with the mess......I think that we like a little of both!!! |
Well, my kids left for Houston on Friday so it has been mighty quiet around the old homestead this weekend. Gary is not feeling very well, so that is good for him. I miss them, but not all the hustle and bustle.
Gary is having trouble with his blood pressure, it's running way too low so he is dizzy and weak. I guess I'll call his heart doctor tomorrow for an appointment. I developed a sore throat and body aches yesterday. I didn't feel very good at all (and still don't). But some Coriciden cold medicine and Advil seemed to perk me up. Yesterday Gary and I took the boat to the shop. It runs fine but the engine wants to die when it idles. He and his uncle worked on it at the lake, and it ran better, but not completely fixed, so it went to the shop. Hope it doesn't cost too much! :( Then we went to the garden center and I got some compost tea. This is like compost, except it is liquid and sprayed on the yard. Our yard at the new house is in pretty bad shape so we had compost spread over most of the yard - but not all as some areas are in better shape and my yard is big now and compost/spreading is a little pricey. It had to be done though. I thought I'd use the liquid compost tea for the areas that didn't get any compost. It will have to be applied again in a month, but that is OK, it's not expensive and pretty easy to apply with a hose end sprayer. Our new John Deere lawn tractor was delivered yesterday afternoon, so I had to play with it a little bit. We didn't do any mowing but we hooked up the little trailer and hauled some things to the shed at the back of the yard that Gary brought home from the lake and were still in the back of his pickup. It is really going to be nice for hauling heavy items back to the shop or shed. We can drive back there, but I really don't like to be driving on the grass, especially in summer. Gary is just not able to carry heavy things all the way back there. I could carry some things, but not the heavy things. So we are really going to enjoy the little trailer, I think. We buy bird seed by the 40 lb. bag and we can use the trailer to haul it around to the back of the house. I forgot to have Gary take a picture of me on my John Deere, but I have to spread some fertilizer tomorrow and I'll try to remember. I was sitting outside yesterday watching the birds and two male cardinals were fighting. They would sit on the ground and have a "stare off" and then fly at each other in a flurry about 2 feet off the ground, then land and do it over again. It was pretty funny to watch. Well, mom and I are going over to our old house in Austin to go through some of her summer clothes. She doesn't have as much closet space as she used to have so we will have to weed out some things. We need to get going on the Austin house to get it rented or put on the market to sell. We've just had too many irons in the fire this winter/spring. With the kids gone now, maybe we can get some things done. If only Gary and I could get well, LOL, we'll be fine in a few days, hopefully! :) |
I put a text out last night to my brothers to see if one of them would be interested in taking Mom for a drive or out to eat. My younger brother texted that he had a fever and a headache....hmmmm...maybe. I didn't hear from my older brother till this morning. They went out to eat and thought they'd come get Mom on Tuesday. That's fine....but I would like a weekend too.
So Rick and I, Ricky and Mom went to Pepe's. It was so good and the beer was so cold. Wish I could have drank more than the two I had...but I was full. It was just before 8 when we got home. Today I raked the yard and Ricky picked up the piles while Rick burned the debris. Ricky also rolled the yard and it looks so nice. I did mow half the yard, but it doesn't really look like the other side needs it yet. Our willow tree has it's leaves out now and it's such a pretty color green. The other trees have the buds pretty much broken, so I expect by next week...we'll see some leaves there too. It's such a beautiful day and the temps in the 80"s....so wonderful! |
Well Sundays is usually my day to take mom shopping and out to lunch, but she really didn't need anything since my daughter had taken her on Thursday after a Dr app.
I did go in and picked mom up and i also took Nik with me, he will be leaving in 2 weeks to go to my breeder who is going to attempt to show him for me. I needed to get Nik out and use to strange noise's and people and different situations, so we went to Home Depot (I am still looking for tile for my back splash) and Rural King and then we stopped at the park to eat some lunch and then after i dropped mom off i took him to another park and of course no dogs were allowed but i walked him alittle bit anyways, he had already pooped in Rural King so no worries there LOL. Then i asked a few people to come up and pet him and he did very well. This is one reason i am having someone else show him, I just do not have the time to do what is nessasary for it, for the past 2 months it's all i have gotten done is working with him just to get him ready to go, on top of working OT. Tomorrow if the weather permits i will take him to a 4-H obedience class just to let him be around other dogs. This is suppose to be a fun hobby but right now it is feeling like a second job, but i am hopeing the pay off is a good one, that Nik makes it in the ring and becomes my first show dog, if not i will retire for a few more years till i can devote more time to it myself. Now Nik and i are both pooped LOL |
Hey Lynne, I'm going to be picking out some tile for the backsplash in my kitchen too. What kind are you looking for? I need some suggestions.
