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judy 04-24-2012 04:58 AM

It's snowing!!

gja1000 04-24-2012 06:02 AM

Hi Judy, sorry it's snowing! It's gorgeous here, not too hot yet which is great because mega heat is just around the corner!

Gary is not good at all. We were up all night last night with fluid retention and so he couldn't breathe. We are going to the heart failure clinic here in just a little bit. He needs to be admitted to the hospital so the doc can run some heart tests, something is not right and he can't keep going this way. He just feels awful, plus he can't do anything since he can't breathe. So terrible. I'll update when we get out of the clinic.

Lindsey 04-24-2012 10:20 AM

Gayle I'm so sorry you two are going through this. I hope the doctors can figure it out fast!

Betsi, I'm not sure if you'll get a chance to see this but I hope you can get to Montmartre! I loved the Basilica up on the hill!

It was a GORGEOUS weekend here! On Saturday we had to come to the city and do some running around. I am eligible to upgrade my cell phone so we looked at a few but I still have to make the decision! I met with a girl friend for lunch while Scott delivered some wedding invitations. We sat out on the patio at the restaurant for the first time this year!

Saturday night, Scott planned a date night. We went back to the city for the evening and had a fancy supper at a really nice place. Scott made me try escargot... he couldn't even get me to try that in Paris when I was trying to be adventurous! But it turns out I hate it anyway :D But I did have an amazing crab-parmesan-spinach dip and some delicious ribs with roasted garlic mashed potatos... MMMM!

After that, we drove around for a bit and then went to a movie. Then we went to his friend's going-away party at a bar. He is moving to Vancouver. Finally we headed home!

Sunday was so hot! We all stayed outside all day. The pups were exhausted from all the fresh air! I got all the patio furniture out, cleaned off, and set up on the deck. Scott got the lawn mowed and power-raked and ready for reseeding and fertilizing in the next couple of weeks. We dreamed a little and planned out what we want to do in the yard for the next few years.

Anyways, it turned out to be hotter than I thought because I got a sunburn on my chest, arms, shouldders, and back!! Luckily I wore a tube top all day - no tank top tan lines!!! I need to be careful with that before the wedding lol!

DianaB 04-24-2012 10:31 AM

Judy, I read somewhere that you were suppose to get snow!! At least it won't last long. We didn't have very much this year and I really missed it.

Gayle, I'm glad that you're taking Gary to the hospital. I hope that you find out that what's wrong is a simple fix. I'll be praying. Keep us updated on what's going on.

Lindsey, what a nice date night!! Scott is definitely a keeper!!

Nothing much going on here. Eyes are still red so I'm still putting the drops in and I'm refilling my anitbiotics. If it's not gone by next Monday I'll go to the eye doctor. The culture that was taken showed no bacteria. I guess that pink eye is going around the schools.

It's suppose to be really warm today and tomorrow so I'm planning on getting some stuff done in the yard. The irises are blooming and so pretty!! I have some new ones that I got last year that are blooming so I have some new colors.

gja1000 04-24-2012 11:56 AM

Well, they didn't admit Gary because his doctor is in Prague at a conference! So, they gave him IV Lasix to get rid of the water, did lab work, got a chest x-ray, and did an EKG. The first appointment with his doctor we could get is May 16th, but they are going to try to get him in sooner. Hope they do or we will likely have another "episode" before the 16th. The nurse said the doc would likely put him in the hospital and do a heart cath and maybe a nuclear study. I kinda hope he can hold out till the 16th because my school will be out and many of my obligations will be done.

He's resting in the easy chair and he felt good enough to stop and eat lunch at one of our favorite places on the way home - so I think he's a little better. He does get a little dramatic sometimes. I know he is way over the top tired of feeling badly - yet, he does sometimes exaggerate a little bit.

Lindsey 04-24-2012 12:07 PM

Diana, if there was no bacteria in the culture, the antibiotics will not do anything. You just have to wait for it to work itself out on its own. I would see your eye doctor if it's bothering you still. Nobody else has caught it form you, right? When I was having issues for ages my eye doctor reffered me to an ophthalmologist and they ran all sorts of tests and found my eyes to be very dry. It seems to have just been an allergy that was mimicking pink eye, and it eventually went away.

Gayle, is there no other doctor he could see, or who could admit him?? Is that normal, that when the doctor is away there is no other doctor who will take their patients? It seems so serious to me! But I suppose you know better than I do about what he might be going through and how to handle it. I just can't believe even when you thought he would be admitted, and the nurse there said he would be admitted, but still he was just sent home!

Janet 04-24-2012 01:11 PM

Lindsey you had a wonderful date nite with Scott!! Wow...it's nice that he planned it, I don't know too many guys that do.

Judy, I saw on the news that you were suppose to get some snow. Unless you like it...I hope it doesn't stick around long. Such a pain to drive in. What does little Sophie think of it?

Diana, I'm not sure what to think of your eye problems. Maybe Lindsey is right and it's an allergy mimicking pink eye. I think I would head to the eye dr. sooner, maybe there is an eye wash that will help.

Gayle, I'm glad Gary is feeling a bit better. Not being able to breath well is so scary. Hopefully it can wait until you are done with your obligations.

