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Janet 04-14-2012 08:04 AM

Today I'm enjoying a nice lazy morning so far. Rick has a Cowboy Shoot and Ricky has to work so it's just me and the dogs. I've been doing laundry and I dusted. It's so stormy looking outside, but no dangerous storms are suppose to come our way, just mostly rain. I'm very thankful for that. Feeling bad for the one in the path of some of these dangerous storms popping up.

I'm sitting here with my laptop, music playing on the radio and dogs napping. So nice. Here in a bit I'm going to do some exercises. I have a couple of apps on my iPad that I really enjoy doing. I'd much rather walk, but the weather is just not cooperating.

Diana, how are your eyes doing? Better? I feel so bad for you I know it has to be uncomfortable and annoying at the same time.

Judy, what about the doggies? Are Annie and Sophie getting along any better?

DianaB 04-14-2012 09:45 AM

I went to the doctor yesterday and she took a culture but it will be three days before they know anything on that. She gave me some stronger eye drops and I think that I can tell that they're working. If it's not better by Monday then I'm suppose to contact my eye doctor. I probably should have contacted him anyway but he is in another town and not convient to go to.

We've got an eye on the weather. We're really concerned about it! I hate days where we have to keep such a close eye on the sky! You know......next time it could be MY community that is hit. Always a worry!

We had a baby shower this morning. The couple is a new couple at church and Glen and I have made friends with them. The baby is a doll!! I didn't hold her because of my pink-eye. I don't think that I would pass it on but I don't want to cause anyone to worry. I'll hold the baby later!

Now I'm home. Dae Lynn and Amy went to Wal-mart and Kera and Daya are watching the kids. I really wanted a break from the kids but if the weather gets bad then they'll all be over here. The girls can ride their 4-wheelers here in a flash!!

Lindsey 04-15-2012 11:57 AM

Diana, I hope you don't get bad weather!!

We are having a snow day again!!! This is just life in Saskatchewan - you never know what you'll get! Yesterday was so warm, I was in the mall and almost everyone was wearing shorts or dresses and sandals! I talked to my mom last night and she said it had rained all day and in the evening it turned to snow, and it was still snowing when we talked. We were outside playing with the pups yesterday evening, and this morning I woke up to a blanket of white! I think it may have stopped snowing now though.

As I mentioned, we went to the city yesterday. I got my hair cut at the mall and Scott went to a doctor because he has no voice lol! He got some medication for that so hopefully he's feeling better soon. We went to my aunt and uncle's house to pick up a laptop with a tax program on it so we could do our taxes this weekend. Then we went to Costco for groceries. Since we've been away the last two weekends, we haven't bought groceries in 3 weeks. Our fridge was completely empty and our pantry and freezer were getting pretty low. We ended up spending $575 on groceries :eek::eek::eek: BUT at least now we won't need to do a big shop for a long time!!!!

We did our taxes last night and I will be getting back a lot more than I expected! I guess with changing jobs twice last year, I overpaid into Canadian Pension Plan and Employment Insurance, which means I get all that money back now! I also still get to claim a graduate tax credit for my schooling (it came into effect the year I graduated, so Scott got missed by one year!). I think this is the last year I can claim it, but I didn't think I still could this year so it was a nice surprise lol!

Oh yeah and the woman who came to look at my bike on Friday night, I don't think will be back. I was surprised when she came because she's probably 50-something, and this is her first bike. She has never rode before, and she doesn't even have a learners license yet. A 636 cc sport bike is not what I'd picture someone like her on! She seemed a little nervous about it and was more interested in playing with the dogs while her husband checked out the bike. He doesn't know much about them either. They had to ask how to shift, where the clutch is, how to brake, etc. Their son who seemed to be about 17 or 18 came out too and laughed when his dad asked if he could imagine his mom on it. She told me previously she was bringing out a deposit if it all checked out, and they didn't find a thing wrong with it, but said they would think about it and left with the money.

judy 04-15-2012 01:01 PM

Why does she want to buy a bike? Wierd!!!

We had snow this week too, with intermittent flip flop weather! It is chilly and damp today. I wore a jacket and flip flops!

I just ran out to get some veggies. I was thinking of going to Jessie's, but she wasn't home. I have been home with the dogs for the most part, and I am bored!!! I have to go to the dermatologist tomorrow. There is a TJMaxx right there, so mama's gonna buy new stuff!

I can't leave the dogs for too long, so I can't really shop a lot, but I can do TJ Maxx fast! I also have 2 things to return, so I have some credit!!!

