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You did do a lot Janet. Don't overdo it and get your neck flared up. I'm so cautious for you because Gary would sometimes do something that would flare up his neck.
I'm trying to get my house straightened up too after all the moving. Janet, you talk about dust bunnies - whew! I had them too!!! But they are all cleaned up now. I put my mom/grandma's quilts on the twin beds - well one of them still has the bedspread that Abi picked out when she stayed with me last year, so I won't change that one. I put my grandmas very old chenille bedspread on my bed. It is so pretty. I'll have to get some pictures. The oxygen company is coming today to take away all of the oxygen equipment. I'll be glad when it's gone. I've got some errands to run today also. I'm having my students do their class today online today so I don't have to go to school, but I am going for a bit this afternoon. One of my former students is applying for med school and asked me to write her a recommendation letter. I did that and submitted to this online center, but for some reason it is not showing up so I've got to go to school and try to resend it. It's OK. For some reason I don't have much energy today and if I didn't have anything to do I might just sit in front of the TV all day. Blah! |
I did over do it Gayle, but so far I my neck area hasn't bothered me. Just ache all over.. :) Aren't those dust bunnies horrible. I had them flying all over the place. This just isn't me to let things get that dusty. But I just don't have the 'want' like I use to and definitely don't have the strength or stamina to move everything without aching for days.
I would love to see your grandmother's bedspread...I love chenille. I bet everyone will love having a bed to stay with you...how nice. It will be sad for you I'm sure, but at the same time, you not having to see the oxygen equipement everyday. Let yourself grieve over another step. Not easy, I know...I'm still having a difficult time. Yesterday I put some things in the hutch. It looks so nice with pretty glassware in it. Today, I think I'm going to go through the kitchen cabinets and see what needs to go. There are some things I'm sure I just don't need or want anymore. I have a booth rented for the flea market on the 16th so I'll have a place to take them and see if they will sell. |
Did you get your cleaning done yesterday Janet? I spent the day running around doing errands. I have class this afternoon, but i have a guest speaker, so that will be easier than doing class all by myself.
Yes I sure did. Cleaned all the kitchen cabinets and mopped the floor. It looks so nice I almost hate keeping the dogs in there...lol.
Today, I'm tackling Ricky's room. It is going to be so dusty and dirty in there. I wanted him to help go through things, but he has to work. So, I'll get it all cleaned and we can go through it later. I know there are some things I could take to the flea market so it has to be done before the 16th. Well I guess I'd better get busy or I won't be able to move. |
Sorry it seems like I've been missing but I typed out a long post and then my computer got disconnected and I lost the whole thing and I didn't have time to repost it. My cord is loose and my battery won't charge, in spite of trying all I can to get a good battery. I've found out that it's an actual flaw in Dell's computers at the time I bought mine. UGH!!!
Janet, you are a go-getter!! Always getting so much done!!! Your hutch was so pretty!! I'm sure you'll have fun arranging things in it!! Just don't over-do like Gayle said. Gayle, it sounds like you're getting things back in order. I'm sure that every step is painful but is a move ahead. The family will enjoy having a room and a bed now when they come and visit!! I'm trying to get my bedroom in order. It's been a mess ever since Dae Lynn moved in. I have some things that I don't have room to store in the closet and refuse to take them to the basement so they've just sat in my room. I'm getting so tired of it so I'm trying to get something done about it. Plus, I've got some stuff for the flea market and I'm pricing it to get it in the store. I don't make much but it is a little considering I hardly ever put anything in. I really should do better. |
Okay....another couple rooms done. I cleaned and rearranged Ricky's room. It hasn't had a good cleaning in so long I'm embarassed to say. Now it looks so nice, but the cat sure wasn't happy with me at first...lol. She's okay now and all the kitties are happy too. We'll go through his things over the weekend or on his days off which are Monday and Tuesday. As long as it's done before the flea market on the 16th.
I was on a roll so when I got Ricky's room done, I cleaned the guys bathroom. I want to tell you that it was the most gross job I've done in a long time. Neither one rinse the shower walls down when they are done with a bath or shower and the walls were just so dirty. They don't clean or brush out the toilet either and I thought I was going to vomit. Whenever someone came over I would have them use my bathroom. Now we'll see how long it lasts. I will be going in there every evening and telling them what needs done before they go to sleep. There is absolutely no sense in letting it get that bad. They will just have to start calling me the bathroom cop....LOLOL. Now I'm sitting in a chair with nice cold water cooling off before I go take a bath and relax. I'm exhausted and so sleepy. |
Janet you are so organised, you make me tired just reading what you are doing, your house is going to be all gorgeous and orderly when you are done.
You are giving me reasons to get stuck in myself when i get back home, we are still away until Sunday..... its bliss. Diana.... i was wondering where you were, i have looked for your posts, hoping everything is going ok at home with everyone, and you are getting time out to relax. Gayle... glad you are ok, i am thinking of you, i agree with the others, it will be better for you when the medical equiptment is all gone, sounds like you are keeping yourself busy and getting organised at the same time. You and Janet are putting me to shame:D |
Wow! You all have been so busy! I feel like a slug, I am so lazy! I'm feeling very tired lately. I have been eating tons of sugar candy, and I think that might be making me tired. I must stop!!!!
