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Those are great ideas for Mother's Day, thank you.
I am so glad Gayle that his Dr is determinded to find out what is going on with Gary's health. I wish all Dr's were like that. Hopefully he's be feeling much better soon. This morning after my route I finished the chairs from Mom's place in Florida. For my first time....I don't think I did too bad at all...lol. Attachment 6993 Attachment 6994 I am also do laundry, I like to have it all done before the weekend. I got a little warm here in the house getting things done so I put on a pair of capris. They are too big. I have to wear them anyway, because I just can't and don't want to go buy new clothes yet. So I'm hoping they will shrink some in the dryer (I usually hang my clothes on an indoor clothes rack). If not, maybe I can take them up without making them look too bad. My older brother Jerry called yesterday saying he recieved some papers from Florida to sign and send back, one being a waiver of some kind. Well...he wasn't sure about signing it because he hasn't seen anything to sign a waiver. So I told him he should just call the attorney and ask them, because they have all the paperwork that I took up there on Tuesday. He called my other brother Brad and I guess he recieved them too, signed them and sent them back. Then he called the attorney and asked all kinds of questions and especially wanted to know how much he was getting. Can you believe that? I haven't even asked. He called me back to tell me everything and said that the estate will be completely closed on Friday. I just don't understand the logic or the feelings in not being sure about signing the waiver. I told him there was no way I would ever cheat him or Brad and that I'm doing everything the attorney guides me to do. He said he didnt' think that, but I'm sure he did. So...if it's true....Friday...everything will be done. |
Oh.....I really like the chairs, Janet!! How pretty!! I sure wish that I had a front porch to decorate......well, I do but it's very, very small!!!
Dean's finally better!! His fever was going so high that we were just keeping him on the ibuprophen. Since he was feeling better we went to town this morning and bought some more flowers for the yard and some potting soil. Then we called Glen and Feyn to come and eat Mexican food with us. Dean was asleep by the time we drove home. It's getting pretty warm outside and is suppose to be that way all week so I closed up the house and turned on the air conditioning. I hate to but I also hate being hot and miserable!! Oh.....and my eyes are better. They're still a little bloodshot but not bad. I've been putting some eye drops in them and it's helping. Dae Lynn's started cleaning the church again this week. They found out that it didn't work very well with volunteers so they've hired her back and she's planning on working there after school tonight. It will work out good when school's out. She'll be able to go in and work her own hours......won't make much but that's alright. She is looking for something better though and she's getting everything set up for school......not sure if it's summer school or if it starts in the fall. I'm so ready for the pond to warm up so I can swim!!!! |
I am so stressed right now!! I'm so tired of kids!! Everything I do is done with kids getting into things.....kids picking up what I need......kids asking questions........UGH......I could SCREAM right now!!
I was outside in the greenhouse trying to do something and it's been like this ALL week!!! My patience is GONE!! That's why I'm back in the house on the computer.....to calm down and get myself under control and try not to cry. Karlie knows that I'm upset so maybe she'll keep Dean outside with her for awhile and give me a break. |
Oh Diana, I would be just like you, only I couldn't keep the kids everyday like you do. I'm just not made to take care of kids, I wish I were, but I'm not. So, I can completely understand your feelings. However, I think you do a wonderful job with them and I so admire you for how you help out your family. But you DO NEED A BREAK every now and then. Maybe even now and now! LOL!
Janet, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the chair seat covers, they are just great!!! Your front porch is so pretty, I just love all the decorations. My kids are here this evening, so my house is a chaotic madhouse right now. It's OK, but it is fun to have them here! |
Enjoy having your family home!! You'll all have such a good time!!
Thanks so much for your kind remarks! As soon as Dae Lynn got home I told her that I was leaving. I told her that I wasn't mad at her but that I needed a break from the kids and I got ready to leave on the 4-wheeler.......but it was almost out of gas so I asked Glen to fill it for me and while he was doing that he asked me if I was alright......then I started crying. I was just so stressed. I'm not normally a crier but today was just hard. Dean's in the terrible two's really bad so everything is a battle of the wills!!! I ended up going for a ride around the pasture and then I decided to go and look for arrowheads at the old house. I didn't find anything but I will definitely be going back to look. It was nice and quiet with NO interruptions!!! Dae Lynn ended up leaving soon after I did and went to Damon's so I could "have time away from the kids".......Hmmmmm.........not sure what's going on with her!! |
I'm glad you got away from the kids for a while, Diana. You really need to get away over the summer, maybe in the evenings, when Dae Lyn comes home. Karlie will be out of school, and that is a lot to handle! Maybe some of the other kids can "babysit" for a small amount of money, like a summer job.
We've already talked about that, Judy. I don't want to babysit full time during the summer. I agree.....the younger girls can make a little money babysitting.
