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gja1000 04-28-2012 07:46 PM

I spent most of the day watering the yard! It is really pretty this time of year because we've had rain all winter, but sadly, we've not had any in a couple of weeks and there's none in the forecast. It was beautiful in the yard today though, the birds were chirping and singing so beautifully. I just love it. And Gary is feeling better, he really is!!! I'm so happy and relieved.

And my kids are coming up next week. Life is good!

Lindsey 04-28-2012 07:57 PM

Gayle, I am so relieved to hear Gary is feeling better!!! And I wish I could say it was nice in the yard today....

I woke up to SNOW!!!!!!!! It wasn't much but it was there, enough to cover everything in white! It rained all day so the snow is gone. Good day to go car shopping though, the salesmen would rather stay inside :D

I knowwwwwww we just sold a bunch of vehicles, but this having one car thing really sucks :rolleyes: I really want an SUV. It's even tough now going somewhere for the weekend with the dogs, their crates, their stuff and our luggage! So I have been toying with the idea of having a small SUV for now and getting something we really want later. But, after talking it over we thought why not get what we really want now and have the room when we need it, instead of buying something now, losing money by selling it for way less in a few years, and then buying something again. Plus, if we bought something now and had it paid off in a couple of years, we wouldn't have to worry about extra car payments when we have a family (and when I'm only getting 66% of my salary on maternity leave!)

So today we browsed a lot and we ended up test driving a 2008 Buick Enclave and a brand spanking new Toyota Highlander. We can't afford the new one of course lol... but they had no used ones and we told the dealership we wanted to compare to the Buick, so they rolled out a brand new one for us to try :D The Buick was a nicer ride and wayyyyyy more luxurious inside, for about the same price when they're both pre-owned. But we have to look into issues and cost to fix things, and insurance, etc! So it's something to think about for sure! I don't think it will be something we'll get right away but it was lots of fun and nice to narrow down our choices!

Besides that, I've done NOTHING exciting!!! Scott went back to the city to hang out with his friends this evening and I've been hanging out on the couch with the doggies watching old reruns of Sex and the City :D I love having girly nights to myself sometimes!

Janet 04-29-2012 07:04 AM

Gayle I'm so glad Gary is feeling better. I know it worries you. I'm like Lindsey, can't really enjoy the yard right now, not because of snow, but because of rain and cold. Seems I just can't get warm to the bone the last couple of days.

Didn't go anywhere yesterday. Paid bills, did some laundry, did nails on hands and feet. Need to get another pedicure, loved it and it lasts for soooo long. Going to make an appointment this week I think or wait until it's just a tad warmer. My nails keep breaking so they are really too short for a manicure although I would like to have one. I did them myself yesterday and today I'm going to do some polish I think. Just a lazy girl day yesterday, but still getting things done.

Rick brought home some wrought iron chairs from Mom's place in Florida. They are all painted and Rick cut new seats out of plywood for them. The old ones were rotted so bad. He is out putting sealer on them now and in a few days I will cover them with some material I bought. Can't wait to show them to you all once they are done.

Not sure what I'm going to do today...didn't get myself moving in time for church. I do need to clean out a small hall closet so I may do that in a bit.

Lindsey, I would love to have a newer car/vehicle, but it doesn't look like it will happen since I don't want payments..lol. I'm a little tired of my van and would like either a newer one or a small car with great gas mileage. Maybe if a good deal comes my way I'll change my mind about payments, but for now...I'll just have to wait.

Shada 04-29-2012 07:00 PM

Yesterday I helped my sister move.. thankfully my two neices and two nephews helped also!! What a job that was. We got her moved and unpacked too. The only thing she has to do is put her pictures back up. Not bad!!!

Today I cleaned house, then went to see my Dad and Step-Mom who just returned from their winter home in Florida. Had a good visit until they both decided to 'educate me' about President Obama. I have never lied about my commitment to our President. I told them tonight, 'I voted for him once proudly and will do it again gladly'.... boy was that the wrong thing to admit to.
It turned into a pretty heated discussion.

Then somehow it turned into a arguement between my Dad and Step-Mom.. about other things!!! Calmed that down, then quietly left.....

Now.... I am home and getting ready to eat a meatball sub for a late dinner.

Janet 04-30-2012 02:44 AM

You had a busy weekend. Moving is no fun whether it's us or helping someone...lol. Hope your sister enjoys her new home.

Sorry your visit turned a little bad, that's exactly why I won't discuss politics with anyone.

Blueyes 04-30-2012 07:59 AM

Hi everybody, I'm home:D Boy, was it ever nice to sleep in my own bed last night, lol!! We had a longgg day of traveling, and with the time difference we are really tired! The goodbyes were hard, but not horrible. We comforted each other with promises of Skype:rolleyes: I'll write more later when the fog in my brain lifts. I just wanted my girls to know that I'm home:p

Janet 04-30-2012 08:15 AM

Yay!!! You made it home safe and sound. I know you had a great time with your kids, but there is just no place like home and being in our own bed. Get some much needed rest and we'll be anxiously waiting to read all about your trip and of course...pictures!