The dogs are slowly getting along much better. Annie doesn't really want Sophie near her, but she is getting braver. Max is fine with her. He's a good boy. He will just walk away if she annoys him too much. If she annoys Annie though, he has got her back! I like that, but I don't allow them both to gang up on her.

Janet 04-15-2012 02:20 PM

It's great that the dogs are doing better. Who knows...they may end up the best of friends.

This morning my husband and I went to Mom's house to trim a large shrub. There is also a hedge type thing on the neighbors property and it was all in our property making it difficult to mow. So...I took the hedge trimmers to them too...lol. The neighbor (he rents) thought it was ours instead of his landlord's so I asked him if he wanted us to do his side too. He did and ended up using the hedge trimmers (my arms got sooo tired) and then we cleaned it all up. Looks really nice.

Our renters were not home when we got there, but did arrive just as we were getting done. I didn't wait to give their daughter the little riding toy I bought...I just had to give it too her. I did take a picture so I'll have to get it posted. She is just so darn cute and just grinned from ear to ear when she saw me.

All that work wore me out, don't know if it's old age or being to overweight. I had a hard time taking a big deep breath and when I would look up things went black but then came right back. It made me very light headed.

Once we got home and things unloaded I fell asleep in the recliner. When I woke up I took a shower and then took another nap in the recliner and feel as though I could take another...lol.

I'm pretty much done for the day...I think.

gja1000 04-15-2012 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 126492)
All that work wore me out, don't know if it's old age or being to overweight. I had a hard time taking a big deep breath and when I would look up things went black but then came right back. It made me very light headed.

Once we got home and things unloaded I fell asleep in the recliner. When I woke up I took a shower and then took another nap in the recliner and feel as though I could take another...lol.

I'm pretty much done for the day...I think.

Finding it hard to take a deep breath is probably from being out of shape - and how many years did you smoke? There may be a bit of residual damage from that.

Seeing black when you look up is because you are restricting the carotid artery in your neck. This is the artery (well there are actually two arteries, one on each side of the neck) that take oxygenated blood to your brain. When you look up and twist your neck a bit, it can compromise the carotid artery, thus, decreasing the blood flow to the brain and viola! you see black. Remember last fall when Gary went to Colorado and couldn't see the elk well enough to shoot them? It is the same principle, he wasn't getting enough oxygen to his eyes because of his lung problems and his heart failure, so everything was brown. In your case your eyes were even more oxygen deprived because you could only see black.

This is very common, especially as we get older because the carotid artery does get a bit of plaque in it which causes narrowing and less blood flow to the brain, so if it gets twisted where there is a bit of plaque, it can restrict the blood flow and remember your eyes are the first to go when your body is oxygen deprived; thus you see black - if you don't adjust your neck and let the blood flow return, you can and WILL pass out.

Janet 04-15-2012 03:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Wow....I had no idea. Kind of scary. Whenever I saw black I would just close my eyes and look down or at least lower and it would go away, but a little dizziness remained. If I keep doing well on the diet type thing I'm doing, then one of these days I'll be in better shape.

Thank you for all the information Gayle.

Here is the picture of little Danica....she is just adorable!

Attachment 6975

gja1000 04-15-2012 04:08 PM

Oh. My. Gosh. Janet, isn't she just adorable!! Look at those cute little cheeks. She looks so cute on the little colorful car you got her. I bet she'll have so much fun.

Janet, next time don't look up till you see black - you could actually pass out, fall and break something. Now that you know you have these symptoms when you look up, pay close attention when you look up and try not to do it so long, or try to change positions so that your neck is in a better position. Also, being a little dizzy for a while afterward is normal.

Janet 04-15-2012 05:39 PM

I only see black and get dizzy when I'm doing physical labor. I'm just like my Mom when it comes to working. We can't take our time, we go at a fast pace....absolutely crazy to do that. I need to slow down.

She is a little cutie for sure. I wish she would have been smiling real big for the camera....her smile is just so precious with those cute cheeks.

judy 04-16-2012 05:17 AM

That sounds scary, Janet! Don't put your head back!!! I get dizzy when I tilt my head a certain way. It might be a similar thing, or sinuses, or whatever. I try to not turn my head that way!

We are like used cars!!! Something is always wrong!

She is a cutie patootie! How nice that you are close snough to buy her a gift!

It is Max's birthday!!! My boy is 6 years old today! I am quite proud of the dog he has become. He really is quite special! I think I will give him hamburger for dinner.

Annie's birthday is next month.