My little Kassidy turned 10 on Tuesday! No more babies in the family! She really always will be the baby, but she is growing up so soon! Mackenzie will be 15 on June 15th! They are both such good girls! They do very well in school, have great values, and are such a pleasure to be with. The boy who Mackenzie has liked all year, it turns out, has liked her too! I don't know if anything will come of it, but I am so happy for her. It's so good for her self esteem. He is a really nice boy too. He is very bright, and is graduating, even though he is only 16. He is an athlete, and they met when doing the school play. I believe his family is also pretty religious too. She has good taste! I have some boring chores to do that will take me about 3 days but I have put them off for so long that I don't even care if I do them or not anymore. Gayle, I think you are doing such a good job of organizing and getting rid of stuff. I remember my aunt giving my cousin his dad's tools when he died. He was so thrilled! It is a very intimate gift for a man to get tools from somebody he loved. I still have my father's hammer, and his big stapler (including the staples), his meter stick, and probably a thing or two more. How sad that your renter passed away! You are in my prayers. Janet, I have to go look at your new furniture pix! What great deals you got! And congratulations Diana! A baby boy!!! How wonderful! How is Dean doing with his training? How is Karlie doing? Linds, once this wedding is over, you are going to have withdrawal! It is so exciting! I may walk the dogs tonight, or do some of these boring chores. Or, I may do nothing, and feel like a slug again. |
OOoooo......pictures would be so nice, Diane!!
Janet, there you go working circles around me as usual!! I was so tired from being up so late last night that I slept most of the afternoon and am still looking forward to going to bed!! I'm not used to being up much passed midnight!!! Judy, your grandchildren are growing so quickly!! Mackenzie is about the same age as my older granddaughters......and I'm not ready for boyfriends either. Kera has one and Amy has had so many problems with her about the boyfriend. The twins, Karley and Kiley, don't seem to be too interested at the moment.......and Papa likes it that way!!! Yes, we are having a boy!!! The due date is October 23. The doctor has moved it back a couple of times and this is where it's now at. I can't wait!! Dean's potty training is going fair........he's ran into to tell me that he needs to go "poop" only to find out that he's already gone........but that's a good step. It's always an arguement after that because Dae Lynn gives him gum........he thinks that he needs some just because he told us!! He will go if we take him.....but doesn't recognize the need to go himself......but he's quite a bit ahead of other kids his age so we're not pushing it. Dae Lynn took the kids to the pond this evening and with a life jacket on Dean can kick and paddle and swim around by himself!! That's pretty good for a two year old. We have always had our kids and grandkids swimming without a jacket around the age of four and he may be a little ahead of that too!! I forgot my Aunt Marva and her husband, Jack, are coming to stay with us this weekend. Totally forgot!! Jack has a class reunion here in town and my Mom and step-Dad are going to be out of town so they are staying with us. It will work out well because Dae Lynn is going to be gone for the weekend with Damon. They are going to World's of Fun in Kansas City. She's going to straighten her room and I'll get the sheets washed tomorrow and back on the bed. I wish you could all meet my Aunt Marva......she has a personality that doesn't know a stranger and is a lot of fun......you'd all enjoy her!! |
Did you take the dogs for a walk last night Judy? I would be too afraid now that you've seen a bear cub. Your grandkids are growing so fast, it's just unreal! I know how proud you are of all of them...they're great talented kids.
Diana, from all that you've written and told me about your Aunt Marva...I would love to meet her. She sounds like my kind of people. Well I think I'm done cleaning for awhile. I still need to do the back/mud room, but it can wait for now. I'm still so sore I can hardly move. I just don't understand why. I would think I would have worked some of the soreness off, but no...it hasn't happened. It's really bad when after sitting down I get up...my hips hurt so bad that I have to stand up slowly and get my balance before I can start walking. Once I'm up and moving I'm okay. Getting old sucks!!! Today I'm not going to do a whole lot of anything. I need to go to town and pick up the rent at Mom's house and I'm going to do an inspection while there. Then I'll need to go to the bank and deposit the rent. Most likely I'll come home and do absolutely nothing...lol. |
With Marva coming I'll be spending my day cleaning!! Such fun!!!
Its so lovely to read what everyone is doing each day, its so interesting to be part of your lives.
Today we found a lovely country park, right by the riverside, we met a lady and her young dog - Rufus he is a cocker-poo (cocker spaniel X poodle mix), we started to walk, and she stayed with us throughout our walk, found out she had lost her husband last year, and all about her family too - a lovely lady. Now as i have said before i never let Harvey off his lead with other dogs around, but today i did and he played with Rufus on a open stretch of grass, chasing and playing so nice... it was wonderful to see them. We will definitely be going there again, its only about 4 miles from us too, next time we will take a picnic and make a day of it. Harvey has been fast asleep since we got home - he is really shattered, bless him. Tomorrow i am going to give him a trim with clippers (he wont like that at all), i am going to attempt the puppy cut, and do his nails again, i last did them a few weeks ago and i will take the ends off as i am afraid of cutting too much at one go. I am still on my anti-biotics, but my eye is definitely getting better, its still very itchy and sore, but better too? |
I'm glad that your eye is getting better, Diane. Your day at the park sounds so nice and relaxing.......how nice that you made a new friend as well!!
Marva and Jack got in late last night.....because they went to a part of his class reunion first. They ate breakfast and lunch with us then left again for reunion activities and I think that they have something going on tomorrow as well. We've had such a good time visiting and showing off Dean!! He's really kept them intertained!! This afternoon I've just watched tv and took a nap because we were up late last night visiting after they came in. Glen's busy with wheat harvest. It's in full swing in our county so all of the farmers are so, so busy!! |
Oh Diana, I love wheat harvest, it's my favorite time of the year at home. I love watching the combines in the field and the trucks lined up waiting to dump at the elevators!
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