Happy you're back Betsi!

DianaB 04-30-2012 10:44 AM

Gayle, what a relief to hear that Gary's feeling better. I was so worried! As for rain.....we've had rain over the weekend and more is coming......wish we could share!

Shada......you're so sweet to help your sister move. I'm sure the kids helped a lot......and their energy is always appreciated!! Sorry about the argument with your parents. It's hard when you have a difference in opinion in politics.....do like Janet and just avoid talking about it!

Lindsey, My Aunt Marva wanted an Enclave. She really loved it but her son-in-law sells vehicles for a Ford dealership so she ended up getting something similiar in a Ford. I want to say that it was voted for something special or was a "best" in consumer reports......I can't remember. Good luck on your decision!!

Betsi, I'm so glad that you're home.....safe and sound!! I can't wait to hear all about your trip and see pictures!!

It was a so-so weekend. Not much went on. After church we took a young couple with a new baby out to eat. They're a really sweet couple and the baby is a doll!!

Dae Lynn was gone all afternoon on Sunday so I ended up falling asleep!! Then Glen and I went to his sister, Dana's church. They are a small church and they share a pastor with two other churches and we having a get-together with all of them to sing and visit and they invited us. Dana's boys are so cute.....Austin played the piano.....I didn't know that he was even taking lessons......and did such a good job!! Then the two of them.....the other is Camden......with another little boy sung a song!! I have some family that goes to their church as well so I got to visit with them. It was a good time!!

Today Dean's running a fever. There's something going around town and I suppose he's got it. Other than that he seems fine. The Tylenol is helping to keep the fever down. He ended up sleeping in when Dae Lynn left for work so Glen and I slept in too......we awoke to the sound of little footsteps coming to our room and Dean yelling......Morning Dama!!......I found you!!!! He's so cute!!!

gja1000 04-30-2012 02:37 PM

I'll write more later, but I wanted to tell Lindsey that I have a 2007 Buick Rendezvous . They stopped making it in 2007 and then started making the Enclave in 2008. The Rendezvous is smaller than the Enclave but the Rendezvous has three rows of seats so it seats 7. I keep the 3rd row down and there is LOTS of cargo space. I really love this car. Mine has 60,000 and I've had no problems with it.

That said, I think for the long run, the Toyota is a better car. I know so many people with Toyotas with way over 1,000,000 miles and they are still perking right along. My cousin really likes the Toyota 4 Runner and thinks it is a great car. We have a Toyota FJ Cruiser with 60,000 miles and it is a great car, not what you're looking for, but it's a great running car. Same for our Toyota pickup, great vehicle.

gja1000 04-30-2012 05:34 PM

Back now after dinner. Betsi, I'm so glad you are home, so sorry you have to leave your babies behind, but the work they are doing is important and there's a reason they are far away right now. It may not always be like this. I know your bed felt good, there's no place like home! LOL! And you don't even live in Kansas!!! :D

Diana, Dean is growing up so much and he sounds like he is such a little darling. He's so daring too, I don't know how you keep up with him! I'm sorry he's feeling badly, I hope he is better soon.

Shada, since I moved last year, I don't ever want to move again, nor do I want to help anyone move. LOL! You are a good sister!

Lindsey, I can't believe you have snow, and Janet and Diana, it sounds like it has been cold up there. It's just warm and dry here. I'm so afraid we aren't going to get any more rain for a long long time. It's so hard thinking about going back into such a long hot dry summer. I sure hope we get some rain soon.

This is my last week of school and thankfully, it is a little quieter. I can hardly believe it but I actually had some time today to work on my summer class. I would like to get it finished up pretty soon so I could actually take a few days BREAK before school starts up again May 31st.

Gary is about the same, he has not recovered to his status before all this started. He's still using his oxygen during the day some and his resting oxygen levels are not up where they should be. They are not terrible, but not good. Sigh. We see the doctor on Wed. Can't wait.

Janet 05-01-2012 01:25 PM

We had heavy rain storms today and it looks like we may have some more this evening. We really needed it so I'm not going to complain.

I'm missing my Mom today (and everyday). It's really not getting easier at all. I want to hug her again, I want to feel her touch. I kept her answering machine, so I played it today...just to hear her voice.

I can't remember if I mentioned this or not, but the Florida attorney has finally sent the closing paperwork to the attorney here. When I got there I was able to sign a few things, but didn't get to close everything out here. The secretary here didn't realize that the Florida attorney sent the money from the sale of Mom's place up here. I'm sure she knew it, but just forgot. So she wanted to go through all the paperwork they sent up better. I go back on Friday. As much as I wanted this to be over with....it's making me so sad at the same time. Maybe once it is really over, I'll start feeling better about things, I don't know.