DianaB 04-16-2012 02:10 PM

Janet, the little girl is a doll!!! Dean has a little car like that and it also fold up and is something that can be pushed. It's a neat little toy!!

Judy, I'm so glad that the dogs are getting along better! How is Brandon doing? Is he going to school and caught up yet?

Gayle, I so appreciate your medical wisdom!!

Lindsey, Our weather has been so different this year!! We were so hot for awhile but it's cooled off now and is more seasonal. My irises are blooming and I think that it's a whole month early for them!! The winter was so mild that ticks are really, really bad! Yuck!!! At least the snow will kill some of your bugs!!

Today's just been same-ol'.....same-ol'!! Nothing much going on. Dae Lynn picked up her tax return and she's getting a lot of money back.....it must be nice!! Her lawyer told her that she wouldn't have to share with Damon but she doesn't feel right about that so she's going to talk to him about applying it to bills. He can say no but the money will be transfered into her account and she can do what she wants with it anyway!! She also picked up her divorce papers and decided to just wait on filing. She's so unsure. I can understand......it's a hard decision. Damon's gong to have to prove that he's doing better in the next few months.

judy 04-17-2012 05:12 AM

It is such beautiful day!!! I have nothing I have to do.

I think I am going to clean up the deck......Yuck!!! Max pooped out there all winter.

Then I just have to gather the furniture covers and put them in the basement. I'm not ready to plant yet. It could snow again, or frost overnight.

How nice! I love spring!!!

Brandon went to school yesterday and today. He has been making Jessie crazy, but she doesn't care. He has to go to school. I only hope Steve doesn't give in and tell him he can stay home. Jessie feels that this is a time where he could go either way, and she wants to steer him along the way he should go. Suck it up, and do what you have to do. He only has 38 more days anmyway.

DianaB 04-17-2012 10:49 AM

I hope that Brandon's able to catch up in all of his classes. I think that Jessie's making the right choice in making him go.

Today's just another so-so day. Glen's home paying bills and doing computer work since it's muddy. I'm trying to get things straightened up because we've invited one of Glen's cousins and his wife and kids over tonight. They're going to pick up pizza so I don't have to cook.......hmmmm......maybe I should make some browniies or something. Anyway, I'm not sure what we'll do but it will be fun.

I wish that you could see Dean......he is growing so much and talking alot! He's into playing with his toys! Glen and I are enjoying having him here with us during the day!! We're teaching him to spread his arms out wide when we ask him how much he loves Grandma/Grandpa and to say "This much" and then when we ask how much he loves Mama.....we've taught him to use his fingers and say "This much!" We think it's funny and he's about got it down good enough for us to show Dae Lynn!!!

I can tell that I have a LOT to learn about using a greenhouse. My tomatoes haven't grown hardly at all since they've come up. I don't know if it's too much water.....not enough water.....too cool.......too hot.....or a combination of all of these. Oh well.....I'm learing!!!

DianaB 04-18-2012 06:47 AM

We had a good time with Glen's cousin and his family last night. They brought pizza so it wasn't like I had to cook.....just clean. Their boys are at that in-between age.....you know.........they want to be an adult but their comments just aren't up to adult conversation so it was interesting at times. The oldest is the same age as the twins and Kera......15 years old. We visited and ate then went to the basement where they played ping-pong and pool. I watched. My lower back's been hurting and the cement is just too hard on it. Before they left we set up another date for next month to get together again.

I've started setting dates with people who say "We should get together sometime". It seems like we never do so I've just been saying "Let's set a date not". In fact, the friend that I ate lunch with a few weeks ago is meeting me for lunch again today. We both have a lot going on in our families so it's nice to have some one-on-one time to visit.

gja1000 04-18-2012 08:04 PM

Diana, I have a group of friends I went to graduate school with in the early 90's. We meet about once a month or so for dinner. At the end of the dinner, we set the date/time/place for the next dinner. Sometimes we have to change it by the time it rolls around, but it keeps us connected and we always have a "date" set.

Busy busy busy week at school! Lots going on and I've hardly had time to look up! School will be over in 3 weeks, hard to believe.

Gary had an appointment at the heart failure clinic today and his heart tests were all stable since last fall and actually his heart function is better than it was 5 years ago. I don't know what is going on with him, but something is amiss because he is not himself. I hope whatever is causing this extreme fatigue passes, because he flat doesn't feel good.

He saw his diabetes nurse last Monday and his blood sugars seem to be doing pretty good. His kidney function is stable also - he only has about 22% function, but that is plenty to get by.

So, whatever is going on with him is a mystery right now. IDK?????

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