I have looked on line at like decals you can put on tile, something kitcheny, the also have full portriats you can buy and on your back splash but they are very pricey. I am also just not sure how the decals would hold up to cleaning, weather they would scratch off or pucker up after getting them wet over time. Though i have thought of spraying a laucgher (sp) on them to seal it. I am in no hurry, it's painted right now in a flat paint where as the rest is semi gloss, had to use flat so the mortar stuff would stick better but it's not that notciable. I will know it when i find what i am looking for. Have had some sales people tell us we would have to put up new backer board in order for the wall to handel the weight of the tiles, and mortar stuff that holds the tiles in place. Let me know what you find out about that, it's not a very big area i am doing, why can't anything just be simple. |
Yesterday was exactly one year since we moved into our house! Instead of the blizzard we had last year on moving day, we had a beautiful, warm, sunshiney day! Both Saturday and Sunday we shovelled the snow drifts in the yard to be out in the sunny areas to melt faster. Yesterday I took our patio furniture out of the shed and put it back on the deck. I even put my laundry outside to dry :) We opened the windows for the first time since last year and let the fresh air flow through the house! It was great! Tomorrow is supposed to get cold again, just barely above freezing :( At least we had spring for a little while.
Last night Scott and I were talking about how a year ago, we would have been setting up a mattress to sleep on in the spare room, and how we were so excited to wake up in the morning to see that Layla had made her way downstairs overnight to pee on her pad. We didn't know that two weeks later our lives and her life would change so drastically :( But we have made it through a year now. We were worried about house payments to begin with, but we've managed to get through it, put our dog through spinal surgery and rehab, and save enough to go to Europe. We don't have to worry anymore. And if we could make it through this past year together, I think we can make it through our whole lives together :) |
Our women's group at church planned a shopping trip to KC on Saturday. It ended up that only 4 of us went but we had a great time. We went to a shopping center that was set up like a small down town area instead of a mall. It was a lot of walking and lots of people but we had fun!! I got some new clothes for myself and some clothes for Dean and Little Karlie. It's so hard to break the habit of buying for someone else and I love to get for the kids!! We ate at a Cajun restaurant for lunch and had dessert at an Italian place!!! Yummmm...... The other three girls that went are good friends so we had a good time!!
I don't think so, cuz my daughter had it up on the backsplash and it did not get dirty.
OMG! My kitchen looks like a war zone. :eek:
First I was going to fix pork chops for dinner - then we found the waffle iron when we were rearranging the garage, so we decided to make waffles. Well, the flour in the pantry IN A PLASTIC BAG, had weevils, so I got the flour out of the trailer which was weevil free. Homemade waffles (the recipe that I use) require beaten egg whites, so that means more dirty pans. Then I heat the waffle iron, grease it and cook a waffle. OMG! the waffle stuck to both the top and the bottom of the iron - I have stuck on waffle on BOTH SIDES! Oh, before the waffles, I cooked some bacon in a bacon fryer skillet with a heavy glass square that sits on the bacon to keep it flat, that Brooke gave me. On the second batch of bacon, the grease started bubbling out all over the stove!!! OK, now we are having pancakes since the waffle iron is a mess and I can't get it cleaned up till it cools off. So I heat up the pan for the pancakes, but it gets too hot and the house is full of smoke. The first pancake is kinda burned, but I like it that way, so OK, I'll eat it. Now, I'm being real careful to not get the second pancake too brown, so when I turn it over, the top is still goopy and it slings all over the stove. I QUIT! :D |
I did find a border on that sight that i liked, but would rather have the picture on a full tile and not as a border. |
WHOOPS! I was wrong, it is tumbled limestone! I just talked to my daughter who was laughing hysterically about my kitchen mis-adventures this evening. She said it was eighteen cents a 4 inch tile. It does have holes and uneven areas that even out some when they grout it. They sealed it really well and she cooks every day, and it looked great. |
So far...haven't done much except for laundry and cleaned the kitchen. I'm trying to update my IPad, but it's not letting me for some reason. I have version 4.3 and it wants to update to 4.3.1 and it says something about being 'timed out'. So I guess I'll have to figure out what to do next. I did talk to the guy at the phone company who I have my DSL with, but his suggestion didn't work out.
Mom is going to my older brothers house for supper and won't be home until 7 or so. By the time she gets home it will be time to get ready to hook up for her dialysis. |
I'm glad you had a little time away from mom today!
Well, I made baked pork chops, buttered corn, and rolls for dinner without one bit of smoke or slopping anything across the kitchen. :D That's progress! |
I really wish I liked cooking instead of feeling like it's a chore. Maybe if I could just get someone else to clean up the mess.....what am I thinking...must be dreaming again...lol
I'm starting my diet today. I'm having my coffee with 1/2 and equal and a tsp of half and half. Not terrible. Then I have their scrambled eggs. I hear that frying them up makes them taste better, but I want to try them microwaved first. Morning snack is a shake, lunch is soup, afternoon snack is a bar, (no, not going to a bar...), dinner will be turkey burgers, spinach, asparagus and mushrooms, and PM snack is a shake I think.