I'm doing better today......was still teary this morning for some reason. Dean and I went outside and got some flowers planted and I feel better about working on it. I've been on the computer this afternoon looking for cushions for my swing and chairs. Amy's dog has destroyed my cushions but they were getting old and needed replaced. I'm really excited about what I found.....they're so pretty!! http://www.lowes.com/pd_332427-11822...7C1&facetInfo= Now to get a few dishes done and get back outside!!! |
I really love the cushions you've picked out...the design is so pretty. I'm glad you're feeling better. You were so use to having your time be YOUR time that when it was gone...things kind of piled up on you. It's good that maybe the younger girls can make some extra money and good for you too. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
You do know that if you need to get away....you can always come here...especially after school is out (May 23rd) ...we could have a great time. This morning I headed to town right after the bus route to pay the property taxes. My appointment for the attorney was at 10 so I had some time to kill. I went to a second hand shop to look around. They have the neatest finds there. I finally made it to the attorney to write all the checks and sign the final closing statement. It was really hard and I cried most the way through it all. She called my brothers to tell them their checks were ready to be picked up, but they needed to sign for them first. Jerry was up there in a matter of minutes, Brad is out of town fishing, so he'll get his next week. I went back to town after the afternoon route to deposit the money (some of the money) to pay off the five thousand I borrowed to buy Mom's house and paid my medical for my neck. I kept almost six thousand out to keep for myself. That may sound selfish, but if Rick knew how much, he'd be wanting to spend it on things for him, but using words to make me think it would be for us....not going to happen. Mom would get so mad at me when she gave me birthday money and I used it to pay bills, so I'm not going to use it for that....I'm using it for me. I'm going to hang on to it for awhile and not make any rash decisions on what to do with it. I think I'm just going to save it for quite some time. So everything is done....... |
Diana, I love your cushions too! They will look so pretty!!! I'm so sorry you've had some bad days. I feel sorta stressed today too and I really shouldn't because I love having the kids here. But all the chaos really makes me feel a lot of stress sometimes. I know I couldn't take the stress that you are under right now. And I'm equally sure I couldn't keep the kids full-time in the summer and I really don't think it is right for you to have to do that. I think it is a great idea for some of the other kids to babysit. It will be a good way for them to earn some money and also learn some responsibility. We have kids when we are young for a reason! LOL!!!
Janet, I'm so glad everything is settled now. AND FOR SURE, you should squirrel that money away for something you really want. I would not share it with anyone! LOL! We had a good visit with Gary's lung doctor today. When he and the heart doc talked on Wednesday, he thought Gary's problems might be with his lungs, but today the lung tests did not show any problems, other than the usual lung problems Gary has had for years. So, we are definitely on for going to the hospital on Monday and doing some heart tests. I hope they can figure out what is wrong, or at least figure out something so that Gary feels a little better. He is OK at complete rest, but it is no fun only being able to do things at rest with little to no activity. We had a really neat experience though. After we saw the lung doctor, he called the heart doctor to tell her what he found and then she called us on my cell phone (she had taken our number on Wed when we were in her office) before we even got out of the lung doc's office. She told us she had talked to the lung doc and they were in agreement that these new problems were probably his heart so she would be doing the heart tests on Monday. She also said that she was not on call this weekend, but she gave us her private cell number and told me to call her if Gary needed anything this weekend. That made Gary feel really special! |
Oooooo........I like your heart doctor!!! She is really keeping tabs on Gary!! I hope that she can figure out what's going on.
Janet, I know that it's bittersweet to finally have things finished with your Mom's estate. I don't blame you for keeping the money to yourself. Maybe in the future you'll find something that will be really special to spend the money on!! I do know that I'm welcome at your house any time......I just wish that you lived closer!! I'd for sure have been there this weekend!!! I think that Glen's going to Mermot Springs, which is in Illinois so I may just drive on over and see you!! We'll see!!! I am so excited about the cushions!! They will look so nice on my outdoor furniture!! I can't wait for them to get here!! I went to garage sales this morning with Dae Lynn. Damon watched the kids......then he kept Karlie because this is his weekend. I found a few buys.....nothing much to brag about! It was nice to get out. I actually had a Mother/Daughter Banquet at church but decided that I didn't want to go.......I'm de-stressing!! However, I remembered that my neice is graduating and they're having a party this afternoon so I probably need to make an apearance. Glen's probably too busy to go so I'll just go myself. It's getting hot here! Airconditioning has been on for a few days now. Bummer!!! |
Gary goes for his first heart test tomorrow (well today I guess since its after midnight). I'm having a hard time falling asleep. I'm a little worried about what they might find.
Praying that everything is going great with Gary.
They are starting his IV and will be taking him back soon. We are all ready for it to be over! He sleepy though, neither one of us slept very well last night. At least he's going to get some "happy meds" pretty soon while I just have to tough it out!
My prayers are with both of you!!
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