Lindsey 05-01-2012 05:37 PM

Thanks for the info Gayle and Diana! Scott drives a Toyota too, and he loves it. He has a Camry which he bought brand new a few years ago. He had another Camry before that and it had 575,000 kms on it when he "put it down" lol. I will figure that out in miles for you guys... that's just over 357,000 miles. So I know they are definitely reliable!

But now that I am looking into it more, the used Highlanders seem to be more expensive than used Buicks! Scott's aunt and uncle also drive an Enclave so he is going to call them tonight and ask what they think of it :)

There is one Enclave we really like in a town about 3 hours from us. It's loaded with all the extras, but it is about $3,000 more than we want to spend. I was looking online today and found another in Calgary (about 5 hours away, and in another province), with the same amount of kms on it, same features, for $3,000 less. I think if we do get serious about buying this one, we will take in the quote from the Calgary dealership and see if they will match or even do better! I like the color better on the local one, plus we'd pay one less tax by staying in province!

It has been so cold and rainy here! It's supposed to rain all week. At least it forces me to get stuff done inside!

Tonight I will give Layla a haircut, and tomorrow the other two are going on their first trip to the groomer! I don't know how they will do but they are terrified of clippers at home! They are so matted though. They had mats when they came to us and they have just gotten worse and worse. Plus I'm sure they'll feel so much better without all that bulky hair!

Oh did I mention they are going to obedience classes now? They are amazing me with their brains! I guess most of the time they just choose not to listen lol... but when we are there they are so good! They aren't so good at sitting or laying down without us forcing them into position, but boy can they stay! They will hold position for 3 minutes and let us walk in circles around them while doing it!

Janet, I'm so sorry you're still feeling so sad. I wish I could give you hugs in real life!

Gayle, I hope you get answers tomorrow about Gary.

gja1000 05-02-2012 06:47 AM

Home with Gary this morning. His appointment with the doctor is at noon. He just doesn't feel like driving, so there was no point in going to work, coming home to get him, back to the doctor then back home. Lots of driving, lots of gas. It is pretty quiet at school today, I didn't have any appointments or meetings, so I just stayed home. The kids are coming on Friday so I needed to hook up the electricity and water to the trailer and make the bed. Also, we hadn't dumped the sewer tank when we came home from the lake last month and normally that is OK, but it was really stinky, :o, so I dumped that and burned the oil lamp (a scented oil lamp that removes odors really well). Oh and I've been playing Draw Something with Janet too. :D

Gary didn't feel very good yesterday, he's still in bed so don't know how he feels today. I sure home the doctor has some good ideas! His spirits are OK though, he went out with a friend for a while yesterday (just rode in the truck while they ran errands) and he worked on his wood carving last night, so he's not feeling down in the dumps which is good.

DianaB 05-02-2012 07:20 AM

Gayle, I so hope the doctor can get Gary tuned up and running again!! Hugs to both of you!!

Dean's still sick. He's on meds right now but I think that he's still running a fever. Yesterday he was sick at his stomach. Poor little guy! I heard Dae Lynn complaining to Glen that I didn't call her to come home because he was sick. I thought that I was helping her out so she could work.....so I'm more than a little upset! I would have much rather been outside planting flowers than to have been stuck in the house with a sick little boy!!!!!!!!!! Oh well.....

Lindsey, I wasn't even thinking about the Toyota......they also have great resell value even when they've got a lot of miles on them and they do last a lot longer than most vehicles. Of course, the gas mileage might be something that you might want to look at too. I don't know which one would do best in that area.

Janet, I know that you miss your Mom. Hugs!! The first year is the hardest. Maybe for Mother's Day you should plan something special for her......like plant some flowers around her stone or make a donation in her name with something she would approve of or take one of her best friends out to eat and reminisce!!

gja1000 05-02-2012 01:10 PM

Diana, I'm sorry that Dean is still sick. Of course you were trying to help Dae Lynn- she's just stressed out over everything.

Janet, Diana has some great suggestions about your mom. Of course you are still missing her so much. The first year is hard.

Well, we had a good visit at the doctor. She spent so much time with us. She just doesn't know what is going on - but - she's going to put him in the hospital next week and run some tests. It was so cool - she texted his pulmonary doc while we were in the office. They couldn't talk because he was at a seminar, but he must have called her back after lunch because his office called us shortly after we got home to have us come in to see him this Friday. They just aren't sure what is causing all these problems, but if they have him in the hospital they can confer with each other about the test results and hopefully come up with something that will help him. At least we feel hopeful about getting some answers and some help. And if there is nothing they can do, then at least we will know they tried to help and this is just the way things are going to be. Right now, it's not know what is wrong that is hard.

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