This morning I took my friends mother to the dentist finally. Her partial was really lose and he was able to fix it without sending it away. She didn't want to be without it. It was really nice being with her and I'm glad I was able to help Diane out. She would have had to take a morning off from work and drive over 30 minutes just to get Mom to the dentist.

Didn't do much else today...picked up and cleaned the kitchen a bit. I'm just feeling bit tired...staying up late watching TV is getting to me...lol.

gja1000 04-24-2012 04:25 PM

Lindsey, thanks for being so concerned. Yes, another doctor could admit him, but I think it will be OK to wait. If he gets bad again, we will definitely go with another doctor. Gary is a very difficult patient because he has so many complicating illness. Heart failure medications aggravate kidney failure and asthma. And asthma meds aggravate heart failure. It's really hard to balance everything. His doctor knows what she can do and what she can't, so I'm more comfortable with her, but we will definitely go with another doctor if we need to.

DianaB 04-25-2012 06:07 AM

Gayle, I know that if you thought that Gary was bad enough you would have insisted that he be admitted to the hospital. You're so good at keeping an eye on him that you'll get him help if he gets worse.

Judy, Thanks for the advice about my eyes. I've wondered about dry eye too but I'm just not sure. The pink eye is pretty much gone......I think.....but my eyes are still bloodshot. The drops or the pink eye seem to help some. I really don't have trouble with allergies so I don't think that's what it is.

Janet, you're a good friend to help out a friend's mother!! You deserve a pat on the back!!!

The weather is suppose to be in the mid 80's today!! I'm going to go outside and TRY to get some stuff done out there. I tried yesterday but nothing worked. It didn't help that Glen had MY shovel!!! I've got it today and I'm ready to move dirt!!!

We have the Alley tonight. I'm playing a part in the skit.....where I'm an old lady walking by and the kids are going to be mean to me......I get to say some mean things back.......I'm not sure where this is going but it will be interesting. The skits are soooo cute!!

gja1000 04-26-2012 03:08 PM

Hi Guys, I didn't post last night because I was afraid I would cry. I did break down and cry when my daughter called me. Gary just looked awful last night, but I'm relieved to say he's a little better today. He's still using his oxygen 24/7 and this is so NOT like him - at all. He seems to have little energy, but he looks a lot better today. I got him up and dressed and out of the house this morning for breakfast and while I could tell it was hard for him to get around and walk from the car to the restaurant, I knew he felt better. He looks even better this evening. His doctor is still out of town and she will be back next week. We have an appointment with her on Wednesday, but the nurses told us to go straight to the ER if he gets worse. I'm very relieved that his doctor will be back. It's not that I don't want another doctor, it's just that his case is so complicated and he can get in trouble, even with proper medical treatment in the hospital. His doctor knows all of that and I trust her. However, I certainly will not delay taking him to the ER if he gets worse.

We have his oxygen concentrator in the living room with a 50 foot hose on it so he can go to the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom without having to unhook his oxygen. We have portable bottles to use when we go out but they have to be changed every 2 hours, and the concentrator makes continuous oxygen, so that is better for at home.

I'm so glad that tomorrow is Friday!!!!!

Janet 04-26-2012 03:28 PM

Oh Gayle....I wish I was there to hug you. I know it has to be hard on you. It's good you were able to let go and cry to your daughter...you shouldn't hold it in. We all know you'd do what ever you had to do to take care of Gary, you are such a loving wife. It will be good so you can relax a bit to have Gary's doctor back on Wednesday. Don't forget to take care of you...we love you!

gja1000 04-26-2012 04:21 PM

Thanks so much Janet! I feel so much better this evening and your words really help!

DIANE W 04-27-2012 02:42 AM

Gayle..... I am so sorry Gary is feeling unwell, he is really going through it, poor thing.

I think you are doing really well, keep strong, not long now until Wednesday, just take each day at a time and rest up a little.

DianaB 04-27-2012 06:29 AM

Gayle, I wish that I was there to give you a big hug. You have to be so worried about Gary. I know that you feel some relief that's he's looking better but I know that you'll feel better when he's been checked out by his own doctor. We're all here for you if you need us. You have my number so don't hesitate to call if you need me!!

Whew!!! I had BOTH kids yesterday.....and today......because the school is doing kindergarten round-up and the teachers are needed for that. Having Karlie here makes so much more work for me. I don't understand why but it does. And getting ANYTHING done is so hard because of all of the interruptions. At least today I only have them until noon.......Dae Lynn gets off of work at that time today.......then Jaci and I (and maybe Jaci's MIL, Jan) are going to a greenhouse that's a ways away. They have such wonderful plants there and it's always fun to go. I'm looking forward to getting away for awhile.

After Dae Lynn got home I left the care of the kids in her hands. She allowed Karlie to ride her bike to Amy's house......and I'm not sure how it happened....but after a little while Kera came bringing Dean home.......he had walked over to Amy's all by himself!!! We didn't even know that he was gone!!! We have two ways to Amy's house and I know that Karlie would have ridden her bike the smooth way which is through the meadow......the other way is down the hill, by the pond, then back up the hill......which is a BIG worry for us with the pond!! He may be playing outside this summer with a life jacket on this summer!!!! Sigh........

gja1000 04-27-2012 06:14 PM

Gary was ready to get out of the house when I got home, so we went out for a steak. He did great but was very tired when we got home so he laid down for a while. Now he's up and teasing me, so I'm sure he's feeling better! :)

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