I have to add some fats, so I am opting for 5 black olives today. I'm not too sure what else needs to be done. I'll learn as I go along. So...wish me luck! I weigh in at 150.5 lbs this morning. |
Good luck, Judy, on your new diet!! What you have to eat sounds pretty good!! You'll have to keep us posted on how it's going!! |
Good luck Judy on your diet Judy. Sure wish I weighed 150 lbs....
Let us know how your new diet works out Judy! I want to lose some weight too but I just don't think I could cut down my food :( I really need to exercise more!
Last night after work, Scott and I drove to a sketchy neighborhood to pick up a sewing machine I found in online classifieds for $25 :) I made Scott come to the door with me, and a tall, skinny lady with missing front teeth answered. The overpowering smell of marijuana hit us as soon as we walked in the door :rolleyes: Luckily, she had the sewing machine right there, and I handed her the $25 and we left! She said it worked fine, just didn't have a needle. He neice lived with her and her parents had given her the machine but she never got into it and she didn't live there anymore. We tested when we got home and it seemed to work well! I just need to buy a needle for it. Not too bad for $25! I've been trying to go to bed early because I'm always so tired in the mornings, and halfway through the day. Last night I got into bed around 9:30, and fell asleep before Scott came in at 10:10. I woke up this morning, wondering how much longer until the alarm was going off. Then I saw it was only 3:00. I wasn't tired at all! I did fall asleep though, and at 4:30 woke up again and thought I'd just lay there until the alarm went off. Well, when the alarm went off at 5:45 I had fallen asleep again, and it was so hard to get out of bed! Maybe I should have just gotten up at 4:30 when I woke up naturally. Now it's mid-afternoon and I could go for a nap again! I always get super tired when 3:00 hits. |
Tonight, our friends are coming to stay with us :) We just found out last night so I was doing some last minute cleaning, and will do more when I get home from work! I'm pretty excited to see them though :) After they leave tomorrow, we don't have many plans for the rest of the weekend. Hopefully we can relax!
I picked mom up on my way home or on my way to take her to do errands, I should say. LOL! She got a certified letter at my house and of course, she wasn't here to sign for it, so I had to take her to the post office. It was a check so I had to take her to the bank to deposit in and then she wanted it wired to her Oklahoma account and of course, they worked for 20 minutes and then decided something was wrong with the system, so I have to go back in the morning. GRRRRR!
Then we came to my house and I had put pinto beans and ham in the crockpot this morning. We fixed cornbread and fried potatoes. YUM! Mom really enjoyed it. After dinner she was ready to go home, so I took her home and then I came home and sat in the back yard and watched and listened to the birds for a while and then I came in and collapsed in front of the TV. I had some emails to answer so I did that and now, here I am! |
Let's see....took Mom to the bank...she closed her account in Florida and rec'd the check in the mail so wanted to get it deposited in her account here. Stopped by her house to get her mail and then to the kidney Dr.,that was pretty much it. Today we are expecting bad storms, so will stick a little closer to home. I do get my hair cut first thing this morning and it needs it so bad.
We have not been doing much and it's nice :) It has been snowing on and off, but it looks like it's warming up more now (how many times have I said that?) so I'm just waiting for spring still. We're still trying to sell our dang motorcycles, haven't gotten any replies on them yet except for one scammer.
I have been so tired and lazy and my mind is just never where I am lol. Thank goodness it's a short work week! :) |
I've been really busy at work this week. The students are enrolling for this summer and next fall and I am responsible for scheduling all the graduate courses. We have almost 300 students, and there are always interesting problems you never anticipated!
I got mom an Easter lilly today and took it to her on the way home. A lady sitting outside the assisted living facility said, "Oh, I wish I had one of those". :( Made me feel sad I didn't have one to give her! Mom and I made plans for her to come over here for Easter dinner on Sunday. She has lost a skirt in the move, so I need to see if I can find it for her. I think it must be at my Austin house. I've bagged up a lot of her clothes that she didn't want. I hope it is not already in a bag! :( |
When I got home from the bus route this morning I had to shampoo the hallway carpet. Mom had an accident and couldn't get to the bathroom in time. When I came in she was sitting in the recliner crying. She said she tried to clean it up but couldn't do a very good job. I felt so bad for her. We had weaned her off the Vancomycin and for two days everything has been fine...now it looks like she's going to have problems again. Her BP was low when she first got up, but seems to be fine right now. When she stands it goes down again so she has got to remember to make fists as she gets up.
I'm sitting on the couch with my laptop listening to the thunder. We are suppose to get some bad storms this afternoon and tonight with hail, strong winds and possible tornadoes. Indiana had 20 tornadoes on Tuesday. I say enough already. Think I'm just going to take it easy today. |
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